All Episodes

July 5, 2024 56 mins

Doug Gottlieb and Dan Beyer in for Dan and the guys as they discuss July 4th and get deep into the Hot Dog Eating Contest. 

Doug and Dan welcome former NBA executive and current columnist for The Athletic John Hollinger onto the show to talk about Bronny James, NBA Free agency and all of the other major headlines around the NBA.

Doug and Dan discuss how different college football is going to be this year. 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Good morning to you. It's Stan Patrick Show, Fox Sports Radio.
On the fifth of July. Many of you on the
West Coast just waking up. East Coast, you're probably cleaning up.
Hope you had a great grade fourth of July. You
celebrated the right way. You got all your digits and uh,
your belly's probably pretty full. I know mine is eight

too much. It's just it is weird. Dan, as I
know you're headed this way very soon, but to be
in the state of my birth but kind of your
home space and you're in my space, You're in the
place where I grew up. Like, that's that's a that's
a weird one.

Speaker 3 (00:41):
It was a hot one yesterday, Doug.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
Was it?

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Oh yes, it was very, very toasty in southern California.
Hopefully everything was safe. Wise and by digits, you obviously
didn't mean phone numbers, you meant fingers.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yes, yes, I said this. I don't remember viewer on
my show or I've been done so many different shows
this week. By the way, you can hear Dan every
Sunday here on Fox Sports Radio. You can also hear
Dan on my show daily three to five Eastern time
on Fox Sports Radio the iHeartRadio or download the podcast.
So we've been doing other shows this week, and I said, like,

you know, like there's seminal moments in young people's lives
where you learn things from adults, right, And I remember
learning about was you know, the old say no to
drugs really struck home when len Bias died after using cocaine.
I remember the safe sex talk after Magic Johnson contracted HIV.

And then now I was more of a young adult,
but I remember when Jason Pierre Paul blew off his
fingers and I was like, yeah, that's just a reminder
to self. You know, It's like lighting the fireworks is
always really fun, but you know how many people like
want to hold onto the fireworks the very last second
then throw it up in the air.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Yes, yes, the firecracker jokes you may play on your
friends or heck, even those videos Doug like it and
not back it up. Terry like that one is everybody
watches that out for the July but it's the one
where the people are sitting in the front yard. Yeah,
it's not even dark yet, Like it's probably about seven
o'clock at night. But they're like, hey, let's light off

some street fireworks and then one goes to the side
and within it ten seconds, the entire front yards just
smoking flames.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
Yeah, there was a there looked like an incident like
that in San Francisco last night. And then there were
some weird ones where at Lavelle Edwards Stadium at BYU
there was someone fired off into the stands where people
were in geez. Yeah, I mean looked like Bain took over.
Kind of one of those things where I.

Speaker 3 (02:42):
Thought that happened out here at one point two where
a group of people were like sitting in a field.
I'm thinking maybe it was Seamy Valley at one point
years back. Jason Stewart. I don't know if you can
confirm this or deny this, but I thought that it
was angled the wrong way and instead of being fired
up in the air, it was going at the spectators.
Oh I remember that.

Speaker 4 (03:03):

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Yeah, I wouldn't go back the next year. I think
I'd be like, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
That's a hard one, right, do you go back or
you do not go back? If you go back, you're like,
what's the chance that something bad happened again? Right?

Speaker 3 (03:14):
Hey, they're not going to mess it up this year.

Speaker 2 (03:17):
But on the other hand, if you don't go, if
you go back, you're also going to be triggered by
all those other memories of you know, flinching every time
anything fires off. So always always an interesting one. Anyway,
I hope you had a good fourth July. What was
curiously missing was Joey Chestnut at the hot dog eating competition, right,

and then Joey Chestnut had his own competition in Texas,
and apparently he was banned from this competition because of
a sponsorship deal he did with somebody not named Nathan's. Right,
do we get do we determine what actually took place
to take him out of the competition. It wasn't like peds. No,
it wasn't like he was gambling on it. There's no
pet Barry Bonds or Pete Rose in this thing.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
It was more a sponsorship deal, yeah, with Impossible with
the Impossible Meats. That's where we signed to deal with.
And they felt that it was in direct competition with
Nathan's hot dogs, and because of that affiliation, Chestnut was
not allowed to participate.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
So he with his competition did they only eat Impossible
hot dogs?

Speaker 3 (04:19):
You know? I I don't have the exact details on
the actual dogs that they ate, but I could tell you,
Doug that I logged into Joey chestnuts YouTube page yesterday,
yes and watch the festivities hold on, hold on why

I was on the air at the time, and so
it was part, you know.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
Part curiosity, the curiosity thing.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
Yeah, And it was like.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
I didn't know, like if you're if people say, well,
you're a fan of love of pan Ohio State football,
I love Seattle and Joey chest Nut. I didn't know
that that was what.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
No, it was. It was funny because it popped up
on my timeline and like I should tune into this.
And so in four Plis, Texas, he had his own
event and the competition it was him against four soldiers.
So the four soldiers total of hot dogs were gonna
be matched with Joey Chestnut's total number of hot dogs.
And by the way, the soldiers, kudos to them because

I had three hot dogs yesterday and I am feeling
it today. I really didn't have anything else. Had some
ribs that my wife brought home because I couldn't go
to the party that she was at. Had just a
couple of ribs, but three hot dogs completely over feeling it. Today,
these guys put down forty nine between the four of
them in five minutes. Pretty impressive.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
What is actually the trick to it? What is actually
how does it actually work? I've heard the thing about
the buns, but you still have the hot dogs. How
does it eat so many hot dogs? I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
I learned a little yesterday, and I don't know if
Jason or Chris Purfett have any more insight into this,
But yeah, the buns are compacted by the water. That's
why you dip them in the water. I also have
heard that, you know, you prap on a water diet
for a couple of for a couple of days, expands
your stomach, yes, and gets ready for that way. But yeah,
I don't know how you can fit fifty seven hot dogs,

fifty eight hot dogs, let alone seventy hot dogs in
that area very carefully, very carefully.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Well that sounds again. I just somebody's got to tell
me the trick to it. There's got to be a
trick to it. It's like every magician's like, all right, there,
here's the trick to it. And it doesn't mean I
can pull off the trick. But at least it means
I understand the trick to it. What's the trick to it?
I don't get it. People see keep going with the
water in the hot water on the buns. I get it.

You still have to eat fifty some odd hot dogs
in five minutes, Like, yeah, just just physics alone, how
does it fit? I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
You want to know what popped into my mind? Was
that video or that? I think it's a professor or
a teacher and he has the empty jar and he
put some golf balls in it and he says, hey, class,
is this full? And they're like yeah, So then he
ends up pouring rocks in and then sand and then water.
Like that's how I that's how I assume that.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
They don't choot, but it doesn't chew.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
I do think you chew. I do think that there
is like you do have to chew the hot dog
somewhat to be able to make it work.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
I'm a part of the population that's utterly disgusted by
this and I never watch it and it's like one
of those things where I don't know if you guys
are in this as well. I don't like to think
about what happens to our trash or our garbage or
our sewage. I don't like to think about it. It's
it's too complicated and it's probably too depressing to think about.
I don't want to think about what happens after you

eat all that?

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Oh I do?

Speaker 4 (07:48):
No, No, that's not him.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
The opposite. Oh man, do you keep it down? Or
do you do you poop it out? Like? What do
you do? Like? And probably like do you throw it up? How?
I again, I'm just the The whole thing amazes me.
Some just say I don't even know how you do that.
Just somebody explained to me how you do it, and well,
I really appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
Yeah, and too. And the other thing that's just amazing
about it is these four guys, big guys, military guys
end up eating forty nine in five minutes, about twelve
per person. The winner of the Nathan's Hot Dog eating
contest at fifty eight yesterday, Peter Bertoletti I believe his

name was, ended up winning with fifty eight dogs in
ten minutes. And then Chestnut goes and eats fifty seven
and five minutes.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
And it's I mean, he's just talking half the amount
of time.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Yes, he was one dog short. I was, as I said,
I was on the air when the event was actually happening,
and so I tune in and there's I don't know,
forty seconds left, so I didn't catch the start of it.
I saw guys eating pizzas before because they had a
couple of different events going on, and I'm like, oh wow,
Chest at fifty seven. All he would have lost if
he would have been at Coney Island, because he would

have lost by one. Didn't realize that it was only
a five minute event, so he would have absolutely destroyed
the competition again, which I don't know if would have
made a better television product, because yesterday it was actually
compelling because he didn't know who was going to.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
Win, so he had help me. Had fifty seven fifty
seven in five minutes. Yes, so he had eleven in
a quarter or eleven and a half per minute. Yeah,
just that's insane.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
And I think that he probably wanted to beat because
the fifty eight, Yeah, like like can I do that
in five minutes? And because it happened earlier.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Day Chess everybody else that there's the other part to
the trick.

Speaker 3 (09:59):
He's Joey jaws, and I think that isn't there something
with his jaw or the way that he chomps. I
mean it's.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Double jointed in his jaw. I don't know. I can
you do that freaky thing with his jaw that people
can do with like their album and they like snap
their arm around like oh, like no, no, I'm fine, pop
it back in. You're like, oh, I'm just double jointed.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
What I didn't realize was by watching all of this
that I would turn into our de facto expert, which
I am clearly not. So I don't have all these answers.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Is like fascinating. As we discussed this morning, like we're
like that, do we want to talk about hot dogs
and start the sports show? Like you know what, it's
really kind of interesting.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
But I want to know about the industry in general,
Like all industries have those top level guys that get compensated, right,
you have the even like with podcasting, there's a billion podcasts.
The top top level make a good living doing it.
Most of are just kind of struggling. Like I think
Chestnut makes money and maybe the female equivalent makes money.

But when you get into this game, is it worth it?
Is it worth putting your body through that for whatever
the compensation is, I can't imagine it being much.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
And you have but to your point, you have to
have other people who are involved in the competition. Otherwise
you can't just have a one.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
Right exactly here. Here's the other thing about it is
nobody is a fat slob up there. Nobody like chestnuts
ripped the guys that were competing. I didn't see the
women's the women's competition, but the guys that I saw
there are a couple of bigger guys. You know, there's
a guy that was six ' nine, but he wasn't

he wasn't you know, overweight by any means. Like, these
guys are fit. And then the the guy that they
thought maybe would win it was an older guy who looked,
you know, in great shape. So it's not you know,
like there's there is a I guess method to the
madness if you will, because it wasn't just like you know,
a bunch of overweight people eating a bunch of hot dogs.

There's something to it where you have to be in
that physical shape to be able to compete at that
someone at that level.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
This is a quick aside, Okay, as as Jay Stu,
you said, you're basically disgusted. That's why you won't watch.
As I've stated many times before this show, when I've
guest hosted The Herd of course, our show, The Doug
Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio, I'm also somebody who
I like watching gruesome injuries. But even yesterday, I was like,
when I saw did you see the shark attack photo

of the woman's leg yesterday? Posted online?

Speaker 3 (12:35):
I saw it was ended up in my for you
part of my timeline, and when I kind of realized
what I was about to see, I quickly scrolled away. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
The only reason I saw is because Doug Gottlieb is
one of my follows, and he he he redistributed the
picture the close up of the leg half bitten off.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
Yeah, so yeah, that's not good. Why that's not Yeah?

Speaker 2 (13:05):
I mean, you know I love this stuff.

Speaker 3 (13:07):
Yeah, I know. But in one moment, you're I'm watching
a slow mo video of a cookout at your house,
and the next the next tweet, apparently I'm seeing a
half bitten leg by a shark. It's not I don't,
I don't, I don't want to see it. Now I'm
now I'm like, geez, now, I got to be cautious
on my timeline on.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
So do I have to put out the end and
not save forward N s f W would that be
or just don't post?

Speaker 3 (13:33):
It's kind of like a warning. Yeah, maybe, like.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
You know, like a warning warning, like a whole warning.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
Look, I I I don't even know, like if you
quote tweeted it, which is I assume what you did.
I don't even know if an N s f W
would be sufficient because that'll just pop up on a
timeline and you're like, oh, by the way, something that
I don't want to see after eating just three hot
dogs yesterday.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
You know.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
The the other, the other portion of this Joey Chestnut
thing is I know you guys are like, oh, it's
Jason's like, I'm disgusted by it. My wife was saying
the same thing, but she watched because we had it on.
She watched. It's okay, are you disgusted, but you'll still watch,
as you were alluding to, Doug. Yes, But the other,
the other.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
It's the same thing as the shark by thing. It's
gross to be like, oh I can't wait, I just
wait wait, is that really your leg is there. Can
you see the teeth marks. Yeah, it's dissimilar, but it's
a similar thing.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
There's also the pay per view or the shouldn't say
the pay per view, the Netflix event that Chestnut has
now against Kobyashi, And did you think it was now
actually going to be a fight. So if Chestnut does
fifty seven and five minutes, have you taken the drama
away that he might lose in a one on one?
That's the other that that's the double edged sword that

Joey Chestnut may have faced dominant on one end, but
the dominance yesterday wipe away any appeal in that net
flickx event that he has against Kobyashi.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
All Right, that and so ends I think the most
interesting discussion and the most thorough discussion on hot dog
gating in the history of national sports sports radio. He's
Dan Byrom Doug Gottlib is the Dan Patrick Show. We're
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Speaker 1 (15:35):
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Speaker 5 (15:47):
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Speaker 2 (16:17):
Dan Byrolongside. I'm Doug gollib is the Dan Patrick Show.
Fox Sports Radio. Well, while there's been a lull because
NBA finals win short, because baseball kind of hard to
move the needle, we haven't had Aaron Rodgers in the States,
let alone changing teams. We have had some NBA movement,

and to help us kind of get a gauge for
what we should be thinking heading into next year, is
a guy who's done it for a living as a
as a former NBA executive. Of course, he's senior NBA
columnist at The Athletic. He's John Hollinger. He joins us
here on the Dan Patrick Show on Fox Sports Radio. John,
thanks so much for taking time. I don't want to

harp on the too much, but how rare is it
for a pick at that number to get four years
guaranteed on a deal?

Speaker 6 (17:10):
Yeah, so it looks like the first two and a
half were guaranteed and then the fourth year is a
player option, but excuse me, a team option. But it
is rare for that much of a guarantee. I mean,
he got the same minimum deal that basically the last
two picks in the draft got a year ago. And
there's a reason for a team who is over the

luxury tax line like the Lakers to do that with
a late pick rather than give him a two way.
So that part was actually logical and normal. The extent
of the guarantee was unusual.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Can he play in the G League with that contract.

Speaker 6 (17:44):
Oh yeah, yeah, he'll spend most of the year there.
I'm sure when you.

Speaker 3 (17:48):
Look at Summer League or something that we were just discussing,
how would you handle his exposure in the games that
he's about to play.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
I mean, I think you just got to have him
out there playing like you would any other rookie at
summer league. Yeah, it's literally, I mean half the guys
on the court are just being thrown in in summer League.
It's it's mostly rookies and non roster players out there.
So I don't even know. I don't know who else

is going to be on their summer league He might
not even be starting for them. I mean, we'll we'll see,
uh just depend it depends who else is on the teams.
Where their two ways are. I'm sure they want to,
Like they have two draft picks from last year, I'm
sure going to be on the team. They have Dalton
connect who's definitely gonna be starting on the summer league team.
So they have other guys they have to get in
there too. But uh, you know, but getting Brownie on

the court and getting a minute, I mean, that's what
you do with your your draft picks in summer league.
You you put them out there and you kind of
it's it's the first test sort of to see what
they need to be working on over the summer and
where their game is at. So I think it's an
important learning process for team and player.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
What about for JJ Reddick, If if you were advising JJ,
would you advise him the coach summer league to get
some of the some of the coaching reps going.

Speaker 6 (19:10):
Yes, And a lot of first year coaches have done
that exact thing, So I was a little surprised that
he wasn't going to coach summer League.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Stan Patrick show here on Fox Sports Radio. John Hollingers
is joining us, all right, So give me your sense
the Paul George move probably the biggest move, right just
when you see now Philadelphia and what they're constructing, how
do you think that that looks to you in reality,
not just on paper, but in reality once we get

to next fall.

Speaker 6 (19:42):
Yeah, in reality, the thing that matters for Philly is
the thing that has always mattered with it, which is
what is Joel Embiid's condition going to be by the
time we get to May. Right, But if they have
a healthy Embiid and now you have MAXI and George
next to it, and you probably still need another starting
caliber player two. Philadelphia actually has a little bit of

flexibility left there. They have some kind of weird angles
to getting into a trade still with some of with
like a non guaranteed contract with Paul Reid that they
have and some other tools. But there, I mean, when
you clear out the whole roster to sign a max
free agent, the drawback is the rest of your team

is pretty thin, and that they can do some things
to backfill, but it's probably not going to be quite
the same as some of the other teams they're playing against.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Where do they Where does Philly now stack up in
the East? I mean, obviously Boston's on top, Knicks have
made moves, but but where do where do you put
them amongst the Milwaukee's, the Indianas and and I guess
even the Knicks for that matter.

Speaker 6 (20:47):
Yeah, I think they had fallen behind those teams and
this is the move that lets them full level or
maybe even past them. I mean, Milwaukee is still really
interesting to me. The one thing I was actually talking
to somebody else who works in the Eastern Conference about this,
The one thing about Milwaukee's playoffs is that Chris Middleton

was really good and if he's back to being close
to what he was, and you pair that with Lillard
and be honest, now you have something to worry about
a little bit. I mean, Milwaukee has other issues. They
don't have a lot of depth right now. They haven't
done much this offseason, so I'd worry about them a
little bit from that perspective. But the peak version of
the Bucks is still scary. Indiana is still a good team.

I don't know if they're quite as good on paper
it's Philly right now. And then the Knicks. Obviously they
lose Hartenstein, but they get Bridges and they still have
one or two other moves likely coming.

Speaker 2 (21:39):
Okay, what about Denver. I don't think anybody spent enough
time talking about Denver. Bruce Brown's exit last year I
thought really hurt them. Right bench wasn't nearly as good.
Now you lose KCP, who in of itself not a
great player, but a great fit for what they needed.
What can Denver still do to get that roster back
to being championship love?

Speaker 6 (22:01):
It's tough. They I think they've cheaped out a little
on nokoley Oaks's prime, to be honest, And it's concerning
because once KCP left, they don't really have any needs
to fill his spot now other than internally, and they
just don't have this kind of low key thing about demver.

They just don't have much shooting left at all now
and I don't know where they're going to get it,
and so that's going to make things a lot tougher
for them at the offensive end. And they were never
an amazing defensive team. They beat you with their offense,
and this feels more like an own goal too. Like
Bruce Brown, because of his contract, they had no chance
of bringing him back, but KCP, it would have been

easy for them to. They could have had him opt
in at the same number that was already on his
contract and done an extension off of that. It would
have been super easy. And so they just didn't want
to pay him and assume that tax hit. And that's
a tough one to swallow. When you have the greatest
player who will ever wear your franchisees jersey in his
prime right now, you need to max that out.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
Gosh, now I feel guilty because I left the magic
out when I was listing Eastern Conference teams. Comparing the
Sixers just completely over my head. It's going to take
a while to get back to it. But a team
that we do talk about a lot. Golden State Warriors
have talked about them quite a bit, obviously with the
departure of Klay Thompson. But now Buddy Healed is a board.
How does Heald fill the gap of now Klay Thompson,

last Golden State Warriors team.

Speaker 6 (23:31):
I think he's a guy who will play the same
role that they had envisioned for Thompson and accept it
more coming off the bench and you know, just being
a guy who kind of fires away off a screen.
I thought that was a good pickup. I thought Kyle
Anderson was a good pickup.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
I thought the.

Speaker 6 (23:46):
Anthony Melton was a great pickup. I think Golden State
has actually had a really good offseason. Just the issue
is they're not the team they were.

Speaker 2 (23:54):

Speaker 6 (23:55):
They have one star and a bunch of pretty good players,
and that can get you somewhere in the West like
they probably look like a playoff team again. That look
a little better than they did a year ago to
me certainly, but for them to ever get back to
that place they were in twenty two or during the
Durant years, that's a really hard sell. At this point,
Curry's thirty six, Draymond Green has declined, Andrew Wiggins was

awful last year. Like, I just don't know where they're
getting that second and third star from. There are some
scenarios where they could still trade for Lowry Marknan I guess,
and they're still in the mix on that and he
definitely helps and pushes them up maybe half a tier.
But when you talk about them playing against a Dallas
playing against an Oklahoma City, I still think they're really

short there.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
John Holland you joined us. Of course, he was a
former executive with the Memphis Grizzlies. You can read his
work in the Athletic. He's kind of spend some time
with you on the Dan Patrick Show on Fox Sports
Ready with Dan Byram, Doug Gottlieb. Okay, So you mentioned
Oklahoma City and instead of going out and getting a
second star to go with Shake Gilds as Alexander, I
don't even think it's Jayleen Williams. I think the expectations

are that Chet Holmgren in year three, but year two
of playing he takes that step and I love the additions.
You know, you bring in the perfect backup guard and
the perfect backup big am. I wrong though, that that's
Oklahoma City's plan. Is why add somebody which could delay
the growth of Chet instead allow him to grow into

it more of a star status.

Speaker 6 (25:26):
I think that's a lot of the plan. Yes, I
think Heart and seign was the best player they could
get with the free agent money they had because they
didn't quite have a MAX unless they had thrown some
other guys overboard, which I don't think they wanted to do,
and so they were able to do the Caruso trade,
which I think really helped. Josh Getty was the piece
that clearly didn't sit there, and they were able to
get value for him. That was really important. Caruso is

an awesome defensive player to get Hertensteigner is another really
good defensive player and a good rebound on a team
that was awful on the glass. So I think that
really helps them. I still think they need one more
guy on the perimeter who can create his own shot.
I thought that hurt them in the Dallas series last year,
and that's that's the one weakness that's sticking out there.

But I don't know how anyone scores on this team now,
though like they may, they may just be so awesome
defensively that it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2 (26:16):
I agree with you on on all fronts. Let's circle
back to Lakers where we started, Okay, instead of talking
about Broun. What else can they do? Because right now
it's essentially the same roster as last year, with a
different coach, but a year older for Lebron and last
year Anthony Davis, no catastrophic, no major injuries, Lebron, no

major injuries. The chances of that happening aren't great with
Lebron's age, Anthony Davis's injury history. What else can they add?

Speaker 6 (26:46):
The thing that it seems like they've been really reluctant
to do is trade multiple first round picks to bring
in another high level star. You know, there have been
discussion that they might go after Trey Young or somebody
like that in the spring, and that just that never
came to fruition. So they're trying to work more around
the edges, and they've kind of failed at every turn. Right,

they thought they might have a Clay deal, they didn't.
They looked at some other things they weren't able to do.
They're really hurt by their contracts right now because I
think other teams just don't don't want to take on
two years of a Gabe vincident or two years of
a Ruie Hatchamura at the money they're at, and so
with the tax daper and now especially, they don't have

access to their mid left exception unless they move on
from some of these guys, and so it's hard for
them to make any upgrades on the roster. They're really
in a tight spot in terms of their cap management,
and I think the result is they're a fringe playoffs
team again. They're going to be in the playing tournament.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
John, awesome stuff. Your work's outstanding, your knowledge is even better.
I really appreciate you joining us here on the Dan
Patrick Show.

Speaker 6 (27:56):
Thanks for having me.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Guys, all right, that's John Hollinger right for the app
Of course, he's a former executive with the Memphis Grizzlies.
So buyer, does that give you more confidence in your bocks?

Speaker 3 (28:12):
The health of Chris Middleton, the level of play has
never been a question. The health of Chris Middleton is
more of a question than I think it maybe want
to realize, but he was right. He was great in
this series against the Pacers when Dane got hurt and
obviously Giannis wasn't available. Middleton was great in that scenario.

But it's also not just a three person team. And
I just wondered how you would transition and what certain
moves you would make. And there's still pieces there. They're
just they're old doug like they are. And I think
you're just wanting to get, you know, a little bit
more out of Middleton if he can stay healthy and
hopefully Dames in better shape as he admitted that he

needed to be in and Giannis. Now, it's the other
thing with Giannis, and it's not to the embiid level
by any means, but it's been a couple of injuries
now over the last couple of years that Giannis has
been either hurting the playoffs or has dealt with an
injury in the playoffs. And is that gonna be a
thing that continues because last year against the Heat, he

was he was hurt in twenty twenty one when they
ended up winning the title. Remember he went down with
that knee injury against the Hawks. So it's three out
of the last four that he's been dinged up and
they're not going anywhere if he's not, you know, one.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Let's go to Let's go to the Let's go to
the bird. As our good friend, Elijah, Elijah Black, of
course handles all of our digital stuff. I like this,
this tweet, this is This goes back on a conversation
we were having in regards to Bronnie James and the
popularity of his jersey. This is ad catlieb Show. That's
the Twitter handle for my Twitter handle. You guys are

under selling the father's son jersey thing. A lot of
people support the move of lebron getting son drafted. Well,
I don't share that thought. It's a great gag Halloween
gift idea. Nike just needs to drop the father son's
shoe right now. The father son's shoe is great, great marketing,
that is awesome. Who would not buy that for their kid,
you know, especially all these dads that want it so

bad for their kid, and plus you want to wear
some cool Nikes. I get all that. I just I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
I can't tell if Elijah was being serious or the
Halloween gag thing, because I thought I was over selling it,
Like I literally legitimately think this jersey is going to
be a hot seller in the NBA, and I think
it brings another younger generation in that maybe aren't Lebron guys,
but hey, maybe they like Brownie James. The bo Benson,

one of our producers here at Fox Sports already in
the hallway, says, if Lebron adds James Senior to the
back of his he would probably buy it just because
it would be the latest jersey as well, because you
don't have one with a senior. There's a lot with this,
but just the Browny nine and the James Junior. I
think is I think it's going to be wildly popular

in the NBA.

Speaker 4 (31:06):
I think it'll be like I think we're going to
see the influencers out there, all the major influencers with
tens of millions of followers, a hip hop artists, the celebrities.
I have a feeling that's where the Browny jerseys are
gonna appear, and at that point then it's on. Then
you're right down. I think it's gonna I think what
you have understold both of you in this hour is

the dad in Los Angeles right now on a budget
who's going to take his Nick Van exel jersey and
re stencil James Junior and give it to his son
for his birthday. I think you're underselling that part of
the market.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
I would never change I would never deface my nick
the quick jersey.

Speaker 3 (31:50):
Can I give you the top fifteen in NBA jerseys
this past season? Tell me how many are really striking?

Speaker 2 (31:57):
And now remember there's there's there's a reason like the
Lebron won. Did he switch the number this year? When
when did he switch that?

Speaker 3 (32:04):
I thought it was after twenty twenty twos, So yeah,
it was a couple of years ago.

Speaker 2 (32:08):
And you know, but sometimes there's these guys they changed
the number, the jersey changes or for Lebron, who was
also the year which he broke Kareem's record. So again
there's there's some other reasons why why jerseys. And I
just point out Lebron. There's other guys. They've changed teams,
that's why they're there, Jersey says, But go ahead, give
me the give me the okay.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
So the top five Curry won, Lebron two, Jason Tatum
was third, Victor Wembin Yama fourth, Jannis was fifth, and
that this was April. This is so this is from
the regular season, those were the top five for top
five like Giannis Tatum, probably because the Celtics won, But

I don't know how much staying power. Giannis has six
through ten, where Luca Devin Booker was seven, Kevin Durant eight,
Damian Lillard nine, Tyrese Maxi ten.

Speaker 2 (32:58):
So Damian Little was nine on a new team.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
Yes, and I don't think that increases. I would say
Luca maybe increases, maybe Tyrese Maxi increases. I would be
shocked if Devin Booker and Kevin Durant were higher up
in the rankings.

Speaker 2 (33:11):
Yeah. I'd say Jalen Brown will probably creep in there.

Speaker 3 (33:14):
Yeah, and then here's eleven to fifteen, John Morant, Joel Embiid,
Nikola Jokic, LaMelo Ball, Jalen Brunson.

Speaker 2 (33:23):
Okay, Jalen Brunson's will will rise. I would also say,
is Trey Young's down in there?

Speaker 3 (33:28):
That no, was not in the top selling for this
past year.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
Yeah, that's interesting. Anthony Edwards is gonna skyrocket up right, sure?
Any doubt?

Speaker 3 (33:39):
Which Also the top telling is the top selling team
in merchandise for the NBA this past season was the
Los Angeles Lakers, So that plays a part. If Brony
was a member of the Wizards, I don't think he's
top fifteen, but the Lakers, the James Junior obviously just being.

Speaker 2 (34:01):
There's also there's no other rookies coming in that anybody
is clamoring for. Yes, I would say Webin Yama will
potentially grow here because not growth as if he grows physically,
we're all in big trouble. Uh.

Speaker 3 (34:16):
I think he has by some of the pictures have
seen online for playing for France, it's just enormous.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
Yeah. Now he's bigger. He's he's way more than three
inches taller than Rudy Gobert in that picture.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
I think that. I think John Morant, the jam.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
Bran's numbers are go up because he wasn't playing, and
I think I'm so popular, you think gonna go down?

Speaker 4 (34:39):
Yeah, I think if you put a gun to my head,
I don't I have a I have a correction. Uh,
Doug was right. This is rarely the case when we
do our show. It's usually Dan is right. But Doug
was right. Lebron wore number six for the previous two
seasons until this past season when he changed it back
to number twenty three. Now remember there was a big change, right,

Bill Russell's number was retired. He wore it that the
year that Bill Russell passed. He wore it as a
tribute to Russell, and then changed to twenty three for
this past season.

Speaker 3 (35:13):
So Doug, you were right, Oh that's right, because then somebody.

Speaker 2 (35:16):
Yells, that's like, that's the old artificial artificial bumps up
those numbers because you're like, you don't want to go
in and were Jersey like, oh the numbers changed, you know.

Speaker 3 (35:30):
So it was last week on the show. The guy
called me an absolute idiot. I think clown was also
used when I forgot that number six was retired, because
they brought up maybe Broddy would wear six, but they
were probably all appropriate depictions.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
No, I would, I would, I would. I would say
that honestly, you're you're guilty of the worst crime anybody
can ever commit. You know way too much about way
too many things that occasionally a number may slip or
whatever like that, and you're like, okay, sorry, you know,
like Dan, you've literally forgotten more than most people ever

know in their life. So that I wouldn't that idiot
is an idiot.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
What About Shit Dan Patrick's Show, Fox Sports Radio, iHeartRadio App.
Welcome in. He's Dan Byro. I'm Doug Gottlieb Man. I
hope you had a great fourth July. I know I
did up here in Green Bay. Of course, Dan in

Los Angeles a little cookout on actually had somebody give
me a grill, which I'd like of all the gifts
you can give a man to give somebody a new
grill that was pretty awesome and made some slashers. Sliding
into the Weekend is brought to you by our partners
at King's Hawaiian, who wants you to get together with

friends and family and enjoy the weekend, making every Sunday
a slider Sunday and Dan as we put out on
our our social page. Uh we do, we know we
need to turn it into slider Sunday. That's a great idea.
We do family dinner at at my house every Sunday.
So I had no idea that. Apparently frozen pizzas over

like an open flame is a big thing in this
part of Wisconsin.

Speaker 3 (37:33):
Are you were this, Yeah, yes, I've never really partaken
in that sort of thing, but oh you will, Yeah,
oh well you will. Jack's is you know a popular
brand that you can.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Yes, that's what we're doing. We're doing Jack's I by
popular demand. Last weekend we did I made, I made tacos,
made some carne saw that for the boys as well.
We did we did tacos. Uh. This week we're gonna
have to do slide Sundays, but we're also going to
do Jack's Pizza over an open flame. I had no

idea that these are. I was like, this is seven
days ago. I learned of this. Anyway, Ope, you had
a great weekend. I this is the beginning of the
new sports calendar, the new sports year. This is it's
like you reset your clock. Now, you reset your your
mental calendar. And look the NFL. I don't think it's

going to look that different this year. You know, Aaron
Rodgers switched teams last year. Granted he only played four games.
It'll still be an adjustment because he hasn't really played
with the Jets. But outside of that, not a lot
of massive change, right you know, I mean Saquon Barkley
changes teams, but not a ton of massive change the NBA.

Next year Lebron's same team will see if Kevin Durant's
same team U Steph Curry kind of you go through it.
The stars there, Paul George is the big guest star
to switch teams to this point, not a ton of different.
I do think college basketball will be back in at
least much more of our our focus because Cooper Flag

is going to play a duke. He's as highly touted
a prospect as there has been coming into college basketball
in a long, long time. Right, the elimination of the
G League ignite as well as NIL is getting a
better quality of incoming player to college. We still have
year COVID year seniors, so I don't know what it

looks like. I do think that that duke being back
kind of a top the rankings and people paying attention
because they have, you know, since Zion, Cooper Flag is
the most known prospect to come to college. But college
football to me is the one that you want to
talk about massive change. You have conference realignment combined with

with the new college football Playoff, and yeah, I'll throw
in the fact the video game is back as well. Yes,
but we have been waiting our entire lives for a
college football playoff, our entire lives. And here's if you're
I'm not talking down to I'm just educating you. If

you're thirty or younger, just see you understand Like, we've
had split national champions in this sport in this century,
two teams that can rightfully call themselves national champions. Like,
how does that work? It? Somehow we allowed it to
be for a long time. Bowl games have been previously diminished.

Now they're completely diminished. Anything outside of the ones that
decide national championship. There is no more Rose Bowl because
there is no more Pack ten. If there's no Pac
ten or Pac twelve, there can be no more Rosebull.
Will they play a game in the Rose Bowl and
call it the Rose Bowl? Sure, it's not the Rose Bull?
And then we actually have a college wall playoff? And yeah,

by the way, you know Cal and Stanford won't play
USC and UCLA. That's weird. Arizona and Arizona State are
now in the Big twelve. That's weird. Texas and Oklahoma
tied the hip, but Tech Oklahoma and Oklahoma State that
was the longest un It's a continuous rivalry game played

in all of college football. It is, at least for
the time being, no more that streak is broken. So
that's a lot of change. All in one year. We've
had conference realignment, We've had incremental change of the BCS,
and then the College Football Playoff for the fourteen playoff.
But to have all of this at one stand, it's
a lot of change.

Speaker 3 (41:45):
Yeah, it's pretty enormous. You were talking about college basketball
in Cooper Flag and there's even going to be conference
realignment there, but it just does not hit like it
does with college football. And this season I think is
just going to be even more strange or more unique

because I don't think the schools, I don't think that
the conferences really understand what some of the unintended consequences
are going to be with your schedule and how you
move on in the future. Does it pay to play
non conference games against stronger opponents? Will that be used

against you if you have a loss? Will it help
you if you lose a game and you're compared to
another team that maybe didn't have as strong of a
non conference schedule. Those things are all brought in when
you had the four team usually it didn't matter as much.
Sometimes even head to head if you were playing one
of those top games didn't necessarily matter. Now I think

it's going to matter a lot more because of the
variety of teams that could be available for some of
those spots. But yeah, I think that there's a lot
in play that being one of them is I think
teams have no idea on how they're gonna want to schedule,
how they're going to play things out because they have
no idea on how the bracket is actually going to
look when you're taking you know, other at large teams

if you will.

Speaker 2 (43:15):
That's interesting. Well, the other part too, it is, yes,
you don't know how to schedule, but because you don't
know how, it's I mean, the assumption is the better
the team's schedule, the more it's gonna help you. But
I'm with you. And then you have the the other
part two, which is you've already had many of these
games scheduled for years in advance, and in some of

the games that you had scheduled for years in advance
are now in your conference. Like the whole thing is
just sure, it incredibly incredibly strange.

Speaker 3 (43:44):
And there's there's situations too which isn't foreign. But we've
seen rivals who are in the same conference, but they're
not on the conference schedule, so they're gonna play a
non conference game even though they are in the same conference.
That is happen now with these expanded you know, with
the expanded leagues, And I believe that there's an instance

or two in the ACC and I can't remember the
schools exactly that are in play, but it'll be a
non conference game for two teams in the ACC. So
that's something that's even even weird and unique to watch.
You'll still have the College Football Playoff ranking schools. But
even to that point, Doug, like, if you really want
to get like like into the weeds on it, if

are you going to set up seeds so they are rematches?
Are you gonna have it try to avoid rematches? Well,
what about if it's a rematch for one team that
has a buy if they win and not for another,
how do you set up the bracket that way? What's fair?
What's not fair? There's just so many things that you
have no idea about that we may have a better
idea at the end of the season once it all

plays out, but going into it's you're basically going in blind.

Speaker 2 (44:53):
Yeah, I think it's interesting. I think there's a bunch
of levels that are interesting to me. The school that
are I think the school that is the most, the
one to pay attention to the most is Oklahoma. I
mean it's Oklahoma because Oklahoma was so completely and thoroughly

dominant during their time during the last twenty years in
the Big Twelve. To go from that to what I
think is a really really tough slut tough sledding. It's
just tough sledding, you know. But I again, I could
be wrong, because they found a way to win games.

One was the Big Eight to the Big Twelve through
different coaches, right, you know, ever since ever since they
hired Bob Stoops in ninety nine, Right, it's been twenty
five years of brilliance. They've had the one off year
here or there, right, But to go from Bob Stoops
to Lincoln Riley to Brent Vnables. You know, he had
his first year, we lost his recruiting class and lost
his mojo, but you know, did get it back to

some extent last year. I think Oklahoma is the one
because you know, Texas was never really a Big Twelve.
School and they joined the Big Twelve and they're part
of it. I just again, I personally think business was
good for both of those schools. I don't understand. I
know why Texas kind of triggered this and started this.

I know the thinking of Chris Delcante, and I understand,
but I think people most like seeing when you win,
and those two, those two programs, they're just at such
a financial advantage to everybody else in the Big Twelve,
even if you added schools in the Big Twelve. I

just think it's a mistake. I think they're now just
one of the fish in the biggest pond in college football.

Speaker 3 (46:48):
It's funny because I'm not obviously as close to the
situation or that school as you are, just because of
where you went and the rivalry that is. I looked
at it as I wonder to vocal Lahoma actually had
an advantage in the SEC this year because I feel
like the Texas conversation is so overpowering, especially for what

we think Texas could be making the playoff last year.
Yours is back arch manning is there that I wondered
if it would benefit Oklahoma going into the new league,
if it would benefit them at all for kind of
flying under the radar. I get what you say on
a on a you know, a grand scheme of things
and how it's going to work out. But even just
like sliding in this year, I wondered if maybe the

pressure was off a little because when we're talking about
schools changing, I just feel like Texas is so much
of that conversation for the SEC.

Speaker 2 (47:42):
Yeah, but I mean I want you to think think
about this. Okay, you're you're Oklahoma, and they've always played
a pretty good non conference slate, you know, Temple, Tulane.
You know, obviously they do play Houston, which is now
a Big twelve school, but one that it's not like
they come in flying in.

Speaker 3 (47:59):
Yeah, they played Ohio State years back, you know, games against.

Speaker 2 (48:03):
Played Notre Dame. They challenge themselves. Their SEC schedule starts
with Tennessee at home and at Auburn. Then they got
Texas in Dallas, then South Carolina at home, then they
go to Ole, miss Somehow, you throw Maine in there
where you're gonna get all the get you know, that's
the get right game. Uh. Then you reinvigorate your rivalry

with Missouri from from back in the Big Eight in
big twelve days. Then you got Alabama coming in. Then
you end up at LSU. Like your road trips are Ole,
Miss LSU and Auburn, right, my missing any Ole Miss LSU,
Auburn and Columbia and in Missouri. Like wow, that's that's

that's a wow.

Speaker 3 (48:51):
Sure. But wouldn't it be any better if it was Tuscaloosa,
you know, Athens Knox No, no.

Speaker 2 (48:57):
No, no, I mean like you know, like this to
stark Ball. I mean it's not like it's an easy
place to get a win. But send me to Kentucky,
SEMy to Vanderbilt, Senn to stark Ball first year, like,
get me going. But what my point is, you know,
it's they've they've made a nice little They've made a
nice little there's a cottage industry of pointing out that
Lincoln Riley didn't want to be in the SEC. He's,

of course, why would you want to be in the
SEC when you have a program that's they judge them.
If you don't win ten games in Oklahoma, you've had
a bad year. M h, you're not winning ten games
with that skut. The years of ten of winning ten
games are gone, Like you'll have a one off here hopefully.
You know, if you're Brent Bennables're just sitting there, go like, man,

we got to get it all right, got to get
it allligned. You know, get the non conference. They're not
going to lose any of those non conference games. So
I mean, look, you win eight, that's a hell of
a year. But just having that mental adjustment made, especially
when you know people it doesn't matter if the level
of competition is way better, it's still just a hard

mental adjustment for people to go like, wait, seven wins
is a good year. Eight wins is a good year.
It's really hard.

Speaker 3 (50:11):
I think it's a really good point as well when
you compare it to the other changes that are being made.
Now you think that Oklahoma is the most intriguing school
in all of this, And I don't fault you that,
and I think you can make a great argument for it.
I actually think it's Oregon because I think Oregon can
be really good in the Big ten. I'm just curious
on how it all plays out. But to your point,

you just laid down a gauntlet in the SEC, which
SEC fans have been talking about for year after you know,
year after year after year after year, when I say
this to you for Oregon's schedule and not to make
its schedule radio. But I'm just telling you it's not
going to hit the way that Oklahoma's just did. Your
home against you, or at UCLA to open up home

against Michigan State, huge one against Ohio State, then at
Purdue home against Illinois, at Michigan home against Maryland, at
Wisconsin home against Washington. Now you got some You got
Ohio State, Michigan, and Washington on your schedule right there.
It's the others that don't hit, like the schools that

you mentioned, you know like And that's that's the difference
to it. Not saying that Oregon's gonna cakewalk through all
those games, but they should be. They should be winning
those games. It is different because in the Big Ten,
when you've had Michigan and Ohio State, sorry there were lulls,
there were there were lulls in the schedule, and there
are games that not that you would go through the motion,

but you're just gonna end up winning because you're gonna
end up winning. And in the SEC I don't think
you can really say that.

Speaker 2 (51:44):
Well when you had when you had, I mean, and
budget isn't everything right, Texas has not been. It's a
the all time upset in college sports is that Texas
up until last year was an utter disappointment in football
in the Big Twelve, despite the fact that their budget
was at least two x of to everybody in the league.
But Oklahoma was right there with them. They weren't. They

were not that far behind. And to spend that much
money and that many resources and have that much history, like,
you're at an advantage the games. You know, you're at
ninety percent of the time you have better players, better
resources than the opponent. That just doesn't occur now when
you're in the SEC Oregon. What's interesting, you know a
lot of people talk about the Big the Pac twelve teams,

you know, going out going to the Midwest or maybe
even going out east if you play if you play
Rutgers and the weather. I mean, the truth is, it's
kind of a misconception. First of all, it's not like
the weather's great in Oregon or when you play in Washington
or you're playing the Polue spec when they're in the
in the in the Pac twelve. But but maybe more importantly,
the travels a bear. Okay, but keep in mind the

PAC twelve was not a bus league, right, it was
a people would fly down to go to the LA schools.
Outside of that, like you gotta get an airplane for
everywhere you're going. It's not a bust league. It's not
the you can't Illinois, Indiana, Indiana, Purdue like you can
fans all live around the same place as they can
drive to those that that's you're definitely losing that that's different.

But the weather wise, you're playing like one game in
November and the Midwest at most, Like let's let's not
overbear now. The style of football is different, and there is.
It is a tough, rugged league, but it's they have
not been as invested in NIL throughout the entirety of
the league like they are in the SEC. The caliber

athlete is a little bit better in the SEC. And
the big question is, you know and Oregon, remember when
Oregon was remade a couple of staffs ago, it would
they became the tough, rugged team up front in the
PAC twelve as well as having the speed at the
skill positions. Maybe not like Chip Kelly era, but a
little bit different. So I'm with you. I think Oregon

translates really well. The other part to it is you
know you're bringing I mean, and this is hard because
Deshaun Foster. Sure it was a high school teammate of mine.
He was a freshman while I was a senior in basketball,
Like we've known each other forever. I love DeShawn. But UCLA,
I mean, that's they're gonna be the La Chargers of
college football. Like their stadium is going to be full

every road game, every home game in the Pact twelve,
only there'll be a road team in their home stadium.

Speaker 3 (54:18):
Sure that's a hard one.

Speaker 2 (54:22):
Yes, yes, So I'm I'm with you on on Oregon.
I think that transition could be a little bit better.
So I don't know, it's it's a fascinating, fascinating. I
think the thing that bums me out the most is
if we had one or the other, I would feel
better about it. But if I just wish now that

we have the college fall Playoff, we had all the
old league's reset, because then it would have been perfect. Yeah, right,
if you have if you had the five leagues you
had previously, then you have the five league champions and
they play their conference championship game and you have five
auto bids, and then whatever the sixth best league is,

they get an auto bid, and then the next six
we decide based upon you know, the SEC probably gets
two or three, the Big ten probably gets a second one,
the ACC probably gets the second one, the PAC twelve
probably gets the seconde. The Big twelve probably gets the
second one. Like, but they were about set.

Speaker 3 (55:20):
The other thing about it, Doug is, and I agree
with you. I kind of wish it was the old way.
I don't think that we're done because the ACC is
just standing there and maybe maybe their grant of rights
is so ironclad that there's not going to be change.
But it's looking at the Big Ten schedule, people will
ask me, hey, does this school play that school? And
I don't remember, because there were two Big Ten schedules

sent out. There was the one with only US and UCLA.
Then when Oregon and Washington ended up, you know, joining
the league, then they had to develop a whole new
schedule in schools that would play UCLA aren't playing them anymore.
And so like, this stuff changes, and likely it's at
some point will change again. I just don't know. It
probably won't be as drastically as it is entering this year,

but I do think that it is forthcoming, no question.

Speaker 2 (56:08):
He's Dan Byrum Doug Gottlieb. This is the Dan Patrick Show,
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