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July 8, 2024 26 mins

In this conversation, Lisa and Jack Posobiec discuss the current state of the left and the potential fallout from Joe Biden's presidency. They explore the idea that Biden and his team have gaslighted themselves into believing that all the problems associated with Biden are inventions of the conservative media. They also discuss the possibility of Kamala Harris replacing Biden as the standard bearer for the Democratic Party. Jack then delves into his book, 'Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions,' where he argues that the current situation in the United States is an irregular form of communist revolution. The Truth with Lisa Boothe is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday & Thursday.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's not malarchy to say that the Democrat Party is
in a free fall right now. The unraveling of the party,
the unraveling of Joe Biden, has continued since that disastrous
debate where we all knew there was something wrong even
when he was taking the stage.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
It was clear with the shuffle.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
With the difficulty even getting to the stage, and then
really even within the first five minutes that Joe Biden's
not mentally all there. I mean, this is something that
we've all known for a while now. We've been talking
about on the show. Conservative media has been talking about
it for a while. We were told that the videos
depicting Joe Biden not all there and having cognitive issues, well,
they were called cheap fakes. The mainstream media on the

left accused, Republicans, accused conservatives, accused anyone of telling the truth,
of lying even though we weren't. And now the media
has to admit the obvious Joe Biden's mentally not all there.
But where did Democrats go from here?

Speaker 2 (00:53):
What do they do? What's the path forward?

Speaker 1 (00:55):
And if not Joe Biden, who will the Democrat nominee
be and what does the selection then look like? We'll
get Jack Prosobic's take. He's a senior editor of Human Events,
and he's also the author of the new book Unhumans,
The Secret History of Communist Revolutions and How to Crush Them.
Because the reason the country's falling apart is not because

Joe Biden's eighty one, It's because the Democrats' policies are
failing and they're communists. So we'll talk to him about
his book, The Communist Revolution that is underway and how
do we defeat it. A lot to get to all
of that and more with Jack Prosobic.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Stay tuned. Well, Jack, it's great to have you back
on the show.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
We were talking a little bit before we got started
about just like what a mess this all is for
the left right now, why do you think Joe Biden
and his team wanted to do this debate so early,
especially now looking at the fallout?

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Yeah, a, Lisa, that's a great question. So thanks again
for having me on. And I honestly belie believe that
Joe Biden and his team have gaslightd themselves to the
point where they claim that all of the problems associated
with Joe Biden are actually inventions of the conservative media. Ecosystem,

and for lack of a better term, they they believe
their own propaganda. So when in pro wrestling, they call
it becoming a mark for yourself. And so when you
start to believe all of your own hype machine, when
you start to believe all of the things that your
own paid side is putting out, it's a very dangerous

place to be because it will lead you to make mistakes.
And of course they believe that it's and you remember,
we've heard this if we go in and watch their
actual statements. They've been saying for years at this point
that oh, there's nothing wrong with Joe Biden. That's just
the conservative talking points. These things are cheap fakes. Stuff's
actually going really well. It's we're just not getting the

message outright, and the media won't report it. And it
seems kind of strange because when you're looking at it
from the outside, and certainly for us on the other
side of the aisle, it feels as though that, what
do you mean the media is not reporting You guys
have all of the media on your side. What do
you mean they're not on your side? But what they're
saying is the media isn't on this special super secret

squirrel layer of the inner circle around Joe Biden that
have completely deluded themselves into thinking that they are like
FDR and the Kitchen Cabinet, and they're so when they
look at so give example. So in their view, they
they think that the Ukraine war is like fighting World

War two, and this is and of course Joe Biden
makes that direct reference at Normandy before he made a
fool of himself, and he's claims that what we fought
in Normandy is the same thing we're fighting now in Ukraine,
and is trying to draw this parallel. He claims that
the Green New Deal and is the same thing, and
build beckbetter are the same thing as the New Deal.

And I know it sounds very interesting to consider, but
they actually believe these things. And they actually, at least
at the inner circle level, thought that if he just
stood up there next to Trump and came up with
these ridiculous retorts you're the sucker and the loser, you're
an alley cat, that that would actually play over with

their side of the audience and enough of the middle demographic.

Speaker 4 (04:31):
That it would win the day.

Speaker 3 (04:32):
And it's it really is an interesting situation because, by
the way you see people do this in in like
toxic relationships all the time.

Speaker 4 (04:41):
You know, everybody's got that that friend, guys and girls.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
By the way, everyone, you know, both standers are guilty
of this where they tell themselves they're in a great relationship,
but everyone on the outside is like, no, this is
a disaster.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
Weamen guilty of this.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
I wasn't gonna say that.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
I was not.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Talking about you, true, but anyways I said it folks
not made not may That's true. All right, carry on, but.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
You know what I mean, you know exactly what I
know that you're telling yourself. No, no, you know, she's
just busy. That's why she talks to me that way.
She doesn't really mean that. He's he doesn't really have dementia.
He just had a rough day. And you constantly make
excuses for them. And by the way, when you where do.

Speaker 2 (05:21):
They go from here? Though? Because you know where do
they go from here?

Speaker 3 (05:25):
When you read the Hunter Biden laptop, there's also all
of the text messages between Joe and his son, and
you can see Hunter as an.

Speaker 4 (05:32):
Addict totally exploiting his father in the exact same way.
And so where do they go from here?

Speaker 3 (05:38):
It's well, there's there's two sides now and over at
Human Events Daily, we've been we've been talking about this
for a long time.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
That for the longest time, and I think people kind
of know this.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
That there's been the shade war between team Kamala and
Team Biden, and this was always sort of a shotgun marriage.
And remember that he didn't want her initially to be
the VP pick. He wanted either Amy Slobashar or Gretchen Whitmer.
But in the wake of George Floyd in twenty twenty,
it became untenable to have, you know, essentially two white

people on the ticket together on the Democrat side. So
he said, all right, well, let's pick Kamala Harris and
which is interesting, but of course, because of course at
the debates she was calling him a racist and all
of these other things, and so there's never been any
love lost between Jill Biden, who I think everyone agrees
is sort of like the Edith Wilson kind of running
the shadow presidency on her own, and Kamala Harris.

Speaker 4 (06:31):
And so you're seeing this publicly.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
They're making these sort of oh yeah, everything is fine statements,
even though they're not appearing together. Kamala Harris, of course,
putting on her very presidential aesthetic look in her response
to the debate. And then behind the scenes, though all
of the talk has been can we get rid of
Joe Biden? And it really seems as that the chatter
is coalescing Aroun Kamala Harris as a possible replacement.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
I mean, that's really the only person that makes sense.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
I mean, once she's already on FEC filings and there
are there is a logistical buzz saw that Democrats are
going to walk into even with Kamala potentially. But and
then also you can't admit that, Okay, yeah, we screwed
up the presidency and the v you know, like Kamala
is really the only person I think that they would
replace him with.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
We've got to take a quick commercial break.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
More with Jack on the other side, I worry that
we have put so much attention on Joe Biden's age
that Democrats will use Kamala to turn the page and
they will try to turn the focus of age onto
Trump and they'll say, oh, all these issues that have
been happening in the country, it's all solived now we
got rid of Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
It was his age, right, And we've not necessarily made the.

Speaker 1 (07:41):
Argument of no, the country isn't falling apart because Joe
Biden's eighty one. It's falling apart because the Democrats' policies
fail us. They fail us in California, they fail us
in New York, they fail us in liberal cities across America,
and it would be just as bad under Kamala Harris.
So I worry that we've not made the argument beyond
Joe Biden's age.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
What do you think, Well, I think it's great because
I think it's a wonderful situation for conservatives, for Republicans,
for moderates, because then you get to make the conversation
about Kamala Harris. And when Kamala Harris is put in
charge there as the as the front and center of
the standard bearer, people will see. This happened throughout the
early stages of the administration. Then she was she was

getting sent to the border, and she was getting sent
to Europe. She was the one who was sent to
the Munich Security Conference prior to the outbreak of the
Ukraine ward and then she's over there declaring that they
need to be a NATOS. You can even make this
direct line between her own actions and the outbreak of
that war. And so look, I think when Kamala Harris
becomes the standard bearer, people will see that it collapses

faster than Joe Biden at a Normandy ceremony, faster than
Hillary Clinton at a nine to eleven memorial. There's no
way and no amount. And by the way, all the
pressure that's going to be on her, the scrutiny that's
going to be on her, Remember she was doing all
those things and completely failing when she didn't have all
the pressure. Now when she does, as you say, the
logistical buzzsaw, the political buzzsaw, economic, the media completely all

over the place. And look, it's clear that media has
got this the feeding frenzy that I was joking that,
it's like the kill switch has been engaged and suddenly
Democrat comes up.

Speaker 4 (09:21):
Oh they will, they will.

Speaker 3 (09:22):
But for the first time, Democrat commstaffers actually have to
do their jobs, and you know, it's just something they're
not really used to. And so you know, she's not ready.
She hasn't been ready for prime time. She's never been
ready for prime time, and she's never going to be.
This is someone who's constantly she's I'm going to say it,
she's she's a dei hier. She was a dei hier
when she got in with you know, Willie Brown, and

then when she became DA and then she became AG
and certainly for the VP ticket, and that will be
exposed on the presidential campaign trail if they make that
disastrous decision. And I think as far as the age stuff, look,
people saw Trump at the debate. They saw him and
they said, yeah, he seems normal. And at the end
of the day, people can and say whatever they want
about oh no, he's only three years difference, but they
know that one guy looked normal and one guy didn't.

Speaker 4 (10:06):
And you really aren't going to be able to shake
that first impression.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Also, I will say that he demonstrated.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
I mean, I know they could cut his mic, but
he was very measured and very disciplined and sort of
letting Joe Biden and hang himself. And he's doing that
right now.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
I mean, he'sn't that funny.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
It's like it's like, thank you, Trump, You're doing it.
Like you know, he's he kind and he almost more
abicious during the debate, and he actually was like very
like the only he was like, I don't even know
what this guy said.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
I don't think he does. And then he got really
animated about the golf.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
Yeah, sweet, which is funny because that's something that's humanizing.
It cuts out of politics and suddenly it's just suddenly,
it's just two guys arguing about their golf swing and
their handicap, you know. And I think that's something that
gave a lot of people an endpoint. And I saw,
you know, somebody was tweeting about the response and how
I guess lack of response from Trump right now. And
he's you know, he's tweeting about the Supreme Court in
his cases. Of course, you know that he's keeping up

the steady stream there, but he isn't really getting involved
in this whole all of this palace intrigue on the
Democrat side. And I saw somebody tweeted they were like,
it's like that scene in Jurassic Park where the Velociraptor
learns how to open the door.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
Suddenly he's learned, you know, a clever girl.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
And you know, now you're all in big, big trouble
because it's true, you know, let Biden be the conversation
and This was the huge issue they had going in
is they wanted to make the entire election about Trump.
Now the election is about Biden, and that's the last
thing they wanted.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
What has campaign's been super disciplined too.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
It just seems like everyone, you know, we've learned the
lessons we should have learned, and it's good to see.
So this kind of this sets us all up to
talk about your new book as well, because you know,
we're talking about how these leftist policies have failed, have
destroyed our country, and they have for a long period
of time. Your book unhumans talking about the secret history

of communist revolutions?

Speaker 2 (11:56):
Are we in a communist revolution now?

Speaker 3 (12:00):
So in the book, and thank you so much for
bringing it up that we argue yes. However, at the
same time we also argue that in the same way
that warfare has changed, and serving the military and began
intelligence officer, I've seen that that warfare has changed from
you know, the old third generation warfare model or even
second generation where it's like the Civil War and people

are lined up to introducing irregular warfare and introducing these
ideas of fourth generation and fifth generation warfare where you're
combining asymmetric attack vectors, information warfare, gray zone warfare, hybrid warfare,
and combining that with targeted kinetic action or action in.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
The real space.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
And so people will say to me, and we talk
about in the book, you know, we get into the
French Revolution, we get into Spain, we get into China,
we get into Russia, and they say, well, wait a minute.
You know those were you know, massive civil wars, but
warfare has changed. And so our thesis is that the
communist revolution we are currently experiencing is an era Giller revolution.
And by the way, this is why you can like
walk down the street or you know, go around and

for the most part, you know, you're not seeing like
armed militias going at it. Some parts of the country.
You know, that could be different, you know, depending on
how close you live to Seattle or Portland. But the
idea is, and certainly I was in Chaz and we
talk about that a lot from Seattle in twenty twenty,
that it is an a regular form of communist revolution,

and it's irregular because they realized that all of those
other previous iterations didn't work to the United States, because
we already had this really strong middle class and so
they go to the they go to the end, to
the institutional level, and they say, okay, we can't divide
people by class using economics, so we use sociology. So
that's race, race, that's ethnicity, that's religion, and obviously gender

creating new genders, creating new new types of genders. Claiming
that you know, all all of these different things, it's
clearly just cultural Marxism. And I'm certainly not the first
person to say that, but my point is is to
bind the tactics of the Marxism that we see today
with the echoes of the past that we see time

and time again. But believe me, if if Lenin could
have been up there when he talked about or talked
about Leninism in in the Bolshevik Revolution in nineteen seventeen,
he certainly would have been saying diversity, equity, equality and
so an inclusion. And so this is why we always
claim that, yeah, the marketing always sounds wonderful, the market Oh,

we're all going to be equal and everyone's going.

Speaker 4 (14:31):
To have something.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
His marketing at the time it wasn't DEI, it was
PLB peace Land bread, and he said, if you just
back me, if you back my revolution. We're going to
have peace, land and bread, and so people go along
to his side, and then they all went right back
into a new form of slavery. By the way, you're
seeing right now with what we were talking about the

Democrats possibly pushing out Kamala Harris, that are pushing out
Biden and replacement with Kamala Harris. This is exactly what
happened in the right Revolution that the Mensheviks were in.
They had something called the February Revolution. This takes place early.

Speaker 4 (15:05):
On in nineteen seventeen.

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Then the Bolsheviks and Lenin say, well, you know what,
you're not going strong enough, you're not ruthless enough, you're
not going hard enough to get rid of the aristocrats
and the small business owners, the ku locks and people
who have done well. So we're going to launch a
coup against you. Then we take over, and that was
called the October Revolution. That was when they initially and
by the way, by the time that they round up

all the Mensheviks, they're all put on trial, they're sent
out to the gulags and guess what, boys and girls,
that's exactly what.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
You see going on in the White House right now.
It's the younger generation that is more radical is throwing
off the older generation that they view as more moderate.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
We've got more with Jack, but first.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Since the start of the Swords of Iron war in
Israel October seventh, we've seen death and destruction in the
Holy Land. For more than forty years, the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews has been on the ground at
Israel and within hours of the war starting in everyday since,
they've been feeding the hungary and protecting the vulnerable. The
attacks continue in the north and the South in Israel,

but there are resilient survivors who bravely share their stories
in a series of the Fellowship calls Faces of Iron.
Survivors like Danny, whose beloved daughter and her husband were
burned alive on October seventh by Hamas Terras. Danny is
a commander of the volunteer fire and rescue in his community.
Despite fire equipment nearby, Danny could do nothing as his

daughter's house burned and his daughter and her husband lost
their lives. Christians like you support Israel through the International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews. It's the support that helps
these survivors remain steadfast and strong to hear more stories
like this one, and to show your support for Israel,
visit SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. You look at these universities across

the country that there seems to be an increasing percent
of the population that say, okay, you know, Rabe, murder,
you know Jet, all these things are acceptable terms. If
we deem you a colonizer, you know, or if we
deem you the threat. And that's scary because you know,

these people are future judges, there are future lawyers. I mean,
this is the future of the country.

Speaker 4 (17:15):
Well, you know, it's a terrifying thought.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
And it's also kind of an answer to what I
hear from a lot of people who say, well, oh,
let's just let's just unplug and let's let's go run
out to the hinter land and let's not get engaged
and the system will eventually fall over. It's like the
whole Atlas Rugged thing, And unfortunately that doesn't work in
real life.

Speaker 4 (17:34):
The Soviet Union existed for.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
Eighty years and it was abject terror and horror for
all of those years. The Chinese Communist Party is still
in charge of China and they're looking at their one
hundred year anniversary coming up here in about in about
fifteen years. And so when we say that, oh, it'll
just collapse on its own, that doesn't seem to track
with reality. And unfortunately, for all of those people to say, oh,

we're not going to go to the professional universities, we're
not going to go to professional schools, we're not going
to worry about the institutions, well, guess what that means.
Your judge whenever you're found guilty of a crime, whenever
you're found guilty and a crime that they make up,
by the way, then your judge will be someone who
came up through that radical left. Your lawyers probably will
be too, by the way, and you will have no

chance whatsoever with the system. And so this is why
one of the things that we strongly argue for is
not everybody needs to go in, but certainly there needs
to be a cadre of people that are looking at
the institutions and number one determining whether or not we
should just destroy that institution and get rid of it completely,
or find an institution, take it over and re infiltrate
them from either the top down or I guess the

bottom up, as it were, to be able to get
to some semblance of a stable country again, because we're
completely imbalanced and other than the Supreme Court, they control
every single institution out there, which by the way, is
of course why they're targeting the Supreme Court. And you're
hearing these I mean, huffing to Post has headline it's
about drone striking the Supreme Court justices. It's completely insane.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
But also when they tell you who they are, like,
maybe pay attention.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
And this is exactly what we talk about in the book.

Speaker 3 (19:10):
We say they are going mask off because this is
how they always think. It's not about the equality, it's
not about justice. It is a system. It's a system
that they've been running for two one hundred and fifty years.
We've cracked the code. We've put it all together. And
this isn't meant to be some ideological you know, communism
doesn't work things. Look go read Freedri Kayak you can
you can find all that stuff. Our point is the

tactics that they are using now, the tactics, techniques and
procedures TTPs that we are seeing employed now within the
United States have been employed in various times in various places.
They call it different things. It's the Bolsheviks of the Jacobins,
the CCP, et cetera. But the outcomes and the tactics
are always exactly the same.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
But Jack, if it's a regular warfare, now, if it's
sort of an irregular communist revolution that we're facing, now,
what does the response look like?

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Is that response then different to try to.

Speaker 4 (20:01):

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Of course, so the response that we call for, and
so I just mentioned one, there's a number of responses,
really three. So one is take back the institutions or
in some cases just destroyed that institution. I think about
the FBI a lot when I think of that. Yeah,
you know, and then you know you will have some
kind of law enforcement, but you know, TBD on how
what that's going to look like, and that being an

Intel officer myself, I have a lot of ideas about
what could.

Speaker 4 (20:25):
Be done there.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
Then also we talk Obviously there's a high level, there's
like your Elon Musk level, but not everyone's going to
be able to go and purchase a social media platform
and provide freedom of speech across decentralized distributed network. So
it's amazing that he's able to do so. And to
anyone listening, we always say, if you're at that level
or you're almost at that level, give us a call
because we have ideas. Then there's also the local level.

There's the level of let's just say you live in
so I'll give you an example of a town. I've been
saying this a lot of that in your town. Anywhere
in the country. You can walk into a public library
anywhere in the country, and you know what you are
going to be greeted with with that front table. That
very front table is always going to have the same
books on the front. It's anti racist baby, and it's

LGBT and Sally has two mommies, and all you know,
Michelle Obama, who is never president, is going to be
featured there with an autobiography for kids.

Speaker 4 (21:19):
And that's forget. And why is that?

Speaker 3 (21:21):
It's because the leftists and the revolutionaries in your area
look at that library as a node of power and
a node of influence. And you probably just drive past
it every day and you think, well, I don't need
to worry about the library. I don't go there, but
you know what, all the kids in your town are
going there. And the leftist looks at this and says,
I can use this to control minds. Then they bring
in the Drag Queen Story Hour. Then once they've taken

control of the public library, they go to where your
parks department and suddenly your parks department is holding pride
parades and all these things. And we see it all
across the country. And that's again why I say, because
of the Internet, this stuff isn't just confined to like,
you know, the back havens of San Francisco. And we
can all see how crazy San Francisco has become because

of the Internet and because of TikTok and all of these,
all these social media apps that we have right now, which,
by the way, that is the front lines. The social
media is where this is all being waged, these little
pieces of glass in our pockets that we carry around.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
So you need to start.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Thinking, maybe I could name and shame the people at
my library.

Speaker 4 (22:19):
Maybe I could name them.

Speaker 3 (22:20):
Maybe I could start up a local group like in
Facebook or whatever social media you have, or just a
couple of guys. By the way, the moms are way
ahead of the dads on this, So forming those small
networks and calling out this stuff when we see it
in our areas, because sure you may not have a podcast,
you may not have a social media work, you're busy.

Speaker 4 (22:38):
There's people have jobs, people have lives. I get that.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
But you've got a backyard and you've got a barbecue
and you've got a group chat and you can start
bringing this stuff up. And I guarantee you you will
find people within your community, within your churches, within your businesses,
your neighbors, et cetera, who say, you know what, I
agree with you, we should do something about that. So
start doing that locally. I do locally to By the way,
We've been working very hard. I'm in the DC area,

so it's tricky, but we've like we even work on
what songs. They were trying to get rid of certain
songs for the kids at the I've got little kids
at the library where they say, oh, that's not gender inclusive,
and we organized a writing campaign to get the song
back because they're like, the kids like the song. And
we found out that it was only one person that
had complained, and only one person complained and the library

immediately capitulated to them.

Speaker 4 (23:28):
So you have to go and be vocal.

Speaker 3 (23:31):
And you have to be active, and you have to
actually push for this stuff in the public square. And
I know that for a lot of conservatives that isn't
usually the mode of thinking because we think, oh, I
just want to be left alone, and I'm like, it's sorry, guys.

Speaker 4 (23:42):
But yeah, the other side will not leave you alone.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Before we go, you mentioned being a former intelligence officer.
You know, we all remember that quote from Chuck Schumer
back and I believe January of twenty seventeen that if
you mess every day, right, yeah, they have six ways
from Sunday getting back at you have we estimated that threat,
and you know how serious is that threat? And you
know how dangerous is the intelligence community?

Speaker 3 (24:08):
So I mean, is it serious? Yes, it's serious. Are
they dangerous? They're incredibly dangerous. But what they what they
don't have on their side is actually, ironically intelligence Because
they have so much raw power and so much hard power,
they don't have a lot of soft power. They don't
have a lot of ability to actually get people to
believe their lies. What they have are the propaganda power,

so being able to go to and everybody remembers CNN
says top intelligence sources tell us it's like, oh, okay,
so you're reading a press release from the intel community,
got it, And then on the next phase of it
becomes okay, we're gonna lie about the candidate. We're going
to lie about his dealings with foreign countries. We're going
to lie about people in his campaign. We're going to
lie about the laptop, which was totally put together by

the intel community and Tony Blincoln. And so we see
the lies going down and then the censorship of the
story thereof But what they don't have on their side
number one to is the truth and also really just
just intelligence. They're they're not very smart because they've never
needed to be there. It's a bunch of group think.
It's a bunch of brown nosing. I don't know if

I could say that, but it just is what it is.
And so Obama set the standard that you have to be.
For example, I just I was talking to a guy
that I used to serve with in UH. I'll just
say Intel community because I want to blow him up.
But he's down at at Liberty Crossing. And Liberty Crossing
is one of these CI A U C I A
d I A setups that's underneath the ODE and I

so Office Director NAVE, Office of Director of National Intelligence,
SO Clapper's former office. And he was saying that their
featured speaker for the end of Pride month was Admiral Levine,
and Admiral Levine was coming in and saying that is
a huge thing. So I'm not revealing anything by saying
that that he was there and that the entire here's
the thing though, the entire I see, these are the

supposed this, this is the room we're supposed to be
like tracking actual terrorist threats. And his iis penetrating the border.
And it said Admiral Levine comes in and got a
standing ovation from the people at the CIA Targeting cell.
And so people need to understand that that's how bad
it is inside the IC.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Right now, if.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
You've dealt with leftists from the Ivy League, you know
exactly what the IC is like because they're literally the
same people.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Well, you give us a lot to think about. This
sounds like a really interesting book. I'm glad you wrote it.
Everyonet go check it out. Unhumans, The Secret History of
Communist Revolutions and How to Crush Them.

Speaker 2 (26:30):
Jack, thank you so much for joining the show.

Speaker 4 (26:32):
God bless Lisa.

Speaker 2 (26:33):
It was Jack.

Speaker 1 (26:34):
Prosobic, a senior editor of Human Events and the author
of the new book Unhumans, The Secret History of Communist
revolutions and how to crush them. Appreciate him for taking
the time to come on the show. Appreciate you guys
at home for listening every Monday and Thursday, but you
can listen throughout the week. Also one of to think
John Cassio for putting the show together Until next time.

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