All Episodes

July 9, 2024 41 mins

Dan and the Danettes weigh in on the poll question of the day; would you rather win the MLB HR Derby or the NBA 3-point contest? And NBA insider Joe Vardon joins the show to talk about Team USA Basketball getting ready for the Olympics.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
It is our two on this Tuesday, Dan and the
Dan Ns Dan Patrick Show. A star is born or
a star is at least presented on the main stage.
Cooper Flag, come on down. The seventeen year old going
to duke and he is scrimmaging against the Olympic team.

Speaker 3 (00:21):

Speaker 2 (00:21):
It is middle of July, not a lot going on,
and all of a sudden, social media grabs a hold
a Cooper Flag and says we own you now. A
couple of threes shooting a jumper against Anthony Davis. You know,
they put Drew Holliday on it. And that's really a
testament to Cooper Flag because even though there's a height

disparity there between the two, Drew Holliday is a great defender.
They put Drew Holliday on this kid and he did well.
Anthony Davis was guarding him. Davis blocked his shot the
day before. He came right back and you know, took
the same shot and made it a lot of confidence.
And he's from Maine, he's been playing in Florida. And wait,

did I say he was at IMG's Mount Verty Academy. Yes, Okay,
my apologies there, but he's been playing and that's one
of the top teams in the country, so they invited
him as a seventeen year old going to Duke and
more than holding his own. We'll talk to some reporters
who were there yesterday. Social media ate it up though,

because it wasn't available. You weren't able to watch this.
It wasn't on NBA TV or the Mothership. Marvin was
able to somehow stream the fourth quarter of this and
he was giving me play by play. It's like your
boy tearing it up. I'm like, then you saw some
of the social media clips there, all right? Eight seven
seven to three. DP Show email address Dpadanpatrick dot com

Twitter handle. The DP Show stat of the day is
always brought to you by Pattini America, the official trading
cards of the Dan Patrick Show. Seat and update the
poll results from hour one and we'll be with that
in an hour two.

Speaker 4 (02:02):
Yeah, right now, most people would much much much rather
win the home run derby than three point contest. Okay,
is that because do you think we were just sort
of talking about this, But there's a certain level of
satisfaction when you hit a home run, like when you absolutely, like,
just smash the hell out of a ball and you're like, damn,
I got all of that.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
It feels so good.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Home run hitters will tell you they don't feel anything
when they hit a home run. They don't have any
feeling it just I remember Mark Maguire saying when he
hit a home run off Randy Johnson, I said, what
did feel like? He goes, I nothing. And it's weird
because sometimes when you hit something, it feels like you
hit it and maybe you didn't get all of it.
But the guys who hit home runs for a living

will tell you a lot of times when you hit
a pitch and you're like, wow, there's nothing like that.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
So I get that.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
And I don't think you can accidentally hit home runs
in Major League Baseball. Now they're already major league, but
I'm just saying it's and you might hit a fluke
and it goes out just because it's a short left
field porch or right field porch or the wind is blowing.
I mean, you still have to put the battle on
the ball against somebody who's trying to strike you out.

You're shooting threes, nobody's guarding you. There is the shot clock,
you have to go through all the racks. I get that,
but still hitting a home run is more impressive. Now
is dunking a basketball more impressive than hitting a home
run in the home run Derby? Because now all you
can't accidentally dunk, like you got to be able to jump,

be able to hold the ball, the whole thing, So
that might be more on partner, I'd rather win the
three point shooting contest than the slam dunk contest. But
as far as if you said hitting home runs, I
mean that's more impressive. But if I said to you know,
our audience, you could dunk in the slam dunk contest,

or you could be Pete Alonzo or Mac McClung. Who
would you rather be for one day, one day only
slam dunk contest or because I'd rather be Pete Alonzo
because he still gets paid the day after Home run
Derby and Mack McClung is not even on an NBA roster.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
Yes, pump, now you threw in one day only? Yes, Like,
if I'm Pete Alonzo, I can't run down of the
local baseball park and get a whole bunch of guys
to go and say, hey, you throw some to me
and I'm gonna park them. I can find a playground, though,
and walk in it.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
Six no, no, no no. You get Home Run Derby one night. Oh,
or you get slam Dunk Contest one night. That's it.
You can be Mac McClung, who's won the slam Dunk Contest,
or Pete Alonzo, who has won Home Run Derby a
few times.

Speaker 6 (04:42):
Yes, Mart, I'm going Mac because the prize to win
the slam Dunk Contest is probably his salary in the
G League. And on top of that, the party's at
All Star Weekend. Oh, I'm taking advantage of that. If
I'm Mac Margo, you're going deep. You said one day,
I one night, Yeah, one night.

Speaker 7 (05:03):

Speaker 2 (05:03):
But Pete Alonso gets paid the day after Home Run Derby.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Mack McClung does not. Pete.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
I don't know what he's making thirty million, twenty five men.
So you get the Home Run Derby and granted it
doesn't mean that much anymore, Mack McClung. The novelty of
Mac McClung made it interesting, but that was one night.
I'd still rather be Pete Alonzo got the Home Run Derby.

Now people get fascinated with dunking, and it's it's you know,
now you look at the NBA. The NBA isn't about
dunking anymore. You know, it's not like, oh my god,
did you see that dunk. It's just I want to
embarrass you with a crossover and I want to hit
a logo three. That's it. It's replaced the dunk. And

you know, growing up, the number of great dunkers, you know,
starting with Doctor J or Dominique Wilkins, I mean there
were so many, you know, Darryl DAWs there, they were,
you know, they named their dunks. Now that's not the
case anymore. The big guys want to play on the perimeter.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
Yeah, but as part of that, because this is not
to diminish those great dunkers, but because so many people
can do what they did.

Speaker 6 (06:16):

Speaker 4 (06:19):
Yeah, the windmill was cool, but like pretty much everybody's
got that in their bag of tricks.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I haven't seen anybody dunk in traffic like Doctor J
and Dominique Wilkins, Viz.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
Carter Vince stopped dunking. He went to the three. Okay
after a year, Doc didn't stop, Dominique didn't stop. Yeah,
maybe they should have though they took it to do.
They did.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
Okay, maybe they should have. They did, Okay, they would
have done even more. Okay they did, Okay, they did Okay.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
Vince Duncan traffic Dominique and Doctor J are two of
the greatest in traffic dunkers I've ever seen. Dominique might
be the best I ever saw. He attacked like he
it was like look out and it was always a
Tomahawk dunk, two hands down the lane. So dunking in
traffic that's impressive. But if you clear out everybody on

the playground and you say, all right, let me run
in and dunk it, it's not impressive.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Yes, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
I don't know if that's what the modern game is though,
Like I feel like you could take Alex Caruso.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
And he dunks in traffic in game.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
No, he does, he does. You could be That's what
I'm saying, Like everybody does. What the what made those
guys special? He want to shoot the three? They don't
dunk anymore?

Speaker 6 (07:35):
What about the YouTube Alix Caruso, He's got some posters,
the private Texas A and M.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
The team is getting through that. Everybody is Yeah, Okay.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
I don't know how we got here, but we got here.
Welcome to the program. All right, what's the poll question
for our two?

Speaker 1 (07:55):

Speaker 3 (07:55):
People still dunking traffic? Yes, that's it.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
Yeah, Now, did Blake Griffin dunk in traffic? Literally because
he jumped over the car? Okay, boo boop, thank you.
We'll shout out to Kia. I think now what that
car was.

Speaker 6 (08:13):
It was, you know, Kia. That's such an underwhelming dunk.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
By the way, didn't Nate Robinson didn't he dunk over
a car as well?

Speaker 6 (08:20):
If the car was named Dwight Howard, then yes.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
Whoa whoa whoa?

Speaker 2 (08:24):
Easy there, kitty, kitty cat. What's the pole question for
hour two?

Speaker 4 (08:32):
I feel like we need a Cooper flag pole. Cooper
flag pole questions. He's kind of the guy today. Okay,
but how do we how do we frame a pole question?

Speaker 3 (08:42):
I can't.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
I don't want to do a like over hype thing
yet because that's not we can't be overhyped yet. It
just happened yesterday to today. Well, the hyping has started
at least a year ago. But last yell, he had
a massive night last night.

Speaker 6 (08:58):

Speaker 2 (08:59):
A lot of the people who do this for a
living are just noticing Cooper Flag, So that's where the
hype is going to happen. He's been on national TV,
he's been considered the number one high school player in America.
It's just now you made it easier for people to
consume instead of I got to find Cooper Flag and

do a little research.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
Now it's right in front of you. I got to
see the highlights now.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
I always say, watching the highlights, you can make a
lot of people look really good and really bad. You
got to look at the context of the game sometimes,
well a lot of times to understand how is you
know this player when you know things go wrong or
he gets a shot blocked, or what happens after that,
or defensively all of these things. And Cooper Flag is

not afraid. Now you block your shot, He's coming right back,
which I love. That's what I want to see when
something bad happens, how do you respond? And by all accounts,
yesterday he was taking it to these guys, yes.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Which is awesome to see. It was awesome. It's great.

Speaker 1 (10:02):
So now.

Speaker 4 (10:04):
Are his Are we measuring the expectations on him this year?
On how well Duke does? I mean, it feels like
there was a lot of hype leading up to it,
and you're like, this kid is something, and now you
just saw him doing it against the best players in
the world for a night, for a game, and now

in a friendly.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Well, what is going to be acceptable when we watch?

Speaker 2 (10:33):
First of all, it's Duke, So you've already got to
build in bias one way or another, and then you're
gonna go okay, Like Kyle Philipowski was supposed to be
really good, right.

Speaker 6 (10:45):
Yeah, but he was a Cooper Flag good though.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
No, but he was supposed to be really good, correct, Yes,
and he wasn't really good. He was good, but not like,
oh my gosh, that's Christian Latner or whoever you want
to throw in there, Grant Hill, Like can he be
on that level? Can he be Grant Hill at Duke?
Can he be Christian Latner at Duke? And one year?

Because Grant and Christian, you know they were there for
three four years.

Speaker 5 (11:11):
Yes, if you go back six years when Zion joined Duke,
he was a YouTube guy. He was a social media guy.
I did not know how good of a basketball player
he was. I thought he was a dunker. And when
he got to Duke, I thought he overperformed. He averaged
twenty three points, nine rebounds, and three assists, two steals
and two blocks. He was a great all purpose player.
He's all over the court, and his freshman year he

played full blast. I think he overachieved when he got
to Duke for the Expectator. I thought he was just
a dunker and he got Duke. I'm like, oh, no,
he's a player.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Well, that's why people only saw the highlights. They only
saw the dunks and they didn't know, like, he still
can't shoot, but he has His second jump is quicker
than anybody in the NBA, and that allows him to
get that rebound or got that tip in.

Speaker 3 (11:58):
You know, he's I'm I'm hoping we have more to
see with Zion Williamson.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
I'm and he was healthy and he played pretty well,
quietly healthier played well. But I hope that we're just
starting to see what he can be because he should
be mentioned in the Luca Tatum like the conversation. He
should be getting into that.

Speaker 6 (12:21):
Yes, mar I think Cooper Flag might be preseason ACC
Player of the Year going into this season.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
Well, no, he's National Player of the Year.

Speaker 6 (12:28):
Well, I'm just saying, like, you know, they have the
preseason polls.

Speaker 2 (12:31):
No, no, and no, we're not just acc this is
national preseason National Player of the ya. Absolutely, Ace Bailey maybe,
but it's Cooper Flag. And you'll have publications who will
make it Cooper Flag because you'll you'll get more clicks,
you'll sell more.

Speaker 6 (12:50):
Cooper's already on the cover Slam magazine, Yeah, which is
like for basketball guys, this is their bible, and he's
on the cover already, like going into his freshman year.

Speaker 8 (12:58):

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Yes, he's as hyped as Zion, if not more so,
because he played against Lebron and AD and the Olympic
team and now he's going into Duke. He's only seventeen.
They're already saying he's the number one pick in the draft.
Zion was just like, oh my god, this guy. He's
like Charles Berkley. He's a left handed Charles Berkley. And

then we realized that, you know, he's more than just
a dunker. Cooper Flag is a great player both ends
of the floor, handle tall, shoot, you know, he can
dunk like he goes to the rim. So he'll be
more hyped. I think I'm trying to think somebody who
has been more hyped going into their freshman year. Shaq

was a curiosity. Shaq was the third best player on
his team at LSU is freshman year Iverson because of it,
you know, he got arrested. You know, John Thompson bailed
him out, literally got him to Georgetown and became the
face of college basketball. So Iverson had more attached to

it than just being a great basketball player. But you
know he's up there. That was a big deal. Patrick
Ewing was a big deal. But once again, we're going back.
But I'm trying to think if somebody is as hyped
as Cooper Flag.

Speaker 6 (14:23):
Is going to be yes Mark, maybe greg Odin. Greg
Odin was a big deal going to Ohio Steen.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
I mean, the only thing that I thought was curious
is when he broke his right hand and played left
handed or something.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
Didn't that awesome though? That was pretty cool?

Speaker 6 (14:40):
Yeah, okay, but going into it, maybe it was just me.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
Sorry, go ahead, good. I mean I watched him play.
He was just the biggest guy on the floor. By
the way.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
Uh, all aboard the zach Eadie hype train. And your
conductor is Pauli Batz. That's too and it's a oiler maker.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
Whoa boom, boom bloom.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
Paulie's watching Zach Edie Summer League domination. Oh my god,
he came in today and he goes, man, I don't know.
I go what He's breathless? I go, Tom all right,
I go, Paulie, what do you what's wrong.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Zach Eadie? Last night? I go, No, you didn't fall
victim to the Summer League. I did.

Speaker 5 (15:24):
I did blocking shots, running the floor, outlet passes.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
Yes, Oba was crazy, hyped out of our high school.
OJ Mayo, Yeah he was crazy. He was yeah crazy
is right?

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Yeah, I thought he was going to be great. Yeah,
Paulie had one of the great vets. Draft night, Kevin
Love gets taken. OJ Mayo gets taken, and I said,
OJ Mayo Rookie of the Year. PAULI goes, I like
Kevin Love. I go, you know, he's a fifteen to
eight guy at best.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
It's not over if their careers aren't. No, I think O.
J Mayo was still playing. We got time. Kevin Love
is he's still playing. Man, he's all gray now he is. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (16:09):
Yes, I was always a mayonnaise sayer. I just didn't
see it.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
Yeah, sitting on that one. Yeah yeah, yeah it was
a big wind up and the pitch. I do want
to go back to Zach Edy last night.

Speaker 5 (16:21):
I know he's not spectacular, he's not win Manyama, but
I was watching him being guarded by six ' ten,
two hundred and forty pound guys and they look like
they were having a lot of trouble. I know it's
summer league, but he may be one of those guys who.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
Okay, let's make the prediction. Rookie stats, rookie stats, Zach Edy.
No one's doing that today, you know what.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Let's let let's take a break because I think we
really need to gather here before we put this proclamation out.

Speaker 6 (16:46):
There with the tees.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Yes, that's the tees. We're gonna tell you what Zack eat.
He's gonna average points and rebounds. Joe Varden from the
Athletic was there to watch Cooper flag yesterday. He'll join
us coming up. Let's take a break, Let's gather ourselves,
take a breath. We're back after this.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 6 (17:14):
Paully fools. Gohare with Tony Foosco.

Speaker 9 (17:16):
Yeah, as everybody knows, we're the hosts of the award
winning Polly and Toni Foosco Show.

Speaker 1 (17:20):

Speaker 9 (17:20):
But instead of us telling you how great we are,
here's how Dan Packrick described us when he came on
our show.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
What what are you doing?

Speaker 6 (17:30):
We were interrupting our promo.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Yeah, you wasn't talking about you. You took those clips
totally of context.

Speaker 9 (17:37):
Oh yeah, well after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Let me put this into context.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
Shut up.

Speaker 9 (17:43):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully and Tony Fusco
Show on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (17:49):

Speaker 2 (17:53):
We'll get to Joe Varden of the Athletic, But first
we had the Zach Eadie game. He's on Memphis, so
his job is probably going to be to set picks
for John Morant in company Todd the numbers for Zach
Eaty Rookie year after Paulie joined the hype train last
night watching Summer Like you know what, Paulie, you go first, Oh,

I want you to set the market.

Speaker 6 (18:17):
Set the bar.

Speaker 5 (18:17):
All right, Zach Edy. Game, didn't see this one on
the schedule. You know they're notoriously love their big men
down in Memphis. Going back to the Zach Randolph Marcus
slt Era, Zach Edy's going to play a lot. I
think he's gonna average eleven points and eight rebounds plus
a game eleven and eight. Well, now that doesn't sound huge.

He only one guy in last year's draft average eleven
and eight was when Banyama.

Speaker 3 (18:42):
All right, Todd, Zach Edy.

Speaker 6 (18:45):
I wrote on fourteen point six points and seven point
four rebounds.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
All right, see no connor, I'm going fourteen points fifteen rebounds.
He's going the inverse of what it normally is. He's
going to average more rebounds than point.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
Paulie was bullish on Zaki. You're really really bullying, Yes, Marvin.

Speaker 6 (19:05):
Nine point seven points, eleven point four rebounds.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
I'm going to give Zach Edy seven points five rebounds
per game. Yes, I am, Yes, I am.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Springing. Joe Varden. He covers the NBA.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
He's covering Team USA and the tune up versus the
Select team. All right, Joe, do you want to on
this with Zach Edy? What kind of numbers. Do you
think he averages his rookie year in Memphis.

Speaker 10 (19:36):
I want to put a little bit different spin on
this because the last thing I did last night before
dinner and drinks, of course, was Team Canada practice. And
that team is loaded. They're really good, but they are
missing anybody who's big and tall and bodies that can
bang with Joel Embiide and Anthony Davis and Bam Autobio

on Team USA. So I don't know. I'm kind of
with you, Dan as far as what I think his
numbers will be in the NBA this year. But I'm
telling you, on a team that has everything else, which
Canada does, they are missing that size down low against.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
The Americans, why is he not playing?

Speaker 10 (20:17):
So I guess he wanted to get ready for his
first NBA season. That's the that's the line out out
of Toronto, man. I mean, listen, it's up to these guys.
But Canada has a real chance at a goal. And
you know, I mean, he didn't play a ton for
them last year and they you know, they they finished

third at the World Cup. They beat the US. It
was a different US team, but still, like his minutes,
we weren't there really so I guess, you know, he
just wanted to devote all his time to getting ready
for his rookie NBA campaign. But so this is once
in a lifetime opportunity that everybody has.

Speaker 2 (20:54):
How did Cooper flag end up on this select team?

Speaker 10 (20:58):
So there's a number of you know, connections, of course
between team US USA Basketball's program and Duke, and chief
among them is Grant Hill, you know, one of the
greatest college players of all time, who's now the managing
director there. But also you know Sean Ford, who's been
sort of running USA basketball for decades and has a

very keen eye for talent and for keeping the pipeline,
you know, flowing. Given Cooper's credentials as National Player of
the Year, but also like he was already in the
USA pipeline playing for the U seventeen team two years
ago that won gold at the World Cup. And so
you put all that together and he gets the invite.

Cooper was surprised to get the invite. He's the first
college player to do anything at a USA national team
camp since Marcus Smart and Dougie McDermott in twenty thirteen.
But he's also he's so young, I mean, he's seventeen.
He's like one of the youngest players ever to do this,
So it was a surprise. But I mean, obviously it

turned out pretty well.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
How good was he yesterday?

Speaker 10 (22:09):
So okay, he it was. He was really fun to watch.
He hit two threes while we were watching. Uh, he
had an awesome put back over the def over the
USA defense. You know, Davis was on the floor at
the time that it happened. He was in passing lanes.
Drew Holliday had to guard him. And I know that

Drew is only six y three whereas Cooper is, you know,
six nine ish, but Drew is such a he's one
of the best defenders in the NBA, so that that
really kind of speaks to what everybody thought of Cooper.
But the reason why I flinched is you are still
talking about a USA team that is ramping up, and
I never thought. I never thought in watching that scrimmage

yesterday that that the USA guys were playing at full tilt,
where Cooper seemed like he was moving pretty pretty quickly. So,
you know, I want to temper it a little bit.
But the reaction from all the other select guys and
the Select coaches and then even some of the NBA

guys on Team USA, like was, spoke very very highly
of Cooper, and I guess you could see like I
hadn't seen very much of him, and so I walked
away from the gym yesterday saying, oh, I get it.
I understand why he's the presumptive number one pick in
twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (23:31):
But this reminds me of the Dream Team when the
Dream Team got roughed up that first scrimmage with college players.
Mashburne was there and I think Hurley was there, and
then all of a sudden, it was like, oh, wait,
you guys are playing really serious here.

Speaker 3 (23:47):
Is there going to be payback for Cooper? Flag? Are
they playing any more games against each other?

Speaker 10 (23:53):
I'm glad you brought that up. You know who else
was on that team was Grant Hill. He was on
the Select team. So it kind of comes circle. There
will not be There's no there, There will be no brushback,
no chin music today, as as the select guys have
been sent home, today is a is a walk through
some light shooting to get ready for Canada. However, there

was a little bit of payback, but it was it
was Cooper in the team scrimmage on Let's it says twoday,
So this would have been Sunday. Pretty good game going,
and I guess Cooper pulled up for three and Davis
got out to the perimeter and blocked him. Uh, and
I guess he sent it into the Yeah, I guess

into the wall. Pretty good block. And so then yesterday
he comes down, same situation. Davis tries to get out
there and he's late, and Cooper splashes it in the corner.
So that was that was the moment that that a
lot of guys were talking about.

Speaker 3 (24:52):
If not the United States for the gold, then who.

Speaker 10 (24:56):
Oh gosh, I think Canada. You know, I'm I'm really
I'm really high on them. I think they're very good.
I think we need to pay a little bit more
attention to France. I know that they are from a
roster perspective, they're a week at the guard position, but
they're starting at least two seven footers in Victor and
in Rudy Gobert. And then you got to remember like

fourty a, I mean, he plays like Larry Bird when
he's got that France jersey on. So I like them,
I do you know, Germany's the defending world Cup champs
and they're real. And then you know, we got to
talk a little bit about Serbia. They were the runner
up at the World Cup last year. They beat Canada
to sent Canada into the bronze game against the US,

and they didn't have nicolea Jokic. So they're bringing back
a bunch of their players from the World Cup team.
And now Nicole is going to be on the floor
and I think he'll be motivated to play. So it
will be fascinating to see this overwhelming amount of superstar
talent that the USA has. But when you have to
distill down to only five guys on the floor at

a time, there's only one ball, and how much better
the rest of the world is in general? What kind
of impact Nicola can make on a game. I think
it's gonna be fascinating.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
Compare this Olympic team to the Dream Team talent wise.

Speaker 10 (26:17):
Yeah, I have to say, either if you want to
use the word talent or if you want to use resume,
this team as actually has more, has more than the
Dream Team because you have to think about if you
want to say Michael's here and Lebron's here, fine, but
the greatest, most decorated player in US history is Kevin Durant.

He's on this team. And then you add in Steph Curry,
who's the greatest shooter of all time, one of the
greatest players of all time. He's on this team. There
are eleven current All Stars, and I believe all twelve
of these guys have been All Stars at some point,
but eleven of them were on the All Star team
last year. That has I don't believe that has ever happened.

And then you know, the Dream Team had a college player.
This team does not. So I guess the thing that
sort of evens this out a little bit is this
team is older, right, you know, Lebron is thirty nine,
Durant is you know, upper thirty, same with Steph Kawhi Leonard,
same thing. So maybe some of those guys might be

slightly past their primes, whereas as Michael and company was
that they were still in their prime. But I think
this team is actually the more impressive roster.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
I guess I was surprised that Kawhi Leonard is playing
in the Olympics. From the standpoint of if I'm Steve Balmer,
I just lost Paul George, Like, what do I happen
like this guy load management? Is he going to load
management in the Olympics as well? And if you're Steve Balmer,
how do you feel about Kawhi Leonard playing in the Olympics.

Speaker 10 (27:57):
So the answer to your question is yes, he played
maybe a quarter yesterday. He played more of the day before,
So yeah, they are being careful with him and they
have to, like, you know, Kawhi says that he feels
pretty good. He says he's ramping up, So I don't
think he feels great. But to your Bomber point, which

is an excellent point. But we have to go back
to nineteen eighty nine and that was the year that
the international governing body for basketball had this. They had
this big vote and decided that pros could play in
these competitions, so they could be in the Olympics, they
could play for the World Cup. It was called the
World Championships at the time. So David Stern and the

NBA Board of Governors at that time had a decision
to make are we as an NBA, which at the
time was most of the Americans, are we going to
do this? And if we are, then like, are we
going to get in the way if we don't want
a play or to play, and they decided that they
were obviously going to be involved. And that decision also

came with this with another decision that owners and team
teams could not tell a player that they can't play
for their country. So the Clippers are obviously concerned about
Kauai's you know, future, his health and his future like
as far as being able to help them open this building.

And everybody wants to be cautious, but they actually can't
step in and say no, you can't do this.

Speaker 3 (29:31):
Uh, good to visit with you, Joe.

Speaker 2 (29:33):
Thank you for all the information the download there and
thanks for joining us.

Speaker 10 (29:38):
Thanks for having me. Great to see you guys.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
That's Joe Varden, senior NBA writer for the Athletic Covering
Team USA, the Tune Up Games, the Select Team in
Las Vegas. And I'm glad he put it in perspective
about Cooper Flag because what he's saying is you get
to see highlights, you didn't get to see the game.
There might have been five really good plays by Cooper Flag,

but you get the feeling he was the best guy
on the floor. Also, you got these players who have
nothing to prove when they're out there on the floor,
the NBA players, and they may go through the motions
a little bit. Now, you did get my attention with
Drew Holiday guarding Cooper Flag because that's not one of
those oh yeah, you take him, and I'll take him

and you take him. That feels like that's more of
a Drew you got him because that is the best
player out there. And the fact that he was scoring,
had some shots, a couple of threes moves, well, I
you know, that's why the hype train is dangerous. And
you know, but it's already started because once again, you know,

how people cover news nowadays is how many clicks somebody gets. Therefore,
then it becomes an important story. And now all of
a sudden, Cooper Flag is going to be in front
of everybody, and everybody's going to know who Cooper Flag
is and he's going to duke and there's no perspective
attached to this whatsoever. Just a couple of highlights. And
granted I watched him playing a couple of high school games,

full games, just like Chet Holmgren. When I saw him
and I came in and I said, the kid's seven
to four with a handle like he is legit. He
can play, and everybody went on, he's going to break apart. Well,
he got injured before he even played his first NBA game,
playing in a charity game. But he can play. Cooper

Flag can play. Is he going to be the best
player in college basketball? He'll be in the conversation, that's
for sure. It'll be on display. Is he going to
be overrated? Absolutely, but that's not up to him. But
watch a game to get more perspective of how good
somebody is. Not. Man, did you see that highlight? Because

we can do that with a lot of players in
the NBA. Joe Varden just said Evan is Larry Bird
when he puts on the French uniform. Well what okay,
I'm sure we could get some highlights where you go, yeah,
pretty good.

Speaker 6 (32:09):
Yes, Mark, there's nothing more dangerous than just okay, basketball
players playing for their home country. Dennis shrewder is Jason
Kidd meets Kyrie Irving in any Olympic competition.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
Well, you get the home court advantage with the French
national team. So I got Gobert and Victor Wimbenyama. All right,
I got a chance. That's at least a start. All right,
We'll take a break. More phone calls coming up each
seven to seven three DP show back after this.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (32:47):
See an update the poll results hour two. Get a
couple of phone calls in here.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
Yeah, we just put up a couple of new ones.
Open up.

Speaker 4 (32:56):
Well, we have the home run Derby or three point
contests right now, Home run Derby is still just running
away with them. Okay, I put up there. Would you
draft any of this year's top five picks or Cooper Flag?
I would take Cooper Flag right now. This is very
very early. We just put that up, but right now
eighty eight percent of the audience are voting with Cooper Flag.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
Well, because they don't know the other players. I mean,
you might know Reed Shepherd, but are you going to
take Reed Shepherd to undersized shooting guard or Cooper Flag.
Cooper Flag is considered has been considered one of the
best high school players, and now he's considered, you know,
the best high school player going to do and by

all accounts, appears to be ready for that national attention.
Cheryl in Charlotte. Hi, Cheryl, how can I help you today?

Speaker 8 (33:49):

Speaker 11 (33:49):
Anne, missed you so much, so glad you're back.

Speaker 3 (33:54):
Thank you, Cheryl.

Speaker 11 (33:56):
So, my husband and I are going to the American
Century Celebrity Golf Tournament tomorrow in Lake Tallahoe. We're actually
staying at the resort where the celebrities stay, so I'm
really hoping to have a chance to meet some celebrities,
and of course my number one is Charles Barkley. My

question is, since Charles has given no interviews, that's hand
ounced his retirement, even though the best book we're in
the business has been trying very hard to get him
on your show. What's the one question I should ask him?

Speaker 3 (34:34):
When are you going to be on the Dan Patrick
Show again?

Speaker 11 (34:38):

Speaker 8 (34:39):
All right, excellent.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
Have fun out there. It's a very relaxed vibe out there, Cheryl.
For you and your husband, and thank you for calling in.

Speaker 11 (34:50):
Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll be sure to ask them.

Speaker 3 (34:52):
All right. That's Cheryl and Charlotte going out there to
lake Tonghoe.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
I got to play one time with former Vice Presidentcident
dan Quail. I got to play with Bruce Smith, former
Buffalo Bill Ron Jaworski, Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger, and some
of the guys are really good. Some take it really
really seriously, like Drew Brees, and then you get guys

like Ron Jaworski, Bruce Smith. Bruce Smith had the biggest
golf bag, like if you remember Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack.
Bruce Smith looked like he had something that somebody could
live in, and he had a caddie who wasn't very big,
and you know, we didn't have golf courts. You got
to walk the course, and I felt bad for this guy.

Looked like you know, you know that the character Ernest,
Ernest goes to whatever those movies are. You look like
you weighed about one hundred and fifty pounds and he's
carrying this bag that looked like it could have been
a condo there. But great atmosphere there, beautiful, beautiful Tahoe
wonderful and the people were great there as well. Let

me see how about Austin in Louisiana. Hi, Austin, how
can I help you today?

Speaker 3 (36:07):

Speaker 4 (36:08):
What I did?

Speaker 3 (36:08):
Peats may the third time?

Speaker 7 (36:10):
Long time? Thanks taking my call. I need some advice
slash recommendations from you boys. My wife and I are
headed to Ireland this evening, and I know don't last year.
I love the content you put out shut out Keeper's Heart.
I will have many Keeper's Hearts when I get there.
So it's our first time to Dublin, so I'm looking
for any maybe pubs off the beaten path or somewhere

you guys might have gone on your trip that you
can give to me and my wife as we go
this coming of week.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
And you're staying in Dublin the whole time.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
We're staying in Dublin the whole time. We're taking one
day trip. They go to the West Coast. It's we're
taking a train to the Cliffs of More for one day,
but it's back to Dublin. But the rest of the
time we'll be in Dublin the entire trip.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
Okay, Now, I would recommend if you could go to
the Ring of Carrie and drive around there. It's really spectacular.
Now that's going to interrupt your stay in Dublin there,
but the Cliffs of More beautiful to see. But a
Ring of Kerry is beautiful. You can't go wrong with
the atmosphere because the Irish get tourism, like the they

you know, they kind of welcome you. And every place
we went to the Temple Bar area. I mean, there
were so many wonderful people there and there's atmosphere in
all of them.

Speaker 5 (37:29):
Yeah, Pauling, I would say you'd be shocked how light
it stays out late in Dublin in the summer, like
ten thirty at night. There's still some sun out, so
you could be at pubs. There's a great place called
Koh's Pub on An Street.

Speaker 6 (37:40):
We went there, Dan you.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
We had a beer there.

Speaker 5 (37:43):
You could drink inside or outside. It's like a pedestrian
area and it's really great at night because the sun's
going down, a lot of people outside. Very fun and lively.

Speaker 8 (37:52):

Speaker 3 (37:52):
Seen, and you've got a recommendation from Dublin.

Speaker 4 (37:56):
Well, Dublin is a pretty young city, so i'd be
prepared for that too. There's a lot of young people
there and it gets the nights. You could stay out
there for quite a bit, which is fun. There's a
restaurant called The Winding Stair that was really good that's
in Temple Bar. That's really really good. And definitely don't
be disappointed if you get out to the cliffs of

more and it's cloudy m.

Speaker 3 (38:21):
And people get right up on the edge and like
to look over. Don't do that. Yeah, don't do that either.
Don't do don't do that.

Speaker 4 (38:28):
That's one of the things when you go out there
and they say, they're like, look, there's lines here for
a reason.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Don't go past it. Anything you do after that that's on.
You don't and people go past it.

Speaker 4 (38:37):
And you know, man, what the heck was the name
of that town? Dulan, Duelan d O O L I
N right, yeah, okay, So Duelan is on the way
I think out to the cliffs some more. If you
go there, there's a I think there's like one pub
in the town and at night basically everybody from the
whole town comes down and like everybody brings an instrument

and there's just live music for hours.

Speaker 3 (39:01):
It's awesome.

Speaker 6 (39:01):
Do that.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
Hopefully that helps you safe travels. Paul and Indiana. Hi Paul,
what's on your mind today?

Speaker 9 (39:11):

Speaker 8 (39:11):
Dan Man will on honor to speak with you. I
want to throw out a maybe an obscure name for
a highly highly hyped incoming college freshman, a guy named
Damon Bailey in the early nineteen nineties was Bob and
I famously said as an eighth grader, Damon could start
on Bob's Hoosier basketball team, And Damon won the state championship,

set the scoring record in front of forty three thousand
fans of the then called hoos your dome. At least
where here locally was a just unbelievably hyped incoming freshman
at Indiana.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
Yeah, that's a good call.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Paul and John Feinstein's book Season on the Brink kind
of immortalized Damon Bailey. Damon Bailey could never be as
good as the hype surrounding him. And he was a
good player in college. He was a high school legend.
But then Indiana creates those. They've got a few of those.

Speaker 5 (40:09):
Luke Recer remember him, Oh yeah, went from Indiana to Iowa.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
Did he go Indiana, Iowa, Arizona, Arizona.

Speaker 5 (40:17):
No, he went to Indiana, Arizona, didn't play, got in
the car accident. He went to Iowa and played very well.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
Steve Alford. Sure, Yeah, when you your high school gym
seats ten thousand, that's that's like high school football in Texas.
But yeah, that Damon Bailey was a a good player.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
Not a great player in college? Good player? Uh? And
did he get drafted did the Pacers?

Speaker 5 (40:45):
Yeah, drafting him second round by the Pacers. He had
some knee issues. He played a lot in the CBA.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
And Steve Steve Alford got drafted by the Mavericks ove
a blot. I think got drafted by the Mavericks in
that same draft. At least that sounds like I don't know,
I could have just made that up.

Speaker 3 (41:03):
All right.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
How much would you pay Justin Bieber to perform at
your wedding weekend? Ten million dollars that's what somebody did.
Do All bands have a price. We've got some information
on that coming up. Two hours in the books. Man,
it goes by so quickly when Todd doesn't say anything.

Final hour on the way
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