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July 9, 2024 37 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is a podcast from WOOR.It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final
hour of The Jesse Kelly Show ona Monday, I probably should get everyone,
give everyone heads up. Obviously won'tbe here Independence Day, so Thursday
Friday, I'm gonna be gone,but we'll be here tomorrow and the next
day and the next day, andthen it's Independence Day weekend and then I'll

be back for Monday. So we'llget to ilhan Omar in a moment,
because I saw she had this bigrally with a bunch of Somali's in Minneapolis
and people were mad about it,and she doesn't represent America, and I've
got kind of a different take onthat. Then maybe you expect I don't
know, but I'm gonna get toa couple more emails first because I've been
laxed. The subject of this onesays, talk about solutions. Let's just

gloss over your producer and controlling factors. Just talk about solutions, talk about
ways to rise above. All youdo is bang on about the woe and
helplessness. You are the epitome ofa weak man made by good times.
You sit in an ivory tower andrun your mouth. You grew up eating
a lot of sand, didn't you. I don't even know what that last

line means. So the reason Iwanted to bring this up is you're going
to encounter people like this in yourlife. I know that. You know,
we talk about solutions all the time. What can you do? Not
even what they need to do?What can you do? Specific action items?
In fact, wrote an entire bookon it with an action item section.

This is the problem, this isthe history behind it. This is
the solution. This is the problem, This is the history behind it.
This is the solution. But Iwant to explain people like this because you're
going to run into people like thisin your life. Oh, you never
talk about solutions. I'm sure youwere confused. What's he talking about?
Jesse talks about solutions all the time. Well, have you ever known?

There are a bunch of different examplesI could use. Have you ever known
where? Have you ever been someonewho's out of shape, maybe overweight?
Have you ever been there? Okay, I've been out of shape. I've
been there. And maybe it's somebodyand this happens lots of times. This
is upbringing variety of reasons. Maybeit's somebody who just loves to eat,

loves food, loves to eat,and I'm that way. I believe i'd
be morbidly obese if I was shorter. I love to eat. I really
have an unhealthy relationship with food.I admit that. I'm open about that.
I do. I used to workwith a lady like this. In
fact, I'm thinking about her specifically. She was an older lady. I
want to say older, but shewasn't. She was fifties, I think

fifties. And she was overweight,and she was very, very mean.
But that's not going to come intoplay for this story. But she's very
mean, and she was always eating, just always eating, no matter what.
Twenty four hours today it was donutshe was eating. She was eating,
and then she started lamenting to herfemale co workers. I was just

I was close enough to hear.I'd never would get involved in this conversation.
I'm not jumping on that grenade.So she would lament to her female
co workers about her weight. I'moverweight, I'm overweight, I'm overweight.
I'm overweight. I'm overweight. Andthere was another lady who worked there who
said to her one day, Iremember it like it was yesterday. This

lady was complaining about her weight,complaining about her way, complaining about her
way, and this lady said,you know, maybe you should we worked
on the fifth floor, said maybeyou should take the stairs up every day
instead of the elevator. Take thestairs up every day. And the reaction

from the overweight lady towards her wasoutright hostility. I don't remember. I
don't want to put words in hermouth because I don't remember the exact words
she used. It was something alongthe lines is that easy for you to
say? That's that's so stupid.I don't even have to It was nasty.

Why Well, for just like thisguy who emailed in, you never
talk about solutions. I talk aboutsolutions all the time. This guy just
doesn't want them. In fact,he doesn't want them because the solutions involve
him putting in an effort. WheneverI get an email like this, you

don't talk about solutions. You onlytalk about problems. I know. I'm
dealing with lazy, That's what I'mdealing with. Who this is? Now,
I've had these before. Who thisis? This is somebody he sees
the problems too, and he's madabout him too, and he's super concerned
and he wants me to fix it. Jesse, why don't you fix it?

Then get these politicians to fix it. And you need to get this
group to fix it, and theseguys to fix it. And then I
forward and I say, no,you have to fix it. You have
to become an activist. You haveto run for local office. You have
to make your voice heard. Youhave to speak up more, be bold,

be at the school board meeting,run for school board, county board
of supervisors. You have to dothis. You have to do that.
You have to get involved in yourlocal library. You have to get involved
in your parks department. What thatguy here is is oh wait me,
no, daddy, Jesse, Iwanted you to do everything for me.

I had no idea. I mean, I want to save the country.
I just had no idea it wouldinvolve any effort on my part. Can't
you do it? Radio host?No, I can't do it. Either
you get off your lazy butt anddo something or there are no solutions.
You see, I give you solutionsall the time. You I'm talking about

this guy, you just don't likethem because they involve effort from you.
You see, if I came onhere and I said I'm going to do
this, this, this, thisand this, and I will save America
and you don't have to do athing. That guy would be sitting at
home cheering. Yeah, exactly whatI wanted, a saved country without any

effort from me. Woooo back toNetflix. But that's not how it works.
We will all myself included, digin and put in effort. That
involves hours, hours away from thetelevision. Hours involve hours away from doing
things we love, away from fishing, away from golfing, maybe even away

from family for an hour in theafternoon on a Saturday. It will involve
effort from you, from me,or it will not happen period. Jesse,
I had a question about one ofthe shows I listened to a few
months back. Was it Tim Scottor Byron Donalds who folded during the BLM
riots? Oh that was Tim Scott. That was Tim Scott. All right,
let's move on and let's talk aboutIhan Omar ilan Omar. Is you

know who she is? She's thathorrible congresswoman from Minneapolis. Ilhan Omar was
born in Somalia. Her parents werenot just Somali, her parents were communist
activists in Somalia. Did you knowthat Ilhan's ilhan Omar's parents were powerful Marxists

inside of Somalia and they raised theirdespicable daughter to be a demon just like
they are. And she of coursecame here and she does that here.
Well, she was at a rallyover the weekend in Minneapolis, and it's
getting a lot of hubbub online becausethere's all kinds of video of it.

You'd go look at it. Thereare no American flags, there are no
Minnesota flags even there are, however, Somali flags flying all over the place.
And the former Prime Minister of Somaliaactually got up and spoke at it.
And here's a little bit of whathe Saisnesota. Can you believe that?

No? And I'm kidding, Iknow it wasn't. It was a
gag. I know it was ina foreign language, but here here let
me translate it for you as someonewho speaks a little Somali. I'm kidding.
There were subtitles on the video.He said, this isn't about Minnesota,
this isn't about America, this isabout Somali's And I saw so many

people maybe you've said this yourself,they've screamed about this, and they've said
something to the effect of she needsto be out of Congress. She doesn't
represent America. This woman doesn't representAmerica. Could I argue this. She

represents America perfectly. Maybe not theAmerica you want or the America I want,
But her family was plucked out ofa third world dump that is really
similar to what I imagine Hell islike. That's Somalia. And by America's
own grace, they were given thisland to come stay in, and they

have turned this land parts of itinto their land and now openly campaign only
on behalf of them and their people, and not on behalf of American citizens.
Now you can hate that, andI do, but I think that
represents twenty twenty four America perfectly.Our leaders have filled this country up with

people from every dump on the planetwho only care about themselves, their bottom
line, their next visa card,their next whatever it might. And I
may hate it, you may hateit. I think ilhan Omar belongs in
Congress because I think she represents America, at least her district. She represents

it quite well. The problem isnot ilhan Omar. The problems are much
deeper than that. That's a fact. Now you know. You know what
we did on Saturday? We didsome bed shopping my youngest he's already a
six footer. He's really huge.Yeah, I know, Chris, he's

enormous and he's outgrown this tiny littlebed we've had him in since he was
a kid. So we had togo get him a bed. And that
wasn't that wasn't cheap. That certainlywas not cheap. But all you can't
believe what they're charging for mattresses thesedays. That's the bad news. The
good news is he's going to bedripping with my pillow products. I didn't
get up sold on do you wantour special sheets? Hey? Do you

want our special pillows? Do youwant our special dist Do you want our
special that? Because I don't needthat garbage. I have my pillow and
so do you. And they havea twenty five dollars extravaganza sale going on
right now with a laundry list ofproducts that are hugely discounted and now they're
only twenty five bucks, including theBig Dog, the Champion of Champions,

the brand new MyPillow with the Geezafabric twenty five bucks. Go to my
pillow dot com click on the radio. Listeners Special Square use the promo code
Jesse, We'll be back truth.It is the Jesse Kelly Show. On
a Monday. Steve Bannon begins servinga four month sentence today in federal prison

for denying congressional subpoena, a subpoenagiven by the Sham January sixth Committee.
Peter Navarro's already been in jail fordoing the same thing, defying a subpoena
by the Sham January sixth Committee.So when we say things like that's not
America, that's not who we are, be very careful saying that today because

maybe that's not who we were.But we live in a country now where
political opponents get jailed by Democrats.Democrats jail Republicans every chance they get.
Either it's the thousand January six ers, or it's Steve Bannon, or it's
Donald Trump. Democrats are communists,and communists believe in jailing and sometimes hurting

their political opponents. Our communists arenot immune from this, and all of
them use defending democracy, defending thecountry, sabotage, subversion. They all
use the same justification the democrats.The excuses Democrats used today are the same
one Stalin used yesterday. They're notnew. Stalin would have told you the

exact same thing, almost verbatim,every Democrat, your liberal, and Peggy
Stalin would have used his exact samelanguage. Well, no, you have
to understand these people are actual.They're not just political opponents. They're saboteurs.
Their threats to our political system,they're national security risks, they're every
excuse in the world to lock thepeople you don't like up in a cage.

And back to the ilhan Omar topabout how she represents America. What
it goes back to is what Isay so often, It is a people
problem. It is not a politicianproblem. The problem is not ilhan Omar.
If you're mad that ilhan Omar isthere, then who you should be
mad at are all the politicians,Democrat and Republican who grab tens of thousands

of people routinely from cultures that arecompletely opposed to everything we stand for in
this country, and they bring themover here en mass and they let them
settle in the exact same area.And now there's a Muslim called a prayer
in major US cities, and you'remad that ilhan Omar is there. You

shouldn't be she represents her district perfectly. You should be mad at all the
Western leaders, not just American whohave decided that these patriotic citizens are too
troublesome and that maybe we should justmaybe we should just replace them. I
bet we can grab some people fromTurkmenistan and Somalia, and we'll grab a

few people from Guatemala and all overthe planet. We'll just grab anyone from
anywhere and bring them in. We'llput them up in a fancy hotel,
sign them up for Social Security,hand them a five hundred dollars visa card,
and we'll eventually get these people ortheir children voting, and it'll cancel
out the vote of those annoying,pesky American citizens who believe in rights and

freedom and all the other things thathold me back from power. That's what
they've done to this country. Andthat brings me to this another story.
This. I'm not gonna get upset. I'm just gonna say I'm gonna again
remind everybody that Democrats are all callingfor Joe Biden to step down, and

they're calling for him to step downonly because he might lose an election.
Not a single Democrat in the countrycalling for Joe Biden to step down is
calling for him to step down becauseof things like that. Gaudamalan Man is
in the country illegally, apparently asbeing charged with sexual battery on a fourteen

year old girl. He's a kidsof sexually assaulting a girl at her home
on February the twenty fifth. Investigatorssay that they have medical and DNA evidence
that links Chan two. The crimesauthorities say that Cad Chan here illegally had
deported him back on February of theninth, four days after that alleged crime
took place, which was on thefifth, not the twenty fifth, but

they say that Chan came back intothe country. Chan's being held about bond
and is also on hold for immigrationofficials. Joe Biden and the communists who
run this government opened up the borderon purpose. They took a secure border,
and they opened it up on purpose. In many cases, they are

flying people from other nations into thecountry. And the country is now so
full of barbarians that American girls arehaving their lives ripped apart, destroyed it
in many cases ended by these barbarians. And this was done on purpose by

Joe Biden, and not one Democratin the country, not one. It's
calling for him to resign because ofthat. Not one. It's only because
he might lose an election in theend. Doesn't that reveal absolutely everything about

these people? Not one. Imaginethis, imagine not being moved, not
being moved at all by these Americangirls who are just I mean, this
fourteen year old girl at a fourteenyear old girl is so sensitive anyway and

so vulnerable just now growing up.You're awkward, you're this, you're that,
and you have to go through hellat the hands of some animal.
And it was done on purpose bythe people who lead this country. And
not one Democrat is upset about it. Man, we are in a rough

place, aren't we. All right, let's do some more emails, shall
we. Before we do those,let's do something real quick and needed to
sign a pledge for me. IF CJ. They are going to hand
a pledge to net and Yahu atsome point here. The pledge simply says,
hey, we are we are prayingfor you, we are with you.

The International Federal Federation of Christians andJews, we are here for you.
We understand that you are being attackeddaily. It's Hezbala in the north,
it's Hamas in the south. It'sit's really bad. You want to
talk about young girls, think aboutall the things that happen to those young
Israeli girls. Now, all we'redoing here is signing a pledge. That's

it. We're signing a pledge atsupport IFCJ dot org, Support IFCJ dot
org. Once they get to fivethousand signatures, they're going to turn that
pledge in to net and Yahoo.It's going to be presented to them in
person. It's going to be areally cool thing. And all it is
is just a show of support SUPPORTIFCJdot org. Go do it all right,

all right, let's do some emailsand that Merrick Garland audio hang on
the Jesse Kelly Show. I dohope you are planning to have an incredible
Independence Day. Do remember if youare attempted not to celebrate, maybe you're
lamenting the current state of America.And I certainly understand that there's plenty we

can complain about. America is notthe government. America is not the White
House. America is not Joe Biden, it's not Nancy Pelosi, it's not
Dome being unburdened, I can imaginewhat can be and be unburdened by what
has been speaking of Dome before Iget to any more emails to these politicians,

these politicians. I saw a videoyesterday of Michigan's Attorney General, Michigan's
attorney General, and she was inthe road with a big elect me sign
and it was set to music,and it was the most cringe worthy thing
you've ever seen in your life.And about five minutes later, I was

going over some things, just hadsome things brewing for the show today.
About five minutes later, I sawthis skit Dome put on with some other
woman. They're doing a fake phoneconversation where they're talking back and forth.
And I've got to say, thereare few things that make me giggle more
than watching Biden or Dome try toget the Black vote for Joe Biden.

Because he's such a horrible liar andjust a really generally detestable human being.
He just goes with these weird lies. Remember the corn pop story. He
goes to this black neighborhood and tellsa story about being a lifeguard at the
Blackpool and how he was getting readyto have a razor fight with it.
Oh Chris, please play it please, But this is Joe Biden. You

realize what he was doing here.This was what Joe Biden considered in his
mind to be black outreach. Cornpopwas a bad dude and he ran a
bunch of bad boys and I did. And back in those days and shot
things have changed. One of thethings I had to use. If you
use palmad and your hair, youhad to wear a baby cap. And

so he was up on the board, wouldn't listen me. I said,
hey, Esther, you off theboard. I'll come up and drag you
off. Well, he came off, and he said, I'll meet you
outside my car. This my car. There was a gate on here.
I parked my car outside the gateand he said, I'll be waiting for
you. He was right to murderthree guys and straight razors not a joke.

And I walked up to my car. Can anymore Joe Biden's entire fictional
life that he's made up. It'slike from the scene from the movie Rebel
Without a Cause, and We're gettingready to have a straight razor fight,
and I have my cigarettes rolled upin my white T shirt. Stupid anyway,

that's how Joe Biden does black outreach, or he'll be even more hemphist.
I remember when he told a groupof black people that I think it
was Mitt Romney was going to puthim back in chains. That's what he
said. He's gonna put y'all backin chains. So that's Joe Biden's outreach.
But Dome's black outreach is a littledifferent. You see, Dome,
she might know less about being blackthan Joe Biden does, so she tries

to talk in ways that sound black, but it just sounds like somebody forcing
themselves to try to sound black,which always comes off bad. Remember when
she was doing this, when shewas campaigning, she talked about how she
used to love Snoop Dog in collegeand he wasn't even on when she was
in college, and all these otherthings. Well here was Dome and just

man, Wow, yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets,
and let me tell you you're rightto Raji. There is so much at
stake in this moment. The majorityof us believe in freedom and equality.
But these extremists, as they say, they're not like us. They not.
Oh sorry, I'm sorry. It'sthe beginning that kids me, I

can't girl, I'm out here inthese streets. Yeah, girl, I'm
out here in these streets. Tellme about your time in the concrete jungle
dome. What's it been like inthe mean streets the dome had to roam.
She's been out there, she's beenrunning in the hood. I bet
she's keeping a popping now's I can'tquit focus. I gotta do some emails,

Dear showgun oracle. If Dems trulywant to replace Biden, I think
one of the best ways to facilitatethat would be simply not to dose in
with uppers and then shove him outthere. You think there's any chance of
that happening, Listen, Democrats areall communists, as you know, and
all they care about is winning.That's all they care. It's just about

raw naked power. And they woulduse Joe Biden forever. They would have
still been riding Biden all the wayinto this selection if he hadn't gone out
there and pooped his pants at thedebate. They're not even worried that he's
not functional. You realize that they'renot even worried in the slightest that the

commander in chief is not capable ofdressing himself. That doesn't affect these people
at all. Because again, weshould probably explain this again. Let's go
back, always come back to thewhy. Let's follow this back to the
why. The three people, thethree characteristics of the people who lead the
country. Now this isn't just Democrats, it's the Republican elite too, but

it's all Democrats, all of them. No love of country, no connection
to the real world, and theysee them selves as kings and queens.
For you, if if Trump getselected, if Trump gets elected again,
do we call it reelected? Orif Trump gets elected again and Trump somehow

takes a nosedive mentally and he turnsinto what Joe Biden is and he can't
talk and he can't do anything,you would want Donald Trump to step down,
wouldn't you. Why? Because it'sgood for the country to have a
man like that leaning the country.You can't have that. It's bad for

the country. So for the forthe good of the country, he has
to step down. That's that's avery logical way you would think about it.
I love the country. Having aTrump with dementia's bad for the country,
So I want him to step downbecause it's good for the country.
But that's that's the thing you missif you don't understand these people the country.

The country is never considered. Itnever enters their mind. It's not
as if it's a low priority whereOkay, we want this, this and
this and this and then you know, if we can get all that,
then we'll worry about the country.It's not on the list. It never
enters their mind because these are allpeople who have built their entire careers,

their entire ideology on the fact thatthe country sucks. That's why they campaign
the way they campaign on everything.This sucks, and this sucks, and
this sucks. That's why they doit that way. And that's why they've
been so successful at turning things completelyupside down and turning things so hateful and

divisive because they're trying to make itthat way. Do you hear this?
Listen to this. I want youthis is a local news story. I
want you to listen to what thesecommunists have done. This is what happens
when you hand the country over topeople who hate school does not want to
admit me because I'm Asian American.Then there's not much I can do about
that because it's a part of methat I just can't get rid of.

Accounts. David is an academically exceptionalstudent with an impressive resume of accomplishments and
extracurriculars. His high school, Stuyvesantin New York City, is one of
the top rated public schools in thecountry. My GPA is ninety seven point
three out of one hundred, mySAT score is fifteen sixty, and extracurricular

wise, I'm one of the captainsfor the Stuyvesant Mat team. I'm a
team captain for the New York CityMats team. I'm the starting right side
for our school's volleyball team. Bigchockrais on the math. Dude, I'm
in the All City Latin Jazz Ensemble. Gosh, jazz sucks, but still
that's cool, right early decision toHarvard in December, he found out the
college deferred him. Then more disappointingnews over the next few months, as

he began to hear back from theover a dozen schools that he applied to.
No, yeah, waitless prison andit was all like bad news.
In March, he learned Harvard hadrejected him. I feel like I also
owe it to my parents to sortof make them proud. And I feel
like by not getting into Harvard,I was sort of disappointing them, but

more importantly, I was disappointing myself. Well, you were probably disappointing them,
but that's another thing. Entirely.This is what they mean by systemic
racism, and this is what theCommunists have done to this country. Hate
division. It's terrible, absolutely terrible. Right, we'll do a couple more
emails, and we'll make fun ofBob Menendez. And we do have to
bring up that Merit Garland tape,you know what, Let's talk about that

next. Before we do that,let's do something good. Love that for
all the bad we do on thisshow, Let's talk about Tunnel to towers.
Tunnel to towers, here's what theydo. Fallen first responder families,
gold star families. You know,dad doesn't come home, Mom doesn't come

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that. They can't bring them back, but they can help ease the burden

and stress because they provide mortgage freehomes for these people. Your eleven dollars
a month goes to first responder familiesin gold Star Families. T twot dot
org. That's t the number twoT dot org. This is the Jesse
Kelly Show. On a Monday finalsegment of The Jesse Kelly Show. Don't

forget. You can email the showJesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. I
just again, I just cannot imaginehow evil this rooman is. Last night
on the debate stage was Joe Biden, a president with integnity and character,
And the rumor is is that sheis the main driver behind Joe Biden staying

in the race fighting everybody off.It's not that she's allowing this to continue.
She is the main encourager of thisman. That is Ah, that's
quite a testament to your soul.Now, speaking of Joe Biden, remember

the Merrit Garland Robert Her audio tapething. I know, it's a million
scandals ago. Just to recap it, Joe Biden had to sit down with
the special counsel. Robert Her washis name because of the impeachment inquiry,
and he had to give a testimony. It was a deposition, a private
deposition, so this wasn't public.It's Joe Biden, I'm sure his attorney,

Robert Herr, but it's closed andit's recorded. And remember the Lighthouse
gave a transcript of this. Butthe White House has been caught red handed
many times editing transcripts to make JoeBiden sound better and more lucid than he

is, and they're not allowed todo that. I should point out,
remember there is always supposed to bea separation between the political arm and the
presidency arm. The presidency arm shouldnot come with politics ever at all.
That's not a thing. If heshould just be president the White House,
it'd be one thing for Biden's campaignto edit some testimony. For the White

House to do it, that's areally, really, really big deal.
That means they've taken the White Houseand they politicized it. But heyt's set
that aside. The White House releasedthe transcript and said, anyway, here's
what he said, and the Republicanssaid, nah, you've been caught many
times lying about these transcripts, sowe need the tapes. We need to

hear exactly how he sounded, andremember why they wanted it. Robert her
said, yeah, these are crimes. I'm paraphrasing, but he said,
yeah, these are crimes, butnobody would charge him. I'm not going
to charge him because a jury wouldn'tconvict such a feeble old man. He

made him sound like somebody who wason the shady side dead that no jury
would convict. And so that raisedred flags too. So the Republican sat
back and said, wait a minute, what you're telling me? This guy
sounds so bad in private that youwouldn't even charge him. Well, now

I have to have the tapes.What's on those tapes? And Merrick Garland,
because he's the most political attorney generalwe've ever had, has denied everyone
access to those tapes. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if
those tapes had been completely destroyed bynow. Merrick Garland has denied people access

to it. Remember this the JoeBiden we see, the one we saw
at that debate. Even that JoeBiden was on a week of rest and
heavily medicated. A week of restand heavily medicated that disaster is the best

Joe Biden is. That's the bestJoe Biden. You can see how bad
is it in private? How badis it? And what do Democrats do
if he doesn't make it until November. It's not that I'm wishing that on

the man, but not only ishe deteriorating rapidly, he has to campaign.
I know they'll hide him as muchas possible, but if he's going
to stay in, he is thepresident and he's running for reelection. No
matter how much you hide him.This is not like when he wasn't president

and he was running against Trump.You can't hide all the time. When
you're president, and when you're behindas he is in the polls, you
don't have any choice. So youneed to be in Nevada tomorrow morning,
ten am. Big Biden rally inNevada, and then we'll be in South
Carolina that afternoon. Right on theplane, we got to be in South

Carolina, and then from there wehave to fly to New York City that
night because there's a big fundraiser inthe hamlet. You're telling me you're going
to drag that poor old fool acrossthe country for a presidential campaign like that?
How's he gonna do it? How'she gonna do it? And his
wife is causing it? Yeah,Lee, that reminds me, make sure

you're doing the things I need tomake sure I'm doing the things that keep
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But they have so much and theywill help you, they will guide

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text them five zero Chok three thousand, five zero cho Q three thousand and
now here's a headline buy go.You know you know the thing headlines we
didn't get to. It's a Cubanthing. Menendez's sister say their parents also

hid cash. That has to bemy favorite of all the Bob Menendez explanations
in the world. What's that goldbars from a bank heist and envelopes full
of cash? Ah, that's justa Cuban thing. Florida medicaid spending on
undocumented undocumented immigrants plummets after a newlaw. Here's the part that's eye popping.

Illegals were responsible for five hundred andsixty six million dollars in unpaid hospital
bills. Your medical care is somuch more expensive than it has to be
because you also pay for the illegalswho don't pay. And remember, the

people who lead this country brought themhere on purpose, on purpose. Tennessee
woman fired for refusing employer's COVID nineteenvaccine mandate wins almost seven hundred grand.
Reminder to every single person who waswronged, wronged by their employer, wronged

by anybody during COVID nineteen, lawyerup and sue start getting more and more
comfortable being litigious. How about thatword, Chris, You didn't know that
word? Shut up? At DeVosallegations of harassment and discrimination under Klaus Schwab.
Oh you mean a communist organization iscorrupt and full of very evil people.

I had no idea. Knock meover with a feather. This is
a podcast from wor
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