All Episodes

July 9, 2024 45 mins

On today's Dan Patrick Show, The Athletic's Joe Vardon breaks down Duke Freshman Cooper Flaggs' performance against Team USA. Yahoo Sports NBA Writer Vincent Goodwill explains the difficulty to break into the top-10 NBA players of all time in the modern NBA.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's our one this Tuesday, Dan and the dan En
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ESPN Radio eight seven seven three DP shows. The phone
number Operator Tyler is sitting by taking your phone calls,
seating as the honors of coming up with the poll question.
Fritzy provides the humor today.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
I do yet, that's a lot of pressure.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
No pressure whatsoever. You're going to supply the humor today.
You got your bad news Bear's baseball shirt on today?

Speaker 4 (00:51):
Do you ready to go in the mood?

Speaker 2 (00:53):
Marvin's here, Seaton, Paula, yours truly the back room boys.
We've got Wembledon quarterfinals continuing, men and the women's, the
men's US Olympic team scrimmages in Vegas, and all we
can do is talk about a seventeen year old who's
headed to Duke Cooper Flag will have that for you.
Home Run Derby competitors were announced. This is the only

time out of the year that I see Pee Alonzo.
It feels like, now I know he plays for the Mets,
he's in a big market, but it feels like every
time when I watching Home Run Derby, I go, oh,
Pee Alonzo. That's right, he's still in Major League Baseball
and he may win it again. I don't watch him
any other nights, any other days, but it seems like
that brings out the best in Pie Alonzo. Who's going

to be my pick for Home Run Derby. I don't
even know who else is in there.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Do we take the field?

Speaker 2 (01:40):
You can have the field for a pie to the
face for everybody I mean, and yes, I know everybody
keeps saying, you get your pie to the face.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
Hey, when you're getting your pies of the.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Face Friday Friday, I will get four pies to the face.
Each Danette gets a pie, I will take the pie
to the face. I made a bet. I thought, Bronnie James,
you know all these NBA gms, you know they made
a mistake. They could have taken Ronny in the first round.
I try to tell him, but no, he's got to
go in the second round.

Speaker 3 (02:08):

Speaker 5 (02:09):
Yeah, would you rather win the home run Derby or
the slam dunk contest?

Speaker 4 (02:15):
Wow? Or well you're a shooter, so yeah, three point.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
Three point shooting? Definitely three point shooting over slam dunk?

Speaker 5 (02:23):

Speaker 2 (02:25):

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (02:26):
Yeah, yeah, Okay, what about three point shooting or home
run Derby? They're probably more similar.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Well, it feels like we give more credit now, more validation,
more notoriety to the three point shooting contest than home
run Derby.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
Right, I don't know if we home run Derby's kind
of pass a.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
We still love watching guys shoot the three or women
shoot the three and the clock is ticking, so there's
there's that element of not just standing there shooting. You
got to shoot and then you got to go through
all the racks. So I would say three point shooting
test probably is held in higher regard than home run
Derby and slam dunk.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
What about you? You want slam dunk, don't you? Well?

Speaker 5 (03:10):
Yes, yeah, yeah, I mean I could shoot a three,
I could hit a home run, yeah, but I've dunked before.

Speaker 3 (03:17):

Speaker 5 (03:17):
See that's why for you, it's like, yeah, this isn't fun.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
Yeah yeah, Marvin, what about you?

Speaker 3 (03:24):
Slam dunk contest? We remember spud Web.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
Yeah, but you're not spud Web. Like if you're five
to four, then then that's why we remember you. If
spud Web was six two, we wouldn't remember.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Him, but being six feet so I'm six feet tall, so.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
You're like D Brown.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
I'd rather be D Brown.

Speaker 4 (03:40):
Okay, all right, yes see, I think you're right.

Speaker 5 (03:43):
Maybe we should take the slam dunk contest out of
it and just do three pointer versus home run derby,
because you know what if I could just when's how
many chances throughout the day do you get to go
hit a bunch of home runs? Almost never. I could
go to any park though, and just shoot the lights out.
That'd be pretty great, okay.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
Or you could bring down a backboard or something, you know,
just stop by a playground. Kids are out there, you know,
seven year olds. Let's see, this is why for me,
dunking wins every single time. Anybody can hit a three pointer.
But you go to any park and you start dunking,
it's like, oh damn.

Speaker 5 (04:14):
Yeah, especially looking like me, like six, you know five
eleven completely on athletic.

Speaker 6 (04:20):
What about you, Todd, seems like the three point contest
would be a bigger deal just when they're just blooping
it out to you. You pick the pitcher and they're
just kind of putting it in the exact spot that
you've asked them to put it in, and you're just
swinging your hardest.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
I don't know, but as Seaton says, anybody can make
a three, but trying to hit a home run on
that kind of stage, that seems like a pretty big deal.
And you, being a baseball guy with your bad news bears,
I am.

Speaker 6 (04:43):
A big but when it comes to that, I just
think with the pressure on of the clock ticking, I
know your arms can get tired swinging for the fences
every five seconds, and you get like one or two
little breaks while the clock ticking. I'd be more impressed
with the spotlight on your popping a bunch of threes
and just swinging while someone's just blooping balls.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
By the way, this first sown, We're brought to you
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you can do three point shooting or you can do
home run Derby.

Speaker 7 (05:26):
I think I'm going to go home run derby. I
like baseball a little more than basketball overall. If I'm
in the home run Derby, I'm probably a really good
MLB player. They don't really invite borderline players to be
in the home run Derby. Sometimes borderline players make the
slam dunk contest.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Well, I think they invite somebody who has some kind
of notoriety. Slam dunk contest has been won by some
pedestrians there.

Speaker 7 (05:50):
Yeah, I mean mac McClung is not even in the
NBA and it gets invited.

Speaker 2 (05:55):
So that's how desperate they are to get somebody with
any kind of name recognition. Hey, how about the short
white guy who's not even in the NBA. Well, yeah,
you know what, We're going to create a provision that
allows him his special exemption the six foot white guy
gets into the slam dunk contest.

Speaker 5 (06:16):
Yes see, yeah, but it's not like we're like, man,
but Bobby A. Bray who sure was you know what
I mean, like the great Bobby of Bray. You legacy
is the Home Run Derby. At least he was in
the league. We were just we led the segment with
being like, hey, Pete Alonzo is still playing, He's in
the Home Run Derby?

Speaker 7 (06:31):
Is there a player comp for Pete Alonzo? Because he
has made three All Star teams, he was a Rookie
of the Year, that monster rookie year. Yeah, he's had
a few good seasons. He's not doesn't it for average?
He just never seems as good as he thinks he is.
Mets don't get a lot of national play because they
don't play in the postseason, so he's known for that one.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Well, he's known for saying let's f and go, you know,
yelling and screaming.

Speaker 7 (06:54):
And Nashally he gets seen every year in the Home
Run Derby.

Speaker 4 (06:56):
Yeah, that's it. That's why.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
I is it like mel Kiper with the draft. I'm
kind of like, oh, yeah, that's right, mel Kiper. You know, Oh,
Pete Alonzo I'm gonna hear from all the baseball a
purist Pete Alonzo is batting whatever he's batting. I don't
know he's hitting two forty. No one's going to break
down your door with Well, that's that's a high batting
average nowadays. Yeah, man, you're killing it. You're bat in
two forty. I looked at batting averages the other day,

and the number of guys who bat two hundred or
less but they play every day is alarming. And it
used to be like that was the Mendoza Do we
need to change the Mendoza line in Major League Baseball?
Under two hundred? Now it's like one eighty is the
new Mendoza line. So sad, I know, But that's what

baseball is now.

Speaker 7 (07:44):
Is hitting four hundred a season among the safest things
in sports. I have the safest records.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Yeah, that's not happening because nobody cares to bat four hundred,
Like it's not important to bat four hundred. When's the
last time you went, hey, that guy's hitting three twenty,
Like nobody.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
Yeah, seed.

Speaker 5 (08:04):
And it's crazy too when you start thinking about how
there's probably how many hundred minor leaguers for every one
major league spot. Two hundred minor leaguers competing for one
spot in the major leagues. Yeah, and the batting average
that you're talking about is like, these dudes are theoretically
the best of that two hundred.

Speaker 4 (08:23):
They're the best at batting two hundred, right, Yeah, Oh
my gosh, this is crazy. That's the problem.

Speaker 3 (08:30):
You know.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
You look at Shoho Tani's numbers and his batting average
is up really high, and you're like, all right, I
like to seeing like, I like to see somebody who's
got a respectable batting average with the home runs of
the RBI your old school Yeah, I'm not asking too much.

Speaker 7 (08:43):
There's only one guy in baseball this year hitting over
three twenty five for the season, and usually there's a bunch.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
Does he play for the Marlins for Cleveland Stephen Kwan? Okay,
he's left Yeah, he's in three fifty eight. That's pretty good.
That's left handed batter.

Speaker 7 (09:00):
You proade that to like four twenty Yeah, man, I
get on that baduin.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
That's robust. That is that's ty cobbian Ted Williams and
Zee and all right, so what's the pole question. Do
we have Seaton o'conna.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
Well, we're gonna put up the home run derby or
three point contest, and we also have a random one
here from Paul. Would you rather attend for the week
The Olympics in Paris are the super Bowl in New Orleans?

Speaker 4 (09:28):
So I have tickets, not just I get to go
to Paris or New Orleans.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
Yeah, okay, so I'm king to do the whole week. Okay,
I would go. I love New Orleans, but I would
go to Paris for the Olympics. Both have a French influence.
We both cities, We fok shams, very different food scenes.
Both great, Yes, both great food scenes, although in Paris
they do put a lot of the sauces on there,

a lot of creamy sauces.

Speaker 3 (09:55):
Not big on that.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
New Orleans awesome, I would say Paris. Both great cities.
They are, Yes, they are. I probably go Paris too.

Speaker 3 (10:02):

Speaker 4 (10:02):
Paris is great, Yeah it is.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
It is all right.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
So eight seven to seven three DP show.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
If you want to dial us up, Salo, I'll be
more than happy to entertain you, or you could entertain
us as well. We'll talk a little bit more about
this select team that's facing the national team, the Olympic team,
and Cooper Flag is seventeen years of age. He has
been invited to play against the Olympic team, so he's seventeen.

Speaker 4 (10:26):
He's going to Duke.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
He's out of Maine, but he's been playing down at
IMG Academy in Florida for the last couple of years.
He is going to be the number one player drafted
next year. They're already talking about the Wizards select Cooper Flag,
and if you watch the highlights, he is a very
advanced seventeen year old. We interviewed him a couple of
months ago, very confident and doesn't seem like he's phased

by any of this. Hey there's Lebron and Hey, I'm
going to shoot a three over Anthony Davis. This is
where the NBA misses out because they imagine Cooper Flag
going into the NBA. He would have been the number
one pick this year. Imagine him going into the NBA.
Now now he's going to go to Duke, so he'll
be on national TV, but he is going to be

the player face that you know, you have Danny Hurley
as the coaching face, and you're going to have Cooper
Flag as the player face of college basketball this upcoming season.
And by all accounts, he is worthy of this legitimate
going against these guys, and he had a day yesterday.
But part of the reason why there's a little bit

more magic to it is, now, let we can factor
in that he is six ' eleven, white guy out
of Maine who's playing in Florida, who's going to Duke.
So those are novelties, not the white guy going to Duke.
But he's six eleven, white guy, and he's the number
one high school player in America, and he's playing against
lebron and Ad and all these other great players, maybe

the greatest Olympic team we've ever had. And he's out
there playing and more than holding his own and he's
going to go to Duke. But imagine if he could
go to the NBA now and just then Draft night
would have been a whole lot more interesting. Then let's
wait until the second night to see where Bronnie goes.
But Cooper flag would have been the number one player

selected in this year's draft.

Speaker 8 (12:19):
Yes, Marvin, but this helps because there's a when Biama Field,
when bai Yama Field. Yeah, to next year's NBA draft,
because now, who's going to get Cooper Flagg?

Speaker 3 (12:28):
Because he's going to be the number one pick.

Speaker 8 (12:29):
And this helps college basketball because you have a guy
that's coming in right away and there's automatic star power,
and there's somebody you got to watch in November.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
Yeah, there's a zion feel to him.

Speaker 2 (12:40):
But the fact that you couldn't watch this game yesterday,
this scrimmage that it was, it was a social media phenomenon.
So Marv goes, hey, your boy's tearing it up, and
I go who. He goes flag and I go, oh,
I said, where can I watch it? He said, I'm
on streaming? What were you streaming? The fourth quarter?

Speaker 3 (13:00):
It was on YouTube, anas on somebody's ig live.

Speaker 8 (13:03):
Okay, you got to be real pathetic, and that's what
I was yesterday.

Speaker 4 (13:07):
Is that a violation though?

Speaker 3 (13:10):
Did you?

Speaker 4 (13:10):

Speaker 2 (13:11):
All right, So Marv's watching and he said, you know,
he's killing it here, and then all of a sudden,
the highlights. I saw the highlights, and he had himself
a day.

Speaker 3 (13:20):

Speaker 2 (13:20):
I don't know how he was the entire game. I
just know that he had four moments where you go,
all right, damn all right, shooting the three, all right,
a dunk there, okay, going coast to coast and that's
how these things happen. It's like Paul's schemes with the Pirates,
like you can't script that, you can't go that guy
is going to be a star. You know, he had

the elements there LSU National Championship, going to Omaham mustache,
throwing a hundred, dating, you know, a beautiful you know,
gymnasts there at LSU like he had it. Everything's there,
going to the Pirates number one pick. You don't stay
in the miners very long. So Cooper Flag is going
to basket ball's miners here for a year and then

he'll be in the NBA the following year. So you
have these moments where you know, these things are created.
You can try to hype somebody, try to create some
It's like when Lebron was sixteen playing in Chicago and
he was tearing up NBA veterans and all of a
sudden word gets out the kid from Akron is tearing
everybody up. So now all of a sudden, the hype builds.

Speaker 3 (14:23):

Speaker 2 (14:24):
Cooper Flag is not asking for this, but he can
be the benefactor. But he can also be the recipient
of a lot of people saying, wait, this guy's supposed
to be good, because he's going to have those moments
where you go and then another over hyped guy from Duke,
another guy who is really good in college and not
going to be really good in the pros. It's probably

gonna happen this year, but he is by all accounts legit.
And you know, we have some people who were there
watching the scrimmage yesterday, so we'll talk to them a
little bit later on.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. All of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot
com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live.
Pauli Fools gohare with Tony Foosco. Yeah.

Speaker 9 (15:10):
As everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award winning
Polly and Toni Foosco Show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are, here's how Dan Patrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 1 (15:23):
What what are you doing interrupting our promo? Yeah, you
wasn't talking about you.

Speaker 10 (15:28):
You took those clips totally of context.

Speaker 9 (15:30):
Oh yeah, well, after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Let me put this into context. Shut up, Yeah.

Speaker 9 (15:37):
Anyway, just listen to the Paully and Toni Fusco Show
on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
Yee. We'll get to Joe Varden of the Athletic, but
first we had the Zach Eadie game. Now he's on Memphis,
so his job is probably going to be to set
picks for John Moranton company. Todd the numbers for Zach
Aedy rookie year after Paulie joined the hype train. Last

night watching Summer like you know what, PAULI, you go first? Oh,
I want you to set the market, set the bar.
All right, Zach Edy game. Didn't see this one on
the schedule. You know they're notoriously love their big men
down in Memphis. Going back to the Zach Randolph Marcus
slt Era, Zach Edy's gonna play a lot. I think
he's gonna average eleven points and eight rebounds plus a

game eleven and eight. Well, now that doesn't sound huge.
He only one guy in last year's draft average eleven
and eight was when Banyama.

Speaker 6 (16:36):
All right, Todd, Zach Edy, I wrote on fourteen point
six points and seven point four rebounds.

Speaker 4 (16:42):
All right, seet no' connor.

Speaker 5 (16:43):
I'm going fourteen points fifteen rebounds. He's going the inverse
of what it normally is. He's gonna average more rebounds
than point.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
Paulie was bullish on Zach Edy. You're really really bullish.

Speaker 8 (16:55):
Yes, Marvin, nine point seven points, eleven point four rebounds.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
I'm going to give Zach Edy seven points five rebounds
per game. Yes, I am, Yes, I am. It's bringing
Joe Varden. He covers the NBA. He's covering Team USA
and the tune up versus the Select Team. All right, Joe,
do you want to on this with Zach Edy? What

kind of numbers do you think he averages his rookie
year in Memphis.

Speaker 10 (17:29):
I want to put a little bit different spin on
this because the last thing I did last night before
dinner and drinks, of course, was Team Canada practice, and
that team is loaded. They're really good, but they are
missing anybody who's big and tall and of bodies that
can bang with Joel Embiide and Anthony Davis and Bam

Autobio on Team USA.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
So I don't know.

Speaker 10 (17:55):
I'm kind of with you Dan as far as what
I think his numbers will be in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
This year.

Speaker 10 (18:00):
But I'm telling you, on a team that has everything else,
which Canada does, they are missing that size down low
against the.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
Americans, why is he not playing?

Speaker 10 (18:10):
So I guess he wanted to get ready for his
first NBA season. That's the that's the line out out
of Toronto.

Speaker 3 (18:20):

Speaker 10 (18:21):
I mean, listen, it's up to these guys. But Canada
has a real chance at a goal. And you know,
I mean, he didn't play a ton for them last
year and they you know, they they finished third at
the World Cup.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
They beat the US.

Speaker 10 (18:33):
It was a different US team, but still like his
minutes were work there really, So I guess, you know,
he just wanted to devote all his time to getting
ready for his rookie NBA campaign. But so this once
in a lifetime opportunity that everybody has.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
How did Cooper Flag end up on this select team?

Speaker 10 (18:51):
So there's a number of you know, connections, of course,
between team US, USA Basketball's program and Duke, and chief
among them is Grant Hill, you know, one of the
greatest college players of all time who's now the managing
director there. But also you know Sean Ford, who's been
sort of running USA basketball for decades and has a

very keen eye for talent and for keeping the pipeline,
you know, flowing, given Cooper's credentials as National Player of
the Year, but also like he was already in the
USA pipeline playing for the U seventeen team two years
ago that won gold at the World Cup. And so
you put all that together and he gets the invite.

Cooper was surprised to get the invite. He's the first
college player to do anything at a USA national team
camp since Marcus Smart and Dougie McDermott in twenty thirteen.
But he's also he's so young. I mean he's seventeen.
He's like one of the youngest players ever.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
To do this.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
So it was a surprise.

Speaker 10 (19:58):
But I mean obviously turned out pretty well.

Speaker 4 (20:01):
How good was he yesterday?

Speaker 10 (20:03):
So okay, he it was. He was really fun to watch.
He hit two threes while we were watching. Uh, he
had an awesome putback over the over the USA defense.
You know, Davis was on the floor at the time
that had happened. He was in passing lanes. Uh, Drew
Holliday had to guard him. And I know that Drew

is only six y three, whereas Cooper is. You know,
six nine ish, But Drew is such a He's one
of the best defenders in the NBA, so that that
really kind of speaks to what everybody thought of Cooper.
But the reason why I flinched is you are still
talking about a USA team that is ramping up, and
I never thought. I never thought, in watching that scrimmage

yesterday that that the USA guys were playing at full tilt,
whereas Cooper seemed like he was moving pretty pretty quickly.
So you know, I want to temper it a little bit.
But the reaction from all the other select guys and
the Select coaches and then even some of the NBA

guys on Team USA was spoke very, very highly of Cooper,
and I guess you could see like I hadn't seen
very much of him, and so I walked away from
the gym yesterday saying.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
Oh, I get it.

Speaker 10 (21:21):
I understand why he's the presumptive number one pick in
twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
But this reminds me of the Dream Team when the
Dream Team got roughed up that that first scrimmage with
college players. Mashburn was there and I think Hurley was there,
and then all of a sudden, it was like oh wait,
you guys are playing really serious here.

Speaker 4 (21:41):
Is there going to be payback for Cooper? Flag? Are
they playing any more games against each other?

Speaker 10 (21:46):
I'm glad you brought that up. You know who else
was on that team was Grant Hill. He was on
the Select team. So it kind of comes full circle.
There will not be there's no there will be no brushback,
no chin music today as as the Select guys have
been sent home, today is a is a walk through
some light shooting to get ready for Canada. However, there

was a little bit of payback, but it was It
was Cooper in the team scrimmage on let's say twoday,
So this would have been Sunday, pretty good game going,
and I guess Cooper pulled up for three and Davis
got out to the perimeter and blocked him, and I
guess he sent it into the Yeah, I guess into

the wall.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
Pretty good block.

Speaker 10 (22:33):
And so then yesterday he comes down same situation. Davis
tries to get out there and he's late, and Cooper
splashes it in the corner. So that was that was
the moment that a lot of guys were talking about.

Speaker 4 (22:45):
If not the United States for the Gold then who.

Speaker 10 (22:49):
Oh gosh, I think Canada, you know, I'm I'm really
I'm really high on them.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
I think they're very good.

Speaker 10 (22:55):
I think we need to pay a little bit more
attention to France. I know that they are from a
roster perspective, they're a week at the guard position, but
they're starting at least two seven footers in Victor and
in Rudy Gobert. And then you got to remember like
fourty A, I mean, he plays like Larry Bird when
he's got that France jersey on. So I like them,

I do. You know, Germany's the defending World Cup champs
and they're real. And then you know, we got to
talk a little bit about Serbia. They were the runner
up at the World Cup last year. They beat Canada
to sent Canada into the bronze game against the US,
and they didn't have Nicola Jokic. So they're bringing back

a bunch of their players from the World Cup team,
and now Nicole is going to be on the floor
and I think he'll be motivated to play. So it
will be fascinating to see this overwhelming amount of superstar
talent that the USA has, But when you have to
distill it down to only five guys on the floor
at a time, there's only one ball, and how much

better the rest of the world is general, what kind
of impact Nicola can make on a game. I think
it's gonna be fascinating.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
Compare this Olympic team to the Dream Team talent wise, yeah,
I have.

Speaker 10 (24:12):
To say, either if you want to use the word
talent or if you want to use resume, this team
is as actually has more, has more than the Dream
Team because you have to think about if you want
to say, Michael's here and Lebron's here, fine, but the
greatest most decorated player in US history is Kevin Durant.

He's on this team. And then you add in Steph Curry,
who's the greatest shooter of all time, one of the
greatest players of all time. He's on this team. There
are eleven current All Stars, and I believe all twelve
of these guys have been All Stars at some point,
but eleven of them were on the All Star team
last year. Like that that has I don't believe that

has ever happened. And then you know, the Dream Team
had a college player. This team does not. So I
guess the thing that sort of evens this out a
little bit. Is this team is older, right, you know,
Lebron is thirty nine, Durant is you know, upper thirty,
same with Steph Kawhi Leonard, same thing. So maybe some

of those guys might be slightly past their primes, whereas
as Michael and company was that they were still in
their prime. But I think this team is actually the
more impressive roster.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
I guess I was surprised that Kawhi Leonard is playing
in the Olympics. From the standpoint of if I'm Steve Balmer,
I just lost Paul George, Like what do I have
like this guy load management? Is he going to load
management in the Olympics as well? And if you're Steve Balmer,
how do you feel about Kawhi Leonard playing in the Olympics.

Speaker 10 (25:50):
So the answer to your question is yes, he played
maybe a quarter yesterday. He played more of the day before,
So yeah, they are being careful with him and they
have to, Like, you know, Kawhi says that he feels
pretty good. He says he's ramping up, So I don't
think he feels great. But to your Bomber point, which

is an excellent point, but we have to go back
to nineteen eighty nine, and that was the year that
the international governing body for basketball had this. They had
this big vote and decided that pros could play in
these competitions, so they could be in the Olympics, they
could play for the World Cup. It was called the
World Championships at the time. So David Stern and the

NBA Board of Governors at that time had a decision
to make are we as an NBA, which at the
time was most of the Americans, are we going to
do this? And if we are, then like, are we
going to get in the way if we don't want
a play or to play And they decided that they
were obviously going to be involved. And that decision also

came with this with another decision that owners and team
games could not tell a player that they can't play
for their country. So the Clippers are obviously concerned about
Kawai's future, his health and his future like as far
as being able to help them open this building, and

everybody wants to be cautious, but they actually can't step
in and say no, you can't do this.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
Uh, good to visit with you, Joe. Thank you for
all the information the download there and thanks for joining.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
Us, Thanks for having me. Great to see you, guys.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
That's Joe Varden, senior NBA writer for the Athletic Covering
Team USA the Tune up Games the Select Team in
Las Vegas, and I'm glad he put it in perspective
about Cooper Flag because what he's saying is you get
to see highlights. You didn't get to see the game.
There might have been five really good plays by Cooper Flag,

but you get the feeling he was the best guy
on the floor. Also, you got these players who have
nothing to prove when they're out there on the floor,
the NBA players, and they may go through the motions
a little bit. Now, you did get my attention with
Drew Holiday guarding Cooper Flag, because that's not one of
those oh yeah, you take him and I'll take him

and you take him. That feels like that's more of
a Drew You got him because that is the best
player out there. And the fact that he was scoring,
had some shots, a couple of threes moves, well, I
you know, that's why the hype train is dangerous, and
you know, but it's already started because once again, you

know how people cover news nowadays, is how many clicks
somebody gets. Therefore, then it becomes an important story. And
now all of a sudden, Cooper Flag is going to
be in front of everybody, and everybody's going to know
who Cooper Flag is and he's going to duke And
there's no perspective attached to this whatsoever. Just a couple
of highlights. And granted I watched him playing a couple

of high school games, full games, just like Chet Holmgren.
When I saw him and I came in and I said,
the kid's seven to four with a handle like he
is legit, he can play, and everybody went on, he's
going to break apart. Well, he got injured before he
even played his first NBA game, playing in a charity game.

But he can play. Cooper Flag can play. Is he
going to be the best player in college basketball? He'll
be in the conversation, that's for sure. He'll be on display.
Is he going to be overrated? Absolutely, but that's not
up to him. But watch a game to get more
perspective of how good somebody is. Not, man, did you

see that highlight? Because we can do that with a
lot of players in the NBA. Joe Varden just said,
Evan Fournier is Larry Bird when he puts on the
French uniform. What okay, I'm sure we could get some
highlights where you go. Yeah, pretty good, Yes, Mark.

Speaker 8 (30:03):
There's nothing more dangerous than just okay, basketball players playing
for their home country. Dennis Shrewder is Jason Kidd meets
Kyrie Irving in any Olympic competition.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
Well, you get the home court advantage with the French
national team. So I got Gobert and Victor Wimbenyama. All right,
I got a chance. That's at least a start.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAPP.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
How much does it cost to have Boys to Men
play a private show?

Speaker 4 (30:42):
Will you find that out? A billionaire?

Speaker 2 (30:47):
His son spent ten million dollars to bring Justin Bieber
to his But this wasn't even the wedding reception.

Speaker 4 (30:53):
It's a pre wedding reception.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Yes, point, I can get you Boys to Men for
about two hundred grand. All right, Marvin Hard, I'll see
what I can do. I'll put in one hundred, then
I will put in one hundred dollars. Okay, by the way,
the toughest cycling race of the years back the Twitter
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now through July twenty. He is Vincent Goodwill. He was
busy yesterday on social media. NBA senior reporter for Yahoo's Sports,
host of The Good Word podcast on Yah Who's Sports?
You were raving about Cooper Flag yesterday. You're sitting in
first class on the hype train here.

Speaker 11 (31:40):
Absolutely, And I'm not someone that is a Duke fan.
I am not someone who stands for what they stand
for as a basketball person, I abhor them. But as
far as Cooper Flag, watching what he did as a
seventeen year old, he doesn't turn eighteen until late December, well,
seeing that he belonged in day one from what I understood,
and then in day to he started to make that impact.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
I mean, Dan, not to.

Speaker 11 (32:03):
Make this bigger than what it is, but can you
remember the last white American born basketball player to go
into college with hype train and then come to the
NBA and exceed the hype Because that to me goes
back to Larry Bird and I feel like it's been
too long. Maybe Cooper Flag is the next one.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Well, Bird didn't have the same kind of fanfare going
to Indiana because Indiana was loaded back then at the
time he went there, and he was overwhelmed. I mean,
they had Buckner and you know, they had all those
great players, great teams, and then Bird, you know, decided
work on the garbage truck and then went to Indiana State.
It was the hype after that going into the NBA.

But we're talking about seventeen going into college. I mean,
he could go to the NBA. He would have been
the first pick in the NBA draft this year. I'm
guessing by all accounts.

Speaker 3 (32:53):

Speaker 11 (32:54):
I mean, look, I can't remember the last time that
we've had a consensus after a bad draft. We're gonna
have a historic draft with the number one pick, and
teams are already setting themselves up, like Danny Ainge in
Utah right now is salivating at the prospect of getting
Cooper Flag in Salt Lake City.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
Okay, but what are the players saying about him? The
NBA players, the Olympians, Well.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
They I think they knew, like it's one thing to
know a guy.

Speaker 11 (33:22):
You know, you got to think about the Nike hoop
summits and the AAU circus that these guys have been
playing on. He sort of shot up like a rocket
over the past year year and a half where John Shire, like,
this kid is from Maine, He's not from necessarily the
easiest part of America to get to. But once Duke
coach John Shire got to him and you got to
see him on the AAU circuits, everybody gets to see.

Remember Lebron has an AAU team. All these other guys
have AAU teams that they cultivate themselves. So yesterday I
think you got to see like there was this one
sequence then he walked down Anthony Davis four three, and
then they tried to lob it ahead to Ad. He
broke that up somehow in one fell swoop, someone shot
at three and.

Speaker 3 (34:04):
He streaked down the court. This isn't sneaky athleticism. He
is an athlete.

Speaker 11 (34:09):
He streaked down the court with a tip in over
bam and getting a foul at the same time. Like
those are pro plays for a guy who was seventeen
years old. Like those guys were raving about them. I
think there's a point where someone like that, if he
shows up to the US Select team, you're trying to
see if he belongs.

Speaker 3 (34:25):
You're trying to see how he fits.

Speaker 11 (34:27):
And then after day one, I think they're like, oh, okay,
he belongs on the same floor of US and yesterday
was the day that he really asserted himself.

Speaker 4 (34:34):
If not the United States for the gold medal, then who.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
Have you seen the Eiffel Towers in France?

Speaker 11 (34:43):
I don't think anybody is scoring on Rudy Gobert and
a big slim Victor w In Benyama, Like I don't
even know the names of their guards, right, I don't
know if I have to know the names of their guards.
I just know that if you can't score, you can't win.
And that's why you have Joel Embiid and Bama Deebayo
and Anthony and you might have to run all three
of those dudes out there at the same time against

those two big jokers.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
Who's the most important player on Team USA?

Speaker 3 (35:09):

Speaker 11 (35:11):
I would say Kevin Durant because he's a nuclear weapon,
Like he is their ace and the whole like he's
the all time US men's Olympic scorer all time US
Men's Olympic scorer by averaging you know, tournaments and everything else.
The fact that he can get his shot at any
point Dan without you having to run anything for him.
He doesn't necessarily fit inside of an offense. He can

exist outside of an offense. I think he's just the
one weapon that you can't have someone guard for. You
can't game plan for him, assuming he's healthy. Like he's
been sitting out with a capstrain. I don't think it's
anything serious. Nobody's really concerned. It's more precautionary measure. He
was back on the floor yesterday, so I would expect
him to be whether he's a starter, he comes off
the bench like the super sub, I would expect him

to be the most important guy because if he gets
it going, I think that puts some distance between the
US and everybody else.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
Vincent Goodwill covers the NBA for y'all. Who's sports host
with the Good Word podcast on Yah? Who's sports more
likely to underrate when we look back on their careers,
Kevin Durant or Steph Curry.

Speaker 11 (36:14):
Oh, that's easiest. Kevin Durant. I think we have framed
him in terms of his choices as opposed to how
great of a player that he is and was in
his prime. And it's hard for people to contextualize this,
but think about it from this standpoint. The year after
they made the NBA Finals in Oklahoma City, Russell Westbrook

gets his knee taken out by Patrick Beverley. Oklahoma City
was the best team going into the twenty thirteen playoffs,
and because there was no Russ, Oklahoma City got taken out.
Then Oklahoma City gets taken out in fifteen because Kevin
Durant has a list Frank injury, and then we saw
what happened in twenty sixteen. That's all that bad luck
before Kevin Durant goes to Golden State and wins those

two titles and then has the next bad luck with
the Achilles and then the next bad luck with the
Brooklyn Nets and his toe on the line. Like he's
had two championships and we could very well be talking
about four or five had things broken a certain way,
and he's still very close to the top of his
game at age thirty six.

Speaker 2 (37:15):
I know we like to do lists, and I do
it on the show as well. I think you have
to take Bill Russell and Will Chamberlain out of modern
day basketball, and it might not be fair to them,
But you know, I kind of started with Bird and
Magic and then you look at your top ten list
and you know, at some point we have to take
Larry Bird out of there perhaps, or we're going to

take now We're gonna take him out eventually, I mean,
could stay. Well, if I'm looking at resume, is Steph Curry?
Does Steph Curry have a better resume than Larry Bird? Well,
Kevin Durant have a better resume. Tim Duncan has a
better resume, Right, what about the Joker? What about the Joker?

If Joker wins another MVP. Let's say he wins another title.
Now I know if he does, but somebody, Jerry West
is coming out, Oscar's gonna come and somebody got it.

Speaker 4 (38:08):
You can't have fifteen in the top ten.

Speaker 11 (38:11):
Well, I think we have to put some respect on
these old guys' his name like Larry Bird won three
straight MVPs during a uber competitive portion of the NBA,
and the fourth year where he didn't win the MVP
was better than the third when he won the MVP
for the eighty six Celtics, Like like we like if
you think about this, and I'm not saying.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
Are you school?

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Are you old school?

Speaker 4 (38:33):
Okay? Yes, but you're not old. You're just old school.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
Well black, don't crack with my agent, cracking head, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (38:39):
Man, But let's guess how old Vincent is?

Speaker 5 (38:43):

Speaker 4 (38:43):
Okay, right, PAULI, How old do you think Vincent is?
Is tough?

Speaker 7 (38:47):
He's got a deep, grown man voice.

Speaker 4 (38:49):
Man, but he does not look old. Hair looks pretty good.
His hair looks good.

Speaker 3 (38:52):
I want to go thirty.

Speaker 2 (38:54):
Nine, thirty nine, Seaton, I'm gonna go thirty three. Wow,
Marvin visit looks like my man from high school. He
looks like somebody went to high school with. So he's
thirty nine, No, he's forty.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
He's forty.

Speaker 4 (39:07):
On the Dame Todd thirty seven. I'm gonna go forty one.

Speaker 3 (39:12):
I will be forty on December four.

Speaker 2 (39:14):
Okayne, Nice, you're still young.

Speaker 11 (39:19):
I'm amazed that somebody didn't guess like younger, because you know,
it's hard in these.

Speaker 3 (39:25):
Streets when you're twenty five and you look eighteen.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
You know, we gave you thirty three back then, stop begging.

Speaker 2 (39:32):
We gave you. We gave you thirty three. Somebody gave
you thirty three. Okay, so somebody's got to come out.
Jerry West got to come out, Oscar is gonna come out.
Who else is going to come out of the top
ten because somebody's going in. Joker may go in, Steph
Curry's going in, Kd's probably going in.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
I'm guessing.

Speaker 11 (39:50):
I don't know if Katie is going in, but I
think Steph is going in. I think Steph's resume, and
I think the one thing we have to take into account.
I judged Top ten by how great were you at
your peak? Not necessarily the length of your career, just
because of all the advantages that guys have today in
terms of recovery and travel and all these other medicines

and advantages that the league is put in place so
that guys can play longer than ever.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
I want to know how great were you when you
were at your absolute best?

Speaker 11 (40:18):
And I don't know if there were too many people
greater than the Larry Birds of the world when he
was at his absolute best, or better than Kareem at
his absolute best like this, you got to do some
real work at the top of your top Well.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Okay, it was Bird's best better than Magic's best.

Speaker 3 (40:35):
No, it's not.

Speaker 11 (40:38):
But Bird's best came earlier because Bird was an earlier,
was an older rookie, so he hit his peak quicker
than Magic. Magic's peak came from eighty seven to ninety one.
Bird's peak was like eighty three to eighty seven.

Speaker 2 (40:51):
How about Bird's best Lebron's best?

Speaker 3 (40:55):
Now we're cooking.

Speaker 11 (40:57):
Now we're cooking, because look, the bird Man was a
better shooter, a better rebounder, a comparable passer, and a
really good team defender. Lebron at his peak might be
the second best player we've ever seen in the history
of our lives.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
So, Jordan, you know we we can't even mention him.
So Kobe's in top ten and Lebron's in the top ten.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
Are we sure Kobe's in top ten?

Speaker 4 (41:20):
Woh, Okay, you don't.

Speaker 3 (41:24):
Are we sure?

Speaker 4 (41:25):
I'm gonna ask you.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
I think so. I'd put in Kobe before I would Oscar.
I put I put him in before Jerry West.

Speaker 3 (41:37):
Probably, So what about the Keeam Elijahwan? What about Tim Duncan?
I don't put him in before those guys?

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Yes, Tim, Tim might be a little higher.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
Uh, I think put him in over Shaquille O'Neal.

Speaker 11 (41:55):
The best of Shaquille O'Neill might have been the most
dominant player we've ever seen for a seven years.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Stretch Man, It's like Bird and Magic are together and
Kobe and Shaker together, whether they want to be together
or not. I think a Keem Elijah Wan's the most
underrated player him and Elgin Baylor that I ever watched.

Speaker 3 (42:17):
There is a small point guard in Detroit that will
have a.

Speaker 4 (42:22):
True I'll give you that.

Speaker 2 (42:24):
Yeah, Michael Jordan won't co sign on that though.

Speaker 3 (42:28):
We don't have to worry about him.

Speaker 2 (42:29):
You know, No, Vincent, you always have to worry about
Michael Jordan always.

Speaker 3 (42:34):
That's a good point.

Speaker 2 (42:35):
But you know, we brought this up the other day
a couple of weeks ago. The sport that has a
harder time getting out from underneath the shadow of its
greatest player, Tiger with golf and mj with the NBA.
Does it seem like it's a foregun? You mean it
is Tiger with golf or I mean we bring up
Mike all the time. Guys are still wearing his gear.

Mike is omnipresent. But has the NBA escaped the shadow
of Jordan more so than golf has escaped Tiger's shadow.

Speaker 11 (43:09):
Well, Tiger's still like golfing and people are still holding
on to Whenever you hear Tiger having a good Thursday,
everybody's like revving up for what they think Sunday is
going to be, you know what I mean, despite the
fact that Tiger's like sixty eight years old, you know
what I mean, Like, that's what it is. But with Michael,
I think it's just it's monoculture. It's the fact that
the NBA blew up right around the time that Michael

came to relevance. It was the NBC factor, it was
the commercialization of it, and the fact that esthetically, we've
never seen a more effective basketball player play in such
a pretty anima niacal way. At the same time, like
you can't play like Michael Jordan, Like Kobe Bryant does
a good imitation of Michael Jordan.

Speaker 3 (43:53):
But it's like diet coke compared to Cherry coke. You know,
the taste when you taste it, you know what I mean.

Speaker 11 (43:58):
Like I think Michael for the NBA, he's their north star.
Everything that we think of basketball players today, fairly or not,
we compare to what Michael Jordan would have done or
what Michael Jordan did. In some ways, I feel like
it's healthy NBA back. I think there's a way that
you can honor Michael and say that he's the greatest

player we'll ever see until someone takes it, and not
hold people to an impossible standard. Because if he's the
greatest player we'll ever see, that means nobody will reach it,
So you should stop trying to compare and bring people
up there. I'm guilty of it too, because when I
saw Anthony, it was moved like water through the floor.
I'm like, he moves like Michael, not plays like him,

but just moves like that man in a certain way.

Speaker 3 (44:42):
So we're all guilty of, including me.

Speaker 2 (44:45):
He's all aboard the Cooper flag hype train. Vincent, great appearance,
have fun out there. Thank you for joining us.

Speaker 3 (44:53):
I appreciate thank you guys for having me that.

Speaker 2 (44:55):
Vincent Goodwill, NBA senior reporter for Yahoo's Sports Right brought
a little noise there.

Speaker 4 (45:01):
Yes, Paul, what a great debut performance.

Speaker 7 (45:04):
I can't believe you know, Marvin mentioned him the other
day and what a great performance first time having them on.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
Yeah, Yeah, brought some noise there. I appreciate that. All Right,
we only have twenty This show has.

Speaker 3 (45:17):
Flown, boss, Let's do another one tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (45:19):
Why don't we do another hour today? Huh tomorrow? Who's no? No?

Speaker 2 (45:27):
Oh buddy, all right, we'll come back, close up shop.
Last call for phone call. Just I'm on the record
as saying I'd like to do another hour today.

Speaker 3 (45:36):
Just say
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