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July 9, 2024 37 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is a podcast from War DayThe Jesse Kelly Show. Another hour of
The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, and of course we have a bunch
of stuff. We are going toget to the Biden family drama as soon
as I'm done with Medal of HonorMonday. Is Joe Biden staying? Is
he going? There's a division,a very clear division emerging. We're going

to talk about the why. We'lldo some emails and whatnot before we get
to any of that. We aregoing to do Medal of Honor Monday.
Now you know what time it is. Every Monday, we do the same
thing at the same time. Startof the second hour, we read a
Medal of Honor citation. Every timesomeone earns a Medal of Honor, they

do a write up, they doa citation on them, and if we
don't read them, it's like itnever happened. We have to remember the
men and remember their deeds. Howmany of these names don't I know?
Don't you know? Men who gaveup the entire rest of their lives,

many of them in an act ofheroism for this country, and we don't
even know their names. And thisis also how we spread positive culture,
good culture to our children by readingthese and we take email recommendations. You
can email us love, hate,death threats, Medal of Honor recommendations.
This guy sent this one in inDecember Jesse. I went through the town

of Kvore Cavour, South Dakota,population one twenty eight, and I thought
about all those studs you talk aboutwho might not be joining. Cavour is
home to Michael Fitzmorris, a Medalof Honor recipient. So without further Ado
Vietnam vet here he was from atown in South Dakota of one hundred and

twenty eight people. Hey, honoringthose who went above and beyond. It's
Medal of Honor Monday for conspicuous gallantryand intrepidity in action at the risk of
his life above and beyond the callof duty. SPC four C. Fitzmorris,

third Platoon, Troop D distinguished himselfat k San. SPC. Four
Fitzmorris and three fellow soldiers were occupyinga bunker when a company of North Vietnamese
sappers infiltrated the area. At theonset of the attack, SPC four C.
Fitzmorris observed three explosive charges which hadbeen thrown into the bunker by the

enemy. Realizing the imminent danger tohis comrades and with complete disregard for his
personal safety, he hurled two ofthe charges out of the bunker. He
then threw his flat vest and himselfover the remaining charge. By this courageous
act, he absorbed the blast andshielded his fellow soldiers. Although suffering from

serious multiple wounds and partial loss ofsight, he charged out of the bunker
and engaged the enemy until his riflewas damaged by the blast of an enemy
hand grenade. While in search ofanother weapon, this guy SPC four C.
Fitzmorris encountered and overcame an enemy sapperand hand to hand combat. Do

I need to remind you he wasalready blown up twice. Having obtained another
weapon, he returned to his originalfighting position and inflicted additional casualties on the
attacking enemy. Although seriously wounded,SPC. Four C. Fitzmorris refused to
be medically evacuated and preferred to remainat his post. Sp four C.

Fitzmorris's extraordinary heroism and action at therisk of his life contributed significantly to the
successful defense of the position and resultedin saving the lives of the number of
his fellow soldiers. These acts ofheroism go above and beyond the call of
duty and are in keeping with thehighest traditions of military service, and reflect
great credit upon SP four C.Fitz Morris in the US Army on a

stut. He's been blown up twiceand he kills the guy in hand to
hand combat? Man? How baddid that other guy feel was his life
was leaving. He's got to bethinking to himself, surely this big Americans
about to die. Oh my gosh, he's way stronger than I thought.
It's amazing. Sincely, that's amazing. You know what else is amazing The
drama going on at the White House. Now. I know you're probably boned

up on the news, but here'sthe deal. And there are divisions happening,
very clear divisions the Biden family.This is a lot of this is
rumor. I want to clarify thata lot of this is rumor. Now,
there are rumors, and there arerumors. Okay, I heard a

rumor that Chris is in there eatingshellfish. Eh, probably not very reliable,
right. These rumors I'm about topass along are rumors from very very
credible media sources. They haven't beenconfirmed by multiple sources. We don't have
the emails, the text messages,the video, We don't have public statements.

But what I'm about to say isprobably true. We know for a
fact the Biden family met over theweekend. It was reported that they were
meeting for two reasons. For aVogue magazine photo shoot. I'm not making
that up, and to discuss whetherJoe Biden should continue to run for president

again. Now there is a divisionemerging, okay, And here's what it
looks like. Joe Biden and thepeople who either are tethered to him by
money, and that's almost undoubtedly whatall this is. That's one group.
And then there's Joe Biden, hisallies of convenience. If you will,

you see these people, all thepeople you're gonna hear right here. They
were allies, staunch allies. Fora first one. I talked to President
Biden, you know, regularly,or sometimes several times in a week,
well usually several times in a week. His mental acuity is great, and
all this right wing propaganda that he'smental acuity is declined as wrong. He's

gonna win the election because he hasa great record, and I'm telling you,
this guy's tough, he's smart,he's on his game. And a
secretary of New York has said aminute ago, when you're going to brief
the president, you got to yougotta have your big boy pants on.
And and this kind of sense thathe's not ready for this job is just
a bucket of bs has so deep. That was all those people then,
But how they all sound like this. We're having a serious case. You're

wondering who this is. This isJamie Raskin. He is the Democrats.
Democrat, He's a world class pieceof communist trash. But there is no
lie. He won't tell if he'stold to do so by the system.
You want to talk about somebody whowill never lose his system membership card,
Jamie Raskin is what the system loves. A moral less, rootless piece of

communist garbage who will say and dowhatever he's told to do. The ultimate
company man. If Democrats asked JamieRaskin to drop all his clothes and go
dance naked in the middle of thestreet, covered in chocolate syrup, he
would do so without a moment ofhesitation, because that's who he is.
Now, why is he talking likethat? We're having a serious conversation about

what to do. Well, onething I can tell you is that regardless
of what President Biden desires, ourparty is going to be unified, and
our party also needs him at thevery center of our deliberations in our campaign.
And so whether he's the candidate orsomeone else is the candidate, he
is going to be the keynote speakerat our convention. He will be the

figure that we rally around to moveforward and beat the forces of authoritarianism and
reaction. Hey, whether he's thecandidate or not, I mean, he's
gonna he's gonna speak at the convention. How you want to talk about the
ultimate backhanded compliment. Hey, we'regonna look, Joe's gonna be super involved,

like really really involved, guys,And he's gonna he's gonna be involved
and super involved and really involved.And when we even let him speak anyway,
he's gonna be Okay. So JamieRaskin, he's off of it.
But that's the Democrats. We haveall these headlines. White House aids admit

Biden is only do it dependably engaged. Between the hours of ten am and
four pm. Yes, as we'vetalked about forever, that's called sundowning.
People with dementia at the end ofthe day take a nosedive that is visible.
If you've ever been around these people, it's like a it's probably not
the right word I want to say, but it's like a light switch gets

flipped. It really is. It'slike the lights get turned off. You
could have if you're going to haveconversations with them before it gets too bad.
It always has to happen during theday, preferably in the morning.
By the time evening rolls around.I'm sure there are a bunch of brilliant
doctors and medical people who know why, but they just they lose it.

It's gone. So Joe Biden hasdementia, and now White House aides are
talking about it. Jamie Raskin theDemocrats. Democrat, he's dumping Joe Biden.
We've played for you all the audiobefore of the most embarrassing people,
Joe Scarborough, the view, themost im bare. We are seeing.
Biden's suck ups in the world arenow well. I mean, I guess

he probably should. It is forthe best for democracy, but that's not
it's not universal. James Clyburn congressmansin South Carolina, very powerful congressman.
He doesn't see the problem with justit was a bad performance. I've been
around these things. I've been apart of debate preparation before, and I

know when I see what I callpreparation overload. And that's exactly what was
going on the other night. Iyeah, just over prepared. So what's
with the division? How do weHow do we explain this. We'll explain
it in just a moment. Thenwe'll do some emails and other things before
we explain that. Let me explainthis. IFCJ has a petition, a

pledge, if you will, andlook occasionally on the show, we asked
for things. Try not to dothat very much. To ask for things
if it's a cause we believe ina good cause to ask for things.
I don't know if I ever askedfor something as easy as signing a pledge.
What it is. It's a pledgesaying, hey, the Israeli people

are being slaughtered, attacked, bombed, rocketed, gosh, just every horrible
thing you can possibly go through.They're in the middle of a war right
now. We don't see that.We don't experience it because we're not there.
But they're in the middle of awar right now. The people we
hung out with over there when wedid our trip through the Holy Land and
you know where they crucify Jesus andeverything else. All those people they're going

through hel right now. Still talkto them. And all IFCJ is asking
for is that we sign a pledgesupport. IFCJ dot org they're gonna present
this pledge to NATANYAHUO. It's gonnabe really freaking cool. Support IFCJ dot
org. We'll be back. JesseKelly return. It is the Jesse Kelly

Show on a Monday. And whatare we doing tonight? We are absolutely
sitting here for three hours a nightseeing what can be unburdened by what can
imagine what can be and be unburdenedby what has been. You know,
what can be unburdened by what hasbeen? What can be unburdened by what
has been? What can be unburdened? My I can't all right, shut

him, shut up? Back tothe Biden drama. Though every media hack,
all these Democrats in the House andthe Senate Democrats on down ballot races
across the country, they all wantJoe Biden to go. Joe's gotta go.
Joe's gotta go. He's hurting theticket, He's hurting the take god.
Joe's gotta go. But James Cliburn, he's that very very powerful Republican

from South Carolina. He shares something. I'm about to have a theory for
you. He shares something with theBiden family. Apparently the Biden family over
the weekend told Joe not to go, Hunter, Jill, all of them,
they got it around discussing their options. Rumor has it Obama even personally

said he's got to go. Rumoralso has it Jill Biden confronted Obama to
his face and said, no,he doesn't gave him the old last night
on the debate stage with Joe Biden. Can you imagine that voice in person?
That would be brutal. That's againthe first lady giving a speech when
no one elected her to do anythingand no one needs to hear her mouth

at all. But either way,we'll set that aside. Why is Jill
Biden, Hunter Biden, and JamesClyburn, the congressman from South Carolina.
Why would they all be encouraging JoeBiden to stay when everyone else says he
should go. Tell you what,Let's take this in order. James Clyburn.

Maybe you don't know much about JamesClyburn. If you're one of the
people listening to the sound of myvoice in South Carolina, you do.
But who is James Cliburn? Okay, he's a congressman, remember of the
House from South Carolina? What's hisdeal? Well, there are much different
levels of power with people who sharethe same title lots at the time.

Did you know that much? Much, much different levels of power, especially
when it comes to something called theHouse of Representative, which you know about.
If if I'd won my race forCongress, you know, I ran
for Congress twice, and let's sayI won by four thousand votes instead of
losing my four thousand votes and boomthere I am. I think I was
twenty seven, twenty seven year oldJesse walk it into Congress. How much

power would I have had over myfellow congressman and the caucus, whatever caucus
it would have been, whichever whoeverI mine would have been the Freedom Caucus.
But how much power would I havebeen? Would I have had?
Not much? I'm a freshman congressman. No one even knows who I am.
No one knows if I'm even gonnabe there another another term. No,

I haven't had a chance to raisemoney for anybody. I'm not walking
in there swaying anything. Now,if you take a Republican who was in
the House at the time, likea John Bayner, he to be fair,
you have the same title I wouldhave had Member of Congress representative,
but he had huge amounts of powerof coach. James Clyburn's not just your

average everyday Democrat. He is majorlypowerful. He's not only majorly powerful,
he's majorly powerful amongst the group youneed badly if you're going to be the
Democrat nominee for president. James Clyburnis incredibly powerful with black Democrats in South

Carolina. And this is gonna getand it is some politico weed territory here.
But just stay with me because it'sgoing to make more sense as we
go along. In case you don'tremember all this story. So let's rewind
a little Bit's come back to themeeting. Let's rewind back to the Democrat
primary. Remember Trump, it's electedin twenty sixteen, he's running. Everything's

going fine, Democrats decide they're goingto go after him. Of course they
would, and they have a bigprimary. You remember who was in that
primary, at least you remember mostof them. Remember it had a huge
gaggle of people in there. EricSwallwell Dome was in there. She was
part of the primary. Elizabeth Warren. You surely can't forget that. Elizabeth

Warren is the one who took aDNA test to prove she was part Indian,
and the DNA test came back conclusivelystating Elizabeth Warren is the whitest human
being in the history of the world. And instead of keeping that DNA test
quiet, she advertised the fact thatshe's the whitest human on earth anyway.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, Andwhat happened at the time was Democrats,

the Democrat power brokers were talking majordonors. It would be the pelosis of
the world. They were looking atwho was winning the Democrat primary, and
that who was winning that Democrat primarywas Bernie Sanders. And then they were
looking at general election polling and they'relooking at the problems Bernie Sanders can bring.
And they said to themselves, thisis not going to work. Where

we're not going to be able tobeat Trump. Beating Trump is the only
thing that matters. So let's getJoe Biden. Hey, at least people
know who he is. He wasvice president under Obama. Obama's still popular
in Democrat circles. Let's grab JoeBiden. He's sitting there in retirement,
he's not doing anything. Let's grabJoe and let's make him run for president.

So they did. They went outand grabbed Joe Biden. Hey,
Joe, you're running now. OnlyJoe was running into some problems. He
was running into real problems. Allthis is going to come back to the
meeting they had, So just staywith me. I have a theory going
on here. We'll come back tothat in a moment before we get to
that. I know what you're probablysitting there thinking right now, Jesse,

how are you so focused? Myfocus is just stay focused. Well,
I I take a lot of chalk. I'll be honest with you. I
don't even know how many chalk productsI use. Now. Look, I
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why don't you reach out to Chalkand talk to them about it.
You know they'll talk to you.You might just find yourself feeling so much
better than you have in years.Call or text them five zero Chalk three
thousand. That's five zero c CHOQthree thousands. Tell him I sent you.

We'll be back. It is theJesse Kelly Show on a Monday.
Member, you can email this showJesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Back
to what we were talking about,I have a theory. I'm gonna get
to my theory in a moment.So the only people right now encouraging Joe
Biden to keep running are his immediatefamily and James Clyburn and a couple other

antelary characters. Where we're focus onJames Clyburn for a moment, we're doing
a little history. Remember Joe Bidenjumps in the Democrat primary challenging Trump in
twenty twenty, and Joe Biden isnot winning this primary. He's not he's
having a hard time getting traction.The poll numbers aren't looking good. He's
got a Bernie Sanders problem. What'she going to do? And then there

was a huge Democrat primary state comingup, South Carolina. Republicans and Democrats
both focus on South Carolina. Wedon't have to cover all the details of
why, but just know, ifyou want to be president, if you
want to be the Republican nominee orDemocrat nominee, it really really, really

really really helps to win South Carolina. Joe Biden was facing a situation where
his poll numbers, he was notcatching on with Democrat voters. His poll
numbers weren't where they should be,and he needed South Carolina. It wasn't
one of these situations where he's all, you know what, it'd be nice

if we had it. It wasa conversation of if we don't have South
Carolina, I don't think we canwin this primary. That's where Joe Biden
us And then at the exact momentwhen he needed it most a, James
Clyburn of South Carolina comes forward.Now, I remember, you don't have

to understand all the details of this. James Clyburn is the most powerful voice
by a mile with black Democrats inSouth Carolina. As James Clyburn says,
they go, and there's another partof that. As black Democrats go in
South Carolina, so does the Democratprimary. You go into South Carolina,

you win the black vote, youwin the Democrat primary in South Carolina,
And James Clyburn is the man whois going to make that decision for you.
And out of the blue, Joefrigging Biden steps forward, and James
Clyburn is his biggest champion. Henot only endorses Joe Biden, he endorses

him publicly. He runs to everysingle television station. Joe Biden's the only
one who could protect black people fromfrom Trump taking us back to slavery and
every despicable thing you could possibly say. James Clyburn said it, endorsing Joe
Biden and campaigning against Donald Trump,and voila, Joe Biden wins South Carolina

the Democrat Party. That well,it does what it does, It runs
everyone else out of the race.Joe Biden's all of a sudden the Democrat
nominee. You stuffed some ballot boxesa little while later, and boom,
Joe Biden's President of the United Statesof America. James Clyburn is as responsible
as anyone in the country for JoeBiden being the President of the United States

of America. And he's still outthere joining just Jill and Hunter encouraging him
to keep going and making every excusein the flat of debate, but nobody
will do in it fact checking.You just said what you want to say.
You know, it's a lie.The guy to a thirty some out
lies, and nobody checked him onit and said that was up to Joe

Biden to do. I'm not toosure if I ask you a question and
you lied to me with the answer, I wan to follow up and give
you what the facts are and seewhat your reaction to that would be.
So that to me was not theway that the plan of debate. That
was the planners. Why weren't theyfact checking Biden? And now to my

theory, why why would James Clyburncome out and support Joe Biden in that
primary? That's really the question.He handed him South Carolina, and in
so doing he handed him the Democratnomination, and really and so doing handed

him the White House. Why though, Well, my theory I should have
should have probably led with this.It is a bit vague, but my
theory is this, Chris said,a paycheck. Maybe maybe it was money
for Jim, maybe it was moneyfor a family member. We know the

bidens, that's what they do.I don't know what it would be,
but I do know this, orat least I should say I suspect this.
I shouldn't say I know. That'snot fair. I tell you when
I know something, I don't wantto act like I know this. I
suspect that James Clyburn has a veryvery very sweetheart deal that is only sweet

as long as Joe Biden occupies theWhite House. Whether that's illegal, I
don't know. Doesn't always have tobe illegal. Remember, when you're President
of the United States of America,you've got a big old fat rolodex.
It doesn't mean he's handing James Clyburna briefcase full of cash underneath the chili's
on a Friday night. It mightmean James Clyburn's granddaughter has a job at

a powerful law firm she never wouldhave got otherwise because Joe Biden's big donor
hired it. You don't know whatit looks like, but for James Clyburn
to be one of the only powerfulDemocrats nationwide who's staying with him tells me
that James Clyburn is tied financially insome way to Joe Biden, and that

of course brings us to the Bidenfamily. They had a meeting this weekend.
Hunter Biden was there, Jill Bidenwas there, and the entire world,
Democrats, Republicans, everybody, everyone'scalling for Joe Biden to get out
of the race. Joe bow out, Joe bow out. Republicans want him

to bow out because he's a disaster. Democrats want him to bow out because
he can't win. They don't carethat he's a disaster. He can't win.
Well, we'll come back to thatin a minute. They don't think
he can win. I should say, but why why Jill and Hunter.
Why did they reportedly vehemently encourage JoeBiden to stay in the race. Now

he's not going anywhere. Why,Well, I'm looking right now at Why
what am I looking at? Areyou watching on the simulcast? You know
they simulcast the show on the firstTV. If you ever want to watch
me do the radio show, whichI don't know. I don't know why
you would, but I'm here doingthe show. If you want to watch
me do what, it's on thefirst TV. Do you want to see

why, I'll do a visual foryou then I'll explain it. That's why
what am I holding up? Thisis the cover of Vogue magazine? And
who is that? That is JillBiden on the cover of Vogue magazine.
Remember this about the Biden family,It's not a recent thing that they became

a criminal organization from a very veryearly time in Joe Biden's career. If
you're to believe some reporters, thishappened actually before he was even elected.
But whatever the case, early inhis career it was decided that Joe would
be the politician, He was thefigurehead, and he would use his political

power wherever that was Congress, Senate, for vice president, presidency. He
would use that political power to enrichall of his family members, all the
people around him. They are allsimply moons orbiting around Joe Biden. Joe

Biden is their meal ticket, andJoe Biden has been the Biden family meal
ticket for decades. Joe having accessto power, having access to your money
is the only reason a lot ofthese people aren't on food stamps. And
so if you're confused in any way, why Jill Biden could be such a

heartless witch and encourage her husband tokeep running, and Hunter Biden could look
at his feeble father practically on hisdeathbed on the debate stage and say,
hey, Dad, go get himagain, Or why anyone in his orbit
is encouraging Joe Biden to stay.Just know this, one hundred percent of

the people calling for Joe Biden tostay have a financial interest in Joe Biden
remaining just where he is. That'swhy they're encouraging Joe Biden to stay.
Don't forget it. All right,all right, we're gonna make fun of

Dome and we're going to talk aboutihan Omar, But first I owe you
emails. I'm so far behind,and I don't know that I've done one,
and that's not good. So let'sdig into some emails. But first
let's dig into this training. Trainingwith your weapon. You know, it's

fun to talk about. Sometimes it'shard to find the time. Sometimes it's
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Mantisx dot com is where you gomattisx dot com. We'll be back the
Jesse Kelly Show. It is theJesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Member.
If you miss any part of theshow. You can download the whole
thing on iHeart, Spotify iTunes.Now I owe you some emails before we

got on to some some other things. Steve Bannon going to jail starting today.
Oh in this doozy too. SoI have a thing, a thing
that we should probably discuss the idiots. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be
very really, really nice. Theidiots are out there and they're trying to

get AM radio removed from vehicles.They're trying to have AM radio removed from
vehicles. This is it's very obviouswhat they're doing. But we'll set aside
the obvious parts and let me justsay this really quickly. In rural areas,
it's obviously city people doing this.In rural areas, AM radio is

an emergency necessity. You need thingslike this tornado coming AM. I the
only one who's lived rurally. AMradio is what people rely on. So
if you wouldn't mind, I'm askingfor a favor. I want you to
text the letters AM Alpha Mike AlphaMike to the number five to eight eight

six. The number is five toeight eight six. All that is is
you're encouraging congress in this AM radiofor every Vehicle Act to stop this insanity
of stripping this thing out of vehicles. It's not like I want wanted it
to be the only thing in vehicles, but man, I'm telling you this
is a necessity for people. Noteveryone lives in freaking New York City.

People need these things. AM radiofor every Vehicle Act. It does.
What you need to do is textAM to five to eight eight six.
All right, it does matter.Asking for a favor, go for it.
Let's do some emails, Jesse.Just an observation I wanted to share.
It seems like the entire left isshocked about Joe Biden after the debate

performance. Up until yesterday, theywere one hundred percent behind him, declaring
he was in fit, tiptop mentalshape, so on and so forth,
and now is up today they can'trun away fast enough. You have to
ask, given how highly they thoughtof him before, is it right to
abandon your guy simply because he hada bad debate performance. I mean,

doesn't everyone have an off day everynow and then? Okay, let's talk
about this. Why did they allturn on a dime? You're liberally and
Peggy turned on a dime too,didn't she didn't she The Democrat in your
life, you know, you workwith one, maybe you're related to one,

live next to one. The Democratin your life turned on Joe Biden,
didn't they? If you talk tohim, since what they put on
Facebook, they turned on him.Why shouldn't they just stick with their guy?
What's their problem? What's the deal? Okay, let's talk about that.

Democrats, let's set that aside.Communists are more robot than human.
I'm not going to go into thewhole thing on it. I've done before,
but this is what I mean.I don't mean that as insulting as
it came out. The only reasonyou would choose to be on the left,
It's not like you forget forget Republicansor libertarians or nationalists or those people.

If you choose to be on theleft, that's a choice. The
only reason you would ever make thatchoice is you want to be long as
part of a group. You wantto be part of a group, and
the reason you want to be partof a group is their safety and security.

As being part of the group,you don't have to think, you
don't want to think. So whenI talk about the hive mind, these
people are robots. Now, theydon't have thoughts of their own. They
think whatever they're told to think.They say whatever they're told to say,

whatever the hive mind has decided,your liberal ant Peggy will agree with.
So the hive mind could come outtoday and say chocolate ice cream is the
best, and liberal ant Peggy,without a minute of hesitation, will go
immediately to social media and she'll blowup your fourth at July party and everything
else. Say I love chocolate icecream, chocolate ice cream is the best,

Oh, the chocolate ice cream,and you're a fascist if you hate
chocolate ice cream. And then likethat, the hive mind can say chocolate
sucks, vanilla is the best,and without any shame, without any humility,
without any hesitation, Liberal ant Peggywill walk into the same party that

day saying I love vanilla. Ican't believe you serve chocolate here. That's
disgusting. That is because these peoplenot only don't think, they don't want
to. That's what I've tried toget through to you over and over and
over again. They didn't flip onJoe Biden because of his debate performance.

That's why the system flipped on JoeBiden. Your Liberal at Peggy flipped on
Joe Biden because that's what the systemtold her to do, and if she
wants to remain part of the system, and she does, because the system
is her god, it's her beliefsystem, it's her entire life. If
she's not welcomed as part of that, oh my gosh, her whole world

comes apart. So the system ittold her last Wednesday that Joe Biden was
sharp and vibrant, and anyone's sayingotherwise is lying. And those videos were
cheap fakes and it's not fair whatthey're saying to Joe who has a stutter.
And then Thursday he has a baddebate, and Friday she wakes up

and say, this guy has togo. We have to stop Trump.
Joe isn't ready what we have toget rid of him because they say what
they're told. You can't make senseof it because you think, you think
logically, you think for yourself.These people do not. It is their

great strength and their great weakness.They don't think, and they don't want
to think. They want to betold what to think. This has been
a podcast from wor
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