All Episodes

July 8, 2024 48 mins

On today's Dan Patrick's show, the guys discuss the wild week of NBA free agency, break down some of the greatest musical one-hit wonders of all time, and dove into the subject of baseball's new-found youth movement after a record-setting 33 players became first-time all-stars.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Oh we're back. Let me see if I remember everybody's name.
That's Todd, Seatan, Merwin, and Paul. All right, three out
of four. That's not bad. Great to be back. Backroom guys.
By the way, a new addition to the family. The
big German's wife had a baby boy. Congratulations. Yeah, Helmet.

His name is not Helmet. There's a umla. Are you sure?

Speaker 3 (00:35):
I don't think it's helmet, Helmet, helmet, Dere Helmet is
in the building.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
So I said to the big German, I said, all right,
you didn't have the kid, Why don't you come in
and work. So the big German is here sitting next
to Dylan back there in the back. But morale is high.
We're back together. The band is back together again. This
program brought to you by in the first hour, the
great folks at iraq dot com. The Way Tire Buying
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The Way Tire Buying Should Be is always stat of
the Day brought to you by Benini America, the official
trading cards of the program. PAULI said, we couldn't do it,
but we did it. Fox Sports five ninety k f NS,
Saint Louis, Missouri. Dave Zobrist he said, I'm going to

make it happen. I said, all right, Dave, let's see
what you can do. And he did the GM there
of that station, great station there in Saint Louis, Fox
Sports five ninety k f NS, and now over four
hundred and five cities in America that carried this program
eight seven seven three DP Show, as we always do
every Monday, Best and Worst of the weekend, What you

saw that you like. We've been gone for a week,
so best and Worst of the week if you would like,
and Operator Tyler is sitting by email address dpat Danpatrick
dot com, Twitter handle at DP show. We are live
on Peacock. That's our streaming partner, Fox Sports Radio, iHeartRadio
as well, play the day, poll question, stat of the day,

all of that forthcoming busy month though you got soccer,
you got tennis, you got baseball, the All Star Game,
NFL training camp start up next week. Busy two weeks,
the past two weeks for the NBA. We'll talk about
the moves and the Golden State Warriors. The artist formerly
known as the dynasty no longer, but what a great run.

And we'll talk about how you build a dynasty. It's
not just getting those two or three players bringing in
a couple of guys in free agency. Golden State did it.
You know where you do it the old fashioned way.
You draft, And if you look at who they drafted
and when they drafted them, anybody could have had Klay Thompson,
anybody could have had Steph Curry, and anybody could have

had Draymond Green, especially Draymond and Clay. But they take
those players and the interesting isfed. They whiffed on James
Wiseman number two pick overall. But if you hit on
the other ones where you get Hall of Fame players,
it makes up for golly. They missed on James Wiseman
with the second pick in the draft. And in that draft,

who did you have. Tyrese Maxey was in that draft,
Anthony Edwards was number one. Tyrese Halliburton was in that
draft as well. Lamar Ball was in that draft as well.
So they had opportunities to add to that roster. And
even with a whiff with the second pick. Overall, they
still held and you know what, I give Golden State

a lot of credit because their ownership. They spent more money,
they went over the luxury tax, but they kept everybody together.
Even when Klay Thompson was out for pretty much two
years with injuries, they kept him, They paid him. They
were loyal to everybody. But then you got to the
point where they're going to move on from Klay Thompson.
I thought he was going to go to Orlando. He

goes to Dallas. I think it's a good move for Dallas.
He's going to be the third guy. And uh, you know,
I think he was. His ego was bruised because he
was coming off the bench. He was like, no, I
don't come off the bench. It's like, you know, you
do come off the bench. If you want to extend
your career, you come off the bench. I'm assuming that
he starts in Dallas, but we can look at what,

you know, some of these other moves. And if you're curious,
who is the odds on favor to win the title?
It's not even close right now. It's Boston. I got
the odds here according to DraftKings as of this morning,
and it is Boston by far the second favorite right
now to win the NBA title. Todd, I'm gonna let
you go first. Who is the by the way, great

to see you, Todd. The Nuggets, Right, Nuggets had a
terrible offseason.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
Seaton, the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
They're one. They're not two, but they're one and two.
Although all give you credit for that. No, Todd was wrong. Yeah,
it's not the Nuggets. Yeah, the Nuggets. Nuggets did not
have a good off season. Marvin, clean up the mess
here the Thunder. No, they're third thunder out of great

off season in my opinion, their third, Paul, the Minnesota Timbrels.
No MAVs, no Lakers, No, No, the seventy six ers.
That's not right, that makes no sense. That's incorrect. I'm

just going by what DraftKings has here. They got, you know,
Playoff Pee, it's all you need. They're the podcast these days,
podcast pre podcast? Is he more podcast than playoff Pig
done more podcasts? I'm gonna say podcast. Yeah, you know,
I do like his voice, though, I mean, I think
I think Playoff Pee podcast p has a great voice.

Do you have some Paul George here, do you have
something I.

Speaker 4 (06:01):
Had to do it had come on, man, I'm in Philly. Okay,
my idol to Bean Kobe Bryant, my way of idolizing
Cole and uh, you know something that meant something outside
of twenty four and thirteen, So it was only right.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
They looks good on me. Okay, paying tribute to Kobe Bryant.
You know how I would pay tribute to Kobe. I
play a lot of great basketball in the playoffs. That's
what I would do if I'm gonna pay tribute. You
can wear the number, wear the number and play great basketball. Plus,
you're gonna say, now, all right, I'm not gonna argue

too much with DraftKings because they that's how they make
their living with these odds. But I'm you're gonna say
to me, all right, Joe ellen Beid and Paul George
are gonna play in seventy games this year over under.
I'm gonna give you sixty six over under for both
of these guys. Are you going to how many times

have they both played seventy games or more? And I
don't know if they have at least anytime recently? Yes, Paul.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
Oddly, Paul George played seventy four games, this year, which
is like for him, that's like one hundred. The past
four seasons though, he averaged about forty nine games played
per season.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
But if you put them together, how many times they
have they both played over seventy games in a Season's
that's what I'd be curious about.

Speaker 3 (07:28):
I don't know that Joel Embid's gotten there yet.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Seventy games, yeah, probably not. Let me see if I
have numbers here.

Speaker 5 (07:36):
Paul George, I think seven times in his career. They're
going way back. Okay, Joel Embiid has never played more
than seventy games in one season.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Okay, Embiid has never top sixty eight. Paul George's averaged
sixty two games per season in his career, So that
would be the reason why I look at that and
go HM. Things that make you go H comes down
to who's going to be healthy? Because you can look
at some of these teams like the Lakers, Anthony Davis

played what seventy five games? Lebron was healthy for the
most part. Now they're odds to win, They're not even
on the board. I've got Celtics, Sixers, Thunder, Nuggets, Nicks,
and then the Timberwolves and the Timberwolves have added a
couple of scores there with Anthony Edwards, and they needed that.

I thought the Nuggets missed out. They let casep go.
He went to Orlando. You got the best player in
the game, and you didn't add to that roster man.
That's a missed opportunity in my opinion. All right, we'll
go pull question seton. I'm getting ahead of myself. We
should establish here there's an order here to this program. Yeah,

we got a couple.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Of them here, mostly centered around the Warriors. Okay, let's see,
here's what for PAULI? Who got the most.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Out of the Warriors? Run guess?

Speaker 5 (09:00):
So the genesis of this pole question is who got
the most further legacy out of this? And I think
you can make the case that Steve Kerr maybe got
the most. Steve cart a very good NBA career as
a backup. But he won a lot of titles as
a backup. Yeah, but I don't think you're going to
the Hall of Fame that way. He wasn't going to
the Hall of Fame. Now he's a shoe in first ballot,
you know, Hall of Fame. Okay, let see where you're

coming from. Yeah, and he kind of stumbled into it.
He didn't have a coaching resume.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
Well, he took over from Mark Jackson. Yeah, it was
more defensive minded. Steve came in and said, nope, we're
going to shoot the three, and they changed basketball. Here
is Steve Kerr talking about losing Klay Thompson.

Speaker 6 (09:40):
I just want to say thank you to Clay Thompson
for thirteen incredible years, ten of which you know I
was there for what he did for the team, the
organization for the Bay are for me personally. We're gonna
miss Clay. These things rarely go oh like you know,

like you want where you.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Get to draw it up.

Speaker 6 (10:06):
And execute it and everybody goes out together.

Speaker 2 (10:09):
We were hoping that.

Speaker 6 (10:10):
Could happen, but it didn't. You know, we wish play well,
but we love him and we'll miss him and play.
If you're watching, thank you for everything.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Really some nice parting gifts there, some nice compliments for
Klay Thompson, who is going to the Hall of Fame.
And you go back and look at how that roster
was orchestrated, and you go back to those three draft picks,
because you know Steph Curry Minnesota passed on him, twice,
and he wasn't great the first couple of years because

he had that bulky ankle injury, and you know, he was,
what give me fourteen points a game? Klay Thompson eleventh
pick overall, and I remember watching Pac twelve basketball and
I just thought, oh, Michael Thompson's son, and then I go,
all right, he can shoot. Now. Didn't think that he
was going to be the shooter that he had ended

up being one of the greatest shooters in NBA history.
And then watching Draymond Green, it's tough to sometimes project
when you're great in the Big Ten, because we've seen
guys be great in the Big Ten and they're not
great in the NBA style of basketball. It's just a
little different there. Draymond was one of those players where
you watched and you go, man, he kind of does everything.

I just don't know if he does anything really well.
And then people thought, well, maybe he can be a
Dennis Rodman type play defense and rebound. I thought, all right,
and then he came in and he was far better
than that, and he's going to the Hall of Fame
as well. This allows you to add players you can
kind of pick and choose and then you get role players.
You know, Harrison Barnes can be in there, you can

have it was it. Stevenson was in there, Andrea Gudala
was in there. Like you just kind of, you know,
adding pieces, but you don't need to add anything major.
And then they did when they were on the verge
of losing to OKC. And then Kevin Durant shocked us
all by let's go to the Hamptons, come out here
and tell me how much you love me, and then

I'm gonna go play for Golden State. And they ended
up winning a couple of titles. Then he leaves, they
win another title, and which I think is the most
important title that they won, because it was, oh Steph
needs Kevin Durant, Well without him, they're not winning anymore.
And then all of a sudden they won that title
a couple of years ago. But you have to hit

you know, the spurs. Obviously you got David Robinson and
Tim Duncan. You know you got David because you were
bad and you got the number one pick. You got
Tim because even with David being injured with the bad back,
you got the number one pick. You somehow lucked into
the number one pick. But you got to have Manu
Jenobili and Tony Parker. That's what makes you a dynasty.

That's what makes you a formidable team, keeping the pieces together.
And then you have a Hall of Fame coach as well,
having those players as great as Mike and Scottie were.
You have to Horace Grant or Dennis Rodman or Tony kookoach.
You have to, you know, even with the Lakers, you
have to have role players with the Dynasties, all the

Celtic teams, the great teams. Gotta have those role players
who understand what their role is and they're able to contribute.
And if they don't and they want to go play
someplace else, you're able to kind of fill in the void. Yes.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
So, like if you were creating a checklist of what
a dynasty has to have, it usually starts at a draft.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
It does for me because it makes it easier I
have you under contract, as opposed to I got to
bring you in with a larger contract.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Yeah, you can't really free agency your way into its dynasty.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Yes, I mean it's hard to do that. Look at
the Knicks now with what they did now they brought
in Jalen Brunson, who was undervalued. But Dante di Venchens like,
you're getting guys that kind of fit who you are
getting the right players instead of saying, hey, we got
to get a big ticket item. And that's always what
you hear with the Knicks. It's like, oh, you got
to go get that guy, or you got to get that.
You got to get Dame Littler, you got to get No,

you don't have to. If you draft correctly, then that
allows you to maybe have one or two big ticket items.
But I just don't believe. I think the days of
having three true stars. I think it's over. I think
it is about getting those players and drafting and role
players as well.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
Yes, Pauling, but your Knicks lost to the heart and
soul Hertenstein, the big guy.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
He went to okay See with the money. I think
okay See did a great job. They got Caruso Hartenstein.
I think they're dangerous this year. That was my team
last year. And they may knock on the door a little,
a little longer, little loud. They may open the door
this year. And they got rid of you know, Josh Getty,
who wasn't good in the playoffs, he's young. He didn't

you know. He wants to start and you go to
the Bulls. Remember when the Bulls used to be good
with Michael or Mike. Okay, it's they've been trying to
trade Zach Levine. It feels like since they got him.
Demarto Rosen goes to Sacramento like okay, and Billy Donovan's
still there. I'm like, golly, they used to be the Bulls.

Not anymore. All right, let me take a break, just
getting started, all fired up. Great to be back, Great
to see everybody. Everybody's got tans. Uh. Todd showed me
a little too much of his tan. Thank you, I
got too old. Yeah. When you say I got some
color and I go okay, and then all of a
sudden he like pulls down his shorts a little bit.
I got no. No, no, no, no, just it's a

playful Monday morning. See you. Uh. We'll get phone calls
coming up. Eight seven seven three DP show settle on
our poll question as well. We're back after this Dan
Patrick show.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live Pally Fools Go here with Tony Fools Go Yo.

Speaker 7 (16:00):
As everybody knows, we're of the hosts of the award
winning Paul Antoni Fusco Show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are, here's how Dan Patrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated. What are you doing?

Speaker 1 (16:14):
We were interrupting our promo. Yeah, you wasn't talking about you.
You took those clips totally out of context.

Speaker 7 (16:20):
Oh yeah, well after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
Let me put this into context. Shut up.

Speaker 7 (16:27):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully Antoni Fusco Show
on I Heart Radio, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (16:33):

Speaker 2 (16:35):
We are back and better than ever Dan and the
Dan Edge Dan Patrick Show. Glad to have you with us,
Stay as long as you like. Say good morning to
our newest affiliate. We are on in Saint Louis. Who
would have thought, but we did it. Fox Sports five
ninety kf NS in Saint Louis and our thanks to
Dave Zibrist, who is the GM and owner there. As

we are live eight am to a. I have an
am local in Saint Louis. Yes, see no counter been
to Saint Louis, Yes, I have my sister lives there.
Oh really, yes she does, kidding, Yeah she does. Been
there quite a few times. Okay, yeah, Midwest, Yeah, yea
through throughout the first pitch at a Cardinals game a
few years Ben brought some cheese there. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
I've always wanted to go there, but I haven't made
it out.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
Yeah. What's going out there? Yeah? Maybe maybe it will
maybe even going out there road trip. Yeah, yes, Paul.

Speaker 5 (17:25):
I think the last time the show was in Saint
Louis was the World Series Red four World Series Red
Sox Cardinals. We did the show from from Bush Stadium. Yeah,
and then when it was a sweep, no no offense.
There was a sweep, and that night we were out
and we thought we were going to fly home the
next day, back when the show was at ESPN, and

we got a call at eleven o'clock at night and said,
you're getting out a flight in the morning to do
the show at Fenway Park. We're at a bar and
somewhere in Saint Louis when we got that called. Yeah,
that's the last.

Speaker 2 (17:56):
Time I think the show was there. Yeah, went back
to Fenway and we had Kurt Shilling I think joined us. Yeh,
Bill Buckner, I think joined us.

Speaker 5 (18:05):
And theu Epstein Steale Fel still hurt from the night be.

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Four Yeah all right, eight seven seven three DP show
email Addressdpadanpatrick dot com, Twitter handling TP show, A lot
of tennis, a lot of soccer. The Olympics begin on
July twenty sixth in Paris. Baseball All Star Game. A
lot of new players. What do we have twenty six

first time players? Or is it more than that? Thirty two,
thirty two. It's got to be a record or something. Correct.
Paul Skene's name to the All Star team. He has
pitched just over fifty nine innings. The last starting pitcher
to be named to the All Star Team with fewer
innings prior to the All Star break. You have to
go back to nineteen forty two Carl Hubble and he

had fifty three innings. So Skeens is twenty one, and
he's the youngest on either roster. But you're also looking
at a situation where you can't create this. It just happens. Schemes,
College World series, LSU, famous girlfriend, number one pick, minors

for one year, one season, and then he's up. It
just doesn't happen that quickly, if at all, because normally
those pitchers stay down there for a little while. And
this is where you have like Cam Newton, you know,
you're a big star in the SEC and all of
a sudden you come right in and you're the rookie
of the year. Like that's doesn't happen in baseball, certainly

in pit you know, being a pitcher today's game, you know,
he throws a hundred, you're up. You're with a franchise
that needs you. He's got the mustache, his girlfriend, famous gymnast,
and you're with a franchise that needs you right now.
And he has been He's lived up everything that's advertised

there and a lot of times. And I'm old enough
to go back to David Clyde if you remember him
with the Texas Rangers. I think David came up when
he was maybe seventeen, and he threw hard, didn't last.
Don Gullet with the Reds came up might be nineteen
through hard, didn't last. Wayne Simpson Cincinnati Reds maybe twenty

years of age, through hard didn't last. And that's what
I talked to a physical therapist and he deals with
a lot of high end athletes, and I spoke to
him during my vacation and we were talking about he
deals with Tommy John surgery and then therapy to follow up.
And he said, teams are now drafting players factoring in

you're going to need Tommy John at some point. I mean,
so once again they're drafting and they realize you're going
to need Tommy John surgery. It's like you're buying a
sports car and you know that the engine has to
be overhauled at some point. So to me, it's mind
boggling because you know, I grew up where guys were

pitching complete games, they were pitching a lot of innings.
Guys didn't get hurt. Nowadays, they kind of expect you
to throw as hard as you can, as long as
you can, and then we'll fix you up and then
we'll get you back out there. But he said he
had parents. I gotta be careful with what the information

I'm giving here, but he had parents, two different parents,
families who wanted their son to have Tommy John surgery
and he had just turned They had just turned thirteen.
They were going to have it before he needed the
two kids needed Tommy John surgery. And he said, he goes,

no that, No, we're not doing that. No pitch, pitch
as long as you can, or however you're going to pitch,
but you can't have preemptive Tommy John surgery to make
you better. But the two different families wanted their sons
to have Tommy John surgery, and he said, I think

they were thirteen or fourteen. That's where we are with
pitching nowadays. It's hard to be famous as a pitcher
because Clayton Kershaw is the most famous pitcher, justin Verlander.
I mean Verlander's famous because you know he's going to
the Hall of Fame and he's got a famous wife,
swimsuit model Max Schurzer famous. Clayton Kershaw's famous. But other

than that, I don't know, Garrett Cole, we've diminished. Pitching
has now become a running back where you're like, all right,
it's all interchangeable. Hey, you got banged up, No no worries.
We'll just draft somebody in the fourth round and put
him in there at running back. But where we are
with pitching and schemes is different because he's a tune

in factor. I found myself. If he's pitching, I'm gonna watch.
If I'm going through the channels he's pitching, I'm staying.
Elie Dela Cruz is another player that I find I'm
watching him. But is it a good thing that baseball
has thirty two first time starters here? Baseball's built on
reputation and tradition, and that guy's back in the All

Star Game. And once again, I go back to the
sixties and seventies where players were an All Star for eighteen, nineteen, twenty,
twenty one, twenty two years. You don't have as many
repeat All Stars. Now. It's a younger roster here, which

could be good because you're trying to get a younger audience. Here.
Part of Baseball's problem is their fan base. The average
fan is probably in his mid fifties. You're trying to
get everybody's trying to get younger. They're trying to get
that younger fan base. You're trying to get females, you're
trying to get minorities. You know. Baseball with this push
to now recognize the stats from the negro leagues, that

to me is a long time overdue, but it's it's
basically a reset to say to African Americans, hey, play
this game, come on, come on, try it again. Maybe
you didn't like it before, maybe find it boring, but
your predecessors are being recognized. Josh Gibson, you know that

maybe you can get more conversation going. That's the feeling.
I got baseball's twofold, but they want to get younger
and diversify. But watching the All Star Game, you want
it to be something. When's the last time you said,
got to watch the All Star Game? Nineteen ninety four,
Bo Jackson?

Speaker 8 (24:36):
That was Tony gwyn Fred McGriff like back then, okay
for you, yeah for me?

Speaker 6 (24:41):
For me?

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Sorry, yes for me. I'm thinking Bo Jackson. I remember
that was a big deal. And then he homered off
Rick Russell and he let off vitea blue Back at
in Detroit. Reggie the Accent hit one off the light
post there. Doc Ellis was on the mound the Pirates sky.

Now once again, when you're younger, it's more important. And
I don't want to sound like, you know, get off
my lawn, guy, and I hope baseball has like you're
going to tune in to see show. Heyo Tani, I
don't tune in for the home run derby. I mean,
I think it's kind of played out. It's kind of
like the slam dunk contest. Like, okay, back back back
back back, back back back. The only thing interesting is

the kids running around in the outfield trying to not
you know, get blinked by baseball.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
Yeah, wasn't there one in like the two thousands ish
that went like seventeen innings or something. It went on forever.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
I don't know if that's a good thing, but.

Speaker 3 (25:42):
It was kind of It's fun, though maybe not quite seventeen.
I'm a little bit of an exaggerator, but it went
on for a while.

Speaker 2 (25:50):
Hyperble, how are you?

Speaker 3 (25:52):

Speaker 2 (25:53):
Yes, Paul?

Speaker 5 (25:53):
That was the O two All Star Game Miller Park, Milwaukee,
where oh we were there.

Speaker 2 (25:58):
We were there and Bud Selig was not sure what
to do. Did they run out of players or something.
You just said, we're gonna call.

Speaker 5 (26:05):
This it edited a seven to seven tie. People like
it's an American ended a tie.

Speaker 2 (26:09):
That's what they do in Russia, in Russia wherever.

Speaker 5 (26:13):
Yeah, But the fallout from that was the you know
how you they try to make the game more important.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
Oh well that's where Fox goes, nobody's watching the All
Star Game? Can we make the outcome more important that
you know, the National League wins the All Star Game
and the National League team gets to host the World Series?
Stupid Yes.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
And then I don't know if that's the one I
was thinking about, But in two thousand and eight it
went fifteen innings and that al won four to three. Okay,
mail to Jada to Jada, did he homer or something?
He scored A yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
When we were in Houston and all of a sudden
was that home run derby or where they were just
introducing the All Star to Jada and you had the
public address announcers, so we're in center field and you know,
you have that great voice where and at short stop
Miguel to Jada to Jada, I go, oh, my one,

it's stay hot. But but you say it in a
way that you make people think like you're the one
that got it wrong.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
But just.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
It also goes back to, you know, when my friend
was doing the PA announcing for the Atlanta Hawks with
Carl Maline at the Loan shooting too, and we go wait,
it's Karl Malone at the line shooting too. But he
said it in a way it's like Carl Maline at
the loan shooting too, And I go, wait, that's Carl Malone. Oops.

All right, AnyWho, So Paul's schemes has been great, and uh,
you got to start him? I guess, right? Should you
start him out of Yes? Now, they used to, you know,
they would hold a pitcher back or you know, so
somebody wouldn't pitch on a Friday or a Saturday or whatever,
so they would have the appropriate amount of rest to

be able to start. I would want I would want
paul schemes to start.

Speaker 5 (28:14):
Pirates are only ten games out of first they're still
in it.

Speaker 2 (28:17):
Well you're virus. Yeah, well he's destined for Tommy John
surgery at some point, so come on in. Isn't that
crazy though? With parents? Let's just have it now. But
all you're doing is thrown as hard as you can.
And the fact that these teams are drafting players because
they know they're all interchangeable, well, not all of them are.

There are some that you would think are truly special,
that maybe they have a fifteen year career. Ten you're
when's how many starting pitchers are going to go to
the Hall of Fame? Aside from Verlander's going to the
Hall of Fame, Kershaw's going to the Hall of Fame.
Who's going to the Hall of Fame? After that? Who's

going to the Hall of Fame? Is Garrett Cole going
to the Hall of Fame. But it used to be
that everybody talked about starting pitching. You gotta have starting pitching.
You know, you win with starting pitching, certainly in the playoffs.
Now it's like, all right, can you give me four
maybe five, then that's it. But with the advent of

you know, middle relievers throwing a hundred, so now you're
just kind of everybody is going to be throwing at
a hundred, You're not going, hey, we got this guy.
And I always thought variation would be great because Greg
Maddox would throw in the low nineties. But we'd probably
look at Greg Maddox now and go that guy, but
he knew how to pitch. These guys throw now they

throw really hard and their stuff is great and spin
rate and all that stuff. But I'd love to get
back to where you're watching great pitching. Yeah, paulm we just.

Speaker 5 (29:54):
Had a five year run where a starting pitcher wasn't
on the Hall of Fame ballot. To make it in
the Hall of Fame, you gotta go back to nineteen
Roy Halliday. Mike Musina The Athletic wrote an article about
it that we may have to revamp how voters look
at the starting pitcher going forward because the old rules,
no one's getting in.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
But it's the same with running backs. Yes, you're not
getting in unless you catch at least seven hundred passes
in your career, Like they said.

Speaker 5 (30:19):
Zach Grinkey and Clayton Kershaw, Meck Schuerz or Verlander will I'll.

Speaker 2 (30:22):
Be going in in there.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
Grinky's going in, they said, by the fault, almost very
good career.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
But are we going to do that with running backs? Now?
It used to be ten thousand yards that if you
got to ten thousand you were going into the Hall
of Fame. Now we might have to go back to
that and maybe even lowered it a little bit because
I just I don't unless you're like McCaffrey. Because McCaffrey
should go to the Hall of Fame. You think he

is he a Hall of Famer? Now, No, with today's definition,
he dipped.

Speaker 5 (30:54):
A little bit, but back with now back in San Francisco.
His numbers are way up.

Speaker 2 (30:58):
Okay, but how many running backs? Let me take a
break here, Let me take a break. We got we
got a lot of things talk about here. Also, I
have something about the Celtics. They're going to sell. The
majority owner is selling his share of the Celtics. Give
you an idea of And I have somebody who is
not involved in this sale, but is involved in these

kind of acquisitions transactions, and he gave me some information
on that. I'll have that for you coming up. We'll
get phone calls coming up, as we always do every Monday,
best and Worst of the weekend. We're back after this.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
It's the final hour in this Monday Dan and the
Dan at stan Patrick's show, come on in join us.
Fritzi's here, Seaton, mar Pauli, backroom guys, including the big
German who's the director of the show. He also helped
build the new Man Cave there just became a new
dad last week and boy, you look around and people

are doing big boy things. He got here, he was
I think just out of college. Next thing, you know,
he's got a son. We don't know his name. Is
it Helmet? That is not Helmet. I don't think I'm
allowed to give out the name. I think it's Jacob. Okay,
I think it's Jacob. Yes, might not be and might
might not be. But congratulations to the big german, Eric

and his wife and their baby, So congratulations to them.
Also congratulations to US Fox Sports five ninety k f
NS and Saint Louis, Missouri, the GM and the owner
Dave z Obrist. He decided to bring us in eight
am to eleven am Central. Thank you, Dave for the
opportunity to entertain the great city of Saint Louis, or

at least try to eight seven seven three DP show
email Addressdpadanpatrick dot com Twitter handle a DP show Best
and Worst of the Weekend. We always do that every Monday.
We had Fritzy's Now it's Seaton's turn.

Speaker 3 (33:02):
Well, my worst of the weekend was the US bench
national team not getting out of the group stage of
Copa America. That's a massive epic failure. The only good
news silver lining is that maybe there will be a
change in management there just before the World Cup. The
next eighteen months are incredibly important to development in soccer

in this country, and so there's a lot of people
hoping that there's a change with the head coach.

Speaker 2 (33:28):
My best of the weekend.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
You know that show The Bear?

Speaker 2 (33:32):
I know of it, I have not watched it.

Speaker 3 (33:34):
Okay, Well, it's very popular and it happens to be
like my favorite show. I think it's amazing. In season
two of The Bear, there's a scene where these two
dudes are talking to each other and one of the
guys not taking things very seriously, and the other guy
takes it very seriously. The guy who takes it very
seriously says to the other guy, hey man, every day
is the super Bowl. And I was like, whoa, every

day is the super Bowl. Dan, you're the only person
I've ever say I've ever heard say every day's the
super Bowl. Yea, I don't know anybody else who who
says that. That's like one of your expressions. So I
was like, wow, that's crazy. He said every day's the
super Bowl. Well, season three, there's a scene you can
hear muffs this. But it's not a major storyline or
anything like that, no big deal. But one of the

characters is talking to another character. They're just hanging out
and they're sort of like catching up, and she says
to him, well, we're both members of a very exclusive club.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
Did you know that?

Speaker 3 (34:25):
And he was like, no, what club is that? And
she said the Dead Mom's Club. Okay, hold on, now,
obviously it's not the Dead Dad's Club, but Dead Mom's Club.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
And every day's the super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (34:37):
Somebody on that show listens to this show. I'm just saying,
there's a writer somewhere in the mix. Okay, that person
absolutely listens to this show. There's no way that those
two things they just happen to be a coincidence.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
Maybe it's an homage to us, Yeah, dude, that all day.
Maybe there's a writer who is a big fan of
the show who likes to incorporate little Easter eggs into
the episode, and I'm fine with that.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
I love the Bear the first two seasons I've seen.
I've seen the first two seasons four times. I love
that show.

Speaker 2 (35:07):
It's great.

Speaker 3 (35:08):
It's great.

Speaker 2 (35:09):
Now I do hear it's a little frenetic like the pace.
You can't watch it like you can't binge it because
the episodes are a little chaotic and it gets your
heart great going.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
So I've definitely bringed all of them many times. I
find that the best way to watch the show. But
it's just it's really good. It's just really well done.
That the pacing and energy of the show is one thing.
It's not really like anything to focus too much on.
It's really really well done though. Okay, but anyway, those
two every day is the super Bowl and Dead Mom's Club.
That's I'm sorry, come on, that's an homage, which is awesome,

thank you.

Speaker 2 (35:44):
But the lead guy is it Jeremy Allen? Jeremy Allen White,
Watty White? What? Who looks like Gene Wilder? Like he
could be related to the late actor Gene Wilder. Yeah,
very very similar. Look he does, yes, very very similar. Look.

Great show. Okay, the Bear, I gotta watch it. But
now I'm getting into that kind of that area, that
gray area. If you don't watch it soon, then I
just let it go. Like the Sopranos and some of
those shows, you're essentially already nickelbacking it. Wait, why have welady?

Speaker 3 (36:22):
It's already too bad.

Speaker 2 (36:24):
I'm not gonna like it that. Let's see what this
is about. Not that good? Well, no, I like the
Nickelback documentary that I watched. Yeah yeah, yeah, but.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
The music though. By the time that the music, everybody
was talking, man, look how Nickelback, how popular they are.
And then the backlash came, you're already backlashing the Bear.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
Okay, now I don't. I don't mean to backlash. I
just got to make sure that I start watching it
soon because this happened with Breaking Bad, and it happened
with The Wire, and I kept great shows though, yes,
so Breaking Bad, the Wire and Sopranos, and everybody kept
telling me, oh, you go, and then then it got
to the point where I go, nope, I'm not going

to do it now. And then I waited like ten years,
and I go, man, have you guys seen The Wire?
And then people go, yeah, a long time ago. It's
really good. That Breaking Bad is really good. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
See, if you get stick with the Bear and you're
you're lucky enough then to watch both seasons, the first
two back to back, okay, because the second season is
so makes the first season so much better.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
In a weird way, yes, Paul.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
The Bear is a great example the way it shot,
the frenetic energy at the back of the house of
a restaurant.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
For if you've never worked there, you'll feel it. You'll
feel it in every way.

Speaker 5 (37:36):
You could watch this this week in three or four days.
The episodes are very fast, yeah, chef. Yeah, and you'll
you'll like it. It's fun, it's energetic, and you can not
get you can not get a season out this week
easy now.

Speaker 2 (37:48):
I saw where Jeremy Allen White and then who's his
co star, the female actress she they went to a
Cubs game together earlier this year. I think, just throw
that out there. I mean, it's filmed in Chicago and
great cast. I saw them they went to a cub

scamp together.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
I'm in that part of a show where I only
know them by their character names. I don't know no one,
no real person actually exists, Like whoever the lead guy is,
that's actually KRMEI, that's his real name. That's actually who
he is.

Speaker 2 (38:22):
He is a chef. Yeah, all right, final hour poll question.
I thought about this three hours ago and I thought,
you know what, whose career would you rather have, Klay
Thompson or Kawhi Leonard. I don't know why I thought
it with Klay Thompson leaving, going from Golden State to
Dallas and we say goodbye to the dynasty that was,
I don't know. I think the Celtics have the potential.

Like if the Celtics had won one more title in
this six year run, we might be looking at them
as dynastic. They played, you know, at a very high level.
They've only won one title, but you do have the
nucleus that's there for a while and going to be
there for a while. They're they're they're locked up there.

It's crazy. Like Franz Wagner, I think he just got
fifty million dollars a year. He plays for Orlando five years.
He got he got the bag, as they like to say,
big bag. Like these salaries. We look at Dak Prescott going,
how can they pay him sixty million? Franz Wagner got

fifty million a year. You're going to have a basketball
player make eighty million dollars probably in the next four years,
eighty eighty one million dollars a year. I just don't
know how sustainable it is.

Speaker 5 (39:45):
Yes, Paul Jonathan Isaac is a big man. For the
Orlando Magic. I think he got like a four year,
eighty million dollar deal, which doesn't sound like a ton
of money for the NBA. This guy missed two seasons
because of kne injuries, and last year he started a
total of two games. I was played in fifty games.
You evered seven points and four rebounds in a block
and he got almost one hundred million dollars.

Speaker 2 (40:07):
In upcoming money. Yeah, once again, Franz Wagner getting fifty
a year. His brother Mauritz Wagner also got paid, but
there I think he averaged like maybe eighteen or nineteen
a game, so like decent numbers there, But it's just
it's wild where we look at a quarterback being overpaid

at fifty million or in Dak Prescott's case, sixty million.
But all right, let me see did ever everybody? Marmont,
it's your turn. Best and worst of the weekend?

Speaker 8 (40:39):
Okay, yeah, thanks Dan. I'm gonna start with the worst.
The Yankees. They're like six and fifteen in July.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
Terrible. They're paying way too much money to be that
bad as of late. Do you really care?

Speaker 6 (40:52):

Speaker 8 (40:52):
But it was just my my worst. I had so
many best. I just want to you know, Best of
the week, Chris Paul going to the Spurs. I wish
he was a little younger, but I love that for Wemby.

Speaker 2 (41:07):
Maybe last year would have like he need, he needs
a good point guard.

Speaker 8 (41:12):
I'll take any point guard, and he's got a great one.
I know he's the same age as Lebron, but so
be it. You're gonna take who Tyus Jones?

Speaker 2 (41:22):
No, no, no, they should have gotten a better point guard.
They should have gotten like Kyle Lowry, Like somebody who
is a little younger can help Victor win. Benyama, hold on,
Kyle Lowry's younger by eight days. Okay, is he younger
eight days? Yes, he is so much younger than Chris Paul.
I don't know somebody who a little see Ricky Rubio

would be better then can Chris Paul.

Speaker 8 (41:48):
Probably never in life would Ricky Ruby better than Chris Paul.

Speaker 2 (41:52):
Sorry, Chris Mannickson, what else do you got? No? That
was both? That's it?

Speaker 5 (41:56):
Okay, Paul, Best and worst of the week, Best of
the weekend Copa America. You know, the usual suspects are there,
like Argentina and Uruguay. How about Canada soccer? Canadian soccer
in the final four of the Copa America and then
worse that we can I don't really have a worse
There's nothing really.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
Bad to happen.

Speaker 1 (42:12):
You know.

Speaker 5 (42:12):
How about this another best this the de Jonte Murray
going to the New Orleans Pelicans. They seem like they're
a better team than we think they are.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
They were.

Speaker 5 (42:23):
They almost had fifty wins last year. Zion's playing well.
They added a nice piece, not a big famous guy,
but a nice piece. I think they're a sneaky team.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
For next Yeah. Well, I thought they were going to
try to get rid of brandon Ingram. But so I don't.
I don't know if they know that they could be
really good. It's like, you know, they may wake up
one day and go, we should be a whole lot
better than we are. Yeh see.

Speaker 3 (42:47):
The Canada's head coach, by the way, is a dude
named Jesse Marsh. Is an American. He was coaching Leeds
for a little while. He coached Red Bull. Yeah right,
he's the guy. After the last World Cup, a lot
of people thought Greg Burholter his contract was done. He's
the current US head coach. People wanted Jesse Marsh to
be the new head coach instead, the US stuck with
Greg Burrhalter again, which a lot of people didn't want

them to do. And now Jesse Marsh, who's only been
the Canada's head coach for about a month already has
been playing better and advancing further in Copa America. There
you go a little breakdown for it.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
It's five seconds to soccer. Soccer breakdown in three two.
Let me see what else did I wonder? Oh, Marvin
went to Disney World and your son is he's ten
yen okay? Because I try to give parental advice because
lord knows I've done the wrong things. And if you

do with you have one child, but tried taking four
that are in a seven year window, and you know
that you're only as happy as your unhappiest child. It
is when you see parents who are going to Disney World,
and then you see the parents when they're coming back

from Disney World. It is that they were involved in
a heavyweight fight. Like it. They looked like they got
roughed up. Because everybody's happy and the kids and all
this is awesome, and then you see them in the
Orlando airport and they're like never again. But you only
have your son correct and it was you and your wife. Yep,

I'm sure everything went great. Yeah, everything was really good.

Speaker 8 (44:27):
And what me and my wife did, we just had
two drinks and so we said, hey, look, anytime we
see a tantrum, we take a sip. And wait, you
only had two drinks. Oh no, no, no, oh no, we
had to get another. We had to refill. Okay, yes,
And so what we what we counted as tantrums was
kids adults also because them yelling at their kids. And

I saw a husband's and wives yelling because everyone is
sweating in Orlando, Florida. It was one hundred and forty
four degrees. That was not it was not one hundred
my story forty four celsius.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
And you and you want to experience it with your children, yes,
and if you're like me, and we got to go
to disney Land, but we didn't go in when I
was taking my kids to Disney World, and you want
to experience that with them, and it's all it's going
to be great, and then it's hot, they're melting down.

They're wearing matchine t shirts, which makes it worse too.
And then you know you're arguing with your wife discussing
things with your wife, and you're like, oh God.

Speaker 3 (45:38):
Arguing with it, I mean discussing, discussing things.

Speaker 2 (45:41):
And then you go back to the hotel. Everybody's asleep
and you're just sitting there having a beer. You go,
we got to do this tomorrow. Why did we do this?
Every day? Is a Super Bowl hunt? Come on? Yes,
those horrifically long lined. Unless you have one of those passes.
We cut the line. The kid wants to go on
again again and again, and just spent an hour and

a half going on once. Thank you to that, Yeah, Paul.

Speaker 5 (46:06):
Disney also is like a military operation. We're gonna get
up at seven am and run to get the you know,
whatever the ride is to get in and then if
it rains, where do we get raincoats? And they sell
us ponchos. They saw these ten dollars ponchos at Disney.
They will last you maybe forty five minutes, and then
they'll disintegrate upon your body. The other thing is all

the food to Disney is very expensive and below average,
I mean all of it. That's it's a tough combo.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
I took my kids there. I don't know how long ago.
It was, but it's been a long time. And I
wore a red golf shirt because you wanted to blend in. Yes. Well,
here's the thing. There were a lot of people wearing
red that day, and I was getting the strangest looks
by people because I'm walking around with my wife and

four kids and it happened to be a gay pride
day and everybody was wearing red. And at one point
my son goes, damn, why is everybody staring at you?
And I go, I think they must recognize me from
a sports center. He goes, I don't. I don't think so.
So I asked somebody, I said, why read today? And

then the person who worked there said, oh, gay Pride day?
And I said, all right, So I was. I was
flying the colors, walking around Disney World. Very popular, Can
I dude? You got a wife and four kids. Good
for you. We appreciate you coming out and coming out
blue blue All right? Let me take a break. Uh

let me see what else do we have here? Uh?
I don't know what are we What am I teasing
coming up here? Paulie? A new contract for someone? New contract? Yeah,
a big new contract. Oh did it just happen? Yes,
oh see, okay, a big new contract or somebody all right,
we're back after this
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