All Episodes

July 8, 2024 25 mins

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey discusses his successful legal challenge against Joe Biden's unconstitutional student loan cancellation program. He highlights the importance of upholding the rule of law and the Constitution, and criticizes the Left's disregard for the rules and their power-hungry tactics. The conversation also touches on other topics such as the Deep State's collusion in prosecuting Donald Trump, the failures of the Biden administration in Afghanistan, and the biased mainstream media. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. We are just going
to jump in because there is so much going on
right now, and we have Attorney General Firm Missouri, Andrew
Bailey with us right now today to talk Actually we
were going to talk student loans, and we still are
going to talk student loans. But my goodness, there's a
lot happening in the world right now, especially the United States.
But welcome to the podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Attorney General, thank you so much for having me on.
I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Absolutely. I do want to get to the student loans first,
because I think a lot of people have felt like
this was a way for the Biden administration to buy votes.
They came out and they said they were going to
bail out all of these folks with their student loans,
and you took them on and said this is unconstitutional
and you won. So tell us a little bit about that.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
This is a huge win in the fight to prevent
President Biden from illegally buying votes in a key demographic
in which he's losing grounds significantly. Let's remember that a
year ago President Trump, excuse me, President Biden rolled out
plan a student loan cancelation program under the Heroes Act
of two thousand and six, which again that statue was
intended to help individuals who served in the War on

Terror with amendment to the repayment terms of their loan
if they were overseas during a repayment period, but nothing
in that statute allowed for cancelation. We took that case
all the way to the United States Supreme Court, and
this exactly this day, one year ago, we won. So
we defeated President Biden his first illegal attempt, unconstitutional attempt
to redistribute a half trillion dollars in student loan debt.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
And then as soon as he lost, he.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Rolled out Plan B and President Biden came back and
started bragging on the stump about how the Supreme Court
told him nobody was going to do it anyway.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
We again filed suit, took him to.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri,
and last Monday, scored a huge win and putting a
stay in nationwide injunction on President Biden's illegal, unconstitutional attempt
to redistribute again a half trillion.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Dollars with student loan debt.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
I'm not going to let Joe Biden saddle working Missouri
families or working American families for that matter.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
With Ivy League debt.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
It's just so shocking to me because I feel like
we are not hearing about this, and that's why I
wanted to have you on, because I just think the
country obviously this has been overshadowed by what's happened in
the past week with the disastrous debate. I'd laugh, but
it's not funny because of what happened. Obviously a very
serious situation. But you mentioned something about he did this

it was unconstitutional. They came back and said, we don't
care if it's unconstitutional, We're going to go a different
route and do it anyway. I mean, isn't this kind
of what we're seeing with the Democrat Party in general now.
We don't care if it's illegal, we don't care if
you can't do it, we don't care if we just
want to get power. It's all about power, and that
to me is the most disturbing thing. I see these

power plays constantly, and I've had people say to me
after the debate they cannot legally change out the nominee.
I'm like, have we not seen enough of them saying
we don't care about what's legal.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Yeah, the rules of the game no longer matter to
the left and to Joe Biden. I mean, this would
be a constitutional crisis. It is a constitutional crisis, but
to publicly called the constitutional crisis if anyone else in
office did it. But the left is willing to cover up.
The media is willing to cover up for the Left
and from President Joe Biden. I remember a time in
this country where we used to elevate the rules of

the game above the players and the outcomes. And that's
not true anymore. The Left has undermined the rule of
law with its illicit witch hunt prosecutions of President Trump,
with its perversion of the rule of law at the
southern border in order to.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
Pack this country.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
But illegal aliens that the Democrats are going to count
on to keep them in power, is willing to illegally
buy off votes with an unconstitutional student loan debt cancelation program,
which again, any small business owner and working family will
tell you there's no such thing as debt cancelation.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
Somebody pays it off.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
It would have harmed the Missouri taxpayers north of forty
five million dollars. But this is all hard and parcel
of the same idea, which is that you're right, Biden
and the Left are so desperate to maintain control that
they will break the rules, undermine the rule of law,
destroy the United States Constitution, and wreck our governments on

this rock in order to maintain power.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
It is shameful. It's a dark day in his remark Republic.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
But you said something earlier about this is a this
is a constituency that he really needs the students, and
I think that there's only so far you can go
duping students or buying their votes. And what you said
about him obviously not being able to function, and they're
starting to see this, I think is very telling. Do

you think that there's any path to victory with young
people right now for President Biden? Because they are pushing
out this idea. Now, we're going to have raves. We're
going to have them right outside of polling places. The
kids will once the polling place opens, they'll leave the rave.
We'll take them right there. We're going to get them drunk,
We're going to take them over. Having this sounds crazy,
but they're actually planning events like this, which I guess

ayre legal, so kind of genius, but I think it
all goes to power. Are they going to be able
to continue to dupe that generation into a Joe Biden president.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
You know, I think the common man is uncommonly perceptive.
I think we don't give enough credit to folks, and
especially to the younger generation. And I think you see
the movement in the pulling away from the left and
towards President Trump because people realize, even the younger generation
realizes that something's not right here, something's rotten in the
state of Denmark. When you've got a president who refuses
to enforce the laws of the southern border, You've got

a generation who's taken on student loan debt and is
now looking at the fact that they're going to have
to spend their resources and increase taxes to pay for
people who aren't allowed legally to be here in the
first place. I mean, those things become enormously problematic. You
see inflation through the roof, where you know, to buy
a meal at McDonald's is now twice as expensive for
a college kid as it was even four or five
years ago. I mean, these things hurt average Americans, even

the younger generation, and they're seeing it. They see the problems,
and they realize that President Trump provides a solution to.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
The problems instead of empty, vapid rhetoric.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
And again, if anybody watched the debate last week, I
think it just reemphasizes that point. I mean, did president
mightn't even know where he was. I mean, this guy
clearly lacks the mental faculty.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
To lead this nation.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
He couldn't even stand on a debate stage for a
finite period of time and respond to basic policy queries.
You know, I think that even the younger generation realizes
that that that's enormously problematic and undermines who we are
as a country.

Speaker 2 (06:18):

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Well, and I think that you can throw money at people,
you can pay off their student loans, but that is
not going to change the fact that they see higher
gas prices, they see higher grocery prices, and ultimately, I
think this is the big kicker for that generation of
people in their twenties. They can't buy a house. It's
outrageously expensive to buy a house right now. The mortgage

rates are so astronomical. These young people can't do it.
Do you think that this is starting to open their
eyes to the law fair because I know you've been
hitting hard against these cases the DOJ coming after President Trump,
coming after You've got New York, You've got Georgia, You've
been coming after these folks and saying there's been or nation.

This is truly the deep state of Washington, or really
just the president currently going after his political bonus.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
Yeah, this law fair again, it defies, it undermines, it
flies in the face of who we are as an
American people. You need look no further than the prosecution
in New York. That prosecution is replete with constitutional errors,
incurable improprieties. Look at the thirty four count indictment that
lacks the notice requirement under the due process claused by

referrings vaguely to some other crime as the predicate offense.
Look at the First Amendment violation, the gag order against
President Trump, where you've got a presidential candidate, the heat
of a campaign and the most consequential election in this
nation's history, and the state is telling him he can't speak,
he can't campaign. What's our First Amendment right to hear
from him as well? That's been violated. You look at
the lack of jury unanimity, sixth Amendment violation as to

unanimous verdict on the issue of the predicate offense. I
mean again, you see Matthew Colangelo deployed from the Biden
crooked Department of Justice, the former third ranking doga official,
former DNC consultant who takes a pay cut to go
help Alvin Bragg prosecute President Trump. Alvin Bragg campaigned on
a political promise to get after Trump. I mean again,
these are incurable impropriety. So everyone sees that the thing

is rigged and unfair. It was never designed to obtain
a legally valid conviction. It was only intended to take
a presidential candidate off the campaign trail. And again, even
if you don't agree with President Trump, surely we can
all agree that our First Amendment right to hear from
a presidential candidate matters. That's why our student Missouri v.
New York is so important to redress the grievance that
every Missourian who would have listened to President Trump has

been denied access to him. We're going to redress those
a grievances of the United States Supreme Wart.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
So how far are you a what kind of documentation
have you gotten back? Have you been able to receive
anything from New York? Or are they being pretty strong
armed about getting information out.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
Yeah, So we launched an investigation several weeks ago demanding
records from the Department of Justice about theremmunications with Fanny Willis,
Alvin Bragg, Matthew Colangelo, Merrick Garland to show again to
put in the public domain, to make transparent this coercive,
collusive relationship between Biden's proken Department Justice and their attempt
to take President Biden's political opponent, President Trump off the

campaign trail. We have not received records yet, but we
will not be stonewalled by the dj and we will
file a lawsuit on that as well if we have to. Again,
this is an incurable impropriety. In the state of Missouri,
the judiciary would have disqualified the prosecutors from that case
and given the case to someone else to determine whether
or not there's actually evidence of a criminal charge.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
That system failed in the state of New York.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
So it's going to be able to Missouri to redress
that grievance through our case Missouri, New York.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Matthew Colangelo, I've heard a lot
of people complaining about this, but it sort of gets
shut down in the media. They don't really want to
talk about it. So I don't think people fully understand
and the connection there. Could you just go through that

history really quick again, and why you think that this
is something suspect that we should be saying this does
not add up.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Yeah, any reasonable person looking at the circumstances would have
imputed an impropriety to that case. And that's the standard
that a court in Missouri would use, an appearance of impropriety.
I'm saying that this goes beyond an appearance. There's an
actual factual, objective impropriety. When you've got Alvin Bragg promising
to prosecute President Trump, declining charges in the first instance,
waiting until the predicated offense the statute limitations had expired

on the predicate offense, and then filing chargers, and then
Matthew Colangelo, who's a former consultant for the DNC, who
is the third ranking official in Biden's Department of Justice,
leaves his push high paying job at DOJ to take
a lower paying job working for Alvin Bragg leading the
trial court prosecution against President Trump. Again, that is an
incurable impropriety. That is sufficient circumstances upon which a court

should have disqualified those prosecutors. Appointed a different prosecutor who
could have had an objective look at the case to
determine whether there was a charge there or not. I
submit to you there isn't. But at a minimum those
prosecutor should have been disqualified.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
They weren't. That's that is a basis alone for that
conviction to be overturned onund a people.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
But again, the point the exercise was never about a
legally balent conviction. Their ambition was always to take President
Biden's rival, President Trump off the campaign trail.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
So as we see this latest information in this new
ruling coming out of the Supreme Court, can you I
know this is this is pretty quick, but could you
kind of break this down for us what exactly does
that mean? Because I think a lot of people are saying, Okay,
well he's immune, but was that an official act? This
goes to the lower court? Now, what do we expect

to see out of a lower court?

Speaker 3 (11:45):
Well, as you mentioned, you're referring to just moments ago
the United States Supreme Court handing down its decision in
the Trump immunity case and that the court did side
with Trump and held that a president is immune from
criminal prosecution for acts official as that he commits. In
other words, things he does under the color of law
in his official capacity. He is immune from criminal prosecution

for those acts. And it's remanded to the lower courts
to determine whether or not the accounts for which he
has indicted constituted official acts or not. That'll be a
factual determination will have to be made at the trial
court level. In the court should and must dismiss any
counts that aren't that are part of his official duties
as present.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
That's the way the Constitution was intended to be interpreted.
This is a sound ruling.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
This is certainly something that my office had weighed in
on and filing a brief in support of this very notion,
because the founders understood that there would be a way
to sanction a president, and it was through impeachment, not
through a rogue prosecutor in the state of New York. Now,
the problem here is these are federal suits, and so
this decision only applies to Jack Smith's case. It does
not apply to Alvin Bragg or Fanny Willis's cases. Those

cases have to be dealt with in a different manner.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
And those cases are obviously costing the people of Georgia
and the people of New York a lot of money.
And that's been another big complaint to jump back to
the cost really quick of the student loan program, because
that is also something that would have cost Americans billions
of dollars. Like you said, this is not something that's
just free. There's no free And that's what I hate

about this thing we call politics. I mean, in Michigan
we hear all the time you're getting free this, you're
getting free that, you're getting free this, and we're like,
there's no free what are you talking about? So this
is an example of oh, we're just forgiving. I mean
that language is so nice. For forgiving student loans. You
don't have to pay them. Now, well, somebody pays them.
So what would the cost ultimately have been because that

was something that came up in the debate, and Joe
Biden was in one of his lucid moments, was hitting
Trump on you had a higher national debt than me,
or you raise the national debt more than I have.
Now Biden has been stopped in many cases. I think
obviously Trump's presidency. We couldn't have anticipated COVID coming. Biden
has been stopped on some of these ridiculous things. But

how much would this have cost? And how much did
you save taxpayers by blocking this?

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Well, and first of all, you're right, that was one
of President Biden's few lucid moments where he seemed to
know where he was. Clearly the guy lacks the mental
faculty to service President. And I'll say this, President Trump
was absolutely right. President Trump saved the American economy and
got it firing on all cylinders. And that would have
reduced the national debt because people would have had more
money to spend on things they wanted instead of the

government spending money on your behalf.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
But what President Biden.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
Wants in order to maintain control is to spend your
money for you. And it would cost taxpayers north of
five hundred billion with a B dollars. That harms working
Missouri Institute of north of forty five million dollars because
here in the state of Missouri we have the Missouri
Higher Education Loan Authority, which is an apparatus of state government,
and so it actually hurts college campuses and hurts our

general assemblies General revenue. That's a line item in our
budget that would have cost US forty five million dollars
or more. Again, this is working families that have to
pay off that tab, working families.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
This is personal for me.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
I paid for my college an Army ROTC scholarship and
deployed to iraqtwise came back and paid for law school
with the post nine to eleven GI bill. So mine
got paid for in blood, sweat and tears and service
to the nation. And so this is very personal for me.
I have friends who didn't come back. So what's President
Biden going to tell their widows, their family members that hey,
your son paid for his school this way and then

lost his life in the War on Terror.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
I mean, look, it's totally unfair.

Speaker 3 (15:22):
It's unconstitutional because Congress has the power of the person,
not the president.

Speaker 2 (15:25):
But it's also illegal.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
The President tried to use the Higher Education Act of
nineteen sixty five, which again allows for the amendment to
debt repayment terms, but nowhere in the statue doesn't say cancellation,
and so he's.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Exceeding the scope of his statutory authority.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
And again we're not going to let him saddle working
Missouri or working at American Families of Ivy League debt.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
So you talk about Joe Biden having a few lucid moments,
one moment you bring up military veterans, and one moment
that we don't know if he actually believed this, or
if this was like gas lighting or what he was
trying to pull off. But he said he'd not lost
any service members at war, not lost any service members. Obviously,

we know quite clearly that is not the case. We
all watched it. We also know that many of those
families have never been contacted by the president. Do you
think he believes he didn't lose any service members.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
I don't know what he believes. I don't know that
he knows what he believes. At this point, it's elder
abuse for his family to allow him to take the
debate stage or service president of the United States. Shame
on them for not pulling the plug on this and
sending him in a retirement earlier. I will tell you
that President Biden's failure in Afghanistan is a permanent blemish
on the honor, the integrity of the United States of America.

That's a stain on our flag, a stain in blood
from the deceased, from that botched, bungled, disorganized, shameful retreat
from the battlefield. President Trump never would allow that to happen.
And there are men and women who didn't come home
for Afghanistan, didn't come home from Iran, and their legacies
are forever tarnished now by President by failures in Afghanistan,

and that alone disqualifies him from being president.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
He should be voted out of it.

Speaker 3 (17:06):
He should have been impeached immediately, but he should be
voted out of office as quickly as possible for that
shameful moment in our nation's history. Shame on him for,
you know, again, dishonoring the legacy of those who served
and have fallen.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
In and not even remember.

Speaker 3 (17:19):
He doesn't he can't even be bothered to remember his
failures in the loss of life as it relates to
the warrantor it's a disgrace. You know.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
It was such a critical moment in the debate when
President Trump said, look at Afghanistan, look at what you did.
And I think as Republicans, it's we have to remind
people constantly we are not only the fact check, but
we are also under constant attack from this leftist biased
propaganda media. There's nothing clear than the last four years

that the propaganda media is just that it's just propaganda.
And the fact that these people were just like overwhelmingly, oh,
we had no idea how bad it was. They all knew,
and you have aids that were like crap, I believe
they all went.

Speaker 3 (18:05):

Speaker 1 (18:06):
We thought that these seven days he would have at
Camp David, that they would do something to make it
so that no one could know how bad he truly is.
But he was that bad, that bad that they couldn't
hide it, and all of those consultants, all of those
people that are in his inner circle went where we've
been found out. How important is it for the Trump

team now to say, hey, we're looking at all options,
because we keep hearing that the Trump team is saying, well,
we're focused solely on Joe Biden. But if it's not
Joe Biden, man, the media could have a field day
with propping up someone that we don't know enough about
and we don't have enough time to know enough about them.
How important is it that, as President Trump, you have

every bit of information in your arsenal to just fact
check on the fly and constantly go after that other side.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
I think it's critical and good thing.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
And Trump is incredibly intelligent and sharp. I mean he's
able to do that on the fly, in fact check
and call out the lies. I think that's really critical.
I think he'll be able to adapt, improvise, and overcome.
But it is totally unfair. But that's what we saw
in twenty twenty. The election was rigged in the sense
that the Blue States change the rules at the eleventh
hour to rig the election and generate more votes for
one side against the other.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
They're gonna do the same thing here.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
I mean if they yank Biden, which they should have
done six months ago, and put Kamala or Gavin Newsom
in there, I mean President.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Trump can do it. He can get it done.

Speaker 3 (19:29):
But again, it's totally unfair and it really flies in
the face of a fundamental sense of fairness that we
hold dear as Americans. But I want to point another
thing out here. You're right, I mean the mainstream, the
lamestream media has covered this up for far too long.
Isn't it their job to try to report truths? Aren't
they the sacred guardians of the truth? And so, thank God,
where there are podcasts like yours like this, where we

can be transparent and lay all this out there for
the voting public, for the American people to understand just
how bad it is. It's a healthy dose of truth
serum that they would not get anywhere else.

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Let's take a quick commercial break. Will continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. How disgusting is it that the
week before the debate they came out with that garbage
story about cheap fakes. I mean, think about how sick
and twisted this is. And this is why I think
you and I talking about this is so important, because

you have to remind people they knew that that was
the White House poll, like their camera out there that
would say, okay, this is this is this is the
press who the press pool saying this is what we saw.
There's no other angle that is going to make this
look better. The wanders away from the group at the
G seven and all the world leaders are standing there

getting their picture taken, and Biden turns around, wanders away.
He knew everybody knows what is happening behind the scenes.
And that's the thing that makes me crazy about this.
They are so dug in on power and the democrats
having power and the socialist agenda. And let's face it,
this is socialism. This is against free markets, it's against capitalism.

They do not want free markets anymore. They've proven that
with the automotive industry. They've proven that with energy. They
are done with that. They have decided that power is
all encompassing, and they are willing to tell the American
people a lie and say this is a cheap fake.
This is not what you saw. Is not what you saw.
And that's why it is so important that we have

people like you fighting this because you're saying the same thing.
I mean, the same thing about New York, the same
thing about Georgia. What you're seeing is not the truth.
This is a fabricated collusion of different forms of government,
whether you have state government or federal government, they're working
together to annihilate a party. In the meantime, they're sticking

theirs together with tape and bubblegum, and it's suddenly starting
to be revealed the truth. We cannot let up on
people understanding how devastating what they have done on it
actually is to the American people.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
It's absolutely destructive of our American system, of our basic
the foundations upon which this country was founded.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
Again, I believe that the.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Constitution, the rights codified their income from God, not man,
and that the government the constitution exists protect us from
the government.

Speaker 2 (22:16):
That government exists to protects our rights.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
Here under the Biden administration, we see a perversion of
all of that. They believe that the Constitution is written
large for them to do whatever they want, and that
the government exists to keep them in power.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
None of that is true. It is a lie.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
They've got to have people that call them out and
hold them accountable, like you do on your show, and
like we do through our lawsuits at the Missouri Attorney
General's Office, and it's really critical work. I think that
the tide is turning, I do. I think that you
can see the rise of popularity of programs like yours,
podcasts like this, radio shows, and alternative sources of information
and people abandoning this lamestream legacy media because.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
They don't trust it anymore. And I think that's on display.

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Look, the Clintons were shameless enough that you had to
catch them on camp doing something before they would ever
admit to it. And now what Biden's doing is way
worse because even if we do catch him on camera,
he's gonna say, oh, no, that's just an ai deep,
big healthy. There were witnesses that said, no, we saw
exactly that, and the video accurately reflects what we saw.
So we've crossed the rubicon on these issues. And President

Biden he will sacrifice, sacrifice our country in the name
of retaining power. It's absolutely a dark day in the
history of our republic.

Speaker 1 (23:25):
Well, we'll have to have you back because there's a
lot more I'd like to talk to you about. Just
when it comes to crime. I mean, we ended Pride
Month with a scene in San Francisco that I think
everybody is horrified by their more open sexual acts and
nudity right in the streets in front of children, and
I just think, how can we be here? But in

addition to that, we've got crime running rampant in these
Democrat states. In Michigan, in the past week, we've lost
two police officers. Our Attorney General couldn't bother herself to
get to the funeral, our governor couldn't herself to get
to the funeral. We are now losing police officers, not
only to death, but we're losing police officers because they

are being prosecuted for doing their job. We've got a
cop right now who was working with the Michigan State
Police but hired by the US Marshalls, and the suspect
ended up dying in the case the Attorney general has
just charged him was second degree murder. I mean, how

did we get here. That's a whole nother story. But
from a perspective of an attorney general, we'd love to
have you back to talk about some of this stuff
because it's devastating to us. It's devastating in the state
that now, in Michigan, we've been listed as the second
most violent state in the country. These police officers wouldn't
be in this position had these people been arrested the

first time and prosecuted and put in jail the way
they should be. But that's not happening in states like ours.
So thank you, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey. Thank you
so much for what you do.

Speaker 2 (25:02):
Thanks for having me on and covering these important stories.
I look forward to.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Talking again soon absolutely, and thank you all for joining
us on the Tutor Dixon Podcast. For this episode and others,
go to Tutor dixonpodcast dot com or head over to
the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your
podcasts and join us next time on the Tutor Dixon Podcast.
Have a blessed

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2. Amy and T.J. Podcast

2. Amy and T.J. Podcast

"Amy and T.J." is hosted by renowned television news anchors Amy Robach and T. J. Holmes. Hosts and executive producers Robach and Holmes are a formidable broadcasting team with decades of experience delivering headline news and captivating viewers nationwide. Now, the duo will get behind the microphone to explore meaningful conversations about current events, pop culture and everything in between. Nothing is off limits. “Amy & T.J.” is guaranteed to be informative, entertaining and above all, authentic. It marks the first time Robach and Holmes speak publicly since their own names became a part of the headlines. Follow @ajrobach, and @officialtjholmes on Instagram for updates.

3. The Dan Bongino Show

3. The Dan Bongino Show

He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

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