All Episodes

July 6, 2024 36 mins
Review of SCOTUS immunity decision. Trump is 41-point favorite in gambling markets. How Democrats will replace Biden as nominee and who will replace him? Clay's 3 picks to replace Biden: Michelle Obama, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro. Was the June debate a trap to replace Biden? House of Cards-style conspiracy theory on Biden's debate meltdown.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in our number three Clay Travis buck Sexton show
Buck is on jury duty. I am here solo with
all of you as we roll closer to July fourth
and break down huge decisions coming out of the Supreme Court,
the Immunity case six ' three, which finds presumptive immunity

for presidential actions so long as they are connected to
official duties and sends it back to the District Court
to see whether or not Trump's acts all directly are
related to his official duties as president of the United States.

Big takeaway and I would encourage you go download the
podcast and listen to the first hour. We'll talk about
it a little bit here in this hour as well,
but if you're curious about the impact and you want
a super deep dive on it, really went into it
from a legal analysis perspective in the first hour. But

I would say, if you're just getting your car right
now and you want the bullet point, Hey, what is
the big impact here? Supreme Court rule six ' three
that Trump is, as all presidents will be for now
into the future, that he has official immunity for any

acts that are directly related to his job as president
of the United States. And basically the way that I
would sort of that I've talked about this an easy
way to understand is official versus unofficial acts. And so
if the president orders an air strike and someone is killed,

and that person was innocent, and we thought it was
a terrorist, and it turns out that we were miscalculated
and we made a poor decision, the president cannot be
charged with murder because that was his capacity as president
of the United States to order an attack on a terrorist. If, however,
the president engages in some criminal act that is not

related to his presidency, the example that I've used for
some time is he's sitting in the Oval office, he
picks up a paperweight and he hits someone in the head,
hits them in the temple in his office, and kills them.
The president would not be able to argue, hey, there's
no prosecution here. I'm President of the United States. I

have the right to murder people. That would be an
unofficial act as president. Those are two extremes, but I
think you guys can understand that somewhere between them would
be Joe Biden, sorry, Donald Trump contacting Mike Penson saying, hey,
I believe you have the constitutional authority to refuse to

accept these electoral votes and to consider taking alternative slates
of electors. The President could meet with his attorney general
and demand an investigation into whether or not the election
was stolen. Clearly that would be more of an official act,
as is written in the decision. So now it's going

back to the district court. Judge Chuckin will examine these issues,
make a determination about what's official what's unofficial. We'll see
if any of these issues are left, but the time
is such that there.

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Will be no trial there.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
Important this also directly impacts the case in Atlanta. I
think toss is it as well. And the actual substantive
impact here is that the only case that's going to
go to trial where there is any possibility of punishing
Trump before the election is the New York City business

records case of Alvin Bragg. So that is where we
are in the court proceedings. I think the Supreme Court
immunity case, read it quickly before I came into the
program today, is well decided and will exist for a
long time to come. As the President detailing what exact
ramifications there are as it pertains to allegations of criminal

conduct by the President of the United States while he's
in office. They didn't give him complete immunity. They didn't say, hey,
if the president does it, it's legal. They said, there
is a presumptive immunity for actions related to his doing
the job, and that is what now has to go

back to the district court and be examined. Let me
give you an example that has nothing to do with
President of the United States. Back when I did labor
and employment law, one issue that was always important one
in many different cases out there relating to labor and
employment law is whether someone's acts took place while they

were in the course of employment. Some of you may
have run across this before, but the idea becomes, when
is an individual acting in his or her personal capacity
and when are they acting as an employee for purposes
of liability. For instance, there are easy examples. Let's say

that you are driving a UPS truck and you get
into a car accident. UPS is going to get sued too,
because you were engaging in your employment. Amazon FedEx. If
you're driving your truck and you get into an accident
in the process of delivering packages, you individually will probably

get sued, but certainly your employer will because they have insurance,
they have big dollars. That's how Plaine of law works.
So driving around and you're delivering packages, that is you
being at work. What if you don't have a car
and it's midnight, and you decide that you're going to

drive your vehicle, which is actually the company's vehicle, and
you get into an accident, Well, the company would argue, hey,
that was behavior outside the scope of his or her employment.
We aren't responsible for this. So while the president aspect

of this is getting a great deal of attention, really
the question is not that much different than what would
happen in a lot of labor and employment cases where
you have to decide were you in the process of
your employment when you engaged in an act or not.
If you're at your home and you are a UPS

driver and.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
You you.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Are drinking and you get in a car and you
drive drunk, not the UPS vehicle, maybe even the UPS vehicle,
you would not be in the course of your employment.
UPS wouldn't be responsible for the things that you did.
If you're trying to deliver a package and you get
into an accident, you would That's one way to think
about it. But it's I think important to understand that

what the Court is really trying to decide is where
are the full extent of presidential responsibilities? And obviously the
presidency is different because you're always on the clock. Even
though Joe Biden says he's only able to be his
team says, oh, he's really good from ten to four,
the presidency subsumes you such that you are pretty much

always doing the job of president of the United States.
It's not just a nine to five job, or in
the case of Joe Biden, a ten am to four
pm job. So that becomes a little bit more challenging
because you're president of the United States twenty four hours
a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty
five days a year. So that is the Supreme Court case.

Speaker 2 (08:06):

Speaker 1 (08:08):
I have said, and again Buck is out on jury duty.
I have said that I believe they are going to
replace Joe Biden as president presidential nominee for the Democrat Party,
And I've said for some time that I believe Joe
Biden will have to make that choice himself, and that
he will say I'm freeing my delegates to vote for

whomever they desire, and he will step back due to
all the immense pressure on him because there is a
recognition that he can't fundraise and that he is going
to lose, and there will be a demand that they
have basically a hail Mary to put up. They have
to find somebody that they believe can win the election.

You guys know that I love polymarket. It is a
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all over the world and place wagers on a variety
of different outcomes. One of them right now that you
can wager on is who's going to be the next
president of the United States. Rather than just look at
polls and rather than just hear what people in the
opinion business are saying, I like to see where the

money is going. Right now, there has been over two
hundred and six million dollars bet on who the next
president of the United State is going to be, and
Joe Biden has opened up, sorry, Donald Trump has opened
up over Joe Biden, the biggest lead virtually of the
entire twenty twenty four race. As I am speaking to

you right now, there is a sixty three percent chance
that Trump will win according to the gambling odds, twenty
two percent, Joe Biden five percent, Kamala Harris four percent,
Gavin Newsom four percent, Michelle Obama three percent other Democrat
politician two percent RFK Junior will win. So Trump is

a huge favorite right now, forty point favorite, forty one
point favorite to be exact over Joe Biden. There basically
is a one in five chance that Joe Biden is
going to be elected president of the United States based
on over two hundred million dollars bet around the world

on the outcome of this election. Okay, if I am right,
and if the polls that the Biden team is seeing
internally are similar to the poll that we are seeing externally,
there is a rapid realization that Biden is not going
to be able to recover from the disaster that we

saw on Thursday night. In other words, that people have
made up their mind that seventy five percent of the
American public does not believe Joe Biden has the mental
or physical capacity to be present in the United States.
If I'm correct in that, then the attempt of the
Biden family Joe Biden Hunter Biden, according to Axios New
York Times, fighting like heck to try to maintain the

ability of Joe Biden to be the nominee. At some
point that is going to become an untenable position. I
think at some point over the next couple of weeks,
they're trying to hope that this story is just going
to go away. But at some point, I think the
fact that Biden has a big deficit and is having
trouble raising money and is having big time fundraisers and

political figures behind the scenes tell him you need to
step down. I think that's what's going to happen.

Speaker 2 (12:03):

Speaker 1 (12:03):
Buck disagrees. Buck thinks it's going to be Biden. To
be clear, I want it to be Biden because I
believe Trump will beat him. But if it's not Biden,
where do they go? What does that process look like?
And how would I see it playing out. I'm going

to lay that out for you here in this third hour.
I'll take your calls and we will continue to break
down all the craziness that is ensuing as.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
One of the.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
Just absolute bonkers eras in all of American history that
we are all living through truly without any precedent. None
of us have ever seen a presidential candidate be as
bad as Biden was just about five days ago. So
they're going to have to move on, I believe. What
does that look like? Who will they pick and how
will it play out? I will tell you in the meantime,

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Speaker 3 (13:53):
Clay Travison buck Sexton mic drops that never sounded so good.
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Speaker 1 (14:04):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Okay, I
don't believe Biden is going to be the nominee. I
think he's going to get forced out. I think the
polling is going to be awful. I think there is
going to be a realization that you cannot convince the
American public to disbelieve their own eyes. What's seventy five
percent of American public, as is now the case, have

decided that Joe Biden does not have the minimal physical
ability to be president anymore. He can't win reelection. It
cannot happen. They cannot rig the election, and it may
not even be close if he actually is the nominee
four months from now. Remember voting starts in a little
bit over two months, so we're talking about in September.

Some of you are going to be able to go
ahead and get your ballots in. That's not very far
from now. Okay. I'm a big believer in basically game
theory that you can figure out where we're likely to
be if you divine the motivations correctly of people in
any kind of position. But here we know Democrats want

power and they are willing to do whatever is necessary
to keep power. Biden does not keep power for them anymore.
That's why suddenly, Oh, the New York Times and the
Chicago Tribune and the Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Economist

and the New Yorker, they've all come out with editorial
saying Biden has to step down. They knew what Joe
Biden's mental state was before the debate. They've just decided
that Biden is not useful to them anymore. And once
they determine that he's no longer useful to them, they

will start to ratchet up the pressure on him. First
come the editorials. Next step is, oh, turns out, yeah,
Biden was taking money. The editorial to step down is
a shot across the bow. It's like the mafia saying, hey,

we're not on the same team anymore. You better be
careful when you sit down in that restaurant. Somebody might
show up at any time. We're at war. Biden's not
the guy anymore at some point. That's what these editorials
are about. They're letting him know and letting his team know, Hey,

we're ratcheting up the pressure on you. We're not claiming
that Hunter isn't connected to you anymore. We're not claiming
that the laptop is Russian disinformation. Suddenly, what many of us,
most of us have all known about Joe Biden's corruption,
is going to start to come out. That's what these
editorials telling him to step down are warnings. Beware, We're

about to turn up the heat on you. Okay, if
I'm right about that, who is or who are the
candidates that actually pull better than Biden? It's not Kamala.
They don't care about identity politics, they don't care about principles.

They're gonna kick Kamala Harris to the curb faster than
Willie Brown, mayor of San Francisco did when he found
a new side kick. Kamala is done. Even the Biden
team has already kicked Kamala to the curb. They said
she would lose worse than they would. They threw their
own vice president already under the bus to protect their ability.

Kamala is not going to be the choice. Trump would
beat Kamala worse than he would beat Biden. So where
are they going and who will be the choice. I've
got three aims for you, and I would be stunned
if it is not one of these three that are
going to be at the top of the ticket. Get ready,
This is me calling my shot of where we are headed.

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lines of truth. Welcome back in Clay, Travis Buck Sexton Show.
Appreciate all of you. Hang out with me as we're
rolling through the third hour of the program. Here on
Monday holiday weekend up coming for many of you, July fourth,
on Thursday the fifth, on Friday.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
Buck is in.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Jury duty, so he will be back. We don't know when.
Hopefully he gets out sooner rather than later. But he
has been called in could no longer push it back,
and so he is right now as we speak, in
jury duty in South Florida. All right, so I said,
no way, Kamala is going to be the nominee. I
don't believe Biden's going to be the nominee. Who is

out there that when Biden announces, and I think he will,
that he will no longer seek the presidency. And when
he says, and I believe he still will, when he
says it's because it's time for a new, younger generation,
all of those media outlets that have been saying he

has to stay down will immediately say that he's the
bravest American president since George Washington. They will lionize him,
they will claim that he is one of the greatest
presidents of all time. I'm just telling you how this
will go. In my opinion, there are three people that

have an argument that they could beat Trump in the
Democrat race head to head. Gavin Newsom cannot, he will lose.
Democrats will recognize it. He's out.

Speaker 2 (20:36):

Speaker 1 (20:36):
Pritzker, Illinois fat governor. I've heard people try to talk
about him.

Speaker 2 (20:40):
He's out.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, they're out. They're too old. Biden
is stepping down because he's too old. Bloomberg, whoever else
is out there in the universe. Hillary Clinton, I think,
also too old. There are three people that Democrats will
decide could beat Trump head to head if they were

the nominee. It will be one of these three people.
The first is Michelle Obama. I have said for some
time it's awfully convenient that the Democrat convention is in
Michelle Obama's hometown of Chicago, Illinois. How do you get
past a black woman like Kamala Harris. You put a

black woman that is far more popular in front of her.
It's not racist, it's not sexist. Michelle Obama is far
more likely to win than Kamala Harris. There's lots of
talk that Michelle Obama won't take the job, she doesn't
like politics, she doesn't want to do it. That makes
the story even more powerful. Remember who's pulling the strings

in the Democrat donor base, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney,
Julia Roberts. They want a Hollywood story. What's more of
a Hollywood story than Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama,
first black female president ever, who doesn't actually want the job,

but has to save America from the awful white Adolph
Hitler clone Donald Trump. That's the way they will make
that story play. Michelle Obama, she doesn't want it. We
desperately need you for the good of the country. Michelle
Obama steps forward. She barely has to campaign everyone who

the Democrats need to turn out in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit.
They turn out like they turned out for Barack Michelle Obama.
I believe Democrats are convinced would beat Donald Trump. I
think a lot of you out there are saying, you
know what, nervous about that. She would have the entire

media apparatus behind her. She would look like a hero.
But she's not even a politician. She's just doing what
she feels like she has to do for the good
of her country. Spielberg, Katzenberg, Clooney, Roberts. All of Hollywood
lines up and they write the story of their dreams.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
That's option one. Let's say Michelle won't do it.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
Let's say she's being honest and she actually has no
interest in truly being the president of the United States.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
I don't believe it, but let's say it's true. It'll
be one of two people. It will be.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
And I've told you this before, but it's important. I'm
just telling you how they're thinking, not that I agree
with it. You just need to understand. It will be
either Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, or it will be Michigan
Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Maybe the ticket combined is Josh Shapiro
Gretchen Whitmer in either direction. Whitmer reportedly has reached out

to the Biden campaign and said after the debate, there's
no way that Biden can win Michigan. That was reported
this morning, private conversation always interesting Jennifer O'Malley Dylan, I
believe whatever her name is, the one of the campaign
top advisors for Biden reports that they had a conversation

Governor Michigan and Gretchen Whitmer and her and that Gretchen
Whitmer said you can't win Michigan. If that's true, then
Biden can't win right now, Look at the board. Democrats
are rational in their pursuit of power. Real problems in Georgia,
real problems in North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona. I think Trump

is going to win all four, even if Michelle Obama
were on the ticket. But there is a narrow pathway
to victory for Democrats that runs through Big ten country.
Win the single electoral vote in Omaha, Nebraska, and then
when Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and even if you lose Nevada,

Arizona and Georgia, the Democrat candidate wins two seventy to
two sixty eight. It's a narrow but plausible path. If
you put the governor of Pennsylvania on that ticket, Josh Shapiro,
and if you put the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer

on that ticket. I believe both of those candidates are
popular enough that they could swing their states into the
Democrat camp. If I'm right about that, then the entire
election would come down to Wisconsin. It's a narrow path,

but it's a path, a path that right now Joe
Biden doesn't have. There are only three candidates in the
entire Democrat Party who could beat Donald Trump right now,
Michelle Obama, Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Whitmer, When or if they

force Joe Biden out and again, I hope desperately they
do not. I want Biden to be the guy. I
want doctor Jill Biden to be the worst Lady Macbeth
ever and refuse to allow Joe Biden to be replaced.
But if they force out Joe Biden and again, The

New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Atlanta Journal, Constitution, the Economists,
the New Yorker, all of them have editorials saying Joe
has to step down. The next step, I'm telling you,
is to warning We're going to start to write all
the stories that people who watch Fox News have heard,
that people who listen to this program have heard, but

that much of the American public hasn't remembered. There's a
ton of people who were stunned by how decrepit Joe
Biden looked in that debate. They into the idea. It
was just a few weeks ago they were saying all
the videos of Joe Biden looking incompetent were cheap fakes.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
It wasn't very long ago me.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
NBC News wrote an article, as I told you guys
on this show, ripping me for saying that Biden didn't
have the mental or physical ability to be president. Seventy
five percent of people now agree with me, including all
those newspapers, including NBC News.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
It was self evident. They weren't allowed.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
To see it say it until the debate happened. Then
suddenly everybody on the left rushes together. Joe Scarborough who
said this was the best version of Joe Biden he'd
ever seen. Nobody had ever been better. Biden had never
been a better version of himself than right now. He
said that in March last week, he said Biden has

to go, effectively six weeks Biden goes from the best
version of himself to he can know no longer be president.
That's how MSNBC, that's how CNN role they turned on him.
I'm telling you the grand poobas of the Democrat Party,
they are going to sit and they're going to look
at all the data and they're going to say, our

pathway to victory is narrow. There are only three Democrats
that could lead us to victory. Michelle Obama, Josh Shapiro
and Gretchen Whimer. And if I were to tell you
what I think the killer ticket is, I think it's
Michelle Obama and Gretchen Whimer. I think it's a double
female ticket against Donald Trump and probably what will be

a male vice president. They would try to take Michigan
off the board. They would pair it with Michelle Obama,
and a lot of you out there are like, you
know what, that's not a bad ticket. I'm telling you
how they think. A lot of people out there only
want to tell you what they want to do. It's

great to throw punches, but you have to be ready
for the CounterPunch. You're not throwing punches against a man
without arms. Joe Biden might be that. That's why he's
not gonna be the candidate. They are sitting there, I'm
telling you looking at every bit of data and analytics,

and it's gonna lead you directly to what I just
laid out. They got to get past Joe Biden. They
got to get past Hunter. They got to get the
Biden team to recognize that Joe can't win. That's what
we're in the process of right now, and they're eventually
gonna alight on Michelle Obama, Josh Shapiro, Gretchen Widmer. Nobody

else can win. Nobody else in the entire Democrat Party.
Everybody else loses. I'm not saying one of those three
is gonna win, but I'm saying there's a pathway by
which they can win. And if you have ever been
in a sport where your team's getting your ass kicked

but it's still early enough that you can pull the
quarterback and put in a new quarterback and change your
game plan.

Speaker 2 (30:09):
You may not have a likelihood to win.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
The new guy may come in and throw five interceptions
and you may end up losing by more. But when
you face certain defeat, you have to make a move
which makes winning possible. That's where Democrats are now. I
hope that they are so committed to the power of
Joe Biden and that his advisors are so all powerful.

I hope that they'll just say, we refuse to step down,
we're rolling, we're going to be the nominee, We're doing
all this. I hope they do it, but they're not
going to win if they do it, and hope is
not a strategy. Be prepared for where they're going and.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
Think about what it allows them to do.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
Instead of arguing in favor of what Biden has done,
they will now run the same campaign they ran in
twenty twenty with one of these new people at the
top of the ticket.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
It's better to take an uncertain.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
Chance on the non incumbent. They'll run as if Donald
Trump is actually the incumbent. They'll turn up the Trump
is Hitler charges, and they will trot out Michelle Obama,
Josh Shapiro or Gretchen Whitmer as the great American hope,
just like they did Joe Biden in twenty twenty. And
they'll only have to do it for a couple of months.

People out there say, what about the money. They'll raise
a billion dollars in a month. Money is not an issue.
They can take the money that Joe Biden already raised
and they can put it in a pack and they
can spend that money. But with the new candidates, are
you telling me Michelle Obama wouldn't raise a billion dollars?
They'll do whatever. Money is not going to be an issue.

This is where they're headed. Buck disagrees he thinks Biden's
not going to step down. I hope he's right, but
I've got a really tasty steak here to tell you.
They are not going to stick with Biden. It's a
question of when, not if. Still in my mind, may
Buck might not get back from jury duty for the
next four months. He might not even be able to
argue against me. By the way, I hope he's back soon.

We got to get an update. I'll take some of
your calls. We'll close out the show in the next segment.
In the meantime, if you're going to reduce your salary
from whatever it is to just a dollar a year,
it better be a good idea behind what you're doing.

Speaker 2 (32:30):

Speaker 1 (32:30):
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Speaker 3 (33:29):
Learn, laugh, and join us on the weekend on our
Sunday hang with Playing Fuck podcast.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
Find it on the iHeart APPAM or wherever you get
your podcasts. Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
The June debate date was a tell.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
I still don't hear enough people talking about Wait a minute,
why did they have a June twenty seventh debate? Remember
I told you it was past fail. I didn't think
Biden would fail. I thought he would pass, but they
set him up. And if you wanted to do I
don't know how many of you watched House of Cards,
but if you wanted to create a great House of
Cards season, this was the Kevin Spacey Show. Before Kevin

Spacey got canceled. Where he's Frank Underwood, South Carolina politician, dark, dirty,
seamy side of power in Washington, d C.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
Murders galore, shady.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Antics, just like the Clinton era. But when you really
look at it, tell me this wouldn't be an incredible plot.
Doddering aging current president of the United States who needs
regular injections of stimulants in order to pretend that he's capable.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
Of being president of the United States.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
They persuade him that the way and his team that
the way to win the presidency is by taking control
of the summer calendar and getting a debate scheduled with
all the parameters that you desire, allowing him to, in theory,
walk right into that studio and change the dynamic and

prove once and for all that he's got the faculties
to do the job. And as a part of that,
they send him away to Camp David for an entire
week to get ready so they can test exactly what
the best shots to give him to have peak performance are.

They figure it out, they've got him ready to roll,
and then instead of giving him the shot of adrenaline,
the shot of provigil, the shot of adderall. Whatever they
are giving him that allows him to have the vigor
and vitality that he had when he was speaking at
the State of the Union. They give him a placebo shot,

set him up for failure. He rolls out there without
his drug needed boost, collapses, and his career is over.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
That's what would happen in House of Cards.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
I'm just saying, for those of you who watched, how
is it that Biden was good in Raleigh, good in
the State of the Union, and couldn't even speak at
the debate. Something was different. I don't know what happened,
but something was off. Democrats know it. Biden, I believe,

is done, but might be back tomorrow to be back
on the island and tell all of you why I'm wrong.
And Biden's the guy. I hope he's right, but I
fear that he's not. Somebody wrote in and said, don't
share all these ideas. They'll still them. Democrats aren't stupid.
They'll do whatever it takes for power. They're not going
to take these ideas. They know them already.

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