All Episodes

July 6, 2024 36 mins
Biden refuses to drop out after debate disaster, blaming makeup artist, advisers, CNN. Jill Biden is running the country. Biden staff tells Axios Biden is alert from 10AM-4PM. Biden would miss Hillary's 3AM phone call. CNN reports devastating post-debate poll numbers as Biden camp blames CNN for debate loss. How Democrats will push Biden off the stage. Bannon speaks before going to prison.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in our number two Clay Travis buck Sexton Show.
Appreciate all of you hanging out with us as we
roll into this holiday week. I know many of you
are out and about all over the country different places
as you begin to celebrate July fourth, and boy, do
we ever have a ton of news stories to discuss

with all of you, the continued fallout of the debate
which we're going to get into. Spent most of the
first hour talking about the huge Supreme Court immunity case
ruling six to three in favor of Trump. We will
take your calls. Many of you have legal questions surrounding them.
I'll do my best to answer those with my law

training as the backdrop, while understanding that we are dealing
with breaking news and newly released opinions very beneficial to Trump,
but still important precedents being set out there that will,
I believe, extend beyond most of the lives of us
who are out there listening, and will apply the presidential

immunity cases to presidents of every political party Democrats, Republicans,
independence parties that we know not yet of that may
arise and end up putting a president into the White
House in the hopefully long future of this country. This
is a precedent that tries to This is a president
that tries to establish what the line is when it

comes to holding presidents accountable for behavior while they are
in office of a criminal nature. So that is the
intent of the opinion and what it is trying to
answer and set forth as the guiding principles for hundreds
of years to come. That is what has been released
in the past couple of hours, and so we'll continue

to talk about that. But as we went to break,
I told you that in the short term, the more
significant story than what will presidential power will look like
for hundreds of years to come, more significant maybe long
form story, but the more significant political story of the

moment is what's going to happen with Joe Biden. Buck
is right now at jury duty, in the midst of
finding out whether or not he's going to be seated
on a jury or not. So that is why he
is out this Monday. We hope to have him back
soon and I'll fill you in with updates as we
get them throughout the course of today's program and beyond.

But that's where Buck is. If you're wondering why he's
not here. It's because he didn't have any choice. He
had to show up for jury duty today. So Buck
wanted you all to know that he remains firmly ensconced
with the idea that Joe Biden is not going to
be replaced. We obviously have a big stake bet about this.
We've been talking about it for months, if not years,

on this program. So let me be clear right off
the top, as I start to break all this down,
I don't want Joe Biden to replace. If Joe Biden runs,
all of the evidence right now, four months out suggests
that he is going to lose to Trump, and he
may lose to Trump, even in states that people aren't
anticipating right now him losing to Trump. Not just Michigan

and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Georgia and Arizona and Nevada
and North Carolina. What I would say are the seven
consensus battlegrounds Trump in the polling leads in all seven
of those states. But also there is polling. I saw
polling today that said New Mexico is actually dead. Even

I've seen polling in the past few weeks that say Virginia,
New Jersey, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Maine. All of these states
that Biden comfortably won are within the margin of era
for Trump right now. It wasn't coincidental that Trump chose
as his first rally on Friday after the debate on

Thursday to travel to Virginia. That was a message that
he was sending that he believes Virginia's in play and
that he could potentially win it, and if he does,
Biden's going to lose. So I bring all of this
up because there is a full fledged panic going on
right now, And where Buck and I would be in

agreement is that we would like for Joe Biden to
be the nominee because we believe he's going to lose.
He's going to have to stand on his own record,
and most Americans do not believe that Joe Biden has
done a good job. The polling is just starting to
roll in from the impact of what we all saw
on Thursday night, and significantly of the impact of the

subsequent coverage of what we all saw on Thursday night,
and it is stark and it is scary. For instance,
only twenty seven percent of Americans, according to a CBS
poll that came out over the weekend, believe that Joe
Biden has the mental and physical capacity to be resident
of the United States right now twenty seven percent. Now

I question the mental capacity of the twenty seven percent.
But when you have got basically three out of every
four Americans right now saying we don't believe Joe Biden
can do the job of President of the United States,
he's not going to win the election now. Will I
was texting with a buddy over the weekend, big time Democrat.

He was shaken in a big way by what he saw.
But I asked him, I said, are you still going
to vote for Biden if he's on the ballot, And
he said yes. There are a lot of people out
there that will still vote for Biden because they believe
that the apparatus surrounding Joe Biden is enough to justify

a vote for him. I disagree with all those people,
but you need to understand that there are forty five
percent of Americans probably that are going to go in
and punch the D ticket no matter what, because they
believe that that is the direction the country should go,
and they're not going to be moved by what they
saw on that debate. There's about ten percent of people

that are movable, and those numbers are breaking against Joe
Biden in a disastrous fashion right now. And right now,
let me hit you with some of those numbers, because
I saw it, and the panic has to be setting
off and just has everybody terrified of what might be
happening there right now. I saw the numbers from CBS

sixty percent to eight. Who won the debate? Independent voters
Trump to Biden sixty to eight. That's a bad score
in a football game. It's unheard of for independent voters
to all come to that conclusion. For them to reach
that conclusion tells you everything you need to know, I

said as we went to break. According to Politico and
according to the New York Times, there has now become
a major game of blame shifting that is occurring inside
of the Biden White House. I read these articles on
Sunday and it was hard not to be just kind
of smiling, but also in disbelief. I laid them out.

But listen to what they're saying. They're saying the reason
why Joe Biden lost the debate is because the makeup
artists didn't do a good enough job on Joe Biden. Now. Look,
I appreciate a good makeup artist every now and then.
We've talked about this before. A lot of times. You
go on Fox News, they're lovely makeup people. You go

on Fox Sports. I've spent a lot of time over
the years in makeup chairs to make me look better
than I otherwise would, and believe me, I need all
the help I can get. But I've never gone on
television done a bad job and said, you know what,
the reason why I was bad today is because of
the makeup artist. I just want you to think about

this for a moment. You know you were awful when
you say the makeup artist didn't do a good enough job.
That's why I was bad on television. I've never even
heard anybody argue that before. I couldn't help but laugh
when I saw that. Another argument that I've never seen
anybody else make in a debate, especially not after a

debate this bad. They are blaming the advisors because they
are saying that Joe Biden was over prepared. Over prepared,
he couldn't even complete a sentence. What would he have
looked like if he hadn't spent a week preparing. Have

you ever taken a test bombed it done awful, gotten
an F and said, you know what I did? I
studied too much? Would you accept that from your son
or your grandson, or your daughter or your granddaughter. Grades

are coming out right now. They came in and they said, okay,
before we really get focused. Yes, I got a forty
out of one hundred on my science test. But the
really important thing for you to know is that the
reason why I got a forty is because I studied

too hard. Has any parent or grandparent, or guardian or
teacher ever bought the argument that the reason why I
was atrocious is because I prepared too much? These I'm
not even making this up. This is politico in the
New York Times, makeup artists did a bad job. Biden

was over prepared. The advisor are to blame. Okay, that
is two of the excuses that they have trotted out.
Third excuse, it was too late in the day, nine pm.
He can't perform. This is again, this is an axios
over the weekend. Saturday morning, I read it. I couldn't believe.

The Biden team said, yeah, we know, Biden was bad.
The debate was too late at night, but it's important
for you to know. Biden's really good from ten am
to four pm. That's not even banker hours. All you
bankers out there not working that drive the rest of

us crazy because we try to get appointments, or all
you dentists or all you doctors who only do nine
to five. Biden's not even willing to do your hours.
And by the way, I feel like there is a
business to be had for doctor and dentists who are
only open when other people aren't working banks. Two? Why

has this not happened? Why do we still live in
an era when all of the hours that you and
me work are the hours that the bank and the
doctors and the dentists are open. You ever try to
get a kid to the dentist office after school, It's
almost impossible. Why do they not have night dentists? Am
I crazy? Would a dentist who had hours from like

four to ten not be the greatest, most successful dentist
of all time? I don't understand it, but I digress.
Joe Biden ten am to four pm, he's really good
in those six hours. Well, thank the Lord, China would
only invade Taiwan during ten to four East Coast time.

What we are seeing with all of these excuses, is
just the makeup artist, just the advisors, He's over prepared,
it's too he's not good in those hours. All of
them add up to one thing. Joe Biden's to blame,
and they are refusing to put the blame on him

inside of the Biden camp. Guess what, American public's not Buyden.
These are all really bad arguments, and they tie in
with what seventy five percent of people said after the
CBS debate poll, Biden can't do the job. And if
Americans have decided you can't do the job, and we

were one of the first to start to make this argument,
it's not just Biden can't do the job of president,
said he can't do any job in America right now.
Would you hire Joe Biden to do anything that matters
where you work? I wouldn't. I work at OutKick, I
work here with Clay and Bucket, iHeart, I work with

Fox News. There's not a single job at the three
places I work nowhere where I publish books either, I
got like eight jobs. Biden couldn't do a single job
at any of those places. Once the American public has
decided you can't do the job you can't win. And
that's why I think we are now moving on to
the real question here. Who's actually president right now and

where is the power? My argument is doctor Joe Biden,
Lady Macbeth herself, is actually running the country and refusing
to acknowledge what we can all see, which is Joe
Biden clearly has dementia and is declining rapidly and is

unable to do the job of president of the United States.
And if that's true and I'm correct, then at some
point in time over the next few weeks, I believe
they're going to try and force out Joe Biden. I
think they're going to see the polls. I think they're
going to wreck it, Nys and it's going to become

Heill Mary time. I'll tell you about all the newspapers
that have lined up left wing rags that they are
to suddenly say Joe Biden has to go. We'll talk
more about this, will take your calls, and I'll tell
you where I think they're gonna go. If I'm right
and they force Biden out. I've been saying it for
a few months now, but I'm going to echo what
I've been saying there who will be in as the

actual Democrat nominee. If I'm correct and they recognize Biden
has no chance to win, I'll tell you in a second.
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Text my name Clay. Two guys walk up to a mic.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Anything goes Clay Travis and Fuck Sexton. Find them on
the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Walk back in Clay Travis buck Sexton show. Appreciate all
of you hanging out with us. Do you remember when
Hillary Clinton said the three am phone call would come?
I can't believe that I'm actually gonna agree with Hillary Clinton.
But I'm not an expert at clocks, but I'm pretty
sure three am is not in the six hours that

Joe Biden's team said, he's really good, so ten am
to four pm East Coast time, he's really great at
being president. According to the Biden team. The other eighteen hours. Well,
he's not very good, and he becomes erratic and he
has dementia. But those six hours ten am to four pm,
he is electric. Hillary Clinton famously said, what happens when

you get that phone call at three am?

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Listen, it's three am and your children are safe in
the sleeve. But there's a in the White House, and
it's really something's happening in the world. Your vote will
decide who answers that call, whether it's someone who already
knows the world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and
ready to lead in a dangerous world. It's three am,

and your children are safe into sleep. Who do you
want answering the phone?

Speaker 1 (17:23):
All right, Well, Joe Biden's not answering the phone. And
this also Hillary Clinton. It's a Hillary Clinton ad, but
it also reminds me. Can you imagine what Bill Clinton
would have gotten into if there had been cell phones
that existed during his political career. I'm sorry, I just
I can'nottie. Can you imagine what he would have gotten

himself into. He is the luckiest man on the planet
that the technology to take pictures of your penis didn't
exist when he was running for president of the United States.
I just actually that would be a fun Saturday Night
live skit. Is Bill Clinton with modern day technology, you know,
tell him what he gets into now. But three Am

calls to the White House when Bill was there, I
bet they weren't dealing with international affairs. You had one
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MyPillow dot Com, Code Clay and Buck Welcome back in
Clay Travis Buck Sexton show. Appreciate all of you hanging
out with us. You know things are going bad when
the Biden team over the weekend sent out an email

showing Trump beating everybody else too, and then saying and oh,
by the way, if Biden wasn't the nominee, it would
be Kamala and she would learn worse, lose worse. So
you're throwing your own vice president under the bus there,
in addition to simultaneously arguing Trump is so strong nobody

can beat him, which is not exactly the strongest argument
I can imagine for Joe Biden's supporters. But I did
want you to listen. They are blaming CNN as well.
I mentioned that they're talking about the makeup artist is
the reason Biden had a bad performance, that he was
too prepared. That's really these are arguments that they're trotting

out and trying. Remember he had a cold that was
one of the and everybody just forgot about the cold
because then he went out and he has n't been sniffling. Sense.
I don't know what happened. I got actually house of
cards level theory that maybe I'll share with you before
before today's show is out, but they said the timing
was too late. Biden's really good from ten am to

four pm, but outside of that window, he's bad. And
many of you responded when I shared that Axio story
saying that by pointing out that that's actually a tremendous
sign of dementia. That, in fact, if you are saying, hey,
as the day progresses, his ability to function declines, that's

one of the primary signs that you are dealing with dementia.
So they're basically admitting that Biden's mental faculties are not
all there, but they also are blaming CNN. Now, remember
Biden's team requested this date, they requested the network, they

requested the location, they requested no crowd, Mike's off when
somebody else wasn't speaking. They basically knew what moderators they
were going to get in Jake Tapper and Dana Bash
into their credit. I thought Tapper and Bash mostly stayed
out of the way and let Joe Biden light himself

on fire. But they now the Biden team, in addition
to the makeup artist, in addition to his advisors who
over prepared him, in addition to the time of the
debate being too late, despite the fact that the Biden
team set up all the details here and got exactly
what they wanted and worth contemplating. Every debate ever has

been in prime time because you want as many people
as possible to see it. So if you can't talk
at nine pm Eastern on a television ninety minutes, I
think that's kind of a bad position to be in.
Now they're arguing that CNN set up Joe Biden to fail. CNN,
which is universally beloved by and large alongside of MSNBC

by Democrats everywhere, they are saying was too favorable to Trump.
These are bad arguments to make. These are the arguments
Democrats are trying to trot out to see what they
can find traction with to argue, Oh, by the way,
this is why we are doing so poorly. And the numbers.
CNN came on and talked about them in the wake

of the debate. I mentioned it effectively, seventy five percent
of people don't think Joe Biden is capable of being president.
Now Here is CNN. I believe it's cut for talking
about this.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
The bottom line ouls it's not any good it's not
any good. Look at this voters who say that Biden
has the mental health to be president. It was just
thirty five percent pre debate. Look where it's dropped to
now post abate, twenty seven percent. How about that he
should be running for president? It was thirty seven percent
pre debate, it's now twenty eight percent. I have never
seen numbers this bad for an incumbent president during my lifetime.

I mean that mental health to be president just twenty
seven percent. You might say, Okay, you know that's low,
but a lot of people thought Biden was too old
back in twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
These numbers looked nothing like this back in twenty twenty.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
These numbers are bad already, and the truth is ausand
they have gotten just considerably worse, even in just a
few days after that first presidential debate.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
Okay, that's CNN. That's not Fox News, that's not Newsmax,
that's not right wing TV dot com. This is CNN
sharing with you the CBS News poll data that Biden
effectively is in a worse shape right now than any
incumbent president in I think it's Harry Inton who was

talking there in his life, and I'm guessing he's probably
around my age, forty ish, and he said, I jotted
it down. I have never seen numbers this bad for
an incumbent in my lifetime. Things are bad, Things are
really really bad. So where do we go from here?
Over the weekend at Camp David, the Biden family gathered

and reports from Politico and from New York Times, often
the mouthpieces of left wing progressives. Those outlets both said
doctor Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are refusing any suggestion
that Joe Biden should step down, and that they're trying

to rally the troops, and that they've gone back to
the fundraisers and they're trying to spin this whatever way
they can. The problem that they have, and I'm gonna
get into this on the third hour, the problem that
they have is people have made up their mind what
they think about Joe Biden's mental and physical fitness. And

even when Biden comes out and reads off a prompter
and isn't a disaster, there is inevitably going to be
additional clips of Biden looking like a disaster. So they
were all so excited, Look how good Joe Biden was
at Raleigh. Actually there's clips of Joe Biden and Raleigh

looking completely lost. And I saw David Sachs, who's a
venture capitalist, big money guy in San Francisco who hosted
the twelve million dollar fundraiser for Donald Trump in San Francisco,
sharing his thesis of why there's two different Biden's and
I think he's right. They can still sometimes hide many

of Biden's physical and mental frailties if they just have
him stand behind a podium and read off a prompter.
As soon as he is off a prompter, he falls apart.
And I think one of the intriguing parts about this
that many people are now becoming aware of is Biden
is even reading off a prompter at his fundraisers. I've

never heard of this happening. They are bringing in a
teleprompter for him to read at his fundraisers, and this
is staggering, I think to anyone out there who has
ever been to a fundraiser, these are supposed to be
relatively easy going, not particularly formal events, and they're so

afraid of what Biden might do there that they are
now putting him on teleprompters when he goes to the Hamptons,
when he goes to La because of the disaster that
ensues otherwise. This brings us to the question that I
think is so key, and I'm going to go into

in the third hour, what is the next few weeks
going to look like? Because I'll tell you what's going
on right now. The Biden team is dealing with a
huge dumpster fire that is their campaign right now. But
they're hoping that July fourth week is going to just

get people to stop paying attention to politics. That come
Wednesday and Thursday and Friday, as many of you celebrate
the fourth of July with your friends and families, and
then the weekend that follows it, that we're going to
end up in a situation where everybody's not paying attention.
And they hope that the impact of this debate can

begin to fade because what they're trying to do now
is run out the clock to make it to Chicago
and have Biden officially accept the nomination. I got a
crazy idea that I haven't heard anybody else even float.
A part of me wonders if they're gonna bump the
official acceptance of the nomination up even earlier than the

actual convention. Now they've been talk about Ohio and whether
he gets on the ballot and everything else, something to
kind of put in your mind as a way to
protect Biden. Once he is officially the nominee, once the
convention goers have signed off on him, once the delegates
have all made their voice heard and supported him, it

gets really almost impossible to remove him. So what they
have to do in the Biden camp they have to
figure out how to make it the next six seven
or so weeks and maybe on the front edge, find
a way to get him the nomination before there can
be someone who is the first to come out publicly

of a prominent nature and say Biden, you're out. Because
most politicians are cowards, nobody wants to be first. Once
one or two decent name Democrats come out and say
Biden's out, then I think a lot of other people
will get in line behind it. But somebody has to

take the slings and arrows and be the first to
come after Biden. Is someone willing to do that or not?
That's the question right now that the Biden team is
obsessed with, and that is what you should be following,
because I think more and more people are coming to
the conclusion that Biden cannot win Once that is a

consensus opinion, and it seems to me rapidly moving towards
a consensus opinion, then what must happen will and that
is Biden being pushed off the stage, which I think
is already in the process of happening. Now, make it clear,
don't I want this to happen. I want Biden to run.

I want Biden to have to be held accountable for
what he did, for his failures. But I think Democrats
know that he's gonna lose. And Democrats have proven time
after time in the pursuit of power they will do
anything once they're all convinced Biden's gonna lose. Do you

really think they're gonna stay committed to him. I don't
think so. I'll talk about it some here in the
next hour. Also eight hundred and two eight two two
eight eight two. We've talked a lot about the Supreme
Court ruling coming down on presidential immunity. If any of
you want to weigh in on that or ask questions
about either of these issues, you are welcome to do so.
No guest today, Buck on jury duty. Look are you

like Joe Biden? Do you not have much energy? Have
you seen photos of yourself where it appears you're staring
off into the abyss with your mouth hanging open. Are
you able to stand at a podium? Do people claim
that you always have colds? Do you only really work

from ten am to four pm? If any of these
things ring a little bell with you, don't be like
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Speaker 2 (32:06):
Out with the guys on the Sunday hang with Clay
and Buck Podcast, a new episode of Every Sunday. Find
it on the iHeart app or wherever you get your podcasts.
Wellcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 1 (32:20):
I'm going to break down who might be up next
when we come back. Take some of your calls in
the third hour of the program. But I want to
mention this because I think it's a really important story
that we mention, and I know many of you are
following it while they have been trying to put Trump
in prison and it appears, at least based on the
Supreme Court presumptive immunity standard, that that's going to be

very difficult. Again, encourage you to go check out the
podcast hour one for that entire legal analysis of that
major breaking Supreme Court decision. They are putting people surrounding
Trump and supporting Trump in prison all the time. The
latest is Steve Bannon, who hosts a really popular show

and is one of the most outspoken people on all
of the right, one of Trump's best and most continuous
and successful advisors. They're putting him in prison for four
months for contempt of Congress. This is what Merrick Garland
has been found to be responsible for also what the

ghostwriter of Joe Biden's biography has been found responsible for.
Of course nothing happens to them. But here is Steve
Bannon as he's about to turn himself in. Remember I
mean you want to talk about election interference. It's a
very powerful guy. July, August, September, and October. They are
putting him in prison. He will not come back out,

in theory until a couple of days before the November election.
They are not even disguising what they are attempting to do,
and not only going after Trump but anyone connected to him.
But Steve, I think you gotta give him a lot
of credit. He has incredible hutzpah. This is what he
just said standing outside of the federal jail.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
I am proud to go to prison. If this is
what it takes, the stand up to tyranny, If this
is what it takes, the stand up to the Garland
corrupt criminal DJ, If this is what it takes, the
stand up to Nancy Pelosi, if this is what it
takes to stand up to Joe Biden, to Joe Biden,
I'm proud to do it.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
We've offered Steve Bannon opportunities. Come on, the show. He's
been obviously caught up in a lot of the criminal machinations,
and his team is like, Hey, we're not really sure
what exactly will happen on the interview. I'm going to
extend it. I mean, I don't know what access he
will have to being able to call into shows from prison,
but we would certainly be open to having him on

as a guest if he he has access to phones
at all. But I think it's so important that you
understand what's going on here. The people who claim that
democracy is in danger and that they have to stand
to protect our country are actually trying to put their

chief political rival in prison for the rest of his life.
And they're trying to put other people surrounding Trump in
prison for the rest of their life too. I mean,
it wasn't very long ago, you guys, remember before the
trial in New York City, when I said, Hey, I
think there should be a patriot that gets on that trial.
I don't want anybody to break the law intentionally, but

if I had been on that jury, I would have
refused to convict in New York City. I wish we
could have gotten somebody else with the same opinion on
that jury. But when I said that, they wanted me
to be charged with jury tamper. Maybe they're still going
to charge me now on the line, even though they
got a conviction, they are venal. They are direct threats

to our constitutional republic, and when we come back, I
think everything is collapsing. Biden is fighting for his political life.
I believe it's break the glass, pull out the fire
extinguisher moment. Boy. When you ever could use Jamal Bowman

man will he'd be perfect? Right now, they're going to
try and replace Biden. Doctor Jill Biden on the cover
of Vogue, by the way, stands athwart that opportunity. Will
she be able to keep her dementia riddled husband upstanding?
Or is Joe Biden going to get kicked to the curb.

I think he's done. Who will replace him? Let's talk
about it next wee

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