All Episodes

July 8, 2024 41 mins

Dan and the Danettes talk about the best and worst in sports from their time on vacation. And they consider who is more likely to be coaching in the NBA three years from now, UConn HC Dan Hurley or Lakers HC JJ Redick.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's the final hour in this Monday, Dan and the
Dan That's Dan Patrick Show, Come on in join us.
Fritzie's here, Seaton Mars Paulie backroom guys, including the big
German who's the director of the show. He also helped
build the new Man Cave there. Just became a new
dad last week and boy, you look around and people

are doing big boy things. He got here, he was,
I think just out of college. Next thing, you know,
he's got a son. We don't know his name. Is
it Helmet? That is not Helmet. I don't think I'm
allowed to give out the name. I think it's Jacob. Okay,
I think it's Jacob. Yes, might not be and might
might not be. But congratulations to the big German, Eric

and his wife and their baby. So congratulations to them.
Also congratulations to us. Fox Sports five ninety k f NS,
Saint Louis, Missouri, the GM and the owner Dave z Obrist.
He decided to bring us in eight am to eleven
am Central. Thank you, Dave for the opportunity to entertain
the great city of Saint Louis, or at least try

to eight seven to seven three DP show email Addressdpatdanpatrick
dot com, Twitter handle a DP show Best and Worst
of the weekend. We always do that every Monday. We
had Fritzy's best and worst. Now it's Seaton's turn.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
Well, my worst of the weekend was the US bench
national team not getting out of the group stage of
Copa America. That's a massive epic failure. The only good
news silver lining is that maybe there will be a
change in management there just before the World Cup. The
next eighteen months are incredibly important to development in soccer

in this country, and so there's a lot of people
hoping that there's a change with the head coach.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
My best of the weekend. You know that show, The Bear?
I know of it. I have not watched it.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Okay, Well, it's very popular and it happens to be
like my favorite.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
I think it's amazing.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
In season two of The Bear, there's a scene where
these two dudes are talking to each other and one
of the guy's not taking things very seriously and the
other guy takes it very seriously. The guy who takes
it very seriously says to the other guy, hey man,
every day's.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
The Super Bowl. And I was like, whoa, every day's
the super Bowl.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
Dan, You're the only person I've ever say I've ever
heard say every day's the super Bowl. Yeah, I don't
know anybody else who who says that. That's like one
of your expressions. So I was like, Wow, that's crazy
he said every day's the super Bowl. Well, season three,
there's a scene you can hear muffs this but it's
not a major storyline or anything like that, no big deal.
But one of the characters is talking to another character.

They're just hanging out and they're sort of like catching up,
and she says to him, well, we're both members of
a very exclusive club. Did you know that? And he
was like, no, what club is that? And she said
the Dead Mom's Club. Okay, hold up, now, obviously it's
not the Dead Dad's Club, but Dead Mom's Club, and
every Day's the super Bowl.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
On that show listens to this show.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
I'm just saying there's a writer somewhere in the mix
that person absolutely listens to this show. There's no way
that those two things they just happen to be a coincidence.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
Maybe it's an homage to us, Yeah, dude made that
all day. Maybe there's a writer who is a big
fan of the show who likes to incorporate little Easter
eggs into the episode, and I'm fine with that.

Speaker 3 (03:24):
I love the Bear the first two seasons. I've I've
seen the first two seasons four times. I love that show.
It's great.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
It's great now I do hear it's a little frenetic,
like the pace. You can't watch it like, you can't
binge it because the episodes are a little chaotic and
it gets your heart great going.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
So I've definitely bringed all of them many times. I
find that the best way to watch the show. But
it's just it's really good. It's just really well done.
The pacing and energy of the show is one thing.
It's not really like anything to focus too much on.
It's really really well done though. Okay, but anyway, those
two every day is the super end Dead Mom's Club.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
That's I'm sorry, come on, that's an homage, which is awesome,
thank you. But the lead guy, uh is it Jeremy
Allen Jeremy Allen White Watt, Yes White? What who looks
like Gene Wilder? Like he could be related to the
late actor Gene Wilder. Yeah, very very similar. Look he does, yes,

very very similar. Look, great show. Okay, the Bear, I
gotta watch it. But now I'm getting into that kind
of that area, that gray area. If you don't watch
it soon, then I just let it go. Like The
Sopranos and some of those shows, you're essentially already nickelbacking it. Wait,
why have glad it's already too. I'm not gonna like it.

Let's see what this is about. Not that good? Well, no,
I I like the Nickelback documentary that I watch.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the music though. By the time
that the music, everybody was talking, man, look how Nickelback,
how popular they are. And then the backlash came. You're
already backlashing the Bear.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
Okay, now, I don't mean to backlash. I just got
to make sure that I start watching it soon because
this happened with Breaking Bad, and it happened with The Wire,
and I kept great shows though, yes, so Breaking Bad,
the Wire and Sopranos, and everybody kept telling me, oh,
you got it, and then then it got to the

point where I go, Nope, I'm not going to do
it now. And then I waited like ten years, and
I go, man, have you guys seen the Wire and
then people go, yeah, a long time ago, it's really good.
That breaking bad is really good.

Speaker 4 (05:36):

Speaker 3 (05:36):
See, if you get stick with the Bear and you're
you're lucky enough, then that watch both seasons, the first
two back to back. Okay, because the second season is
so it makes the first season so much better in
a weird way.

Speaker 5 (05:49):
Yes, Paul the Bear is a great example. The way
it shot the prenetic energy at the back of the
house of a restaurant. For if you never worked there,
you'll feel it. You'll feel it in every way. You
could watch this this week in three or four days.
The episodes are very fast, yeah, chef. Yeah, and you'll
you'll like it. It's fun, it's energetic, and you can
knock get You can not get a season out.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
This weekias Now, I saw where Jeremy Allen White and
then who's his co star, the female actress she they
went to a Cubs game together earlier this year. I think,
just throw that out there. I mean it's filmed in
Chicago and great cast. I saw them they went to

a Cubs gamp together.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
I'm in that part of a show where I only
know them by their character names. I don't know, no one,
No real person actually exists, Like whoever the lead guy is,
that's actually Carme.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
That's his real name. That's actually who he is. He
is a chef. Yeah, all right, final hour poll question.
I thought about this three hours ago and I thought,
you know what, whose career would you rather have, Klay
Thompson or Kawhi Leonard. I don't know why I thought it.
With Klay Thompson leaving, going from Golden State to Dallas
and we say good by to the dynasty that was,

I don't know. I think the Celtics have the potential.
Like if the Celtics had won one more title in
this six year run, we might be looking at them
as dynastic. They played, you know, at a very high level.
They've only won one title, but you do have the
nucleus that's there for a while and going to be

there for a while. They're they're they're locked up there.
It's crazy. Like Franz Wagner. I think he just got
fifty million dollars a year. He plays for Orlando five years.
He got he got the bag, as they like to say,
big bag, Like these salaries. We look at Dak Prescott

going how can they pay him sixty million? Franz Wagner
got fifty million a year. You're going to have a
basketball player make eighty million dollars probably in the next
four years, eighty one million dollars a year. I just
don't know how sustainable it is.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
Yes, Paul Jonathan Isaac is a big man for the
Orlando Magic. I think he got like a four year,
eighty million dollar deal, which doesn't sound like a ton
of money for the NBA. This guy missed two seasons
because of knee injuries, and last year he uh he
started a total of two games. Played in fifty games,
he everged seven points and four rebounds in a block,
and he got almost one hundred million dollars in upcoming money.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
Yeah, once again, Franz Wagner getting fifty a year. His
brother Mauritz Wagner also got paid. But there I think
he averaged like maybe eighteen or nineteen a game, So
I'm like, decent numbers there. But it's just it's wild
where we look at a quarterback being overpaid at fifty

million or in Dak Prescott's case, sixty million. But all right,
let me see, did everybody Marmon is your best and
worst the weekend.

Speaker 6 (09:01):
Okay, yeah, thanks Dan, I'm gonna start with the worst.
The Yankees. They're like six and fifteen in July. Terrible.
They're paying way too much money to be that bad
as of late.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
Do you really care?

Speaker 6 (09:14):
No, But it was just my my worst. I had
so many best I just want to, you know, best
of the week. Chris Paul going to the Spurs. I
wish he was a little younger, but I love that
for Wemby.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
Maybe last year would have like he need he needs
a good point guard.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
I'll take any point guard, and he's got a great one.
I know he's the same age as Lebron, but so
be it. You're gonna take hu Tias Jones.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
No, no, no, they should have gotten a better point guard.
They should have gotten like Kyle Lowry, Like somebody who
is a little younger can help Victor win. Benyama, hold on.

Speaker 7 (09:53):
Kyle Lowry's younger by eight days. Okay, is he younger
eight days? Yes, he's so much younger than Chris Paul.
I don't know somebody who had a little seed. Ricky
Rubio would be better.

Speaker 6 (10:09):
Then Chris Paul. Probably never in life would Ricky Ruby
than Chris Paul. Sorry, Chris Mannicks, what else do you go?

Speaker 2 (10:17):

Speaker 6 (10:17):
That was both?

Speaker 2 (10:18):
That's it, okay, Paul, Best and worst of the week,
Best of.

Speaker 5 (10:21):
The weekend Copa America. You know the usual suspects of there,
like Argentina and Uruguay. How about Canada soccer? Canadian soccer
in the final four of the Copa America.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
And then the.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
Worst of the weekend. I don't really have a worse.
There's nothing really bad to happen, you know.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
How about this? Another best?

Speaker 5 (10:36):
This the de Jonte Murray going to the New Orleans Pelicans.
They seem like they're a better team than we think
they are. They were, They almost had fifty wins last year.
Zion's playing well. They added a nice piece, not a
big famous guy, but a nice piece. I think they're
a sneaky team.

Speaker 2 (10:53):
For next Yeah. Well, I thought they were going to
try to get rid of brandon Ingram But so I don't.
I don't know if they know that they could be
really good. It's like, you know, they may wake up
one day and go, we should be a whole lot
better than we are. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
The Canada's head coach, by the way, is a dude
named Jesse Marsh is an American. He was coaching Leeds
for a little while. He coached Red Bully. Yeah right,
he's the guy. After the last World Cup, a lot
of people thought Greg Burholter his contract was done. He's
the current US head coach. People wanted jesse Marsh to
be the new head coach. Instead, the US stuck with
Greg Burholter again, which a lot of people didn't want

them to do. And now Jesse Marsh, who's only been
the Canada's head coach for about a month already, has
been playing better and advancing further in Copa America. There
you go a little breakdown for you.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
It's five seconds to soccer. Yeah, soccer breakdown in three two.
Let me see what else that I want to be. Oh,
Marvin went to Disney World and your son is he's ten?

Speaker 8 (11:56):

Speaker 2 (11:56):
Okay? Because I tried to get parent advice, because Lord
knows I've done the wrong things. And if you do
with you have one child, but try taking four that
are in a seven year window, and you know that
you're only as happy as your unhappiest child. It is

when you see parents who are going to Disney World
and then you see the parents when they're coming back
from Disney World, it is that they were involved in
a heavyweight fight. Like it. They look like they got
roughed up. Because everybody's happy and the kids and all,
this is awesome. And then you see them in the
Orlando airport and they're like, never again, but you only

have your son. Correct, And it was you and your wife. Yep,
I'm sure everything went great.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Yeah, everything was really good. And what me and my
wife did we just had two drinks, and so we said, hey, look,
anytime we see a tantrum, we take a sip and wait.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
And you only had two drinks.

Speaker 6 (13:02):
Oh no, no, no, no, oh no, we had to
get another. We had to refill. Okay, yes, And so
what we what we counted as tantrums was kids adults
also because them yelling at their kids. And I saw
a husbands and wives yell because everyone is sweating in Orlando, Florida.
It was one hundred and forty four degrees. That was

not it was not my story. Orlando is one hundred
and forty four celsius.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
And you and you want to experience it with your children, yes,
and if you're like me, and we got to go
to disney Land, but we didn't go in when I
was taking my kids to Disney World, and you want
to experience that with them, that it's all it's going
to be great. And then it's hot. They're melting down.

Speaker 6 (13:50):
They're wearing matching T shirts, which makes it worse too.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
And then you know, you're arguing with your wife, discussing
things with your wife, and you're like God, arguing with it,
I mean discussing, discussing things. And then you go back
to the hotel. Everybody's asleep and you're just sitting there
having a beer. You go, we got to do this tomorrow.
Why did we do this every day? Is the Super

Bowl hunt? Come on? Yes?

Speaker 9 (14:18):
And those horrifically long lines unless you have one of
those passes, well cut the line and then the kid
wants to go on again again and again, and just
spend an hour and a half going on once.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Thank you to Yeah, Paul.

Speaker 5 (14:28):
Disney also is like a military operation. We're gonna get
up at seven am and run to get the you know,
whatever the ride is to get in and then if
it rains, where do we get raincoats? And they sell
those ponchos, They sell these ten dollars ponchos at Disney.
They will last you maybe forty five minutes, and then
they'll disintegrate upon your body. The other thing is all

the food at Disney is very expensive and below average.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
I mean all of it. That's it's a tough combo.
I took my kids there. I don't know how long
ago it was, but it's been a long time. And
I wore a red golf shirt because you wanted to
blend in. Yes. Well, here's the thing. There were a
lot of people wearing red that day, and I was

getting the strangest looks by people because I'm walking around
with my wife and four kids, and it happened to
be a gay pride day and everybody was wearing red.
And at one point my son goes, Dad, why is
everybody staring at you? And I go, I think they
must recognize me from a sports center. He goes, I don't.

I don't think so, so I asked somebody, I said,
why read today? And then the person who worked there said, oh,
gay Pride day, And I said all right, So I was.
I was flying the colors, walking around Disney World. Very popular. Dude,
You've got a wife and four kids. Good for you.

Speaker 6 (15:55):
We appreciate you coming out.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
And coming out blue blue. All right, let me take
a break. Uh, let me see what else do we
have here? Uh? I don't know what are we What
am I teasing? Coming up here? PAULI A new contract
for someone? New contract? Yeah, a big new contract. Oh
did it just happen? Yes? Oh see, okay, a big

new contract or somebody. All right, we're back after this.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live. Paulie Fools Go ahead with Tony Fools go Yeah.

Speaker 10 (16:39):
As everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award winning
Polly and Tony foolsco show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are, here's how Dan Packrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 2 (16:49):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
What what are you doing interrupting our promo? Yeah, you
wasn't talking about you.

Speaker 11 (16:57):
You took those clips totally of context.

Speaker 10 (16:59):
Oh yeah, Well, after this promo, I'm going to take
you out and beat you.

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Let me put this into context. Shut up, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (17:06):
Anyway, just listen to the Paul and Toni Fusco Show
on Ieartradio, Apple podcasts oherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Yeing CBS Sports reporting that Dan Hurley's new deal with
Yukon six years, fifty million dollars eight point three million
annually before incentives, and its press release, Yukon notes this
is not a contract extension, it is a brand new deal.

Don't know what the incentives are, whether that's final four
national title game, winning another national title. But Dan Hurley
said no to the Lakers. Back with Yukon six years
and fifty million dollars, So you're looking at eight point
three million annually. That's a right around where Bill Self
and John Calipari are. I believe I think they're around

that eight nine million dollars and An Hurley he deserves
to be in that neighborhood, if not the highest paid
coach in college basketball. Because if I said to a player,
who do you want to play for right now? John Calipari,
Bill Sell or Dan Hurley, You're probably going to say
Dan Hurley. Now here's my question. Does Dan Hurley finish

the six years at Connecticut Marvin? You being a Yukon apologist, Alum,
does Dan Hurley stay the entire six years?

Speaker 6 (18:32):

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Okay, who thinks he doesn't? PAULI seen Fritzy?

Speaker 6 (18:41):
All right, it's like a long time.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
It is. Six is a long time for anything, Yes, Marvin.

Speaker 6 (18:46):
But if you turned out Kentucky and the Lakers, what
school or what team do you think he would go for?

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Nick Celtics? Yeah, nets, not the Nets? Not the Nets?

Speaker 6 (18:59):

Speaker 2 (19:00):
No, no, no, you don't want to coach Brooklyn. Love Brooklyn,
but nobody cares about the Brooklyn Nets. The Knicks. Yeah,
that'd be a big deal, big deal for a kid
from Jersey City. That'd be a big deal. Philly could
see that. Maybe.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
Yes, I have a snarky new Pole question, narkie. Who
is more likely to be coaching in the NBA in
three years? Dan Hurley or JJ Reddick?

Speaker 2 (19:30):
Dang, we just got back from vacationed to crank it up?

Speaker 5 (19:35):
Nothing so nice. That's a fair question and snarky as hell.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Okay, So who's coaching in the NBA in three years?

Speaker 5 (19:44):
More likely to be coaching in the NBA three years
from today?

Speaker 2 (19:47):
Jj Reddick? Now if you said four years, then maybe
I just don't know what's going to happen with the
Lakers post Lebron. I mean, it's still a great mystery
of what JJ Reddick is going to do because they're
not really adding anybody. I mean they Dalton connect is

probably going to play some hed better be able to
play some. But they didn't really do anything in the
off season. So now you're saying, our big off season
acquisition is our head coach who's already empowered Anthony Davis
that the team is going to be his, Which it
sounds nice to say that, and I'm sure Frank Vogel
said that, and Darmen Ham said the same thing to
Anthony David. You want him to take ownership. It doesn't

turn out that way because it's still Lebron. Lebron's running
the two. He proved that he got everything he wanted.
But in three years from now, what do the Lakers
look like and what's the impact of JJ Reddick. That's
what I would be curious about. So three years is

that's an a turnty the Lakers. That's wild, yeah, dog
years because everything is going to be magnified everything that
JJ Reddick does, everything he does and doesn't do, it's
talked about there's no other team except for the Cowboys
where you have this kind of pressure. I mean, Mike

McCarthy basically has to say, Hey, I'm kind of a
puppet here, what do you want me to do? I
can't imagine JJ Reddick saying, uh, wait, what do you
want me to do? He's going to go in and
want to be his own man. Mike McCarthy, I think
when you sign up for the Cowboys, you realize it's
you're not really the head coach, but the scrutiny there. Everything,

every single thing you do is scrutinized, and I think
that's where it's going to weigh and you have to
have a personality that will almost fend that off, like
you'll have a protective coding around you. And JJ, judging
from how he played to when he was on ESPN,
you know that the criticism got to him and he

would react to that and you can't do that. With
everything that happened, Mike McCarthy basically goes okay, and then
it's it doesn't have to say anything.

Speaker 6 (22:12):

Speaker 2 (22:12):
It feels like he's going to say something, and then
that's when the media is gonna go h okay. Because
you're gonna hear, Hey, when's when's Bronny going to play? Hey,
is Bronni going to be called him? Hey, Austin Reeves
didn't play well, you know what about Bronnie. You're gonna
get this constantly and you gotta be ready for that,

and I don't know if you can prepare yourself. Now.
He was under the microscope at Duke every game, but
in the NBA he wasn't because nobody really cared. It
was a nice player for a long period of time,
but you know, he was the college player of the
Year when he was at Duke, and Duke is on
TV all the time and everybody focused on that. Now
with the Lakers, it's on steroids. Man, It's it's just

not a great job because of everything. It's tough enough
to win. Now you have one of the great players
of all time trying to win one more title. Now
you have the son of one of the greatest players
of all time, who is going to have to get
some minutes here or why isn't he getting minutes? At
what point does lebron James say, hey, you know, maybe
put Bronny in for some minutes if you've already manipulated

this like where do you stop? Where you go? I'm
not going to get involved in his playing time really
because it feels like everything has been orchestrated here. That's
why it's just so difficult. And you're in the West,
where the teams got better in the offseason, the Lakers
did not. Unless you say this is a significant upgrade,
because if JJ Reddick was that great, why did other

teams go after him? I thought Detroit was a better
job to learn how to coach in the NBA or Cleveland.
I thought that those would be two better teams. This
is star power. This is you know, you are back
to pat Riley. They want you to be pat Riley
looking good on the sideline, looking like a head coach,

sounding like a head coach, former player, you know all
of this stuff. I just that would wear on me
after a while. And if you don't win, yeah, point.

Speaker 5 (24:19):
I'm most fascinated to know about JJ Redick on draft night?

Speaker 2 (24:22):
Where was he?

Speaker 5 (24:23):
How was he told about the draft plan? Was he involved?
Did he have any in any way? Not veto power,
obviously not. But is he just along for the ride
in the draft room?

Speaker 2 (24:33):
Well with Bronnie he had to be.

Speaker 5 (24:35):
I would assume so, because I'm sure as a coach
you'd say, I want the best player to help our.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
Chille Well Dalton connect. I would think that JJ would
be involved in that. I would hope that he would
be involved in that. Bronnie, I don't I think that
was just like, all right, we're getting him. Yeah, that's it.
It's like you know the Christmas gift, you already know
what it is, and you're like, no, I'm getting that gift.
That's it, It's already done. Don't even I already know

we're getting.

Speaker 5 (25:01):
Right, And guy like Reddick also probably is very aware
of how he got this job and how it kind
of fell in his lap for different reasons. Not saying
he didn't deserve it for his basketball ability or knowledge,
but like he got this job by due to his
relationship with Lebron James.

Speaker 2 (25:15):
Well, Mike Kruyszewski's was one of the consultants there, so
Rushevsky helped him. There's other elements, but I don't know
if he can coach. I mean, Steve Nash couldn't coach.
One of the great players of all time, didn't get
another opportunity. This was hand picked, you know, the Stars

wanted Steve Nash. I didn't know if Steve Kirk could
coach Mark Jackson, like guys Doc Rivers, just it depends
on the team that you're on.

Speaker 6 (25:48):
Yes, Mar let's just hope the fifty six and fifty
seventh pick don't turn off to be the joker. Other
than that, it'd just go away because who's really putting
a lot of stock into the fifty fifth picking In
the NBA.

Speaker 2 (26:01):
You guys could have had that guy instead of Bronnie James. Yeah,
it's just it's going to be suffocating. It's going to
be nauseating because it's going to be all about Bronnie
Lebron on the floor at the same time, should he
be out there? Nepotism? Is Lebron helping him get playing time?

And you know, Lebron did say something I found interesting
and I think he's very He's being very truthful about this,
and that is criticism gets to Lebron, but he said
not to Bronni.

Speaker 11 (26:35):
I don't know if people really understand Bronnie. He doesn't care.
I actually cared a little bit when I came. I
wanted people to like like me and some of the
things that people were saying about me kind of bothered
me early on in my career. I let it get
to me. Ronnie doesn't. He doesn't give up. He's like
the complete opposite of his dad. Like me personally, when

I was coming up, I had no choice, had no choice.
I had to make it out like I had no choice.
I had to make it out for me, my mom,
my family. Bronnie has all the choices in the world,
so it's like a whole nother people don't understand how
hard that is in the commitment for him to be
coming out of heart surgery less than a year ago,
for him to be able to be an amba.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
That's the kid is He's special, but he doesn't care.

Speaker 11 (27:22):
He doesn't.

Speaker 4 (27:23):
It doesn't bother me.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
That's Lebron with Dave mcmanhamon of the Mothership. But understand
this or realize this. Lebron was first generation social media.
It was just coming out when he was coming into
the league, so it was all new and wait a minute,
people got a voice and they're very critical. You can
see the comments there. Well, Bronnie James is second generation

social media. He knows what this is all about. He's
been aware of this. He's been criticized on social media.
He was born famous, so he's grown up in this.
Lebron didn't. And Lebron, you know these athletes always say, well,
I don't read what people write. I don't hear what
they do. They do. I hear it secondhand or third hand.

I don't want to read it. Because nine people can say, hey,
I love the show. The tenth person could say, you
know what, when are you retiring? Yeah, and then you
fixate on that one. So I just I'm not interested
in it. We do it until somebody says that's it,
then you're done. But until then, you do it. And
Lebron has let things bother him. But Bronnie, when he

says he doesn't care, I believe it. He probably doesn't care.
But it's because he's grown up in this. Fish pole.
John and Austin, Good morning, John, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 4 (28:46):

Speaker 12 (28:46):
DP, glad to hear from me first time, very long time,
six foot and a soft ish to ten.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
Hey, So I've been listening to.

Speaker 8 (28:58):
You for somewhere between fifteen.

Speaker 12 (29:00):
In twenty years now, and I can't believe that Disney
is the reason that I'm finally calling in has come
very close before but never pulled the trigger. Just wanted
to talk to you about that. There are Disney agents
out there. Myself is one of them. It's my part
time job. But I do what I do because of

the exactly what you're describing. All the flights, everything else,
we for free to the client, plan, do all the research,
help you with everything so when you get to the park,
everything is planned. Try and eliminate all of the infighting
and make it really like a turnkey experience. And again,
like I do what I do not because of the money,

because I do have a full time job, but because
I really wanted to be a pleasurable experience and for
people to just be able to relax and experience the
magic when they are at Disney property.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Well, John, how do people get in to with agents
who then can help it be more you know, turnkey
like concierge. Then what's it cost families if they want
to have that, Hey, this person's going to help make
this as good as possible.

Speaker 12 (30:13):
That's a great question, Dan, That's why you are as
great as you are. So myself, I work for a
Disney agency, So all of the Disney travel agencies are
vetted by Disney in order to be able to book
through Disney, and then Disney gives them different ratings based
off of kind of where they land. So my agency
in particular is a Diamond level agency that's the highest tier,

and we get like our own customer service lines and
things like that. You can certainly search for Disney agencies.
I didn't want to do this to promote myself by
any means, but just kind of make people aware because
most agents, myself included, do all of this planning for
zero dollars, no strength attached. There's no like zero dollars

if it's a completely free service to the client. So
I would get paid on the back end by Disney.
And it's yeah, I mean, it's a great service. We've
used it before I became an agent. We use agents
in the past, and it just really makes it to
where you can relax a whole lot more when.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
You get there. Well, thank you, thank you, John. Yeah.
I had somebody called a Velcrow buddy. I did some
stuff for the Children's Miracle Network and then they said, well,
we'll have an agent there for you. And that person
was with us the entire time, and boy, it was
worth the money. It was worth the money. And you know,

they're older people who loved doing I mean the people
that we were around, these velcrow buddies, the agents, they
just loved being at the park every single day, and
their demeanor never changed. They're like always there's no problems,
only solutions. And I was like, man, you go to
work every day. Got to be like that every single day.

Once again, every day is the super Bowl. Keemo in
Virginia Beach, and then we'll take a break. Hey, Keemo,
Hey Danny best and worse right, worse was Danny.

Speaker 4 (32:14):
For the last ten days, I've been arguing stats with squirrels.
Danny with squirrels. Sorry, that leads me to the bastes.
Are you guys? Thank you Danny. You know we need
you and you opened seven seconds into the show. I'm
doubled over laughing because there's a little bit of helmet

being thrown around for Iffy, forrify, you know what I mean.
Congrass to the big.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
G all right, thank you, Kimo. Yeah, big German is
a proud father. Yeah, you know what, you can't miss
me if I don't leave. So I just wanted to
put that the test to the test that's gone for
a little while and yes, Tom.

Speaker 6 (33:01):
And you're never gonna win a stat talking with a squirrel.
Everybody knows that.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
Yeah, yeah, that's the magic that you offer right there.

Speaker 6 (33:14):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
It's originally Mike and the med Squirrel. Ye have we
done for now? Why don't you take us to break down?

Speaker 6 (33:26):
This is the Dan Patrick Show.

Speaker 2 (33:27):
We'll let you know what we learned and what's coming
up tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (33:29):
Right after this, be sure to catch the live edition
of The Dan Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern,
six am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAPP.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Last call for phone calls, what we learn, what's in
store tomorrow this day in sports history. We talked music.
In the first hour. I stumbled upon a documentary and
not necessarily a popular band, But you would you say
that that's fair assessment of the band that I saw
in the documentary Nickelback.

Speaker 5 (34:01):
Yes, there was a time when they were they had
about a three year window where they're very well known
about it.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
Yeah, but the documentary is about sort of the struggles
to become a band and the hits and then all
of a sudden fans turned on them or critics turned
on them. But it's all about that. So the musical
pursuit here of greatness. But it's a documentary on Nickelback
and it was good. I would I would like to

see them in concert. I had no interest in seeing
them before, but then you know, there's a whole like
time period where I go, I'm just not interested in
that kind of music. Yes, see, So why are you
interested in going to see them now? I think I know.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
Them and you're gonna go see them in like a Hey,
keep your head up, guys, come on, yes, sure they
love that. Yes, come on, guys say all right, there
you go on.

Speaker 2 (34:54):
That is a good song. Hey, you should be proud
of photograph. Come on now, I'll pick their spirits up. No,
I would actually go to see them in concert. I
don't know. Just after watching the documentary, I feel like
I know him. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (35:07):
We were discussing earlier. Is there an actor who's a
bit of a one hit wonder known for one thing
and nothing else.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
I have one. Okay, let me throw it out first.
Go you go first?

Speaker 6 (35:16):
No, you go?

Speaker 5 (35:17):
Mark Hamill, someone suggested, because he was in the Star
Wars movie. Okay, very massive, massively famous in the seventies and.

Speaker 2 (35:24):
Eighties, Napoleon Dynamite. Yes, John Hater Hater Napoleon Dynamite. Now,
I was in a movie with him, Benchwarmers is Sandler
movie but film nothing, No, that was a movie that
wasn't a film, but Napoleon Dynamite. That would be he

might be the acting version of the band A huh okay,
take on me, buddy' not there? Did you just say
you got me?

Speaker 13 (35:55):
I got you? That happened often got a snort, Oh John,
he yeah, that's a good comparison. Yes, yes, mcaulay Culkin.
I think he was in a few more movies than now.
You know, he's in Home Alone, like a three hit
Uncle Uncle Buck.

Speaker 2 (36:12):
Oh yeah, he was in Uncle Buck.

Speaker 3 (36:14):
He was oh you know what, he was in that
movie where he plays the little like psychopath kid.

Speaker 2 (36:19):
Yeah, he was good in that too. Yeah, and the
one My Girl, My Girl.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Yeah, no spoilers veda Sultan fuss Yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 6 (36:28):
More so that means Macaulay Culkin's the tone log of
movies had a couple, had a couple of hits.

Speaker 5 (36:35):
Yeah, oh yeah, maybe maybe closer to Hoody and the
Blowfish because Hooty and the Blowfish had four huge top
ten songs.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
Yeah. But Hoody and the Blowfish they had an album
that sold. I think it's one of the top ten
selling albums of all time.

Speaker 5 (36:50):
Like Culkin's in one of the bigger Christmas movies of
all time.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
Yes, Hoody in the Blowfish I think sold twenty five
million of cracked rear view. I mean that's that's a
that's up there with Mike Jackson and you know some
of those that are nickelback. Nickelback, the nickel Backs of
the world, ladies and gentlemen, the Nickelbacks. Let me see,

what do way have here my pick for winning a
Copa or is it the euro Cup? I have England, right,
I think that's who I picked. See, I have England
to win, do you I think so? I did watch
a lot of the soccer, Yeah, yeah, I do. Uh
and Bape wasn't there for PKS, which I was really

surprised to see.

Speaker 3 (37:38):
Yeah, but ever since he broke his nose, he hasn't
really played soft Yeah.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
Yeah. Yeah. This day in sports history, Paul, here's a
couple of good ones. Nineteen fifty three. Wait is this
show almost done today? Yeah? Okay, well that.

Speaker 5 (37:52):
Nineteen fifty three Notre Dame football was so popular. In
nineteen fifty three, they announced that for the next five
years their football games will be only shown in theaters.

Speaker 2 (38:00):
Over closed circuit TV. That's wild.

Speaker 5 (38:03):
Can imagine the reaction on social media at the time.
In eighteen eighty nine, John L. Sullivan, the heavyweight champ,
defeated Jake Kilrain.

Speaker 2 (38:11):
And how many rounds?

Speaker 5 (38:13):
Well, it's a last bare knuckle championship fight, which had
just been outlawed eighteen eighty nine. The fight lasted seventy
five rounds. The fight was held in northern Mississippi, right
on the border, and it was completely illegal. It was
declared illegal by the governor, and they were holding this.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
Was half the ring in one state and half in
the Other's day, they were.

Speaker 5 (38:34):
Prepared to do exactly that the game that was held
out in the woods.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
See what I did, Tom. After round forty five, John L.

Speaker 5 (38:42):
Sullivan was having a trouble because his pre his mid
round drink of brandy and iced tea was caught in
have stomach issues.

Speaker 2 (38:51):
I'm not kidding. He was drinking brandy and ice tea.
Like it, John, that's a man, I like it.

Speaker 5 (38:55):
And kil Rain offered to do a draw.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
And they both said no, they went seventy. Yes, Todd.

Speaker 9 (39:01):
It seems like once you get to a round sixty
or seventy, why don't we just call it even you
have a rematch.

Speaker 5 (39:05):
The other time they were both arrested after the fight
when they got back home and sent to jail.

Speaker 2 (39:09):
Okay, Okay. Final results of the poll question, Seaton.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
Final results of the poll question we just put up
there special for our three. Who is more likely to
be coaching in the NBA in three years, Dan Hurley
or JJ Reddick?

Speaker 2 (39:27):
Right now, Dan Hurley winning with fifty. Okay. Chris in Wisconsin,
Hey Chris, thanks for holding best and worst of the weekend.

Speaker 8 (39:35):
Yeah? Sorry, best and worst of the weekend? Best would
be I went to our local collegiate summer league baseball
team and got to watch what a player by the
name of Max David McGuire, And of course I had
the son of Mark McGuire, So the worst of the

weekend would have been next absolutely nothing. It was still
fun to see him, but I kind nothing out of it.

Speaker 2 (40:05):
Thank you, Chris. I didn't know Mark McGuire's son was
in the show, or at least try to get into
the show. Let's go around the room. What we learn
on this program in this Monday, Todd, would you learn today.

Speaker 9 (40:19):
DraftKings list of sixers is having the second best chance
behind Boston to win the NBA title next year?

Speaker 8 (40:24):

Speaker 2 (40:24):
I don't know if I'm buying that, not buying that,
but it is July. It's early, see O'Connor. See, Smoke's
still the goat. See smoke is a great bottle of wine.
Please don't buy it. It's hard enough for me to
get it. Marvin, you said Tony LaRussa ruined baseball with
all these matchup You know when they label your genius

now all of a sudden, everything you do, you're like, Okay,
let me see, I gotta do it a little different
than everybody else. Paul, would you learn today John Heater
equals Aha? Yeah, maybe a one hit wonder as an actor? Todd?
What did I learn today?

Speaker 9 (40:57):
It will be a meek pie day this week because
you get four pots Friday.

Speaker 2 (41:01):
I get the four pies because I had Brownie James
going in the first round. I believed in him. Nobody
else did. Apparently. What we learned brought to you by
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Thanks for joining us. We'll try to do better tomorrow.
For Fritzy's seat and Marv, Paulie yours truly have a
great day, everybody,
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