All Episodes

March 7, 2022 37 mins

Wedding Crasher!!

Paris gets the scoop from Lukas Gage (The White Lotus / Euphoria) about how he ended up on the dance floor at her wedding.

Lukas sets the record straight and reveals who he isn’t dating and dishes on his love for Paris.

BUTT…. so much more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Hey everybody, we are back with another
episode of This Is Paris, and I'm really excited about
today's guest. Hey Hunter, what's up? Hi? Yeah, today's guests.

Apparently you were on Andy Cohen and this particular guest
told you that they crashed your wedding. So my mom
and I were on Andy Cohen Show and he told us, Um,
do you know this guy Lucas Gage? And I was
like no, and he's like, showed a picture of him
and I was like, oh, it's a guy from White Lotus.
He's like, yeah, he crashed your wedding. I was like,
what How did you not know? Because there were so

many people there and I was you know, you saw me.
I was like a bride. I was so stressed out
already as it is, so I wouldn't have noticed if
anyone had grashed or not. Wow were you upset when
you felt about Actually no, I wasn't because I loved
him on White Lotus and Carter and I were just
watching that and you know, like whatever, he's sweet, he's nice.

And then I actually invited him to my This is
Paris premiere party for the final episode, and um, he
came to that, and we totally bonded. He's so sweet,
so cute, so cool, and we're like now BFFs. Oh
my god, it's amazing. Yeah, he said that he wants

to be the efficient when we do um the renewal
of our vows. Well, I don't like that he's taking
my position, but I think if you were going to
replace me with anybody, he's a good one. Well he's
here today, so let's find out what he knows about
your wedding that you might not remember. It's Lucas Gage.
This isn't a video, right because I just got Michael
new in this morning too. I'm really red and botched

right now, but I gotta look hot for this. Look. Actually,
I think do have that zoom thing on that felteric
It looks cool. I don't, but I'm going to turn
it on. It's just a natural post needling skin looks
goun So wait, you did the micro needling? What what
is the what? What is that? It's just to help
with scarring a little discoloration. I don't know. I'm sure

it's bullshit. They just stab you with needles. I I
got jumped when I was eighteen, and I have these
scars on my lip and my nose, and I don't know.
It's part of me is like it builds character. Another
part of me is I want to be like perfection skin,
like Paris. Nobody can be like Paris and skin. It's ridiculous.
It's dump the way that I have way more wrinkles

and imperfections in you. Paris is not okay, thank you well,
MICRONI dealing does work like. It's a really good facial
so I was. My dermatologist said that I need to
stop being a whimp and do the Morpheus. Oh yeah,
Morpheus is insane. I love it. Does it work? Yes,
it's so good. Um, will you just drop me your
skincare routina. I'm gonna just do whatever. Yes, you should

go to my facialist, Heather Nicole. She's literally the biggest
g legend I've been going over so many years. That's
why I've never had to do botox. I've never done injectables.
I'm all natural. Never, I'm natural nothing. You're so hot
because I'm like, I'm you know, I'm starting to go
into my late twenties and I'm like, is it time

to do that stuff? But I'm I'm trying to hold
off for as much as I can because I want
to be able to move my face to my act,
but I want to be smoothed like you. That's secondary
to perfect skin. Though exactly do morpheous. It works. Okay,
I'm gonna do morepheous and I'm gonna go to your
facial facial. I'll text you her number. She's the best.

Please do. I'm obsessed with her, Please do. I want
to go ahead and ask you. First off, we kind
of talked about it already a little bit me in Paris.
But how did you crash pair his wedding? How did
that happen? Listen? I think that the story, the story
got a little bit fumbled and maybe exaggerated. But I

had a friend, a mutual friend, that was there at
the wedding, and he didn't tell me that it was
a wedding. He just said, come to Paris's party. And
obviously I'm Paris's biggest fan. I've been since her album
Paris in Simple Life. Um literally, it's the best pop
album ever made. I've worshiped her since I was a

little kid. Um, So I of course jumped on an
opportunity and I showed up in this disgusting T shirt
at Paris. Is was the after party for the wedding.
It was the third day of the wedding. It was
like the final celebration. Yeah, um yeah, I just I'm

the worst for doing that. And I just wish I
was prepared, because at least if I knew I would
come in a nice suit and a gift, I would
still crash it, but I would have done it much
more acutely. Well, I'm actually not even mad, because I
was like, right before I went on Andy's show, and

he told me that my husband and I were watching
White Lotus and we were obsessed with the show and
you so and I was like, oh my god, he
was in my wedding. That's so cool. So I wasn't
mad at all. I was like, actually, like, oh, I
wish I met him and we talked that night. But
then I'm happy that we became friends. Well, we did
dance by each other for a second. I mean, you

were very preoccupied because you had so many people dancing,
But I feel like there was a moment where you
checked in with me, like why is this person not
have a suit on? No. I remember having a flashback
to to like you dancing now that we're talking about it. Yes,
I was dancing and I was taking shots with the housewives,
and um, I think it was something that you would

have done, don't you think? Like you? I feel like
I could imagine you crashing a wedding, So that's in
my head. I was like, I feel like Paris is
so iconic that she would do something like this. Maybe
I'm totally wrong. I wouldn't crash it because I would
probably just be invited. Um, but I would have fun
and dance and whatever. Um. But yeah, maybe when I

was a little in there, like I then Madonna's wedding
and like I can get you in like come, I
feel like, okay, you are this generation's Madonna. Also, you're
shade to me on Andy Cohen's I mean, you were
so cool about it. But the way that you said,
let him have something, it was the most genius thing

anyone has ever said to me. And I want to
get it tattooed on me. Just let him have something,
Let him have something. Well, that's a line that I
always say. I've been saying it for years. My mom
made it up years years ago, and it was just like,
I think that was perfect timing to say it for that.
Let him have something, let him have some think it's

truly my favorite thing. Ever, my friends tell me that
all the time. They've been quoting you ever since. Kind
of like, yeah, you've really made a big impact on
on my social life. I think people think I'm cool
now because of our friendship that's developed from this. Yes,

you're in all the cool problem since I met you
years ago, or since the awesomest days You've really started
every cool project that's come out, especially the last few years.
Is that weird for you? He's so weird it out
by it? No? I mean it was kind of a
conscious effort to to do cool stuff, Like I had
the choice to to. I had the choice to either

do smaller parts and cooler projects, or do I sell out?
I mean, I'll still sell out for the right stuff,
But do I sell out and go to a CW
or a Disney show where I'm the star of it
but I'm miserable. Maybe it wouldn't be miserable, maybe maybe
like rich and living. But I just I made an
effort to be like I really wanted to do cool stuff.
I really want to work with cool people. And if

that means I have to do like the tinier roles
and euphoria or white lotus like eventually that will that
will build to me being able to do bigger parts
and shows like that well worked out. Yeah, So where
are you from? Like how did this all start? I'm
from San Diego. I was born and raised there. And

actually another throwback when I was in seventh grades when
I got a camera. I got a cannon for my
birthday present, I think in an Apple computer because I
went to this film camp and I made this TV
show not TV shows like I made it with my
friends in neighborhood where I like made the girls dressed

up as guys and the girls dressed up as I
made the guys dressed up as girls and the girls
dress up as guys. Thank you um. And the soundtrack
was just Paris. It was your album. The opening credits,
I will send it to you, and I'm not lying.
It's me in wigs and my like the girls like
can guy clothes and the opening is jealousy. Oh my god,
that's so iconic. And I just like truly created it

on final cut and I would like sell it at
school and be like by my TV show. How long
is this thing I've ever heard? I need to see this.
I'm going to send you a link to it. You're
gonna be shook shook. I love it. Why are you
such a big Paris fan? Like? Was there someone who
introduced you to it? Or did you just find her

on your own? Okay, well, I think it started with
House of Wax. Um also like one of the most
underrated movies of all time. I think it's seriously the
best movie ever. And um, and then there was like,
you know, she was just like the Simple Life was
so iconic and funny. And then there was the you know,

the Carls Junior commercial. I just feel like everyone, especially
in San Diego, I feel like Paris and Nicole were
like who everybody wanted to be in middle school, Like
the girls would dress up and like copy their outfits
and and I I think the thing that made me
fall in love, but there was Paris's album Screwed, Stars
Are Blind Nothing in this World Turn it up? Wait?

What was that? What do you think I'm sexy? Yes? Good?
What's the one where you like? Did it was like
you did like a you use like a beata from
like Abba or something? Do you know what I'm talking about.
Used the sample was that I Want you Want Yes,
I like forgotten, Okay, that song is the whole album

is the most underrated, like best pop album of all time,
but that song needs to be re found and like that,
I don't know why that wasn't a single on that.
I'm actually going back in the studio now, like you know,
Taylor Swift rerecorded all her songs. I'm doing that now,
is this version and doing like remixes like on Stars

Are Blind and just like that album was so sick
and I was supposed to go on tour for it,
but I was too scared to leave my boyfriend at
the time because I was like, he's gonna cheat on me.
I'm gonna be embarrassed. So I literally canceled an entire
tour that was like a worldwide tour for that album
to stay in l A. Oh my God beyond. Who

is the boyfriend at the no I don't want to say,
but Kim, Kim whoever, you ended up doing what exactly
what I didn't want to do. He ended up doing
it anyway. I was like, thanks, I literally canceled my
tour because of you, and you still did it. Well,
I want to go into that. I want to go
into the studio with you, and maybe I'll can give

you like intern it up. I can do like like
a yeah, that's hot, gonna gonna make me scream, just
like give me a little sample in there. We'll do
the remix with Lucas Gate on there. Yeah, let's do it.
I love that there. Las. Do you have a crush
on Paris growing up? Or is this no crush and

an idol? Everyone either wanted to be Paris or wanted
to date Paris. This is my favorite interview ever. Let's
just say you had met Paris back then, and or
let's just say you had met Paris when she was single, right,
not that long ago, three years ago, and you saw her,
what would you have said? Not knowing who, not knowing

her personally at that point he saw on the street.
How does Lucas Gage approach Paris? Hilton? I would say, Paris,
if you show me real love, baby, I'll show you
mine and I can make it nice sortie. I'll be
the devil and a an angel too. I would Yeah,
I would probably pull one of her songs, um and
then I'd probably show her my my show and just

try to try to go on a date from there.
I don't know I would just I think i'd be
too shook, honestly, the way that I leave my body
when I met you. Like not to say that Meryl
Streep and other people aren't cool that I met, but
like I disassociated when I met you, Like I actually

left my body and it was not well. I love
you so much. I love you too. Would have worked, you,
It would have worked if you would have came out
to me and said that and did that, I would
have done. I'm going to tell you something even more
crazy that's going to blow your mind. Okay. So I

was in the Palisades movie theater right before the pandemic.
You were in the same movie theater with me. It
was empty, it was the Invisible Man. You were sitting
in front of me, and I literally couldn't watch the
movie because I was just shaking the whole time. I
was not well, and I wanted so bad to go
up to you after movie. And I know that you
would have been cool because you're like a sweetheart, but

I actually couldn't do it. But like I was with
some of the people from Euphoria and we were just
like holding onto each other screaming while you were in
front of us. We didn't even watch the movie. Oh
my god, it was you. Guys. Would have came up
to me, I'm obsessed with ephor you. I would have
been like, I would have been shook. We were. We
were like too scared to say anything. Um. I was

with Maud and Hunter and we were actually not. Well.
I love mom too. She loves you so much. I
love her and I love her sister and I love
her mom, I love her dad, got Iris family. Me
and Iris have been talking about you for years. It's
like we're demented. Sorry, what were you staying? Hunter? Well,
I was just didn't. I was just get like a

little bit of a the pop culture tabloids because she
confirmed that you and were dating. I feel like Iris
Irish just loves with people like I do, and we
really just get off on it. And yeah, it's somehow
became an article and then like they called my people.

My voice is grect. They called my people and they're like,
can he confirm it to I? This and I wanted
to keep the rumor going, but we had to squash
it and say it was a joke. We should sort
of rumor that Paris and I and her new husband
I'm being added as a third to the relationship. By
the way, this is not the first time you've mentioned

three sums. We did our research. You've mentioned it a
lot that you love the idea of a throuble. Huh,
I really do. I actually just got a text sent
to me because I'm having a party on Saturday, Paris
and Hunter. You're invited, And my friend invited Kate Beckinsale
and she wrote, Lucas Gauge not the kid that always

brings up the three sums. I think he's asked me
to once or twice before already. Did you ask her
at my wedding? No, I wasn't at your because she
was there same night as you. Yeah, she was on
the third nights are there. She's so cool and so
I love her. She's so hot the other night at
my friend's house. Whatever she is doing to oh Yeah's.

You're about the right age for Kate back and Sale.
You're in fact, in fact, I think you're aging out
of Kate beck and Sales bracket right now. So I
know I'm getting old. You have to hurry up, where up?
Just jump on the kpe back and sale train. What
is your type? What do you like? You know what?
I'm really an enigma? I like it all. I'm I'm

just like d TF. I don't know, like I really
and I know it sounds like bullshit, Like I I
don't know if that makes me polyamorous, if it makes
me like what on the spectrum? I'm just literally open
for anything and everything. I feel like no one can

figure out what I am or what I'm into, and
I don't even know what I am or what I'm into.
I'm just just down for the person. You know that. Yes,
I've fallen in love with every buddy and everything, including myself.

Let's go through a couple of your projects then, and
I'm going to ask you, out of everybody you were
on the cast with, regardless of whether or not you
ever acted on it, who did you fall in love
with the most? So we'll start with White Lotus, Jennifer
Coolidge and Molly Shannon hands down, and then Bartlett and
then Sydney is also just like the hottest person of
all time, Brittany. Actually, everybody's so hot on that show.

I would hook up with everyone on that show. Okay,
it's gonna be the same answer for Euphoria then, I mean,
that's actually the hottest cast of all time, from Hunter
to Barbie to Jacob too, like the moms and dads
in the show, like everyone is hot. Pick your perfect

rupple from Euphoria. Oh my god. Um, I'm gonna say Hunter,
Alexa and m kind of like kind of Fesco angus. Yeah,

they're all hot. Can I just have We'll make it
at eight thruple whatever? That would be a quadruple an
Octople Octople. Yeah, they're all hot. That's great, big fan
of Euphoria. Would you guys? I love? Who would we
with them? Yeah? Who would you have? A three? Someone

within the show? You can't. I know, I'm gonna ask
you for that white lotus too, because I can't be
the only one answering questions. Um, my husband kill me
if I said that. We'll talk to him later. He'll
be fine with it. He seems so cool, by the way,
Like he literally was laughing when I was saying, oh hot,
you guys were at your alright, Uter, I think he

meant you, but I'll say probably Hunter as well. Just
get two Hunters in there, and then also, uh, Alexa. Yeah,
I don't know, they're all they're all stunning. It was
that were you bummed when you did the first season
where you like, can can my character please please come

back for all of the seasons moving forward? Yeah, I
mean it's one of the best shows ever on TV.
But I also I have hope for him season three
that he's gonna have a little comeback. I don't know.
I've been hearing some stuff. Hopefully I will see that
come forward. But I understand why he didn't and why
it wasn't a central story. I just truly auditioned for

every character, and they're from Jacob's character to Angus Is
and I got pretty close. And then they I think
they felt bad for me because I didn't get any
of them and gave me the guy that gets his
ass kicked and ruined. So yeah, by the way, I
can't wait for this to become clickbait and be like
Lucas Gauge says he wants to everybody in the cast

of White Lotus and Neuphoria, I guarantee you I said
one thing about ass eating on Andy Cohen, and suddenly
it was like Lucas Gauge wants to make a petition
to normalize as seating everywhere. It's like I heard that
it was my idea. It was my idea, so I
kind of asked for it. I would sign the petition.
I would support you. I think we should normalize it.

I think we should normalize it too. I just I
didn't know that it was going to become like I
was the asked eating spokesperson. At least give me like
a sweet Greens ad, you know, I pitched the sweet Greens.
I said, what if we do like a salad tossing
ad with me. You've got so many viral moments, like

especially like the director thing where the director kind of
pooped on your apartment a little bit, A lot of
viral moments, a lot of viral diseases, including COVID. It
way too many times you weren't being safe for you. No,
I actually the the sup thing is I was being
really safe. I always wore a mask. I think I

just ever since I got monto in seventh grade creating
my My Paris Hilton soundtrack show, I just got sick
all the time. My immune system is horrible, but I'm triple.
I have the booster, I have all the shots and
I just keep getting it. Yeah, well, maybe before you

get sick again, you can push for Paris to join
you in either euphor Us and She Loves It or
White Lotus if you do come back season three. I
feel like that's the next petition you should. You should
do the way that they would be so lucky to
have Paris on there, and how Mike White and Sam
Levinson would immediately write you in Paris. I would die

to be on that show. I'm ready. Yeah, I think that,
Like you were so good in the House to Wax.
You're such a such a charming, funny, quick, smart, amazing
actress and host and everything that you. I just like
need you to bring back your music and your TV.

I know that you're doing the scripted stuff or the unscripted,
but I want you unscripted too. I'll write you a
movie and we can start it. Hell yeah, let's do it,
because you do that too. You write and produce, and
you're working on a project right now with someone from
White Lotus. What's that project? UM? I wrote my first

film after Um, after White Lotus, and I shot it
with Simon Rex and Zachary Quinto and Audra McDonald and
Judith Lytt and comes out soon. Yeah. I love Simon,
loves you so much, my homie. We've been friends since

I was like fifteen. He's the best, honestly, Like, I
am so happy he's having a moment right now. And
I not to not to like take claim of it,
but I wanted him and wrote this role for him
before Red Rocket came out or anyone knew about it.
I just couldn't imagine anyone else playing it but him

and his comedic timing and scary movie and just like
Sitcom days, I just thought he would be perfect for it,
and he absolutely kills it in this movie. Oh, I
can't wait to see that. He's so funny, like when
he plays those characters like Rico and it's it's so good,
Like I love it. I want to see Red Rocket.

I watched the trailer for it. It looked really dope
and I'm just proud of It's great. You'll like Red Rocket.
You're like down low with me and him. We have
some crazy scenes. I also asked him for a threesome
in the movie spoiler alert. Um, yeah, I'm just like
really pressing for threesomes everywhere. Lucas On Harris Hilton's podcast

and couldn't stop bringing Oh god, it's gonna be clickbait,
you guys, I can already feel it. It's coming, it's coming.
It's good because it will also lead them to the
petition for Paris to be on Euphoria. So it's gonna
come full circle to help exactly. Um, and then I
feel like not to keep harping on the fact that
you're a part of all these blockbuster shows that are

like so Zeitgeisi right now, but now you're gonna be
on you. Yeah, I'm obsessed with you and obsessed with
you and you Pi. Um, but I love that show.
I think it's so getting fun and weird and insane
but also really smart. So I just kept writing Greg
Berlante and being like, can you put me on the show?

And um, I didn't get it last season, but then
this season came up, and I I dared anyone to
try to fight me for that role. I just was like,
this is mine. I will and I wanted to go
to London in Paris. So but you actually wrote Greg
Berlante a lot like you were just what you're texting him,
we're writing emails. I was you writing him an email
because I I've met with him before, just you know,

auditioning and writing projects, and I'm just kind of a stalker.
I wrote to Mike White and Sam Levinson for for
White Lotus and Euphoria. I when I get obsessed with something,
I just like, I feel like Paris. You're the same way.
Like you when you're determined to get something done, You're
gonna do it no matter what, and you don't take
no for an answer. And I think that people because

we're very fun and we're blond and hot, like people
can underestimate us because I don't know, I think that's
what makes us interesting, the duality of like we party hard,
we play hard, but we work even harder. Mm hmmm,
work hard, play harder. Did I say it backwards again?
I don't know, Like I have brain fog. I just

got done with COVID. It's okay. The point is you
live hard and speaking please live. I'm so proud of
you for you. I when I read that, I was like, hell, yeah,
like that is just so exciting, Like I'm so proud
of you. You're just like killing it so hardcore and
you deserve it so much, and just like it's it's

just really dope. Thank you so much for saying that
that coming from you, that um, that truly means a lot.
Twelve year old me would be shoting his pants if
I had told him that Paris Hilton was going to
tell me how proud she was in my twenties. Yes, like,
that's so surreal. I'm slipping. Yes, this is Paris. This

is seven slipping questions. Let's go. Are you ready for
your seven sliving questions? Yeah? Right? What is your life slogan?
Play hard, work even harder to steal what I just said.
I've literally writing where you said that. I thought you
were going to say that, and then I thought you

were going to end it with hardest, given harder. No,
I was gonna I was gonna do a s. But yes, okay,
yeah those are my two qualds. Yes, okay. What is

your favorite body part of yourself? Myself? Now the answer
completely changes. I love my neck. I think it's a
good neck. It has aged so well and it's just

it's a cute, little kissable neck. Yeah, my neck. What
is what was it going to be your answer when
I was saying when you thought I met other people
spot parts? I love it back. I love a good
back and a good bum nice and a good foot
if it's a good foot, But a gross foot is
so gross? You like it all? Like at all? Do

you believe in ghosts? I've seen one? You did how
where I was a little boy, and I always I
was like full blown psychic. Tyler Henry has confirmed it
in my meeting with him that I am a psychic.
Um he told you that too. He didn't I was
supposed to do his show. He didn't tell me that.

Another person told me that he was a psychic. But
I am psychic. Yeah, I can I feel that for you?
You were very intuitive. Um. Yeah. I lived in a
really sketchy house and it was like built next to
any burial ground, and all this weird stuff started happening,
and I basically it's really weird. But my mom's first

husband had passed away and I didn't know who he was.
But I kept on telling her that this guy would
come to my come talk to me at night, like downstairs,
and then I'm almost like, what are you talking about?
And then one day she was going through photos when
I was like four or five, and I like pointed
to the photo of her ex husband, and I was like,
that's the guy who keeps talking to me at night
and telling me to be good to you. Oh my god.

I believe in ghosts too. Like one time I was
at this house where this girl had lived many years before,
and she had gotten ran over in the driveway. Um,
and we would always talk about her, and one of
the people at the house would always see her like
in the mirror, like walking naked, and she was like
this long blonde hair. And then one time, yeah, she

was hot, like actually hot. And one time I was
in the playroom with me and the girl who lived
there and we started doing like Auiji board and it
was like moving and then a crown like started floating
in the air, and we were like eleven years old,

were so scared, Like I was so terrified. I call
my parents. I'm like I need to go home, like
I cannot sleep with this house. And I never went
back ever messed with weiji boards. That's that's dark. Never again.
I don't even know why we did that. It's so scary,
but it's so scary it worked. I mean, I believe
in it. I I yeah, there's just too much weird

stuff that's happened to me that there has to be
ghosts unless I'm just a pathological liar as a five
year old, which would also make a lot of sense.
But I hope there's ghosts because, like, it would be
so boring if when you die there's nothing like when
I die, I'm gonna with you guys so much. I'm

literally going to haunt the good of you guys. I
don't doubt that either. Like he could have so many
better things, like spending time with his family that you know, maybe,
and then he's just going to be in Paris, his house,
eating for parents to like you know, turn away and
then knock something off the table, just like tripping Nikki

and Cathy and like like popping out of closets and
scaring them. Can you imagine, Oh my god, please don't
I want? I want? Oh yeah, oh my god. Um. Okay,
who's your childhood crushed and who's your current Cebrety crush?
I'm gonna do a couple, Okay. Childhood crush you Jennifer

Love Hewett and Jake, Jill and all mm hmm right now.
Current crush you Jake, Jill and Hall and and Kathy

my mom, yeah, your mom. J single one out of
that cruise. So I'm I'm ruined that this that is
he single broke back Mountain two. We need the sequel
with you, we really, oh God, manifest it just email

ang Angle was his name? Angley Angley? I have his email? No,
I'm just kidding. I don't. Yes, hit me up. I
like it all right. So what's the craziest rumor that
you've ever heard about yourself? Nothing that crazy, Like, I

feel like I've done much crazier in real life. But
the rumor I found on Reddit. Someone sent me this
Reddit rumor going around that I got three nose jobs
before I graduated high school. There's like a Reddit page
on it. Um. I feel like that's pretty crazy. Not
that I have anything against nose jobs or like wouldn't
do it if I could get a free one, like

why not? But um, three is also a lot. You know.
I feel like one would have been fine. Wasn't the
on your nose that gave the evidence? Well? Yeah, I
mean I think maybe because I got my I got
beat up and my face had would be My teeth
are all fake and I have these scars in my
lip and my nose, and like they had to put

it back together. But it's pretty much pretty much still
the same stuff, knows, I mean it's not. I feel
like if I got a nose job, like it would
be like a much better one, But it's pretty much
the same same girl. Yeah, you got a good notes.
What happened in your fight though? I had that. God,
you know, I was eighteen. I was at some party,

some guy was she decided to hit my friend and
he was, you know, very little and and could not
take care of himself. So I jumped in and then
I got my ass kicked by like five guys and
they just my up. But it's cool. I got fake
teeth and I was able to drop out of college

for it. And then I was like, mom, I almost died,
Like I need to pursue acting. What if I died?
And then she was like, fine, go do it. Wow,
that's the only reason that it led to a scene
between you and they were you almost again get the
kicked out of you until you die. Yeah. Yeah, And
I'm sure I used this story in the audition, being like,
I have personal experience, you must cast me. This is

the last time I'll go and read for your show. Yes, yeah,
that scene was a lot to film. Yeah, PTSD at
all O. Were you pretty removed from it? I think
a little bit, but like yeah, I feel like it
kind of helped me work through my shop because I
I didn't really process it when it happened. I feel
like I it's like when I met Paris, like left

my body and didn't feel anything and I was just numb.
So I think I had to Like, yeah, I did
have weird stuff that came up when I was working
on that one, but it's cool. That's the good thing
about acting. You can work for your drama. Mm hm
hm drama are alright? Last right? What is your go
to dance move? I do like completely interpretive dance and

I make it up. I can even name you one.
I must have a dance lesson from Joe Joe, so
you on you. I love her too. I would love
another question because I feel like I'm not a good
dance I'm not like a good with the dance moves
like that. I got another all right, good, Which moment

would you most like to do a do over of
of your life? You could do it all over again.
I really am like a no regrets kind of kind
of guy, but I think I would take back what
it was just to experience something. You can just relive
something if you wanted to. Honestly, Paris' wedding it was

so iconic. It was like every celebrity and every housewife
that you could dream of in a room together, dancing
and having the best time. Like I would have done
that again. Well you're invited again next year eleven eleven,
we're doing it? Stop, are you really? Oh my god? Okay,

I'm gonna have the I'm gonna hit up Fernando. I
will be wearing austraa O the rent at this time.
I'm gonna look so stunning. This is going to be
the best night of my life. Oh well, thank you
Lucas for stopping by. And you're busy guy, gonna get
ready for London. And uh, it's so nice talking to you,
so nice talking to you. It's good to see both

of you guys again. And let's do this again. And
I'm so sorry I'm late. It's all good. So this
was my favorite interview that we've ever done. Stop. Yes,
she's being serious. I'm gonna cry. I'm stroke. I love
you like you're my new best friend and I can't
wait to hang out with you. Thank you, guys, love
by love you. Thanks for listening to This is Paris.

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