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July 4, 2024 37 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is a podcast from WOOR.It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final
hour of The Jesse Kelly Show.It's gonna be war documentaries, right Winger
groups? Do I have a goldenmicrophone? Plans like Rush Limbaugh and wild
hogs, and yes, I'll eventake some calls eight seven seven three seven

seven four three seven three Speaking ofwild hogs. You should never lead off
an hour with this kind of talk, but I do this all the time.
Why because it interests me. SoI've seen these videos. Now I
need to clarify something for you animallovers out there. I'm an animal lover
myself. Hogs in Texas are aninvasive species. I realized that feminists are

invasive species. Everyone not quit seriously. Hogs are an invasive species, and
they are a nightmare here. Theydestroy everything they wreck. The damage they
do around here is crazy, andthey breed so fast. They're like rabbits.

You can't get a hold of them. They can no matter what they
do, they can't get a holdof the population. There are places you
could just go massacre these things,and they want you to to try to
save the local population. So I'veseen these videos that you can at night

get on a helicopter with thermals,thermal optics, night vision, night vision,
okay, night vision for you nongun types. You can get on
a helicopter strapped in hanging out theside of it with thermals and they'll fly
you around some Texas ranch and youcan mrk hogs out the side of the

helicopter. And I was talking tomy youngest son Luke this weekend and he
says to me, Dad, thisis real. I said, yeah,
it's real. He said he couldtell he was thinking, and he said,
why haven't we done that? AndI'll be honest, I didn't have
a good explanation. I can tellyou this within the next year. The
Kelly family, We're gonna go saveTexas for some hogs. What, Chris,

is it expensive? Why do youautomatically think about money and ruin everything?
What is it? Chris? Oh? Can you look up how much
it's gonna cost? I didn't reallythink about that. Can you find out
please? And could you do finda discount code or something? What is
the point of view If you can'tfind me a discount? Learn how to
save some money eight seven seven threeseven seven four three seven three Mike Mississippi.

Mike, do you have hogs downthere that needs shot? No,
because we can hit the broadside ofa barm bro we don't have a problem
with Oh, he takes his boysand he's learning to shoot a little better.
But anyway, Happy Independence Day tothe world famous Jesse Kelly Show.
I had to tell you today becausewe know you don't work holidays, and

you won't be there Friday either,because anybody that burns their fingers on the
outside of a deep prior, theydon't stand a chance against the inevitable fireworks
war. It's gonna have been betweentwo teenage boys, which leads me to
my question. If you're going intoa fireworks war, what is your weapon

of choice? Is it the olddefault standby of a gross of bottle rockets?
Or is it a handful of tenball Roman candles? Oh, there's
no question, it's the bottle rocket. Look, look, why why did
Philip the Second end up uniting theGreek city states? When I say uniting,

why did he end up conquering theGreek city states? You know who
Philip the second is? Philip theAlexander the Great's father. His name was
Philip the Second, And look Alexanderthe Great was amazing, huge fan.
You know all these things. Butyou want to talk about somebody who had
Look, if you were going tobe a world conquer like Alexander the Great

was, you can't possibly be moreset up than he was because of his
father. You know about the Greekcity states, the Athens, the Sparta,
Thebes, you know about these places. These are famous places everyone knows
about. They were city states whohad fought each other, sometimes united,
sometimes fighting each other forever. Andthen there was Macedonia. Macedonia was thought

of They were thought of as prettymuch barbarians by the Greeks. That's what
they were thought of. Well,Philip the Second, There are great books
on Philip the Second. I shouldnote Philip the second he was a king,
the King of Macedon, and heended up starting this incredible army that
included cavalry, like cavalry, heavycavalry, all kinds of things like that.

That one of the main reasons Philipthe Second was able to conquer all
the other Greek city states, oneof the main reasons. I know it
sounds crazy and it sounds simple,and it sounds stupid, but it's true.
Is you know what a phelanx is, a Greek phalanx. You know,
they sit there with the shields andthe spears and you're bashing into each
other and you're stabbing each other andthings like that. Philip Macedonia had a

bunch of trees. They were famousfor their timber. Philip came up with
a longer spear. And I knowit's crazy. It sounds so dumb.
And when you say that, peoplethink, well, why didn't why didn't
everyone else come up with a longerspear. Philip came up with the concept
of, Hey, if they're havinga nine foot spear, why aren't ours

twenty feet? You know why?Because range matters. Range matters a lot.
I want to be able to hitthem before they can hit me.
If we're about to have a goodold fashioned fireworks war. And kids,
don't you dare do this. Thisis dangerous and I don't want you to

participate in any of these things.And I would never participate in any of
these things. But if I wasto ever participate in any of these things,
which I would never do ever andI never have done in my life
ever. Bottle rockets, baby bottlerockets, Why do I I don't want
a knife. I don't need aknife when I have a gun, and

I don't need a handgun if Ihave a rifle. You know why range
range is underrated. I don't carehow tough you are. If I can
get you before you can get me, it's dull and void. Jesse,
what's your take on the ken BurnsThe War? For those who don't know,
ken Burns did a World War IIdocumentary called The War, he said,

putting aside Burns being a comy pieceof trash. I watched this a
half dozen times. I found itfascinating listening to those who were actually there
and with their families. His nameis Steve. I actually really enjoy ken
Burns The War. It's not myfavorite World War two documentary by any means,

but I thought it was really welldone. Look ken Burns, Yeah,
he's a worthless, commy piece oftrash and I wouldn't really consume anything
he does modern day. But whenken Burns makes a documentary, he makes
a good one. Ken Burns CivilWar Documentary, it's one of the greats.
I bet I've watched it ten times, and a lot of people don't.

They don't like the Civil War,or they don't think they like to
learn about the Civil War? Iwould encourage you if you're not much Ah,
that's ancient history. If it's notreally your thing, you'll find it
free somewhere. It's always streaming freesomewhere online. Go check out The Civil
War by Ken Burns. Very verywell done, very even handed. Do

you're a king of analogies? Isthat me? Chris? Am I the
king of analogies? Rush limb Ihad the iconic gold microphone. Oh pause
on that? You know that GlennBeck? Do you know he has Rush
Limbaughs gold microphone in a case?How sick is that? I was up
there hanging out with Glenn this islast year or something like that, and

he showed me he was got allkinds of cool history stuff. He knows
I nerd out on that, andhe takes me over to the entryway and
he has Rush Limbaughs gold microphone allin case, like it's like it's a
crown jewel in a robbery movie.How sick is that? Anyway? Have
you ever thought about getting a reallycool microphone that you could brag about all

the time, all while looking superawesome while doing it well I don't think.
I don't think. Here's what youdon't want to do if you do
radio and I'm just a dude,right, I'm not anything special. But
you don't want to try to beRush Limbaugh. You just have to be

yourself. Rush Limbaugh was so influentialand so great for so long that that's
really an underrated part of it.It's not that he was great. He
was great for a long time.A lot of guys are great for a
show or a year, and thenit falls off gets boring. Rush Limbaugh

was awesome for the longest time,and so because he was the one.
You know, the best guys whodo what I do, many many,
many, many many have tried andflamed out and failed because they tried to
be him. But there's only oneof those guys. If I got a
gold microphone, it would look likeI'm trying to be Rush Limbaugh, and

I can't. I'm too stupid.Everyone knows that I am smart enough to
have puretalk, though, are youor are you still paying Verizon? You
know Tomorrow's Independence Day. Do youthink AT and T shares the values of
America? You think they're all aboutfreedom or do you think they were all

about Black Lives Matter, Pride Month, all the other garbage that goes on.
I know I don't ever have tostress about my phone company ever.
I never have to worry about wakingup one day and seeing a big rainbow
flag on a Pure Talk ad.I just don't. Pure Talk loves this
country so much. They only hireAmericans. American customer service, How amazing

is that? And when you switch, your bill gets cut in half.
Michael got cut in half when Iswitch from T Mobile. Now's the time,
tonight's to night. It's Independence Day. Well about to be dial pound
two five zero and say Jesse Kelly, it's time to switch to Pure Talk
Pound two five zero, Say JesseKelly, be back. There's the Jesse

Kelly Show. And great call onthe music, Chris. I don't know
that there is anything more American thanhall of Oates, Baby hall of Oates,
the ultimate American band. All right, I promise some calls, and
I've been pretty negligent on that.Eight seven seven three seven seven four three
seven three Leroy Brooklyn go, myname is arn Le ROSENSWG. Brooklyn.

I don't if you mean me inthat. I can't understand what you're saying,
Ray and Ohio, go Jesse Democrats, they got all these terrorists in
the country. What if they're sittingDonald Trump up on this. Let him
take the office and see what hedoes to set him up for way past

his election and for them to takeback over and try to finish their job.
Well, look, I'm not sureexactly where you're going with that,
but there is something that you shouldmentally prepare yourself for now. I'm sure
you already know. But if Trumpwins in November, if he pulls this
thing off, he beats Joe Bidenor her Dome or whoever happens to be

the nominee in November, you rememberwhat it was like last time, the
constant agitation, propaganda, media,endless propaganda, kids in cages, riot
after riot after riot after riot,new agitation after new agitation. Well,

I want you to think about communismlike an infection, all right, because
that's really what it is. It'san infection that slowly but surely works its
way through every part of the bodyuntil it kills you. Well, we've
just had after Trump's four years,we will have four years of Joe Biden.

So as bad as it was,for Trump the first time, it
will be several times worse the secondtime. And you need to accept that
because for the last four years,that infection has been getting deeper and deeper
and deeper in the bones. It'slook, it's bad. It's so bad

now that some of the things we'rehearing this FBI whistleblower. Have you seen
this. They're flat out asking people, According to this whistleblower, they're asking
FBI agents, you know you wantto get promoted. Are you a Trump
supporter? Are you someone who standsagainst COVID mandates? The rot is into

the bones. I am not tryingto pour cold water over anyone's excitement.
I am, however, trying toprepare you for what is going to be.
It won't be anything like we sawlast time. It'll be so much
worse, and we are going tohave to be so much smarter and sharper

and ready the next time. Idon't know if we're there, but we
better get there because it will beworse next time than it was last time.
That's a fact, Dear America's Dad. I can't seem to find anything
out about the Proud Boys other thanwhat the left calls them. Can you
shed some light on this topic.Okay, so I'm not a Proud Boy's

expert, but I do know alittle bit about a little bit one.
It's just a group of dudes whooriginally started just normal dudes, just like
you, just like me. Theystarted as informal security because everywhere anyone on
the right went, especially if youwere going to a university or maybe you
were going to give a speech inSan Francisco or someplace like that, you

always had to deal with violent communiststreet animals hurting you, throwing, So
they became what was essentially a securityforce, nothing nefarious at all. So
if I got up and gave aspeech at Berkeley, you can imagine how
well received that would be. IfI got up at Berkeley and I gave
a speech and the people were screamingand yelling and throwing things at me and

everything else, Well, how amI going to get to my car afterwards?
I'm gonna get to my car.Maybe they're gonna stop me, maybe
they're gonna try to hurt me.This group of guys would just escort men,
women, whoever it was, towherever they were going. That's all
it was. It was simply apatriotic group. They ended up, of

course, because of that role.They ended up in several scraps with the
Kami, street animals, the Antifa, Black Lives Matter types and whatnot.
But whatever you've negative, you've probablyheard about the Proud Boys. And I'm
not the world's expert. I'm not. I've never heard a negative word about
them inside my circles at all.Are there gonna be turds in there?

Of course? Are there gonna bedirty Feds in there? Of course there
are now now that the FEDS haveessentially turned them into a domestic terrorist group,
There are gonna be dirty. Thereare gonna be Feds in there for
sure now. But the Pow Boysitself, that's really all they were.
All right, Jesse, I'm wonderingif you ever had sashimi cold raw fish
dip it? No, already Ican tell you no. The answer is

no. All right, nobody likesfish. It's time to stop pretending.
All right, nobody does. Stoppretending. Stop lying. What do you
say? What do you say whenyou eat a bad piece of fish?
What's it taste like? What's ittaste like? Fishy? Is what you
say? Well, that's weird?Why wouldn't you want it to taste fishy?

You're eating fish? Is fish nota good flavor? You don't like
fish? You like how fish isprepared. I like fish my special beer
batter. Yeah, the beer batter'sgood. You could beer batter a jockstrap
and it would be delicious. No, you don't understand, Jesse. You've
never had my red snapper with crawfishat two fay poured over the top.

No, I know, crawfish attwo phase amazing. The fish still sucks
you like a bland piece of meatthat's been seasoned the right way. You
know what. A piece of beefneeds salt and pepper if that same with
chicken. For some reason, fishneeds all these miraculous things done to it
to make it edible. And eventhen when you bite into it, you

gotta cross your fingers and hope andpray it doesn't taste like fish. You're
only cheating yourself. You're not cheatingme, all right, you're only cheating
yourself. You're not cheating me.Now for talking about a filet of fish
at McDonald's. That's different, allright, That's totally different. That's high
quality American dining. Other than thatgross eight seven seven three seven seven four

three seven three, And don't forgetto sign the pledge. Remember IFCJ they're
over there on the ground putting inthe work for people, supporting people with
housing, medical care, bunkers,fire systems. I talked about this.

There are places in Israel they don'thave a fire department to call when the
fire starts, getting missiles frigging shotat them every day when the fires start.
If you don't have a way toput it out, it eats everything.
So how do you support? Whatdo you do? Just go sign
a pledge. They don't know thatanyone over here supports them because our media

all hates them. Maybe just gosign a pledge show them otherwise. Support
IFCJ dot org is where you goto sign it. Support IFCJ dot org.
All right, it is the JesseKelly Show on a Wednesday. Dude,
I forget. You can email mewhile I'm gone. I'll be back

soon, very soon, before youknow it, Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot
com. Of course I'll get backa couple more calls here in a minute.
I'm gonna answer this one, though, Hi, Jesse the gun Expert.
I'm not a gun expert. Iknow a bit about a bit.
There are so many dudes listen,and ladies honestly anymore, who know a
lot more about this stuff than Ido. I'm a seventy one year old
woman who lives alone, and Idecided I wanted to be able to protect

myself. I bought a glock nineteen. I took a private lesson on shooting
and gun safety. That's good,it's good. Starting My question is,
can you recommend a holster to usefor concealment. I like to walk for
exercise, but the area I livein is not very populated. Most of
the houses are not used year round. There's some construction traffic. I would

rather conceal my gun than open carryit. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Her name is Grandma Karen. Howabout that? All right, Karen,
let's talk. May I just saythis. You need to figure out where
your most comfortable carrying. It dependson what kind of walk you do.

But here's one thing I really,really, really love for ladies. I
love this honestly for dudes too,Depending on the situation. They have really
great I know you're gonna make funof me. They have really great fanny
packs now for Carrie. There they'remade. When I say fanny pack,
shut up, Chris. When Isay fanny pack, I mean it's a

fanny pack that is made for Carrie. And it won't look like a holster.
It really won't. It'll it'll looklike you're wearing a fanny pack.
They have chest rigs for dudes,but I don't. I don't know that
that would be comfortable for a seventyone year old woman. But a fanny
pack. The beauty have a fannypack is shut up, Chris. No,
you can't get it in Nades colors. You just go find out how

much it's gonna cost us to gohog hunting. Anyway. A fanny pack,
the beauty of it is it keepsthe weight and the friction on your
hips. And your hips are strong, that's where you want that weight and
that friction to be. It's notthat a Glock nineteen is super heavy,
but for a seventy one year oldwoman seventeen in it, it's gonna add

some weight. Put a fanny packon. It won't work for a Glock
nineteen. But I'll tell you mywife she's been you know, I've told
you she's a workout freak, butshe always carries wants to carry something on
her. She's been experimenting a lotwith for people who jog or whatnot,
with jog shorts, tighter shorts.They have wonderful concealed carry shorts out there

for ladies. Now, Chris,you should see it, Chris at Hall
they have They're a little thicker andthey have a thicker padding inside of your
leg and essentially you can put onsome tights like tight shorts and your weapon.
It's a holster made for it.Your weapon goes into the outside of
the tights and then you put loosershorts on outside of them. So you're

out there jogging, ladies. Iknow, I know it's summertime. I
know you sweat and don't lie youdimes. I know you like to look
hot when you're out there, soyou want to do a little short shorts
said, I just want to weara sports bra and all that Stuff's fine,
but you can still carry ladies.I'm talking to you specifically. I
don't care whether you're twelve or ninetytwo. This country is full of predators.

This country was full of predators beforewe opened up the border to every
barbarian on the planet. How manynews stories do we talk about every night?
And I know, not in myarea. Not here, Jesse.
I'm in rural Tennessee. Not here, Jesse. I'm in Idaho, Ah,
Jesse, that's only in New York. No, they are shipping these

people to small towns, in smallcommunities all over the country. And even
if it wasn't for these people,there are domestic predators all over the place.
You need to carry a weapon onyou at all times, ladies,
all times. Please. I knowI sound like a dad. I'm sorry,
I am a dad. There aremen in this society who look at

you like pray. You know whatthat story of Lake and Riley out of
Georgia, that dude, that dudestalked her for days, watching and waiting.
Pray. That construction site you're walkingby, you don't know who's working

there. That apartment complex you're walkingby, you're jogging by. That house
you're walking by, jogging bye.You don't know who's looking out the blinds.
You don't know. Carry something onyou, please, and something else.
Gosh, I sound like such afreak, an old fogey dad.

I know you like to listen tomusic. Everyone does when they're out,
when they're out jogging, and I'mnot telling you not to do You see
if you're watching, if you're watchingon the simulcast, you'll be able to
see. If not, it's fine. You can just look them up.
You know they simulcast the radio show. You can watch me do it.
I have I don't wear these bigearphones because I hate having things on my
ears, so I have these overthe ear. Uh. These are actually

called where are these called? Aftershocks? But I think they're not the
only brand. They're not expensive atall. They're called bone conduction. Essentially,
nothing goes on or in my ears. I don't have any earbuds in,
but I can still hear the soundbecause it presses on a certain part
outside of my ears. What doesthat mean? I could I could go

right now for a jog or awalk, and I could listen to music
the entire time and still hear somebodydriving up on me, running up on
me. I know, you justwant to look hod and put your little
earbuds in. I'm not a joglisten to justin Timberlake. Well, congratulations,
the guy's right behind you when he'scoming for you. You need to
become more aware, and you needto carry a weapon and practice with your

freaking weapon. Ladies, mantis Xis there for you too. You know
I talk about mantis X because somany of the pros use mantis X.
Green Berets, Marines. You knowthey know about mantis X because you could
just practice anywhere, everywhere, inyour office and your home, wherever you're
dry fire practicing. But ladies,especially if you're new now. It works

great for the season shoot or two, but if you're brand new, I
know it can be intimidating. I'vegone through this when I was teaching my
wife how to shoot. The rangeis intimidating. It's loud, she doesn't
know what she's doing, she feelsdumb. Mantis X, you're practicing in
your living room with feedback, practicewith your weapon. Everyone's got twenty minutes

this weekend. Everyone's got twenty minutesset aside, twenty minutes and practice.
Please get a Manti SEX, deliverit to your front door and practice practice
practice please. Mattis x dot comkind of thing that will save your life,
all right, Joaquin, Pennsylvania,go boss. Oh hey, Jesse,
you know the only thing I cansay is that, you know,

we always talk about communists, Istill only get mental references abouts. You're
not think you can put sure,you know jack booted, uh swatch,
you know armband wearing uniform, youknow, loading people into content, into
railroad cars and going to concentration camps. But when you talk about communists's just

no mental reference to it. Well, that's because our educational system is a
disaster, and no one stays onmessage in this country. Daniel and Pennsylvania
go, hey, here's it going. So I have a theory about bides.
I'm gonna get some My question.My theory is that he's going to
resign at the convention and like KamalaHarrison, come president. My question is

something I have a hotels to carrysome of these senatorial candidates across the line,
such as McCormick, Lake defeat Tester, defeat Brown and Ohio. Is
he going to have some of thesecoattails not only in the senatorial by in
the congressional season. That was alittle fuzzy. Must not have been calling

from a pure talk phone, soI'm not exactly sure what he was saying,
but he was worried about down ballotraises the Senate in the House.
This is something we don't talk aboutenough because we fall in love with the
top job. We always talk aboutthe White House and the presidency and Biden
and Trump. But if Donald Trumpgets elected, he's going to need a

rock solid House of representatives. BobGood would have been nice, but he
ran him out of there. He'sgoing to need a rock solid House of
representatives. He's going to need arock solid Senate. That's why I don't
want jd Vance to be his vicepresident, and I think he might be.
It's because I love jd Vance.The Senate sucks and jd Vance is
the man, and we're going toneed people like jd Vance in there to

push the agenda forward. Can wedrag some of these people across the finish
line? I don't know. Idon't know. Look in Arizona as of
right now, it doesn't look greatfor Kerry Lake. If you're a Kerry
Lake fan, right now, itdoesn't look good at all. It really
doesn't. I don't know what tosay. We need Pennsylvania, we need

a lot. Remember we have asun belt and a rust belt thing going
on. We have the Arizona's theGeorgias of the world. And then we
have Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.That's really where the presidential race is going
to be one or loss. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. That's a fact.
All right. All right, weare going to talk about just a

couple more things, and then it'stime for Independence Day. Hang on,
it is the Jesse Kelly Show.Final segment of the Jesse Kelly Show.
And then it's fireworks time. Baby, It's Independence Day. It's time for
fireworks and wieners and family time andit's just gonna be awesome. All Right,

Let's do this the way only wecan. Will Colorado go. I'm
gonna be opening my second restaurant.I got a giant menu, and for
the opening, I want Steve fromin Hang go pack Paul, Alabama,

go Jessey. I just want toknow on July the fourth, in Finnish
Day, are you gonna be cookingthe world famous Jesse Kelly Burgers for you
and your family? You're dad gunright, I am Paul, And I'll
be honest with you. I've gota new little wrinkle I've been doing so

I told you I got that Blackstonegriddle. That's the one I bid on
at the Silent auction that I won, and I didn't know I was gonna
win, so I had to dropthree hundred dollars on it. Anyway,
I got this Blackstone griddle. It'sa nightmare keeping that thing from rusting down
here in this swamp. I shouldknow. But either way, I got
this Blackstone griddle. I make myworld famous Jesse Kelly bergers the way you

know I can, but I've reallygrown to love making them. With Texas
toast, you can buy loaves ofTexas toast. It's just thick whitebread.
That's all Texas Toast is for youpeople who aren't down here in Texas.
It's just a super thick piece ofwhite bread. And I dropped the Texas
toast on there with butter toast,that bad boy on both sides. What

Chris, what a brioche bun?No, Chris, Gosh, not having
brioche with my burger. I'm havingTexas toast or regular buns. I'm not
having briosh. Gosh, Chris.Have you heard about the male Vitality stack
from Chown? No, listen whatI'm trying to explain something to you,

Chris, ninety days a male vitalitystack from chalk. You take that for
ninety days, that's a twenty percentincrease in your testosterone levels. You will
never ever ever suggest to a manthat he should eat his burger with briosche
Ever, again, I don't evenknow what briosh is. It sounds Italian

either way. Chok dot Com Chrispromo code Jesse, were always want to
get you to save some money.You get a discount for the lifetime of
your subscription, so you'll probably neverhave Briosh again in your life. You'll
never have any desire for that oncewe get those tea levels up. Chok
dot Com promo code Jesse. Justlook or look call them. You're sitting

over there by the phone. Ifyou want to call them, that's fine.
Five zero, chock three thousand,whatever you want, Chris, The
ladies are standing by to help you, okay, Jesse. Crawfish boils not
one of the greatest food events ofall time. Spicy, salty, cage
in goodness, wash it down withOkay. Most people don't know about crawfish

boils. Just know, if you'reever down South Louisiana, does them really,
really well. Texas does too,at least my part of Texas,
because we have so many people fromLouisiana. Here. Go to a crawfish
boil. Trust me, you willenjoy it. Jesse. I love Clarence
Thomas, but if Trump wins,he'll be eighty at the end of Trump's

term. Would it be best tohave him retire so we can get him
replaced even though it won't be anabsolute legend like CT Well, Clarence Thomas
is our greatest living American. Idon't I agree with you? Look,
I agree with you. And that'sthat's the debate we have. Ruth Bader

Ginsburg, she really, really reallyscrewed the Democrats bad by hanging on as
long as she did. And doyou remember, do you remember how embarrassing
the media got about it. RuthBader Ginsburg was falling asleep in speeches.
She was nine thousand years old,very clearly she was about to kick the
bucket. And they started doing theseinfomercial these bizarre infomercial type things on her

where they would show her working out. I can't believe how young and vibrant
and healthy she is, and itwas a really creepy just very obvious thing
of please don't die, Ruth.Only she did die. She died.
And that's part of the reason whywe flipped the Supreme Court eighty seven years
old. The last thing in theworld I want is to lose Clarence Thomas,

and especially because apparently we can't replacethe guy. We pick all these
new judges and they just look they'reright on a lot of things, but
they just suck so much at thetime they suck. It's awful. Yeah,
I think you should probably retire.I say that as the biggest Clarence
Thomas fan in the world. IfTrump gets elected again, honestly, maybe

Alito too, we need to makesure we keep that court. Think think
for a moment at all the thingswe would have lost if we didn't have
the Supreme Court. In fact,here's a fascinating mental experiment. Go back
to twenty sixteen. Give Hillary Clintonthat election. What does the country look

like? That Chevron case never getsoverturned. Roe versus Wade never gets overturned.
If Trump was on trial his immunitycame up, you know, those
dirty communists would have ruled that theycan throw him in a dark cage for
the rest of his life. Withoutthat, where would be be? Where

would we be? Something? Right? Jesse? If Biden or one of
the other proposed dominees were elected,would you take your family and flee the
impending disaster and fall of our greatcountry. No, I'm not going anywhere.
I was born in America. Nomatter what happens here, I intend
to die in America. I amgoing to go down with the ship if

we are going down. I believeit is part of my role in life
to fight for this country. Andso I'm not going anywhere. And remember,
if you're one of these people wholooks around you and you think all
is lost, maybe you need tomove. I know we're in trouble,
and I know how bad Biden is, and I know all of our problems.

We talk about them all the time. There is so much good still
in this country, millions and tensof millions of people who want exactly what
you want. They want good things, They want to raise good families,
they want to live in good,safe communities. And people are getting involved

now and making that happen. WhenI first started doing radio, it was
six years ago. Honestly this month, six years ago, this month.
How about that Chris six years agothis month started doing radio, and we
used to talk all the time aboutgetting involved their money for school board,
and we would never hear from anybodyanybody who was doing it. Now it's

all the time people are stepping upand waking up and getting involved. Are
we going to save all of it? No, I actually don't believe that.
I don't believe all of it canbe saved. The rot is too
deep. We can save huge portionsof this country no matter who wins the
election. I'm not going anywhere now. All that said, remember tomorrow,

with all the fireworks and the Wienersand the family and that everything else,
We're all going to go enjoy tomorrow. Remember tomorrow that we are blessed.
We are so blessed to be here. And even if Joe Biden gets re
elected in everything does collapse and allthat, Even if all those things do
happen, I still have lived fortytwo years in the greatest country God ever

gave us. My kids have hada wonderful life, at least so far,
because we were born in the UnitedStates of America. It is a
blessing to be here. Don't forgetthat, and remind family about that tomorrow.
Okay, this has been a podcastfrom wor
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