All Episodes

July 8, 2024 41 mins

Dan is impressed by Pittsburgh Pirates rookie P Paul Skenes who is now the only #1 overall draft pick to be selected to the MLB All-Star game in his first season. And he contemplates the sale price for the Boston Celtics the season after winning a championship.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
We are back and better than ever, Dan and the
Dan Eds Dan Patrick Show. Glad to have you with us,
Stay as long as you like. Say good morning to
our newest affiliate. We are on in Saint Louis. Who
would have thought, but we did a Fox Sports five
ninety kf NS in Saint Louis and our thanks to
Dave Zilbrist who is the GM and owner there as

We are live eight am to eleven am local in
Saint Louis.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Yes see, no counter been to Saint Louis. Yes, I
have my sister lives there. Oh really, yes she does, kidding,
Yes she does. Been there quite a few times.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Okay, yeah, Midwest, Yeah, throughout the first pitch at a
Cardinals game a few years. Ben brought some cheese there. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
I've always wanted to go there, but I haven't made
it out.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
What's going out there? Yeah, maybe maybe it will. Maybe
E've going out there road trip.

Speaker 4 (00:53):
Yeah, yes, Paul, I think the last time the show
was in Saint Louis was the World Series Red so
four World Series Red Sox Cardinals. We did the show
from Bush Stadium. Yeah, and then when it was a sweep,
no no offense. There was a sweep, and that night
we were out and we thought we were going to
fly home the next day back when the show was

at ESPN, and we got a call at eleven o'clock
at night and said, you're getting on a flight in
the morning to do the show at Fenway Park. We're
at a bar and somewhere in Saint Louis when we
got that called. Yeah, that's the last time I think
the show was there.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Yeah, went back to Fenway and we had Kurt Shilling
I think joined us. Yeah, Bill Buckner, I think joined us.

Speaker 4 (01:34):
And theo Epstein ste theo still hurt from the night before.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
Yeah, all right, eight seven seven three DP show email
address Dpadanpatrick dot com, Twitter handle at tp show. A
lot of tennis, a lot of soccer. The Olympics begin
on July twenty sixth in Paris. Baseball All Star Game.
A lot of new players. What do we have twenty
six first time players or is it more than that?

Thirty two thirty two. It's got to be a record
or something. Correct. Paul Skeen's name to the All Star team.
He has pitched just over fifty nine innings. The last
starting pitcher to be named to the All Star team
with fewer innings prior to the All Star break. You
have to go back to nineteen forty two Carl Hubble,

and he had fifty three innings. So Skeens is twenty one,
and he's the youngest player on either roster. But you're
also looking at a situation where you can't create this.
It just happens. Skeens College World Series, LSU, famous girlfriend,
number one pick, minors for one year, one season, and

then he's up. It just doesn't happen that quickly, if
at all, because normally those pitchers stay down there for
a little while. And this is where you have like
Cam Newton, you know, you're a big star in the
SEC and all of a sudden you come right in.
You're the rookie of the year. Like that's doesn't happen
in baseball, certainly in you know, being a pitcher today's game.

You know, he throws a hundred, you're up. You're with
a franchise that needs you. He's got the mustache, his girlfriend,
famous gymnast, and you're with a franchise that needs you
right now, and he has been. He's lived up everything
that's advertised there and a lot of times. And I'm
old enough to go back to David Clyde if you

remember him with the Texas Rangers. I think David came
up when he was maybe seventeen, and he threw hard,
didn't last. Don Gullet with the Reds came up, might
be nineteen through hard didn't last. Wayne Simpson Cincinnati Reds
maybe twenty years of age through hard didn't last. And
that's what I talked to a physical therapist and he

deals with a lot of high end athletes, and I
spoke to him during my vacation and we were talking
about he deals with Tommy John surgery and then therapy
to follow up. And he said, teams are now drafting
players factoring in you're going to need Tommy John at
some point. I mean, so once again they're drafting and

they realize you're going to need Tommy John surgery. It's
like you're buying a sports car and you know that
the engine has to be overhauled at some point. So
to me, it's mind boggling, because you know, I grew
up where guys were pitching complete games. They were pitching
a lot of innings. Guys didn't get hurt. Nowadays, they

kind of expect you to throw as hard as you can,
as long as you can, and then we'll fix you
up and then we'll get you back out there. But
he said he had parents. I gotta be careful with
what the information I'm giving here. But he had parents,
two different parents, families who wanted their son to have

time Tommy John surgery. And he had just turned they
had just turned thirteen. They were going to have it
before he needed the two kids needed Tommy John surgery.
And he said, I he goes, no that, No, we're
not doing that. No pitch, pitch as long as you

can or however you're going to pitch, but you can't
have preemptive Tommy John surgery to make you better. But
the parents, two different families wanted their sons to have
Tommy John surgery. And he said, I think they were
thirteen or fourteen. That's where we are with pitching nowadays.

It's hard to be famous as a pitcher because Clayton
Kershaw is the most famous pitcher justin Verlander. I mean
Verlander's famous because you know he's going to the Hall
of fame, and he's got a famous wife, swimsuit model,
Max Schurzer famous, Clayton Kershaw's famous. But other than that,

I don't know. Garrett Cole, we've diminished pitching has now
become a running back where you're like, all right, it's
all interchangeable. Hey, you got banged up, No no worries.
We'll just draft somebody in the fourth round and put
him in there at running back. But where we are
with pitching and schemes is different because he's a tune
in factor. I found myself, if he's pitching, I'm gonna watch.

If I'm going through the channels he's pitching, I'm staying.
Elie de la Cruz is another player that I find
I'm watching him. But is it a good thing that
baseball has thirty two first time starters here? Baseball's built
on reputation and tradition, and that guy's back in the
All Star Game? And once again, I go back to

the sixties and seventies, where players were an All Star
for eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two years. You
don't have as many repeat All Stars now. It's a
younger roster here, which could be good. Because you're trying
to get a younger audience. Here, part of Baseball's problem

is their fan base. The average fan is probably in
his mid fifties. You're trying to get everybody's trying to
get younger. They're trying to get that younger fan base.
You're trying to get females. You're trying to get minorities.
You know, Baseball with this push to now recognize the
stats from the negro leagues, that to me is a
long time overdue, but it's it's basically a reset to

say to African Americans, hey, play this game, come on,
come on, try it again. Maybe you didn't like it before,
maybe find it boring, but your predecessors are being recognized.
Josh Gibson, you know that maybe you can get more
conversation going. That's the feeling I got. Baseball is twofold,

but they want to get younger and diversify. But watching
the All Star Game, you want it to be something.
Last time you said, got to watch the All Star
Game nineteen ninety four, Bo Jackson.

Speaker 5 (08:05):
That was Tony gwyn Fred McGriff like back then, oh
okay for you, yeah for me, for me?

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Sorry, yes for me, I'm thinking bo Jackson. I remember
that was a big deal. And then he homered off
Rick Russell and he let off Vita Blue back at
in Detroit, Reggie Jackson hit one off the light post there.

Doc Ellis was on the mound the Pirates guy. Now,
once again, when you're younger, it's more important. And I
don't want to sound like, you know this, get off
my lawn guy. And I hope baseball has like you're
going to tune in to see show. Heyo Tani, I
don't tune in for the home run derby. I mean,
I think it's kind of played out. It's it's kind
of like the slam dunk contest. Like, okay, back back

back back, back, back, back back. The only thing interesting
is the kids running around in the outfield trying to
not you know, get blinked by baseball. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
See, wasn't there one in like the two thousands ish
that went like seventeen innings or something. It went on forever.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
I don't know if that's a good thing, but.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
It was kind of It's fun, though maybe not quite seventeen.
I'm a little bit of an exaggerator, but it went
on for a while. Hiperble, how are you? Yes, Paul?

Speaker 4 (09:22):
That was the O two All Star Game Miller Park, Milwaukee,
where we were there. We were there and bud Selig
was not sure what to do.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
They did they run out of players or something. You
just said, we're gonna call.

Speaker 4 (09:34):
This it edited a seven to seven tie. People like
it's an American ended a's hie.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
That's what they do in Russia, in Russia wherever. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
But the fallout from that was the you know, how
you they try to make the game more important?

Speaker 2 (09:46):
Oh well, that's where Fox goes. Nobody's watching the All
Star Game? Can we make the outcome more important that
you know, the National League wins the All Star Game
and the Nation League team gets to host the World Series? Stupid?

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Yeah, And I don't know if that's the one I
was thinking about. But in two thousand and eight, it
went fifteen innings and that al one four to three. Okay,
mail to Jada to Jada? Did he homer or something?

Speaker 2 (10:17):
He scored a I don't know. When we were in
Houston and all of a sudden, was that home run
derby or when they were just introducing the All Stars
to Jada and you had the public address announcers. So
we're in center field, and you know, you had that
great voice where and at shortstop Miguel to Jada to Jada,

I go, oh my god, it's tay hot. But you
say it in a way that you make people think
like you're the one that got it wrong.

Speaker 6 (10:52):
But just.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
It also goes back to, you know, when my friend
was doing the PA announcing for the Atlanta Hall with
Carl Maline at the loan shooting too, and we go, wait,
it's Karl Malone at the line shooting too. But he
said it in a way it's like Carl Maline at
the loan shooting too. They go, wait, that's Karl Malone. Oops.

All right, AnyWho, So Paul's schemes has been great, and uh,
you got to start him? I guess, right? Should you
start him out of Yes? Now, they used to, you know,
they would hold a pitcher back or you know, so
somebody wouldn't pitch on a Friday or a Saturday or whatever,
so they would have the appropriate amount of rest to

be able to start. I would want I would want
Paul Skeens to start.

Speaker 4 (11:43):
Pirates are only ten games out of first they're still
in it.

Speaker 7 (11:46):
Well, you're pirates.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
Yeah, well he's destined for Tommy John surgery at some point,
so come on in. Isn't that crazy though? With parents?
Let's just have it now. But all you're doing is
thrown as hard as you can. And the fact that
these teams are drafting players because they know they're all interchangeable, well,
not all of them are. There are some that you

would think are truly special, that maybe they have a
fifteen year career. Ken you're when's how many starting pitchers
are going to go to the Hall of Fame? Aside
from Verlander's going to the Hall of Fame, Kershaw's going
to the Hall of Fame. Sures who's going to the
Hall of Fame? After that? Who's going to the Hall

of Fame? Is Garrett Cole going to the Hall of Fame.
But it used to be that everybody talked about starting pitching.
You gotta have starting pitching. You know, you win with
starting pitching, certainly in the playoffs. Now it's like, can
you give me four, maybe five, then that's it. But
with the advent of you know, middle relievers throwing a hundred,

so now you're just kind of everybody is going to
be thrown at a hundred, you're not going, Hey, we
got this guy. And I always thought very would be
great because Greg Maddox would throw in the low nineties.
But we'd probably look at Greg Maddox now and go
that guy. But he knew how to pitch. These guys
throw now. They throw really hard and their stuff is

great and spin rate and all that stuff. But I'd
love to get back to where you're watching great pitching. Yeah, poon,
We just.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
Had a five year run where a starting pitcher wasn't
on the Hall of Fame ballot. To make it in
the Hall of Fame, you had to go back to
nineteen Roy Halliday. Mike Mussina The Athletic wrote an article
about it that we may have to revamp how voters
look at the starting pitcher going forward because the old rules,
no one's getting in.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
But it's the same with running backs. Yes, you're not
getting in unless you catch at least seven hundred passes
in your career.

Speaker 4 (13:47):
They said, Zach Grinkey and Clayton, Kershaw, Mechs, Scherz Er
Verlander will all be.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Going in there. Grinky's going in.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
They said, by default. Almost very good career.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
But are we going to do that with running backs.
It used to be ten thousand yards that if you
got to ten thousand you were going into the Hall
of Fame. Now we might have to go back to
that and maybe even lowered it a little bit because
I just I don't unless you're like McCaffrey, because McCaffrey
should go to the Hall of Fame. Do you think

is he a Hall of Famer? Now? No, with today's definition,
he dipped a.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Little bit, but back now he's back in San Francisco.
His numbers are.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Well, okay, but how many running back? Let me take
a break here, let me take a break. We got
we got a lot of things talk about here. Also,
I have something about the Celtics. They're going to sell.
The majority owner is selling his share of the Celtics.
Give you an idea of And I have somebody who
is not involved in this sale, but is involved in

these kind of acquisitions transactions, and he gave me some
information on that. I'll have that for you coming up.
We'll get phone calls coming up, as we always do
every Monday, best and worst of the weekend. We're back
after this.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
FO Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Pauly Fools Gohea with Tony Foosco.

Speaker 1 (15:13):

Speaker 8 (15:14):
As everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award winning
Polly and Tony Foodsco Show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are, here's how Dan Patrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
What are you doing interrupting our promo?

Speaker 7 (15:29):

Speaker 1 (15:29):
You wasn't talking about you. You took those clips totally
of context.

Speaker 8 (15:34):
Oh yeah, Well after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Let me put this into context. Shut up.

Speaker 8 (15:41):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully and Tony Fusco
Show on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (15:47):

Speaker 2 (15:50):
We'll get to your phone calls coming out best and
worst of the weekend?

Speaker 4 (15:53):
Did you just interrupt?

Speaker 2 (15:54):
I did? I did have something? Nickelback first time I
brought up that. On my vacation living the exciting life
that I live, I watched the Nickelback documentary and I
actually felt sorry for him A little bit. It's weird
that you're, you know, multi millionaires, live in a beautiful

house and you're selling out arenas. And then but I
felt a little sorry for them that there was this
backlash on Nickelback and they didn't do anything. It's like,
we as an audience go, what is I think? And
buying that album? Well, it's not their fault, it's your
fault if you don't like a band, Yes, Mark.

Speaker 5 (16:36):
Yeah, that happened when fifty cent blew up or fifty
cent and some people like to call him Yeah, so
he was really big on like the mixtape independent circuit
and then in the club or in Dug Club came
out and he was hotter than fish Grease and he
was doing stadiums and anus and everyone who loved him before. Uh,
I miss him when he was because he's the guy

you should know about. But then when everybody knows about him,
you hate it because you knew about him first. Does
that make sense? Like your independent if Depeche Mode got
really hot and you're like, I knew about them before
they got big and all you other people found out about.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
It, Well, you do like your band to be your band,
and then all of a sudden you got to share
your band, and then you don't want them anymore. You know,
it's like this hot air balloon. It's like your hot
air balloon. All of a sudden, it's not tethered anymore.
Now it belongs to the world. I don't want them anymore.
All right, we'll get phone calls coming up, will give
you our best and worst of the weekend. I'll give

you a little bit of information here on the Boston Celtics. So,
the Celtics are one of their owners is selling his
majority share, and I'm trying to you know, I wanted
some information here to see what exactly are the Celtics worth.
I mean, if you're going to sell, now is a
pretty good time to sell. The future still looks bright.

You just want a title. So I asked somebody, this
person will bring two parties together and then buy soccer
teams or basketball or baseball teams. And I just said,
how much do this think the Celtics will go for? Also,
how much do you think they're actually worth? He said?
Forbes has the Celtics at four point seven billion, Sportico

has them at five point one. He said, it's probably
going to be a five billion dollar acquisition. Also, there
could be an inside deal that there was somebody who
bought eight percent interest maybe three years ago, that maybe
it's an insider you know, price there, if it's an auction,

it'll go higher. Also, you don't own your own arena
the Bruins owner who's at Jeremy Jacobs, So that affects
the price as well. But the Celtics at just over
five billion dollars and a majority portion of that will
be available.

Speaker 4 (18:55):
Yes, pom in the group Boston Basketball Partners LLC is
the group that owns it. They bought these Celtics just
over twenty years ago for three hundred and sixty million dollars,
no big profit.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Every time you see one of these prices, you go,
what how are you going to get the money out
of the Broncos for five billion? Or the Commanders or
and then five years from now we'll look back and go, golly,
can you believe they only they only paid five billion
for that game? But why are you selling now? Is
what I'm curious about. If you already have your money,

you don't need it, what do you is there is
there a bigger picture, a bigger play here that we're
not seeing. And that's what I was curious about. You're
the owner of the Celtics. I mean, things are going.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Really well and you're selling now just seems I don't
think you're strapped for cash, but I was just curious.

Speaker 2 (19:54):
Yeah, see, what would the bigger I don't play be
I don't know if it means that they're there is
maybe some gloom and doom down the road. Yeah, that's
the only thing I thought of, is maybe let's get out.
You know, Mark Cuban got out. A lot of owners
have gotten out. Yeah, like you're you're partially in, partially out,

and so I don't know. That was the first thing
I thought was, don't you keep that forever? Yeah, Paul.

Speaker 4 (20:21):
I read an article in the Boston Globe that had
some details of why Now, and the group said it's
for a state and family planning considerations as why now?

Speaker 2 (20:30):
That was the emotion get.

Speaker 4 (20:32):
And that's about and also the market, the market right
now for sports teams as high as it's ever been.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
All Right, some phone calls here, people have been waiting,
Uh Buddha and San Francisco Buddha, thanks for holding.

Speaker 9 (20:44):
What out DP, Hey, bud Let's let's go fritzy every day.
It's a super Bowl boys. Amazing to have you guys back.
My goodness, you guys are like my sports show, Binky Dan.
I was going nuts there for a bit without you guys.
There's been so much has gone on. I mean, USA soccer,

USA soccer sucks, Dan. The Internet came to a crashing
halt on an epic level by one single college girl,
my beloved Los Angeles. Lebron's got even more annoyingly interesting
and Bronni licious. And the MLB uniforms, Dan, the all Stars,
I mean, can we just go back to when we
were wearing our own uniforms? But Dan, I want to

ask you. The inner sole of me wants to know
what's the best bottle of wine that you had while
I'm breaking. You can't say Sea smoke, Dan, that's your
usual go to response. You guys have a great week.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
All right, Well, thank you, Buddha. I did have some
Sea smoke.

Speaker 6 (21:44):

Speaker 2 (21:44):
I don't like telling people about Sea smoke because it's
hard to get and like a band you don't want
to get in Pocabar. No, no, I don't want it
to be popular. I'm sure Sea Smoke does. But let
me see what did I What did I have? Make
should sound like because I'm having a hard time with
my rolodex here of all the wine that I had,

I did have like a few beers and a couple
of different beverages.

Speaker 10 (22:09):
You know.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
People brought over beers, main main lunch.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Oh that's Maine Bruin Company. Yeah, lunch is their flagsh Yeah.
Let me see what bottle of wine did I have? Hmmm,
I don't know if I had one that stood out
that I go, wow, now that is a great bottle
of wine.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
Yeah. See, there's just too many, yeah, too many bottles
of wine. Yeah, I see smokes. It's just it's really good.
It's really it's nice. That's the go too. But it's
on the menu.

Speaker 5 (22:44):
You're getting it.

Speaker 3 (22:45):
Well, No, the first time I ever saw this bottle
of wine. First of all, I saw it on a
list at the Ritz Carlton and Marina del Rey Fire
and I'm going, you know, I'm always looking at prices,
and I see a Pinot Noir four hundred and fifty

dollars and I bring over these Saumier and I said,
you got to be kidding me, And he goes, doesn't matter.

Speaker 2 (23:13):
The price. You know, people love that bottle of wine.
I go play golf the next day La Country Club
with the owner of Johnny O Clothes and we're in
the clubhouse. We're in the grill area and he goes,
look at her wineless and tell me what you think.
He's not a wine guy. And I see c smoke

and it was like fifty nine dollars and I go,
I said, Johnny, will you ask the bartender is this
per glass? And then he yells to the woman and
she goes, no, it's bottle. I go, we'll take two, please,
We'll take two of those bottles. I go back that
night to the saumier at Ritz Carlton. I said, I
found this for fifty nine dollars and he's like, you

should stock you know, you could make a big profit.
I go, no, I'm not going to be like, you know,
running liquor here. But the price is usually three times
Marcus atmosphere. Yes, yes, it's crazy where you go. I've
had this bottle of wine and it's fifty two dollars.
Now it's one hundred and sixty eight. Yes.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
Is that uh, the same location that Ritz Carlton in
Marina del Rey, The same place that Todd I believe
asked the psalm about the red canoa bowl.

Speaker 7 (24:38):
I think I did.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
That's the same place referred to as the Somalian. You
called him a Somalia.

Speaker 7 (24:44):
Yeah, I'm from there.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
And he goes, doude, what is this red canoa? And
I said it's keen one.

Speaker 7 (24:52):
I was confident that it was canoa.

Speaker 3 (24:54):
Yes, And he's asking the wine guy. Yeah, this is
the wine guy. He doesn't know about the food. It's like, oh, sorry, okay,
what I can only know about one? I don't know
anything about food? Oh, lets start writing there a few
times he works there.

Speaker 7 (25:04):
Maybe he's tried some special food, not.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Just why well you didn't. You didn't even pronounce it correctly.
If you would pronounce it correctly, I'd be like, all right,
you might be asking me saw me, I.

Speaker 11 (25:13):
Can said, anyone coming to the table, can talk about desserts, appetizers, entransition,
not just living.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
But you called him a Somalia.

Speaker 7 (25:20):
He seemed defended by Yeah, it wasn't meant to be.
I just pronounced him.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
I might claim this, I know, but then it always
reflects poorly on me, because then they always look at
me like really and I'll be like, hey, you.

Speaker 5 (25:32):
Know, these are the people you bring to appreciate it.

Speaker 10 (25:35):

Speaker 4 (25:35):
And once Fritzy found out what was in a keen
wa ball, he almost ran for his life.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
Yeah, you're not eating healthy.

Speaker 5 (25:40):
Yeah, and I just got a cheeseburger.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
Andrew in Washington, Andrew, thanks for holding what's on your
mind tonight.

Speaker 12 (25:46):
Good morning Dan, Dan. It's great to have you guys back.
That was too long of a test run of your retirement.
All right, that's the worst, my worst nick, right, your
buddy having a really bad hot take that in ten years,
we're going to look back on the twenty twenty four
NBA draft and say that Bronnie James was the past pick.
And then Bronnie goes out and proves his hot take

with crap by shooting twenty two percent four points in
twenty one minutes in his pro debut. My best of
the weekend was fourth July. My son, he's actually sleeping
on the couch right now. He's home from the Marines
for two weeks to get spent time with him. Hasn't
seen him a year and a half. Suf's my best
Guy's great to have you there.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
Awesome, awesome, Thank you, Andrew.

Speaker 4 (26:26):
Yes, Paul nick Right did that prediction because it's ten
years from now. He knows it can't be thrown back
at his face for years and years and years, because
I'd be patient.

Speaker 7 (26:34):
Be patient.

Speaker 4 (26:35):
That's a running gag.

Speaker 2 (26:36):
That's good, but a bit yeah. I mean nick Right
is trolling you like, but he's doing it on purpose
to have fun with it and kind of mock everybody
who is you know, skip Baylist. May even say it
and believe it with all of his heart that Bronnie
James is more clutch than lebron James, and you know,
spend thirty minutes on that. But do I think Nick

Ryde feels like Bronnie James to be the best draft
pick just because of his talent? No, I don't think
he believes that.

Speaker 3 (27:06):
Yeah, see, I'm just gonna guess too. But his first
Summer League game, I don't know that that's really the
best he's ever going to do either. Like I think
Bronni James, he has the potential to score more than
a few.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
I would think he could go better than two for nine.
I think so. But but you know, people like Laker
fans should be more concerned with Dalton connect because that's
the guy who's going to play. He's a first round pick.
He's a guy who has to play well. Not Bronnie
Dalton Connect out of Tennessee. He's a guy can get buckets.

And Lebron even talked about him before the draft that
he liked him, and then the Lakers got him. That's
a guy who is twenty two to twenty three years
of age. You got to get him ready to go.
He's got to help you this year.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
Yes, Mark, if he was nineteen at from Serbia, we'd
be way more exciting.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Oh okay, okay, sure.

Speaker 4 (27:58):
If there's a lot in connect, yeah, don'ty connect.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
Connect Zach in Utah, Hi, Zach, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 10 (28:09):
Hey you, good morning guys.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
Morning Now.

Speaker 10 (28:13):
I just wanted to call to the last weekend me
my wife celebrated our ten year anniversary and she sent
a book in that had you sign it for me,
and I thought that was super awesome over to do
that because I've been listen DS for ten years.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
Well since you got married, you've been listening and I've
been guiding you through marital bliss. You're welcome. Yeah, You're welcome, Zach.
You're welcome. Yeah, and I remember signing the book. So
those who do purchase the book, if you send it
in with postage to send it back, I'll be more
than happy to sign my football book. Joe in Montana,

not to be confused with Joe Montana.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
Hey, I got through. I can't believe it. One six, three, Okay,
Dan and Dan, that's the best. Worst the weekend. My
Minnesota Twins took two out of three from the Houston Astros.
And my worst has been brewing for a long time.
You know. I think baseball should get rid of the

three batter minimum for relief pitchers. And I wondered what
your take on that is, Dan, I'll hang up and listen.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
Not today, not today, let's tree top today. I don't
want to go down in the weeds here.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
No wait, wait, lefty versus left man take him out.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
I Tony and LaRussa ruined baseball, you know, because he's
a genius and now you know every matchup and it's
just it feels like anytime a manager makes a move
when a pitcher's pitching well, it always goes against logic
and it always comes back, you know, to smacking the face.

I don't know there's just something about I never worried
about how many pitches you threw. All I want to
know is I asked the catcher, what's you know, what's
it look like? What's it feel like? Up there? Because
the catcher's going to know more than anybody, And that's
all I would ask. How's he looking? You know, location wise?
Like all of that stuff? Not up it? That's thirteenth pitch,

Come on, gotta get out of here. And then all
of a sudden you bring somebody in, he throws a
hundred boom gone home run. But you know, when you
start to look at pitching now, I don't know. After
Garrett Cole, I don't know if we're going to get
pitchers to win two hundred games. We're not getting anybody
near three hundred. That is not happening. Because if you're
looking at like Verlander's at two sixty. You guys, have

any idea how many wins Max Scherzer has. If you
said two fifteen, you'd be correct. Clayton Kershaw to ten.
That's it. You know who's next on the list after
Clayton Kershaw. Garrett Cole has one hundred and forty six wins.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
Who now stand of a day, stall of a day,
start of a day, Statuta day.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
This is the start of the day. So Garrett Cole
is out of the day. Brought to you by Penadi America,
the official trading cards of the program. So Garrett Cole
is thirty three, He's got one hundred and forty six wins.
Johnny Queto is thirty eight, he has one hundred and
forty four. Lance Lynn thirty seven, has one hundred and forty.

Charlie Morton is forty, he's got one thirty five. Chris Sale,
who just made the All Star team, by the way,
he's got one thirty one. He's thirty five. I mean
this is pitching now. Nobody's getting close to two hundred wins. Yes, Marv, I.

Speaker 5 (31:49):
Think the next guy to make the Hall of Fame
will probably be be maybe C. C. Sabathia. Yeah, and
then after that it might be another long stretch of.

Speaker 2 (31:57):
Well, I'm just looking at the active pitchers of where
we are with victories, and it's the same thing with
running backs with yardage. Are you gonna Are we going
to reassess the running back position and have to lower
our standards? Are we going to lower our standards with
major league pitchers going into the Hall of Fame. I
can't imagine those voters are going to go, all right,

if you get to one hundred and fifty wins, or
if you're a running back and you get to eight thousand,
like is Derrick Henry hall of Famer? I think he
needs two more seasons. Like he feels like he was
the best running back in football for a while, but
he's got to get to eleven thousand yards and what

is he at? Ninety five hundred, ninety five hundred. He's
got to get to at least eleven thousand.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
But maybe he's the first guy that breaks that mold
where he gets in because he's Dereck Henry. Everyone loves him.
He was a monster. He's got great highlights. He's got
three fifth monster seasons, and then he's got a couple
of good seasons.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
Yeah, but he's not better than Tiki Barber right stat wise,
not no. But like Tiki Barber is hurt because the
team won the Super Bowl the year after he retired.
Had he been on that team, I think he'd be
in the Hall of Fame because you look at it
and you go, they didn't need him to win a
Super Bowl. Now, they had a great defense that certainly helped.

But I mean, Tiki Barber has the numbers to be
a Hall of Famer. Ricky Waters, in my opinion, has
the numbers to be a Hall of Famer. I don't
know if we reassess running backs and if that's a
fair parallel comp of starting pitchers and starting running backs.

Speaker 4 (33:38):
Yeah, pulling, Yeah, And like you said, I think McCaffrey
is the example of can you get me fourteen hundred
yards and you can get me another sixty catches? And
combined yard is maybe the number, Like how many two
thousand yard seasons do you have combined yardage?

Speaker 2 (33:52):
And McCaffrey probably needs two more seasons like he's had,
and you know, winning a Super Bowl would go a
long way. He's on a team that's got a lot
of weapons. He doesn't have to be featured. So I
don't know, Yeah, Mark.

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Does this there an era help out somebody like Tim Linsecomb.

Speaker 3 (34:14):
I don't think he's a Hall of Famer No, I
mean he's got a couple of cygh youngs.

Speaker 2 (34:19):
What do you have? Like he had two great years.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
If he had three, would he be in I don't.

Speaker 2 (34:26):
Think so like pitching was all about longevity. It's all
about numbers. It's not like like Terrell Davis gave you
what three great seasons and you know, Super Bowls and
he rushed for two thousand yards. So you know, we
kind of looked at that and said, injury cut him short.
You know those kind of things. I don't know. I

don't vote on any of these, and it's really tricky
to try to do it. Now, all right, let me
take a break. Running a little bit late here. We'll
give you our best and worst right after this, be
sure to catch the live edition of The Dan Patrick
Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio WAP. A couple of
phone calls, we'll get to best and worst to the weekend.

Let's see Steven Youngstown, Ohio. Hi, Steve, what's on your
mind today?

Speaker 6 (35:16):

Speaker 9 (35:16):
What's going on?

Speaker 6 (35:17):

Speaker 10 (35:17):
Earlier, Joe from Montana called, so I.

Speaker 9 (35:19):
Figured it would only be fitting if Steve from Youngstown,
Ohio called. Man, just want to say we enjoy the show, brother.

Speaker 2 (35:27):
Well, thank you, Steve. You guys got that. Joe in Montana, Joe, Montana,
Steve Steve Youngstown. Steve young nailed it. Yeah, if Jim
druck and Miller calls in, how about Jim Drunck and Miller.
Remember he was going to be he was going to
be a big deal for the Niners. Jack, Well, they
kept they kept trying to get that next quarterback. Yet

you had Joe and you had Steve and then Jeff Garcia.
Although Jeff Garcia did have a pretty good career. Yeah,
I think, And I think he married a playboy playmate.
Oh remember when that used to be a thing, playboy
playmates be like, Oh wasn't Was Luke Robotie married to
a playboy playmate La Kings? Yes, if you're on La Kings,

you're really good.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
It's destiny, right.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
I would think. And those utiful everybody looked good in
those Gretzky La King uniforms. But I think I thought
Luke Robotie. Maybe I'm overstating Luke, but it always l
u c by the way, But I thought he may
have been married to a playboy playmate. Do you have one,
Paul I.

Speaker 4 (36:33):
Got Stacey Totten. Oh, Well, if she's not, that's on them,
that's their fault.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
I still have fond memories of candy loving. You say,
I want to say, memories memories candy loving out of Oklahoma.
I don't know she just I hope she's doing well. Alrighty.

Nobody covers hockey like nobody covers hockey the way we do.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
There was somebody who was just like today, this is
why I love you guys. Like five minutes into the
show and we're already breaking down one hit, Wonders and
nickel Back.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
Yes, after being off for two weeks. All right, it's
summer who we are? Like July is death. When it
comes to sports talk radio, it's like, all right, you
spend a little time on COPA or Wembledon or the
Summer League. Yes, it's like the Olympics.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
The Olympics are coming and are you gonna preview the Olympics. No,
but there's a be incidents in the Olympics.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
There's there'll be things that happen. There always are, and
then you react to them. Then all of a sudden,
we have Mike Tarico on from Paris, and go, Mike,
how do you explain that? Todd Best and Worst of
the weekend?

Speaker 11 (37:48):
My best Indiana Fever God Kaitlin Clark recording the first
triple double by a rookie in the history of the WNBA.
Saturday eighty three seventy eight home win over there Liberty.
Her final numbers on the day nineteen points, a season
of high time, thirteen sis grab, twelve boards, worse of
the weekend.

Speaker 7 (38:02):
Listen to this, guys. French writer Julianne Bernard was finding.

Speaker 11 (38:05):
Two hundred Swiss francs, which is about two hundred and
twenty three American dollars by the International Cycling Union after
he stopped to kiss his wife Friday during the Tour
de Frant's time trial seventh stage. Fifteen minutes in, he
paused a moment to kiss his wife and young son,
who were standing in the road among a group.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Okay, what rule did he break? Do they have something
in the world? You know of all the things that
you can do that are illegal in the tour to front,
stopping to give your wife a kiss unless she's injecting
you with EPO, I would think, like, all right, unless
this is a traffic hazard, do we have any information
po lipstick that they have?

Speaker 11 (38:41):
The UCI released a statements thing that Bernard's behavior was
inappropriate and considered damaging to the image of the sport.

Speaker 3 (38:47):
All the image of the sport. Oh, okay, the same
way you get mono. Now, it's just like a little
bit of saliva.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
Ok uh. By the way, you know that the w
NBA has a when you find men arguing about who
should be the rookie of the year. In the WNBA,
Angel Reese double double. Kaitlin Clark put up numbers nobody's
ever done. And now you have this discussion. Now, granted,

it's not really about the Rookie of the year, it's
about Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark. Because if these were
two white girls or two African American girls, it wouldn't
be a discussion. But it's Angel Reese Caitlyn Clark. They're
going to be linked forever. Therefore, this is going to
be a topic which will lead to other topics, which

is what people love to talk about. But you know,
Caitlin Clark is still the rookie of the year. Her
team is a little better if you're going to base
it off that, And I said this what a month ago.
Angel Reese is a double double. She's there's nothing exciting
about her. She is just she goes in there and
works and works at both ends. Caitlin is more flamboyant

and she has had more pressure on her. So I
think Caitlyn Clark and she's put up numbers historically that
are really, really, really rare for a rookie in the WNBA.
Caitlyn is I think the rookie of the year because
of all the height that she had to live up.
Angel Reese is a surprise to people. They're like, ah,
she's good. She plays hard, and she does every single night.

She's going to give you, you know, fourteen and ten
uh seaton. You know what, Let me hold off because
I don't want to cut short your best and worships.
It's that big, Yes, it is. It's incredible, that's right. Yes,
And then we stop Marvin and we have Paulie. Do
you have an update on the poll results. I don't
even know the poll today.

Speaker 3 (40:38):
Yeah, it's we have who has gotten the most out
of the Warrior's run. Right now, Steph Curry still has
about fifty percent of the vote. The real question is
Draymond or Steve Carr. They're pretty even, okay in this
you didn't want to say whose career Klay Thompson or
KWHI Leonard that's coming up.

Speaker 2 (40:55):
That one was pretty good. It's all. Now we're one.
We're bringing it home in the final hour on this
fun day. Man, I'm so glad I'm back. I miss
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