All Episodes

July 8, 2024 41 mins

Dan talks about all the player movement in the NBA he missed while on vacation and how it has affected the balance of power in the league. And he thinks LeBron James had a pretty spectacular offseason for himself and his family.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Oh we're back. Let me see if I remember everybody's name.
That's Todd, Seatan, Merwin, and Paul. All right, three out
of four. That's not bad. Great to be back. Backroom guys.
By the way, a new addition to the family. The
big German's wife had a baby boy. Congratulations. Yeah, Helmet.

His name is not Helmet. There's a umla.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Are you sure?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
I don't think it's helmet, Helmet, helmet, Dere Helmet is
in the building. So I said to the big German,
I said, all right, you didn't have the kid, Why
don't you come in and work. So the big German
is here sitting next to Dylan back there in the back.
But morale is high. We're back together. The band is
back together again. This program brought to you by in

the first hour, the great folks at iraq dot com.
The Way Tire Buying Should Be easy to use Tire
Decision Guide, full lineup of Goodyear tires, Ask about mobile
installation tire rack dot com. The Way Tire Buying Should
Be is always stat of the Day brought to you
by Benini America, the official trading cards of the program.
PAULI said, we couldn't do it, but we did it.

Fox Sports five ninety k f NS, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Dave Zobrist he said, I'm going to make it happen.
I said, all right, Dave, let's see what you can do.
And he did the GM there of that station, great
station there in Saint Louis, Fox Sports five ninety k
f NS, and now over four hundred and five cities

in America that carried this program eight seven seven three
DP Show, as we always do every Monday, Best and
Worst of the weekend, What you saw that you like.
We've been gone for a week, so best and Worst
of the week if you would like, and Operator Tyler
is sitting by email address dpat Danpatrick dot com, Twitter
handle at DP show. We are live on Peacock. That's

our streaming partner, Fox Sports Radio, iHeartRadio as well, play
the day, poll question, stat of the day, all of
that forthcoming busy month though you got soccer, you got tennis,
you got baseball, the All Star Game, NFL training camp
start up next week. Busy two weeks, the past two
weeks for the NBA. We'll talk about the Moves and

the Golden State Warriors. The artist formerly known as the
dynasty no longer, but what a great run. And we'll
talk about how you build a dynasty. It's not just
getting those two or three players bringing in a couple
of guys in free agency. Golden State did it. You
know where you do it the old fashioned way. You draft,

And if you look at who they drafted and when
they drafted them, anybody could have had Klay Thompson, anybody
could have had Steph Curry, and anybody could have had
Draymond Green, especially Draymond and Clay. But they take those players.
And the interesting is they whiffed on James Wiseman number
two pick overall. But if you hit on the other

ones where you get Hall of Fame players, it makes
up for golly. They missed on James Wiseman with the
second pick in the draft. And in that draft, who
did you have. Tyrese Maxey was in that draft, Anthony
Edwards was number one. Tyrese Halliburton was in that draft
as well. Lamar Ball was in that draft as well.

So they had opportunities to add to that roster. And
even with a whiff with the second pick. Overall, they
still held and you know what, I give Golden State
a lot of credit because their ownership. They spent more money,
they went over the luxury tax, but they kept everybody together.
Even when Klay Thompson was out for pretty much two
years with injuries, they kept him, They paid him. They

were loyal to everybody. But then you got to the
point where they're going to move on from Klay Thompson.
I thought he was going to go to Orlando. He
goes to Dallas. I think it's a good move for Dallas.
He's going to be the third guy. And uh, you know,
I think he was. His ego was bruised because he
was coming off the bench. He was like, no, I
don't come off the bench. It's like, you know, you

do come off the bench. If you want to extend
your career, you come off the bench. I'm assuming that
he starts in Dallas, but we can look at what,
you know, some of these other moves. And if you're curious,
who is the odds on favor to win the title?
It's not even close right now. It's Boston. I got
the odds here according to DraftKings as of this morning,
and it is Boston by far the second favorite right

now to win the NBA title. Todd, I'm gonna let
you go first. Who is the by the way, great
to see you, Todd. The Nuggets, Right, Nuggets had a
terrible offseason.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
Seaton, the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
They're one. They're not two, but they're one two, although
all give you credit for that. No, Todd was wrong. Yeah,
it's not the Nuggets. Yeah, the Nuggets. Nuggets did not
have a good off season. Uh, Marvin, clean up the mess.
Here the Thunder. No, they're third, thunder out of great

off season in my opinion, their third.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
Paul, the Minnesota Timbrels.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
No MAVs, no Lakers, No, No, the seventy six ers.

Speaker 4 (05:32):
That's not right.

Speaker 2 (05:33):
That makes no sense. That's incorrect. I'm just going by
what DraftKings has here. They got, you know, Playoff Pee,
It's all you need. They're the podcast these days, podcast
pre podcast? Is he more podcast than playoff Pig.

Speaker 5 (05:48):
Done more podcasts? I'm gonna say podcast.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Yeah, you know, I do like his voice, though, I
mean I think I think Playoff Pee podcast p has
a great voice. Do you have some Paul George here,
do you have something.

Speaker 5 (06:01):
I had to do it.

Speaker 6 (06:01):
I had come on, man, I'm in Philly. Okay, my
idol to Bean Kobe Bryant, my way of idolizing Cole
and uh, you know something that meant something outside of
twenty four and thirteen, So it was only right.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
They looks good on me.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Okay, paying tribute to Kobe Bryant. You know how I
would pay tribute to Kobe. I play a lot of
great basketball in the playoffs. That's what I would do
if I'm gonna pay tribute. You can wear the number,
wear the number and play great basketball. Plus, you're gonna say, now,
all right, I'm not gonna argue too much with DraftKings
because they that's how they make their living with these odds.

But I'm you're gonna say to me, all right, Joe
ellen Beid and Paul George are gonna play in seventy
games this year over under. I'm gonna give you sixty
six over under for both of these guys. Are you
going to how many times have they both played seventy

games or more? And I don't know if they have
at least anytime recently? Yes, Paul.

Speaker 7 (07:09):
Oddly, Paul George played seventy four games, this year, which
is like for him, that's like one hundred. The past
four seasons though, he averaged about forty nine games played
per season.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
But if you put them together, how many times they
have they both played over seventy games in a Season's
that's what I'd be curious about.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
I don't know that Joel Embid's gotten there yet.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Seventy games, yeah, probably not. Let me see if I
have numbers.

Speaker 7 (07:36):
Here, Paul George, I think seven times in his career.
They're going way back. Okay, Joel Embiid has never played
more than seventy games in one season.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Okay, Embiid has never top sixty eight. Paul George's averaged
sixty two games per season in his career, So that
would be the reason why I look at that and
go H. Things that make you go H comes down
to who's going to be healthy? Because you can look
at some of these teams like the Lakers, Anthony Davis

played what seventy five games? Lebron was healthy for the
most part. Now they're odds to win, They're not even
on the board. I've got Celtics, Sixers, Thunder, Nuggets, Nicks,
and then the Timberwolves and the Timberwolves have added a
couple of scores there with Anthony Edwards, and they needed that.

I thought the Nuggets missed out. They let casep go.
He went to Orlando. You got the best player in
the game, and you didn't add to that roster man.
That's a missed opportunity in my opinion. All right, we'll
go pull question seton. I'm getting ahead of myself. We
should establish here there's an order here to this program. Yeah,

we got a couple.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
Of them here, mostly centered around the Warriors. Okay, let's see,
here's what for PAULI? Who got the most.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Out of the Warriors?

Speaker 4 (08:54):
Run guess?

Speaker 7 (09:00):
So the genesis of this pole question is who got
the most further legacy out of this? And I think
you can make the case that Steve Kerr maybe got
the most. Steve cart a very good NBA career as
a backup. But he won a lot of titles as
a backup. Yeah, but I don't think you're going to
the Hall of Fame that way. He wasn't going to
the Hall of Fame. Now he's a shoe in first ballot,
you know, Hall of Fame. Okay, let see where you're

coming from. Yeah, and he kind of stumbled into it.
He didn't have a coaching resume. Well, he took over
from Mark Jackson. Yeah, it was more defensive minded.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Steve came in and said, nope, we're going to shoot
the three, and they changed basketball. Here is Steve Kerr
talking about losing Klay Thompson.

Speaker 8 (09:40):
I just want to say thank you to Clay Thompson
for thirteen incredible years, ten of which you know I
was there for what he did for the team, the
organization for the Bay are for me personally. We're gonna
miss Clay. These things rarely go oh like you know,

like you want where you get to draw it up
and execute it and everybody goes out together. We were
hoping that could happen, but it didn't. You know, we
wish play well, but we love him and we'll miss
him and play. If you're watching, thank you for everything.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Really some nice parting gifts there, some nice compliments for
Klay Thompson, who is going to the Hall of Fame.
And you go back and look at how that roster
was orchestrated, and you go back to those three draft picks,
because you know Steph Curry Minnesota passed on him, twice,
and he wasn't great the first couple of years because

he had that bulky ankle injury, and you know, he was,
what give me fourteen points a game? Klay Thompson eleventh
pick overall, and I remember watching Pac twelve basketball and
I just thought, oh, Michael Thompson's son, and then I go,
all right, he can shoot.

Speaker 3 (10:57):

Speaker 2 (10:57):
Didn't think that he was going to be the shooter
that he had ended up being one of the greatest
shooters in NBA history. And then watching Draymond Green, it's
tough to sometimes project when you're great in the Big Ten,
because we've seen guys be great in the Big Ten
and they're not great in the NBA style of basketball.
It's just a little different there. Draymond was one of

those players where you watched and you go, man, he
kind of does everything. I just don't know if he
does anything really well. And then people thought, well, maybe
he can be a Dennis Rodman type play defense and rebound.
I thought, all right, and then he came in and
he was far better than that, and he's going to
the Hall of Fame as well. This allows you to
add players you can kind of pick and choose and

then you get role players. You know, Harrison Barnes can
be in there, you can have it was it. Stevenson
was in there, Andrea Gudala was in there. Like you
just kind of, you know, adding pieces, but you don't
need to add anything major. And then they did when
they were on the verge of losing to OKC. And
then Kevin Durant shocked us all by let's go to

the Hamptons, come out here and tell me how much
you love me, and then I'm gonna go play for
Golden State. And they ended up winning a couple of titles.
Then he leaves, they win another title, and which I
think is the most important title that they won, because
it was, oh Steph needs Kevin Durant, Well without him,
they're not winning anymore. And then all of a sudden

they won that title a couple of years ago. But yeah,
you have to hit you know, the spurs. Obviously you
got David Robinson and Tim Duncan. You know you got
David because you were bad and you got the number
one pick. You got Tim because even with David being
injured with the bad back, you got the number one pick.
You somehow lucked into the number one pick, but you
got to have Manu Jenobili and Tony Parker. That's what

makes you a dynasty. That's what makes you a formidable team,
keeping the pieces together. And then you have a Hall
of Fame coach as well, having those players as great
as Mike and Scottie were. You have to Horace Grant
or Dennis Rodman or Tony kookoach. You have to, you know,
even with the Lakers, you have to have role players

with the Dynasties, all the Celtic teams, the great teams.
Gotta have those role players who understand what their role
is and they're able to contribute. And if they don't
and they want to go play someplace else, you're able
to kind of fill in the void.

Speaker 5 (13:22):

Speaker 4 (13:22):
So, like if you were creating a checklist of what
a dynasty has to have, it usually starts at a draft.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
It does for me because it makes it easier I
have you under contract, as opposed to I got to
bring you in with a larger contract.

Speaker 4 (13:38):
Yeah, you can't really free agency your way into its dynasty.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Yes, I mean it's hard to do that. Look at
the Knicks now with what they did now they brought
in Jalen Brunson, who was undervalued, but Dante di ven
Jens like, you're getting guys that kind of fit who
you are getting the right players instead of saying, hey,
we got to get a big ticket item. And that's
always what you hear with the Knicks. It's like, oh,
you got to go get that guy, or you got
to get that. You got to get Dame Littler, you

got to get No, you don't have to. If you
draft correctly, then that allows you to maybe have one
or two big ticket items. But I just don't believe.
I think the days of having three true stars. I
think it's over. I think it is about getting those
players and drafting and role players as well.

Speaker 7 (14:22):
Yes, Pauling, but your Knicks lost to the heart and
soul Hertenstein, the big guy.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
He went to okay See with the money. I think
okay See did a great job. They got Caruso Hartenstein.
I think they're dangerous this year. That was my team
last year. And they may knock on the door a little,
a little longer, little loud. They may open the door
this year. And they got rid of you know, Josh Getty,
who wasn't good in the playoffs, he's young. He didn't

you know. He wants to start and you go to
the Bulls. Remember when the Bulls used to be good
with Michael or Mike. Okay, it's they've been trying to
trade Zach Levine. It feels like since they got him.
Demarto Rosen goes to Sacramento like okay, and Billy Donovan's
still there. I'm like, golly, they used to be the Bulls.

Not anymore. All right, let me take a break, just
getting started, all fired up. Great to be back, Great
to see everybody. Everybody's got tans. Uh. Todd showed me
a little too much of his tan.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Thank you, I got too old.

Speaker 1 (15:27):

Speaker 2 (15:27):
When you say I got some color and I go okay,
and then all of a sudden he like pulls down
his shorts a little bit. I got no. No, no, no, no,
just it's a.

Speaker 5 (15:34):
Playful Monday morning.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
See you. Uh. We'll get phone calls coming up. Eight
seven seven three DP show settle on our poll question
as well. We're back after this Dan Patrick show.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live Bally Fools Go here with Tony Fools Go Yo.

Speaker 9 (16:00):
As everybody knows, we're of the hosts of the award
winning Paul Antoni Fusco Show. Yeah, but instead of us
telling you how great we are, here's how Dan Packrick
described us when he came on our show.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Quick, knowledgeable and funny, opinionated.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
What what are you doing interrupting our promo? Yeah, you
wasn't talking about you. You took those clips totally out
of context.

Speaker 9 (16:20):
Oh yeah, well after this promo, I'm gonna take you
out and beat you.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
Let me put this into context. Shut up.

Speaker 9 (16:27):
Yeah, anyway, just listen to the Paully Antoni Fusco Show
on I Art Radio, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
YEA had some time off, and of course, you know,
I lead a pretty exciting life. I watched a documentary.
Would you guys like to guess the documentary on the
band Marvin.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
My guest was gonna be Taylor versus Scooter.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
No, that'd be Taylor Swift and her former manager, Scooter Bron.
That's a good guest though, Yeah it is. Paul.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
I was gonna ask for a hint but I'm gonna
go for it.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
The Go Gos No, no, no, uh Todd.

Speaker 5 (17:04):
The history of the eighties.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
No, and that's not a band. I said it was
on a band. See No, Connor m.

Speaker 4 (17:15):
Go Gos was a good one. They had one of
the best behind the musics if you remember that.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
Show, Belinda carlysle Now about I like that guitar player.

Speaker 4 (17:25):
What's her name, Jeane Woodland? Jean Whodland.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
Yeah, oh man, she was the best.

Speaker 4 (17:30):
How about Metallica? You watched the documentary on Metallica?

Speaker 2 (17:34):
No no, they are a much maligned band.

Speaker 5 (17:39):
Mark bon Jovi.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
No, but much maligned by Seaton. I'm not a bon
Jovi fan. But but but no.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
He bon Jovi?

Speaker 5 (17:50):
Oh you do.

Speaker 4 (17:50):
I'm a I'm a lone bon jovider.

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Okay, that sister's headache just exploded. What do you mean
he doesn't like bon Jovi. That's the one knock in
your music resume. You love von Jovin.

Speaker 4 (18:02):
I understand good music.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Yes, you're doing. Yes, Todd, give me a little bon
Joviwhere where?

Speaker 8 (18:08):

Speaker 5 (18:08):

Speaker 2 (18:09):
Where? Good stuff? Good stuff?

Speaker 3 (18:11):
Yeah, Paul, I'm gonna guess Nickelback.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
Nickelback. They have a documentary. Yes, six part series. I
watched the Nickelback documentary They Do Yes, Yes. It talks about,
you know, everything they've gone through and how they became Nickelback,
and they were very sensitive about being criticized and America

turned on Nickelback, and I said, all right, I'm feeling this.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
I didn't know they were Canadian.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
Well do you have Ryan Reynolds, who's in the documentary
sticking up for them? Nickelback. But you know, this happened
to Hooting and the Blowfish as well, where like America
got mad at themselves because they decided that they were
going to buy their CD. Like Hooting, the Blowfish didn't
do it other than they just made music. And then

all of a sudden people are like, I hate Hoody
or there'd be bumper stickers honk if you hate Hoody.
And then Nickelback was talking about that that there was
this kind of backlash that all of a sudden nobody
likes and if you like Nickelback, there's something wrong with you.
And then the lead singer was it Chad uh Jay
Kroeger y, Yeah, he was talking about that that you know,

it hurts, hurts your feelings. And then band members kids,
you know, going to school and they're making fun of Nickelback,
And I don't know if I would really care if
you're selling out stadiums and you're making music and you
live in a pretty good lifestyle. Like, it's one of
those you want to You want the people who don't
like you to like you, and that's dangerous no matter

what industry you're in, certainly if you're in one where
you're on public display. I mean we go through that.
Seaton always goes, don't worry about it, who cares? Just
do it? Like you can't please everybody.

Speaker 4 (19:59):
Yes, there's got to be something like really deflating about you.
Like it worked, you know, you hit this one in
a trillion thing of like people actually like the music
that we're making and the songs that we're writing. It's
really hard to do that. It's hard to make an album.
It's hard to do that stuff. And then people really
like it and for some reason now they also hate
you for it too. It's got to be very odd

to be like, there's fifty thousand people here, but why
do I feel like everyone hates me?

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Well, it's one of those where you get too mainstream.
It happens too soon, too big and then you get
people who liked you when you were more of a
club band or just starting out. You're an underdog and
all of a sudden, oh everybody likes them now, or
you turn on the radio and you can't you know,
you're hearing photograph eighty seven times and I get it,

but still to then have that backlash where you hate
a band like it's visceral that people are like, oh,
you know, yelling at the lead singer like f you.
You know, I hate Nickel mag He didn't do anything.
You're the one who bought the music. It's just weird.
Like when people don't like our show, but they listen
to our show every day and you're like, dude, get alive.

You know, if you don't like the show, it's okay.

Speaker 4 (21:13):
Like I spend zero time on like say social media
or something, going over to a show that I hate
and criticizing those people be like I hate that show,
Like I just don't even bother with it. I just
don't even waste my time.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
With I know. But people will you know, reach out
or you know, send something. And I don't read social media.
I'm not on social media at all. And occasionally I'll
get you know, seating or somebody will say, oh, you know,
somebody said something, and I'll be like, I don't care.
Like we do the show. We do our show for
our audience, and there are people who won't you know,

sample it may not like it. We'll never like it.
But you know, I can't try to appease them as
much as I have to please the people that are
with us every single day. If you don't, okay, then
this is our core audience. We have a hell of
a core audience and we'll ride till the very end.
Look at that, Todd. I know you get sensitive. I know,

but it's okay.

Speaker 5 (22:13):
By the way, what do you think about Rockstar song?
I really liked that one by Nickelback.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
They have some hits. They have some hits. If nickel
Back was coming around, I would go see them in
two I think.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
They are coming around, by the way, this summer near us.

Speaker 7 (22:26):
In two thousand and five, they had three top ten
hits in one year, far Away, rock Star and Photograph,
and they sold fifty million albums worldwide in less than
ten years.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
Yeah, I mean it's very impressive. It's really really really
hard to be successful, like just have one hit, like
we talk about one hit wonders. There's quite a few
one hit wonders out there, but to have like ten
or fifteen or twenty bangers there, I mean, that's where
you sell out stadiums.

Speaker 5 (22:59):
Yes, Mark is not a documentary with Montell Jordan.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
Not that I'm aware of. Not that I'm aware of.

Speaker 5 (23:06):
Oh you need is one hit?

Speaker 2 (23:07):
Yeah, well it would help if you had a few
more hits.

Speaker 5 (23:11):
Well, Paulie brought up a good point, maybe about a
year ago.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
They should go a year ago.

Speaker 3 (23:20):
That's a year he was.

Speaker 5 (23:22):
He was saying, we should pitch a show about what
one hit wonders are doing and how they live their lives.
If you have a big hit, and say if you
did your business right, like how's your life day to day?

Speaker 2 (23:33):
But would you rather have one big hit as an
actor or one big hit as a band? Yes?

Speaker 7 (23:39):
I saw a commercial the other day and the song
was I Melt with You by Modern English, a popular
eighties band that had one monster hit. The fact that
they're still making dough on a song from nineteen eighty
one in a national career.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
But how much dough were they making? I don't know,
that's just it. But if I said heye one movie
and you were awesome.

Speaker 7 (23:59):
But who's the hit onon director, Like, who's the guy
on social network? Jesse Eisenberg.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
He's kind of a he's.

Speaker 4 (24:06):
Done more stuff, he's a bigger deal. I played Jake
Ryan in sixteen Candles. That's a one hit wonder. That
dude is working. He's not sitting back cashing checks from
that one role. No, he's a carpenter. Yeah, maybe a
retired carpenter. But I think you definitely want to have
a one hit wonder as a song. Okay, you keep

cashing that check over and over and over and over again.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
Okay, but come on, Eileen, you would want to be
that band. I would never want to be that band.
It's for one of my probably least favorite songs in
the world. However, they I'm sure that they've lived comfortably
their entire lives off of that one crappy so like, ahha,
take on Me?

Speaker 4 (24:46):
Great, sign me up?

Speaker 5 (24:47):

Speaker 2 (24:48):
I would be them because they had one of the
greatest music videos of all time and that song comes on,
It's not where you go, I'm gonna turn that off?

Speaker 5 (24:56):
Aha, comes on take on Me, and you're like, yes, Mark,
And if you have just like one big hit, but
it's a great song. Living Color had a song called
Cults of Personality. That's a great I would take that absolutely,
I would. I would just want to be able to
play guitar like you. It was awesome.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
Yes, yes, but.

Speaker 7 (25:14):
If you still tour that the quandary of when you
play your hit song in the ninety minute concert.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Because yes, yes, you might do it twice, right, like
I might give you an acoustic and then I might
give you maybe something that's a little bit I don't know.
I always wondered about that, because you know, Hooty and
the Blowfish has hold my hand and I always and
then they don't want to play it the way it's
on the CD or the album, and I go, this

isn't about you being bored playing it. Just play it
for me, dude. And I tell that to Darius and
I go, where's hold my hand? And he'll say, he'll
give me the set list here, and it be like, oh, okay,
and it's not the encore, which is good. I'd like that.
It's not the encore, yes, Mark.

Speaker 5 (25:59):
So if Thomas Dolby, you go, yes, I'm gonna play
this album cut shut up.

Speaker 2 (26:11):
Everywhere that guy goes he probably hears that every single
day of his life.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
So I should do a tour of just one hit
wonders where they come out and they only play that
one song, like you get the band backing them, and
then like here comes in, here comes uh yeah.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
So to be like American Idol where they just bring
somebody else and then somebody comes down. Yes, that'd be great.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Don't worry, be happy.

Speaker 4 (26:37):
Yes, yes, trumble bombo my god, this is the best
content ever.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
But could you imagine the billboard of you know, bands
coming to town and then it's gonna be on this
night and you have like fifteen bands coming on doing
one song the most popular night in music ever in history.

Speaker 5 (26:57):
Yes, Mark, Yeah, And if your sir mix a Lot Oil,
I'm headlining this one. You only got one hit, that's it,
but it's the biggest of the one hits.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
Wait, that Sir mix a Lot is the no.

Speaker 5 (27:09):
No, no, I'm just saying if you're somebody like Sir
Max a Lot like Wait, I'm not going like first
or second, I'm going closer to band.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
Well, who would go last with the biggest who closes
the one hit one? Yes, yes, it's probably like a.

Speaker 4 (27:24):
We Are the World jam or something you just get everybody.

Speaker 7 (27:27):
You can't have a second hit. I mean you can't
have even something close to a second hite.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Like, so the biggest one hit wonder gets to close
our greatest night in the history of music.

Speaker 7 (27:39):
I'll throw a big country in a big country. The
name of the band, the song, and the album all
the same name. That's one hit.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Okay. How about Blues Traveler. I think they had a
couple of side second okay, but who decides if you've
had a second hit?

Speaker 3 (27:59):
Catan loves off cell that's good.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
Yeah. So once again, the Nickelback documentary I thought was
pretty good, you know good because I'm I'm not a
Nickelback fan, but I appreciated them more after watching the documentary.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
So there's sort of like a smack smash Mouthian feel
to it all too, Like people really turned out the
smash Mouth. Yeah, and that dude, he spent a lot
of time defending his band, like the ok Shrek soundtracked,
like yeah, you're damn right, songs a banger, leave me alone?

Speaker 5 (28:34):
All right?

Speaker 4 (28:34):
What's the poll question today? We got a few here.
We have another sort of offshoot to that first topic,
that we had. Whose career would you want Steve Carr
or Phil Jackson? Or whose career would you want Steve
Kurr or Bill Belichick? Wow, they're talking dynasties. Dan didn't
think I was going to get that this one. Yeah,
well you could thank Paul.

Speaker 2 (28:55):
I also had this one. Whose career would you rather have?
Clay Thompson or Kawhi Leonard.

Speaker 4 (29:02):
M I see what you're doing there. That's a draft
pool question.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Higher upside? Kawhi has a higher upside still.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
To this day? Or did he at the draft? At
the draft he definitely did. Does he still tell?

Speaker 2 (29:16):
But wasn't Kawhi in the draft with Clay?

Speaker 3 (29:18):

Speaker 4 (29:19):
Yeah, And that's one of the criticisms is why wouldn't
you Why would you draft Clay instead of Kawhi?

Speaker 2 (29:23):
Kawhi has got a higher upside, Yeah, but nobody knew
anything about Kawhi that he was just a defensive player,
and then Clay was supposed to be just a catch
and shoot guy who couldn't play defense. He turned out
to be a really good two way player. But if
you look at the draft reviews, is this is the
morning after Clay Thompson six ' seven shooting guard saw

his draft stock skyrocket over the last couple of weeks.
I think Golden State may have fallen into a trap here.
They have a wealth of wings and guards. They would
have been better off reaching for a big here grade
Klay Thompson was not only a crazy reach at eleven,

but plays a position where the team is the strongest.
Why not just draft for Reid here? Wouldn't he have
been a better fit than adding another soft mad bomber
to a roster fold of the same grade?

Speaker 4 (30:21):
D Are those things wrong that they're saying?

Speaker 5 (30:24):

Speaker 4 (30:24):
Maybe we have the benefit of looking back and seeing
how it all worked out, But are they wrong in
those Well, the Warriors did have shooters. This is this
is grading draft strategy, right, and so they had, Yeah, Steph,
they had. I don't know who the other mad bombers
were that they had, like Monte Ellis or somebody like that. Ooh,

good call.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
I think this is more strategy of why take a
guy another shooter when you could have had some help
up front?

Speaker 4 (30:55):
But if you had some shooters already then why, I mean,
I don't it's funny looking back at it, He's ridiculous,
But at the time I kind of get it. There
are other people that you could take.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Yeah, but here's the thing. Can you ever have enough shooters?

Speaker 4 (31:10):
It's only one ball down, I know, but.

Speaker 2 (31:13):
If I'm guarding that guy, but that guy can also
beat me, and then that guy can beat me. And
now I know this is what twenty eleven, So this
is different than nowadays. You'd be like, hey, let's just
look look at what Portland did. They passed on Michael
Jordan because they needed a big guy. It was a
positional draft. Now you don't have that anymore. But you know,

basketball has been shaped, you know, odd shapes with oh,
I'm going to get that guy or that guy. Oh
we have to take that position. Is that the best guy? No,
I got to take Greg Godin, got to get a big.
We got to take Mike Olik Candy. We got to
take a big instead of who's the guy, who's the
best player, who's the guy who can actually play? Instead

of saying, wow, you can't fault us after a big
guy like we were supposed to.

Speaker 5 (32:01):
Yes, mar So, if this was fifteen years ago, the
Celtics wouldn't have picked both Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown.

Speaker 4 (32:07):

Speaker 2 (32:08):
No, although we did question if those two could play
together since they do play, you know, a similar style,
and now we look at it and god, thank god,
they got those two guys and they're locked up. I mean,
that's why they're the favorites to win again because they
locked up everybody, even though Porzingis isn't going to play,
he's not gonna be ready for six months, but they've

signed up everybody else. And of course I think, you know,
my friend Al Horford is going to be back for
another year.

Speaker 7 (32:35):
Yes, Paul, I've got the twenty twenty NBA Draft grades.
Golden State war is great move drafting James Wiseman number two.
They finally got athletic big man that they've been searching
for for years. A plus a A minus. Great job
drafting James wisan almost universal.

Speaker 2 (32:50):
Well, I remember we had j Billison, and Billis loved
you know him, Wiseman. You know, he said, I love him.
You know, he's versatile, he can shoot and play both
in and I watched him play at Memphis and I
just there were times I didn't think he was the
best player on the floor, and I just kept thinking,
how does he fit in with Golden State? Now he
could have turned out to be a great player elsewhere.

I just didn't think he fit with Golden State, and
then as it turned out, he didn't. Now Billis has forgot,
you know, more basketball than I know when it comes
to you know, these college guys. But in that situation,
I just didn't like the pit. I didn't like the player.
I just didn't think that that's not the NBA player
that you want to take, who's going to be able

to contribute for you. But look, we can look back
and there's the draft is full of those. But you
have to hit on those. Golden State to hit on those,
and then all of a sudden that allows you the
luxury to get Kevin Durant or Kevin Durant wants to
play with a team like that. But without that the
San Antonio Spurs, you can have Robinson, and you can

have Duncan. You have to have Genobili and Parker, all
of those great teams. You look and you go, all right,
who else did they imagine the Lakers without big shot
Bob Bori they or the Rockets with big shot Bob?
You know, you have these role players. You gotta have those.
And that's why I look at what happened in the

off season like Philadelphia with playoff p Okay, yeah, all right,
I don't get it, but okay, yes, Mark.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
Yeah, every single championship run has a random guy that
hits a big Mario Ellie, you know for the Rockets,
and you're like, who you know? But you needed him,
like you need a team, but you need all those
other guys too, or else you don't win.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
Let's take a break here, we'll update the pole results.
Got our play of the day? Next your phone calls
as well on this Monday, Best and Worst to the
weekend back after this.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio wapp.

Speaker 7 (34:56):
Oh My God.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
Of the Day, I love my God. Play. This is
the play of the day.

Speaker 5 (35:05):
Check this out.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
I wonder they're buying your bitch right.

Speaker 9 (35:09):
There's a shot the center field crush pie a day Now.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
This baw is law.

Speaker 9 (35:15):
What a shot by Robbie his second home run of
the day.

Speaker 5 (35:19):
It's three nothing Red.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
Socks Rafael Divers. He's got twenty eight of his one
hundred ninety three career home runs have come against the Yankees.
That's the most of any current player. That is courtesy
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I got people saying, hey, you're you're missing the big headline.
I go, what's the big headline? You're supposed to get
four pies because you said Brownie James was going to
be drafted in the first round. Hey, I pay up

on my bench. I just got back. I mean I'm
forty nine minutes into my comeback here. I mean pies
on Friday. How's that you guys? Everybody gets a pie.
It smashed me in the face because I thought, maybe
maybe somebody goes rogue and drafts Bronnie James. Bronnie goes
fifty five like everybody thought that he was going to.

And of course he had to sit out of a
summer league game because he's got some kind of minor
injury here. I don't think it's a cost for concern,
but that's the Summer League and it's Bronnie, and there'll
be headlines throughout. I'm just telling the audience now, we'll
cover when it warrants coverage, but like it's over now

for the time being. Lebron got his way, he got
his contract, extension, took a little less, they signed up
his son. He's there, he's on the roster. JJ Reddick
as his head coach. So Lebron had of all the
off seasons of everybody, did anybody have a better off
season than Lebron? He got paid, he got his son drafted,

he got his son signed to a contract, and he
got his podcast buddy JJ Reddick as his head coach.
That's a pretty good off season. I don't know if
anybody had a better one than that, but we will.
We'll cover it when it warrants it, because I am
too much respect for this audience to go, hey, and
what are we going to do today? Let's talk about Bronnie.

How are we going to talk about And look, when
I was at ESPN, they would give you talking points
and you know, Bronnie James is going to be the
new Tim Tebow. Find a way to incorporate him every
single day, And I just I won't do that. We
don't do that. But if it warrants it, if he
happens to play well, or he gets sent down to
the G League, like then you know we'll follow that.

But summer league Bronnie going two for nine from the floor,
I don't I couldn't care less. I don't think he's
going to be good anytime soon. I wish he would
have played college one more year, but the clock is
ticking with playing with his father. I get all of that.
And Lebron James proved that Lebron James and Clutch Sports
are running the Lakers. I think he proved that here

in the offseason. I got nothing to do with the coach. Hey,
if we can draft Ronnie, Okay, you got your coach,
you got Bronnie, and you stayed in LA. That's a
pretty good offseason. All right. Let's see update the poll
results if you can, Seaton.

Speaker 4 (38:32):
Yeah, we got up there. Who got most out of
this Warriors run Steph Curry, Clay Thompson, Draymond Green or
Steve Kerr. Steph running away with that one early results,
followed by Draymond. Steve Kerr has about twenty percent of
the vote. Klay Thompson's only getting three percent.

Speaker 2 (38:49):
Okay, A little surprised at that. Steve Kerr became a
Hall of Famer. He became a Hall of Famer. I
think he's he's getting up to Phil Jackson territory. Phil's
got eleven? Does Steve have five as a player, so

ha's he got nine?

Speaker 3 (39:11):
I think nine?

Speaker 4 (39:12):
Dang that's pretty good man.

Speaker 2 (39:13):
It is, yes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4 (39:17):
All he does is win.

Speaker 2 (39:18):
Because Phil won one as a player with the Knicks,
but Steve won with the Spurs and one with the Bulls.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
That you're going from ninety six to twenty twenty two
winning pretty good.

Speaker 2 (39:33):
It's pretty good. But you look back on the draft,
and I'm sure there are people who were like, why
would you take Kawhi Leonard? He's just a defensive player,
and really, if you watched him play in college, you
know they talked about him being a good player. You
just don't know how that projects to being a Hall
of Famer. And that's, you know, the great mystery when

it comes to drafting, whether you're drafting a quarterback or
you're like even now, the fact that there were two
big men drafted in the top ten, that's like running
backs being drafted in the top ten. So Klingon and
Edie getting drafted in the top ten, really it's unheard
of because they're true big men. They're not well, that

guy he's poor zingis he can go out to three
point range. These are back to the basket guys for
the most part. Zach Edy certainly is now. I know
he tried to improve his range and come out foul
line extended.

Speaker 6 (40:30):

Speaker 2 (40:31):
Klingon's got athleticism, like he can beat you up and
down the floor, and he could develop into a different
kind of big men. Zach Edy, it's kind of like
that's who he is.

Speaker 7 (40:42):
Yeah, PAULI, if you go back Zach Edy staying in college,
I found a lot of you know, mock drafts that
had him top of the second round.

Speaker 3 (40:49):
Yeah last year. Yeah, so he made himself a lot
more money.

Speaker 5 (40:52):

Speaker 2 (40:52):
I just don't know in today's game, you know, having
that player and then how do you utilize that player?
I don't know. If you go, well, we got a
mismatch down low, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Get a rebound, man, get a rebound, kick it back.

Speaker 2 (41:07):
Out yeah yeah, keep it alive, all right, got to
get phone calls coming up, as we always do. Every Monday,
best and worst of the weekend, we'll talk about baseball.
All Stars got a lot of first timers. Is that
good or bad for baseball? And the phenomenon known as
Paul schemes.
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