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July 4, 2024 37 mins
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Episode Transcript

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This is a podcast from wo R. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Let's have some fun on a Wednesday. It is Independence Date, eve.
Can't you hear that? No,freedom is not free, That's what it
is. It is time to celebrateAmerica baby. And of course it's an

ass Doctor Jesse Wednesday because after thiswe're gone for Independence Day. But don't
worry, we shall return. Nowbefore we get into the show, the
latest on the palace drama, theintrigue, the dome versus Biden. Did
he have the sniffleses he drop andhe's not dropping, he says he But
we'll get to all that, andwe get to all the questions in Ukraine

stuff and all kinds of fun tonight. We do have to do something awful
but necessary. We on this showalways make an effort. We're certainly far
from perfect, but we make anto always honor the fallen whenever we can
find them, whenever we have one. I should say, especially honoring the

fallen in training. That's a big, big, big thing for us.
Honoring the fallen in training. Yousee, they never get the glory,
they don't get honored. We reada headline and we may be saying,
ah, that's sad. But mostof the time we never know their names.
We don't think about them again.But the people who die in military
training gave their lives for this countryjust as much as anyone else. And

we have another one. His name. He was an Airman, Staff Sergeant
Hoororgey del Gotto. He was thirtyseven years old, Air Force base in
Montana. There was a mishap ofsome kind. We know there was a
humbie crash, some sort of amishap. You don't know, not that
the details even matter. Five injured. Horgey del Gatto lost his life and

gave his life for his country.And we're gonna move on. We talked
politics and everything thing but tomorrow IndependenceDay, as we're all living it up
on the fourth of July, youknow, swimming pools and barbecue, a
couple of beers, whatever, whateveryour plans are for the fourth of July.
Friends, family, maybe you're floatinga river somewhere, take just a

moment. It's not like you haveto spend the whole day crying, but
take a moment and remember that.Honestly, it's it's it's a stupid drop.
We like to play on the soundboard. We know freedom is not
free, and it's a it's anold cliche, but it is very very
true. Freedom is paid for,paid for in blood and respect to staff

Sergeant Jorge Delgado, respect for you, sir, Rest in peace warrior.

All right, enough of that,let us dig into the news of the
day, and it's a lot ofit is the same with the stuff we've
been dealing with. So I'm notgoing to spend an hour going over palace
intrigue stuff. Oh and you shouldknow it's an ask Doctor Jesse Friday.
I have a bunch of emails here. You can still send those in,
and at some point in time I'mgoing to do something I never do.

I will open up the phones forask doctor Jesse questions. Do not call
yet, but at some point intime, I'm going to open those up.
So let's just deal with with whatwe've got going first. Let's hit
the high points. It was reportedeverywhere this morning that Joe Biden had met
with an ally and they were decidingwhether or not he was going to continue.

This is reporting from the New YorkTimes, and we all know the
New York Times is invested in lyingon behalf of Democrats at all times.
Do they view this as lying onbehalf of Biden? What were they telling
the truth? I don't know,I won't know, you won't know.
These are things we don't know.But that was the rumor. That's the
rumor portion of it. Here's thereal portion of it. What we discussed

yesterday happened today. Powerful governors KathyHochel of New York, Gavin Newsoon of
Minnesota, Tim Waltz, sorry,Tim Waltson Minnesota, Gavin Newsom of California.
These governors and others traveled across thecountry to sit down with Joe Biden
in the White House today. Andthat was, for once, not a

meeting where they were asking for somethingfrom him. That was a meeting where
Joe Biden had to present to themsome kind of a plan. Hey,
Joe, we uh throw us abone here, buddy. We see the
poll numbers, we see the fundraisingnumbers. It all looks bad. What's
the plan? How you functional?Have you pooped yourself? How were you

going to win? That was whatwas being discussed. And look, the
Biden camp is digging in. They'redigging in by doing the only thing they've
ever known remember, how many timeshave I told you this? How many
times have we had this talk aboutTrump? As it pertains to Trump.
People who have frustrations with this aboutTrump or that about Trump, maybe it's

a hiring I get a lot ofemails about that, Jesse, Why can't
he hire better people? Why can'the hire better people than what have I
said? Well, I wish hewould hire better people too, But he's
not going to change seventy some yearold men. Honestly, fifty some year
old men generally don't change by thetime you're that age, especially when you've

achieved any level of success. Trump'sthe former president and a billionaire. He
probably is pretty sure he's got thingsworked out. He's not going to change.
What he was is what he is, and it's what he's going to
be. Well, Joe Biden isin the same situation, only much worse
because, unlike Trump, he's aninvalid. He can't talk, he can't

think. Joe Biden's not going tochange. His team isn't going to change.
They're going to do what they've alwaysdone, and frankly, they're going
to do what has worked for JoeBiden for the entirety of his political career.
They're going to lie. They're goingto tell gigantic, brazen, right
in your face lies, and they'regoing to dare the media to call them

out on it, a media whichhad been reluctant to do so, and
look for once, for once,they're getting pushed back, and they're going
to have a difficult time dealing withthem. Yes, numerous questions yesterday about
the president's debate performance. You didn'tmention the travel, the jet lag,

the foreign trips. So I thinkyou can understand why it was a little
bit puzzling to hear the president mentioningthat as his explanation. Yeah, for
the first time last night. I'mjust yeah, can you clarify whether when
you took the podium yesterday did younot know that? And I would say
that is my bad. That ispart of that is part of definitely part
of the explanation of challenging questions.Is the Biden campaign going to be able

to deal with this, Absolutely not. They're used to standing up in front
of the press and telling them thesky is green, can't you see it?
And they're used to the apparatchicks inthe media room to yes, Joe,
it is green. Oh my gosh, that's amazing. But now it's
getting nasty, it's getting snarky outthere. We would invite the president to

come here and tell noted killing incase you couldn't hear what he was saying,
she said. One reporter said,we would invite the president to come
here talk to us, Hey,explain something to us, and another one
chimes in, if he's awake.Joe Biden is not going to change.

Joe Biden has been a gigantic liarfor the entirety of his political career,
not little white lies like every politiciantells, or every president tells, shading
of the truth. Every president getsup and tells you that they're great for
jobs, and then you dig intothe numbers and you think, wait a

minute, that's not really true.I guess kind of not really. Every
president does that. Every president talksabout how the economy's good and whether it
is or not. Every president tellsthese little white lies. Joe Biden is
not like any other president I've everseen or heard of in my life,

Republican or Democrat, even ones.I hate way more than Biden. I
hate Obama way more than I couldever hate Joe Biden. There's never been
a president like Joe Biden. JoeBiden will stand up in front of you
and right there in your face tellyou his son died in Vietnam and he
was in the meantime an All Americanon the Penn State football team while teaching

the Second Amendment. He's never doneany of these things. He just invents
things out of thin air. It'swho he is. That's how they're going
to approach it. But Joe Bidendid say something later on today. It's
happened right before the show, goton a phone call with donors, and
he essentially said, I'm not goinganywhere. I'm here, I'm not being
pushed out. We're staying in andwe're gonna win. Now, what should

you take from that? We'll talkabout that in just the moment. Before
we talk about that, Let's talkabout my pillow. After all, don't
you believe me? Freedom is notfree? My pillow believes that while these
other big box stores, you know, the bed Bath and beyonds of the
world, while they've been hating youand celebrating Pride Month and dumping on your

values every chance they get, mypillow has lost a fortune in legal fees
and everything else, caring about thiscountry, caring about freedom, getting themselves
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buy something from My Pillow to saythank you, and because the products are
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My Pillow sands twenty five bucks.Go to my pillow dot com. Click
on the radio listeners Special Square,use the promo code Jesse or give him

a call eight hundred eight four fivezero five four four. We'll be back,
Jesse Kelly. It is that JesseKelly show on Wednesday. It's home
Day and you made it. Andwhat are we doing here tonight? We're
keeping it popping baby. He's fightingnow, it's gonna happenings. So let's

discuss. Let's discuss this thing aswe wrap up this Joe, whether he's
running, whether he's not talk JoeBiden puts out, I won't say a
statement. The reporters reported on somethingand said Joe Biden told some donors,
I'm running. I'm not being pushedout. I'm running and we're gonna win.
How should you take that? Oh, listen, running for office or

stepping down from office, those arethings you can't do halfway, and they're
things you can't pretend to do halfway. And anyone who's ever attempted to do
those things halfway has failed. Haveyou ever heard of an exploratory committee?

You probably have, because you're apolitical nerd like I am. An exploratory
committee? What is that? Well, candidates, let's say Senator Kelly.
He's a very very witty, brilliantsenator who I made up in my own
mind. He doesn't exist at all. Senator Kelly. He thinks he might
want to run for president, andhe wants to get out there and do

some campaigning, maybe raise a littlemoney. But he's not sure if he
wants to run for president. Sohe forms an exploratory committee allowing him to
raise a little money, do somecampaigning. See if I want to see
how well how warm the waters are? Let me ask you, political nerd,
have you ever seen somebody form anexploratory community and go on to be

president? No, you freaking haveit. Maybe it's happened, but I
don't remember it at all. Why, because you're in or you're out,
you can't get a little bit pregnant. And we'll get to Dome here in
just a little bit. You're eitherrunning for president or you are not running
for president. That's why every singleTom Dick and Harry, every Republican,

every Democrat who's ever run for president. I think every one of them has
gotten up forever leading up to whenthey announced, saying I'm not running.
I'm not running. I could neverrun, I would never run. I'm
too busy. I'm gonna spend timewith family. I'm enjoying my family time.
And five minutes later, there's apress conference, after much consultation,

everybody begging me to run. Witha humble heart, I've decided to serve
my country and run for president.You're not running until you're running. And
the same thing can be said ofresigning, stepping down, bowing out of
reelection. The only statement they canmake, Biden, his team, all

of them, the only option theyhave right now is to act as if
we are in it. We're init for the long haul, and we're
in it to win it. Theydon't have a second option. He can't
make a public statement saying well,I mean I'm not really sure, because
then your donations dry up. Thenpeople are all, well, look,
call me back when you think you'repositive. It doesn't work that way.

You can't be half pregnant. Youcan't halfway run for president. It doesn't
work that way. Now, speakingof half pregnancy, let's discuss the elephant
in the rooms. This spot isshit, not in any way do anything
to work around miss Harris. Wesaid, do everything we can to bolster

her, whether it's he second placeor at the top of the ticket.
That voice you heard, it isa name you will know because you listen
to this show. That little SoundBiteis one that people are glossing over.
They're not playing. It might bethe most important SoundBite of the day.
That is one. James Clyburn ofSouth Carolina, if he has dug in

his heels and decided it's Dome ornobody. If Joe Biden goes, then
it very well be. It verywell may be Kamala Harris. It's hard
to win the Democrat nomination without theblack vote in South Carolina, and James

Clyburn controls the black vote in SouthCarolina in a major way. If he
is thrown in his lot with Dome, well it just might be this is
President gave me the willies. Wegot to move on here, Jesse.

You like to talk about how Americais on the rebound, or at least
parts of it. That sounds alot like hoping that a crack addict will
hit bottom when they've been told thatnext week the crack may want out.
Does the world work like that?Okay, so let me discuss this.
It's very funny how different how peoplehear, not necessarily what they want to

hear, that's a big part ofit. But you can say one thing
and people will hear it differently.And when you do a show, a
three hour show, an award winningshow like ours. We've never won any
awards, but we like to saythat when you do an award winning radio
show like ours and you talk forthree hours a day, people may tune
in. They tune Now you neverknow how people are hearing things, because
some people will email in and say, gosh, you're kind of cynical and

pessimistic on the future of the country, and the next email will be How
could you be so hopeful? Thingslook so dark? So allow me to
just explain. We are not asmall country. We are not you know
what, Israel is actually a greatexample. We are not Israel. Israel
is a country of eight million people. Even though I realize there are political

factions and divides there, If partof Israel falls, it's all falling,
all of it, because there's onlyone part. We are a gigantic country
of three hundred and thirty million people, with different states and different parts of
those states, from rural to urbanand otherwise. Whatever happens in our future,

as ugly as it may be,and it might be really really ugly,
it sure might be. I've neversugarcoated that, I've never sugarcoted the
fact that I don't think the federalgovernment can be saved. I think DC's
gone. But whatever happens, areasthat are strong communities, that are strong
states that have strengthened themselves will persevere, will It will be okay some of

us anyway, Chris is screwed,but most of us are going to be
totally okay. All right, allright, let's do let's do some ass.
Doctor Jesse questions, shall we beforewe do that. Speaking of Israel,
you know Hezbollah's next, right atleast that's how it looks right now.
Right now, they're trying to wrapup Hamas in the south. They're

already mobilizing forces for Hezbollah in thenorth. You know, they have a
food crisis over there. They're workingon a food crisis. The farm land's
being wiped out, they lost allthe workers. It's it's a rough light
right now. IFCJ. IFCJ isonly asking for a pledge, to sign

a pledge, and they're not askingyou to even write a pledge. They
just want you to sign a pledgethat they can go over their take over
there, and they will, andthey're gonna present it to net and Yahoo's
saying, hey, we know youguys are going through hell right now,
and we're standing with you and youwe're praying for you. And that's what
the International Fellowship of Christians and Jewsis all about. And I think that's

a really freaking cool cause, especiallywhen you just have to sign a pledge
support IFCJ dot org. All right, all right, Jesse Kelly Show on
a Wednesday and ask doctor Jesse Wednesday, that's enough Joe Biden talk for a
little bit. We get some callsnext hour and stuff like that. I
don't feel like doing any of thatright now. We got to dig into

all these questions, because there's lotsof them. Jesse, I think Trump
could add one more thing to hislist of reasons why we should vote for
him. She says, that ishe personally would be president instead of yet
another president by proxy like it hasbeen with Joe obviously needs help with world.
With Trump, world leaders would knowthey were meeting with the real deal,
the real boss, the real headhoncho. This may seem obvious,

but I don't think the norms andnormas even consider this reality. What do
you think. I think that's avery a good point. I think it
was one of Trump's strong suits whenhe was president. There's a it's kind
of a funny video. It's somethingthat I'm sure I've shared multiple times on
social media in jest. I betyou money, I played it on my

TV show back when it happened.But there's a little video of Trump that
is a revealing video, and youmay like it, you may hate it,
depending on who you are and whatyour personality is. But it's good
for America to have a president likethat. Anyway. In the video,
he's at one of these summits.They always have to go to these stupid

friggin' summits. And he's with allthese other world leaders and they're walking.
It's they're walking as a group,these world leaders. They're walking from one
spot to another. I don't rememberthe exact circumstances, but Trump is not
in front. He's gabbing with somebodyas they're walking. He's not in front.
And as they start to get there, the guys in front start to

stop, and so they're stopped infront of Trump, a little human wall.
They're stopped, and he's behind.He's not leading, and Trump reaches
That's great. Trump reaches out.I remember it like if yes said,
I haven't seen the video on years. He reaches out with his right hand
and kind of pats one of theguys I think it was the PM or
president of Luxembourg, pats him andkind of half shoves him out of the

way and to move up to thefront, and then he closes his suit
jacket. Look, you can hatethat or love that. If you hate
Trump, you'll hate it. Ifyou love Trump, you'll you'll love it.
I personally, I think that's goodfor America. That's what America should
be leading in charge. And personallyI loved that. About Trump's presidency,

I've been open, very open aboutthe things I hated, but that was
a very It's one of the reasonshis foreign policy was so good. I've
said it before. The big dangerof Biden. One of the big dangers
of Joe Biden is the personal thepersonal interactions. These things. When Joe

Biden goes and meets with world leaders, good ones and bad ones behind closed
doors, how he functions can oftentimesdetermine huge courses of action they might take
or not take. Kennedy himself,remember jfk himself admitted and Khruschef echoed this.

Part of the reason Khruschev felt boldenough to move missiles into Cuba back
in the day was he had ameeting with Kennedy. According to Kennedy,
he was not prepared, he wastoo immature, and krusechef privately when they
met ate his lunch, Kruzchef walkedout of that meeting and thought, this

dude is soft and young and pathetic, and I can push this dude around,
and that almost resulted in nuclear war, not Kennedy turned it around and
ran him out of there and stuff. But personal matter a lot. When
the President of the United States ofAmerica sits in a room with the German
head and the France head and allthese other people. Remember the report we

just got out of the G seven. The dude said, he just kept
wandering off, He just kept wonderingoff like some senile old man and losing
his train of thought. You thinkJijenping doesn't get those reports. Think Vadimir
Putin doesn't know about that Putin?You think he doesn't know about that?
It matters. Now you have aguy like Trump. Trump's been an international

businessman for the entirety of his career, sitting in those meetings, hammering things
out, yell and arguing, debating, agreeing on things. Trump sits in
a meeting with the heads of stateof all these countries, and he's not
blown away by it. It's beenhis entire life, it's been his entire
career. I'll tell you a story, Miranda Devine told me. Randa Devine

with The New York Post. Youremember that first debate, the first GOP
to deb when Trump ran the firsttime, the GOP primary debate where he
basically ended Jeb Bush's career, calledhim low energy. Jeb, do you
remember that to his face, justmade fun of him to his faith?
Well, did you know? AndI didn't know this before I talked to
Miranda. Part of the reason Trumpwas so salty and abusive towards Jeb in

a hilarious way, I should note, and that debate was Right before that
debate, Trump was in a heatedmeeting with what essentially was explained to me
was a Chinese gangster. He wasa businessman, is a businessman, and
Trump had some sort of business dealingwith him, and he was really mad
at Trump. And this gangster apparentlywas eating during the meeting and food was

flying out of his mouth. Hewas yelling so much. And Trump gets
on stage, He leaves there andgets on stage. He looks over at
Jeb Bush. He says, whois this dork? What am I worried
about this for? And you canlover hate that And it's really gonna be
personality dependent or with Trump. Trumphas this weird thing, weird hold over
people who love or hate him.I don't feel either way. He's just

a rental card of me. Butpeople who love him will love that,
and people who hate him will hatethat. But that's a good thing for
a country. Dear Bathbomburger King,I hate you guys. With the Scotus
ruling for presidential immunity, I cannotunderstand why the left is not celebrating this
for the sake of Joe Biden,Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter.
Shoot, let's throw in George Bushtoo. In my opinion, all

of them are guilty of suspicious presidentialacts. Their cry for impeachment of the
justices makes no sense. This rulingis in their favor. Is it because
it's all about getting Trump or theydon't care about protecting their own legacy.
Okay, there's a couple parts tothis. There's two different parts of this.
There's the Trump aspect to this,and that's where we'll start because we're

kind of on him right now anyway. And then there's the Kings and Queen's
aspect of this. So let's startwith the Trump portion of it. We've
had this discussion before, but rememberthe communists, the communist himself will make
it about an individual. Let's talkabout your liberal aunt Peggy. She is
a herd animal. She is aherd animal. You yell and scream and

you're mad at her. You're gonnascream at her tomorrow during Independence Day when
she brags about her nineteenth abortion.You yell at her about why she doesn't
think, and you'll bring up thesefacts and this, this, and it
just doesn't seem like it makes adent. And it really doesn't make a
dent. Because liberal ant Peggy doesn'twant to leave the herd. She doesn't
want to be right on the issues. She wants to be part of the

herd. They're safety in the herd. She goes where she's told, she
says what she's supposed to say.If she does all this, she is
protected, she's provided for. Sheis a herd animal above all, a
herd animal. And because they're aherd, well, you can guide a

herd to doing wonderful things and orterrible things, depending on where you aim
that herd. We'll talk a littlebit more about this. I didn't mean
to run up against the break.We'll talk a little bit more about this
in just a moment. You don'twant to be a herd animal, though,
right, You know you know,if your testosterone levels get too low,
that's exactly what you become fellas.When your T levels drop, your

mind doesn't work right. You knowyou need testosterone for logical thinking. Did
you know that energy, strength,focus? Testosterone levels aren't just about making
babies? Gentlemen, you need themwhen you need it when you're eighty,
not just when you're twenty. Goget some natural herbal supplements from Chalk.
Specifically, may I recommend a maleVitality stack from Chalk ninety days. You

take it for ninety days, twentypercent increase in your T levels. Call
him or text them five zero chok. That's cho q five zero chok three
thousand, five zero chock three thousand. We'll be back get the cure.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show ona Wednesday, And yes, I will

get to the calls shortly, probablynext savment we'll start taking some mass doctor
Jesse calls. Then you're welcome tocall in now. Remember, get right
to your question. Eight seven seventhree seven seven four three seven three eight
seven seven three seven seven four threeseven three. I want to hear a
funny thing about that song, thatBeach Boys song. If you're on the

podcast, Jewish producer Christ just playeda Beach Boys song about the he's talking
about the T bird, fun funfun to her, Daddy takes a T
bird away. I was always listeningto the Beach Boys when I was a
kid. But because I was akid, I had no idea what a
T bird was, and I justfigured he took away or bird or something
like that. I figured she hada pet bird. What, Chris,
I wasn't very smart. I'm likewhat I am? Now? All right,

shut up, focus, let's talkabout the question. The question was
why are all these Why aren't Democratscelebrating the Scotis ruling about presidential immunity,
because after all, they're all guilty. Barack Obama murdered a US citizen on
purpose. Barack Obama drone strike aUS citizen. Yes he was a worthless

terrorist piece of trash, but thatdoesn't matter. When you're president. You
don't get to execute Americans extra judiciously. Chris, did you see how I
nailed that big word? What?What? Aren't you impressed? I think
that's kind of how it's pronounced.I don't know. I went to community
college anyway. Barack Obama drone strikedhim. That's illegal. You can't do

that. So why aren't they celebrating? So I was talking about there are
two different reasons. One, theDemocrat is a herd animal, herd animal.
Your liberal ant Peggy is a herdanimal. She stays in the group
at all times, at all times, and that's why the Communists create idols,

symbols at all times, symbols forthe herd to worship, and symbols
for the herd to hate. Soliberal an Peggy who never heard of him
beforehand, will all of a suddenbe walking around with her George Floyd shirt
talking about what a great father heis, and you're looking at her like,
what what is wrong with you?She's going where the herd has been

aimed. The herd has been aimedin a negative way towards Donald Trump since
he came down the escalator and saidthe illegals were a bunch of rapists and
drug dealers. Ever since that moment, the American media and the Democrat Party
have acted like he was the Antichrist. So for her, for you,

he's probably just a candidate for president. Maybe you like him, maybe you're
indifferent, Maybe you hateds but youcan't understand the depth of her hatred for
him, and it goes beyond logic. I look, Tomorrow's Independence Day,
maybe you'll be with her. I'vebrought this up before. You want a
fun experiment, Here's here's a reallyfun experiment. Take your liberal aunt,

Paegy, the Democrat in your family, who's going to be at the party,
whoever that is. Ask him whythey don't like Trump. They will
bring up January sixth, almost immediatelyhe led an insurrection. Don't argue with
them. Do not argue. Thisis for the purpose of our experiment.
Agree with them, say oh,yeah, you're right, huh, January

sixth was really bad. But Iam curious. So you you liked him
before that day? On January fifth, you were a big fan. No,
I didn't like him then either,Okay, why and watch her try
to explain herself. It'll be abunch of meaningless frame not based on anything.

Goes right that she can't base iton anything because she never thought about
it. She's going where the herdtakes her. How does this supply to
the Supreme Court? Well, everythingin their minds is about Trump. Everything's
Trump, Trump, Trump, TrumpTrump. So even as Supreme Court ruling.
They're not going to see further thantwo inches in front of their face.

It's just an opportunity to get Trump, or a missed opportunity to get
Trump, which is how they lookat this. They're not thinking strategically.
Now, that's the first reason.The second reason is the communist. He
views himself as being a revolutionary.He views himself as being a revolutionary who

must exist outside of the law andoutside of the rules because he has a
higher calling, a higher purpose.He can't be bound by any rules because
what he's doing is for the greatergood. He's got to burn down America.

He's fighting a revolution against the GreatSatan of America. That's how democrats
think. And because he's the revolutionaryvanguard, well, the rules don't apply
to him. The rules always applyto you. Of course, you're not
part of the revolution. You're nothelping bring down the Great Satan of America.
For him, well, he getsspecial privileges and should have special privileges

because he's fighting the revolution. That'swhy John Kerry can take a private jet
all the way around the world togo to a climate change conference and complain
about the carbon your cowfarts are puttingout. How could he do that with
a straight face? He set iton camera before. Remember he had that
one reporter that the one thing.Chris grabbed that for me if you can
find it. The one reporter,to his credit, actually asked him about

it and said, well, holdon, you, Jo, you're talking
about climate change and you took aprivate jet it Christ. Listen to his
answer on that issue pollution. Iunderstand that you came here with a private
jet. Is that an environmental wayto travel? If you offset your carbon
it's the only choice for somebody likeme who is traveling the world to win

this battle. See, he's travelingthe world to do what to win the
battle? You peasant, Look,you're gonna have to eat bugs. You're
gonna have to give up your car, Your home is gonna have to be
ninety five degrees in the summertime,no travel outside of government allotted times.

You're going to have to have yourentire way of life destroyed. And you
should sit there and grin and bearit. But that's for you. For
him, well, he's fighting therevolution, he's in the vanguard. He
can't be subject to the same rulesyour subject too. The Communists don't think

in terms of laws in rules,because the communist is a religious zealot who
sees himself above that. He seeshimself beyond that. He's of a higher
calling than you or me. Andremember also there's also this aspect to it,
when we've talked about many times before. They see themselves as kings and

queens. They don't see themselves asrepresentatives or senators or presidents or protectors of
Western civilization. They see themselves asfeudal lords. And when the feudal lord
decides he needs you to put ona uniform and go fight and die for
him, he decides he's stealing yourwife and he's gonna murder your children.

You don't have any rights to sayone way or the other because you're the
peasant and he's the feudal lord.And that's how the communists sees himself.
Remember you, you the freedom lovingperson, and who drives what you want
to drive, You eat what youwant to eat, you say what you
want to say. You even,I bet you even question vaccines and things

like that. You the freedom lovingperson. In his mind, you are
what is holding the entire planet back, and you are what is burning down
the entire planet, and the communisthas to stop you. He has to
control you, whether that means handcuffingyou, hurting you in some way,

just constraining you. Whatever it is, you must be hurt or constrained to
save the world. Remember that poolwe brought you, the pool of democrats
during the pandemic of COVID. Rememberthe answers. Remember the percentages of how
many thought you should be locked upand have your kids taken away from you
if you didn't take a vaccine.I know you think she's your liberal ant

Peggy, and it's just her antianxiety medication. They're all tyrants underneath.
You scratch them a little bit andyou'll find a tyrant. This has been
a podcast from WR
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