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July 7, 2024 23 mins
Jesse Kelly challenges Clay and disses his haircut.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Bold reference and occasionally random The Sunday hang with Playing
Buck podcast. It starts now.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
But I flew back.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
From DC yesterday because I was up looking at colleges
with my sixteen year old.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
And the Trump Force.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
One plane landed while we were sitting there at National
Airport in DC, and everybody went running to the windows
to go see this massive seven forty seven. I think
basically that Trump has that you retrofitted for him to
be able to fly all over the country and frankly,
all over the world. And as I was standing there,

I saw my reflection in the glass. I yes Tuesday
when I was touring schools, and I don't know if
people can tell on video, because I've got a headset
on most of the time when we do this show
for our VIPs, and even on the social media clips,
you can't tell. I decided because we had a little
bit of time to kill between college tours, we ate

lunch and there was a barber shop right there, and
I went and I sat down in the barber's chair.
I don't know how many times this has happened to
you in your life, but about five minutes into the haircut,
I was like, uh, oh, this is not going well
at all.

Speaker 4 (01:18):
I will tell you when I lived in Miami, the
city downtown. Now I live in Miami Beach, which really
feels like a different city. It's almost like a Dallas
Fort Worth kind of situation or Minneapolis Saint Paul.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
You got to cross the causeway. It's a long causeway.

Speaker 4 (01:32):
Anyway, when I was living in downtown, I went in
and this guy, he was a young gentleman, maybe twenty
one years old from Venezuela. He did have face tattoos,
like tattoos on his face, including all over his neck.
But you know, he's very, very friendly. And we're sitting
there and we're talking, and he just asks me, He's like,
do you like Donald Trump? Like while he's beginning to

cut my hair.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
Maybe he looked at me and thought, this guy looks
like I'm which the fair guests like, I think, if
you look at me, you're.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Like, this guy probably likes Donald Trump.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
I mean, just I'm self aware, Like I get it right,
you know this guy probably likes Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
And you know, plays racket sports and wears boat shoes
and all true.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Yeah, and and and you know he's he's talking to
me he's got a pretty thick accent. And and then
I said, yeah, I know I like Donald Trump. And
I mean, I'm telling you he he uh like, I said,
twenty one year old guy immigrant from Venezuela, and I
showed him a photo was one of it was one
of our photos from mar A Lago, you know, where
you and me and standing with Trump. I showed it
to him and he flips out. He's like, this is

this is amazing. And he goes back and he gets
his buddies and he wants to show them the photo
with Trump and he's like, oh my god, you know Trump,
and he's like, I love Trump. And we're just having
this great sort of bro to bro moment. And then
the haircut begins, and he proceeds to start at the
back of my skull and shave like a like he's
going to land a crop duster back there or something.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
Just shaves a lot all the way back up the back.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
You can see your hair collapse behind you in the mirror, like, yes,
this is going on.

Speaker 4 (02:57):
Yeah, went down went down to whatever a zero is like,
went down. And what he was going to do this
is very very common in Miami, was give me like
a fade kind of not a bowl cut, but you know,
a fade where it's basically shaved, and then it gets
longer and longer. It was, Honestly, he's such a nice gentleman.
For me, it was the worst haircut I've ever had.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
You try to adjust it in the middle, or you
just let him go. He liked Trump. He's an immigrant,
he loves Trump. He's my guy.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
Like, I can't get mad at him. I gave him
a big tip, but not a good haircut.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
Yeah, so I'm I'm like five minutes in and I
can just see it's like the guy's got a weed
whacker on me, and there's just hair like flying a
bad haircut hirst.

Speaker 4 (03:38):
Town that's on you. That's like getting a bad lobster
roll in Nantucket. Man, I don't know what to tell you.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
I thought I was in a good hair I'm usually
busy in the middle part of the day. I don't
get haircuts, and so I had time because I wasn't
on the show. Tuesday, I had lunch with my sixteen
year old son, you know, getting ready for uh, Like
I have to add son in there.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
I had lunch with my sixteen year old you know,
sixteen year old son go.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
In there, sitting there and my hair is just flying off,
like in every direction, and.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
Then you have your headphones. No one else do. This
is why you gotta become a VIP at claimbuck dot com.
You can say that I only see the front the front.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Because that's the question that I was gonna ask you.
I recognize that I'm in the middle of just getting obliterated,
and I'm just like, take a ton of it off
and then but the problem is he has left. I
guess this is like a popular haircut for men now,
maybe boys more than men. I have like a puffy,
additional unnecessary crop of hair on top of my head

and basically a buzz everywhere else. Have you seen like
this pompadoor that guys wear. I think you saw it.
It looks ridiculous, So you're going, I mean, it's just
a buzz. It's a buzz basically everywhere, except I look
like I have a comb over on top of my
head like a bald man would.

Speaker 4 (04:59):
Who's trying to pretend you know this is this is
a style. This is a stuff that's right part of that.
You know, it's it's a little similar to what they
do here in Miami. Actually what they do Miami is
more extreme version of it. But yeah, that's the uh
you know, it's like, what is that even called. I
don't know what it's called. I just know that, uh, like, uh,
this is a this is a common hairstyle. There was

a there was a band or in one of those
sort of like pop bluegrass bands where they all had
this haircut.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Yeah, it's like a pompadoor. I don't even know what
you would call it.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
But the guy who's given me the haircut, as it's
all going going bad, and I'm just like all right,
just to pull out the two guard just basically like
give me a buzz. I thought I was gonna get
a full buzz. Instead he leaves it on top. He says, oh, no,
this looks good. This is amazing haircut. I said, are
you sure.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
Or you know? And then uh and then he.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Said, well, I think people will like it, and I
don't want my haircut guy to at the end of
the call, at the end of the haircut be saying well,
I think people will like it, and so it's it's
it's gonna take a while. I I really think I'm
just gonna go in maybe get a buzz. I'm just
preparing you that I might just get all the hair take.

Speaker 4 (06:05):
You got kind of a fade. It's kind of a
fade slash. It's like a pompadoor fade is what you got.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
Yeah, And I was like halfway through it, I was like,
this is going to be a bad bowl cut. I
do not want I just I just tried to prevent
the worst. I was like, I do not want to
bowl cut anything but a bowl cut. And so instead
I got this like weird, big glop of hair on
top of my head. Nowhere else do I have hair?

Speaker 2 (06:26):
I'll tell you real quick.

Speaker 4 (06:27):
When I was in Iraq, a couple of the guys,
some of the paramilitaries, like you know, former Seal, former
Delta guys, they were like, they were like, they called
me Junior. They're like, Junior, we're gonna shave your head.
You gotta shave your head. And I literally looked them like, guys,
you understand you can't shave my head. You will be
horrified and how big my head is if there's no
hair to sort of make it seem more normal. And

to their credit, they're like, yeah, we're kind of scared.
We're not going to shave your head. I needed them
to protect me.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Sunday Hang with Bucks Special Guess.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
I'm rolling in right now to talk with us for
a couple of minutes. Jesse Kelly Bald, Premiere Show Radio
evening host. I just got back from Omaha, Nebraska. I'm
scrolling through my Twitter timeline during the breaks, as I
typically do to make sure that I'm on top of everything,

and I see the following I see the following tweet
from Jesse.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Well, I'll let you read it. Jesse.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
You here it is. I share a video I've talked
about my bad haircut. DC barber be poor choice by me.
Twenty five dollars haircut. Jesse responds, as I'm buying a
thousand Jello shots for everybody at this text A and
M Tennessee fans. How many did you give the guy
who cut your hair? Very good line? I chortled to

myself during your commercial break. Would you like to describe
for people who haven't seen it? What would you say
about my haircut? How would you classify it?

Speaker 1 (07:57):
Well? I, well, pictured this. This is hard classified and
people have heard of ever clear. That used to be
a thing back when we use its clay. I hope
that's no longer a thing, but it's something like the
most powerful grain alcohol you can buy, ever Clear, right,
and everyone knew some kid who started drinking it and
got alcohol poisoning. So I want people to picture this.
I want you to picture that Stevie Wonder commits crime

in some backwater country and they chop his right hand off,
and then they give him a fifth of ever Clear
to ease the pain, and he drinks the entire fifth
of Everclear. So now he has one left hand. He's
just got a left hand, and of course he's blind,
and he's hammered on beyond belief on ever Clear. And
then they hand him some scissors and show him Clay
Travis's head. That's what it looks like. Happened to your hair?

That's the best way I can describe it. It looks
like drunk, one handed Stevie Wonder cut your hair, and
you paid him to do it. You paid him to
do it.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
I think it was a bad angle. On the video.
The hair is a mess. There's no other way to
describe the haircut.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
I mean, when I cringed a bit when I saw
the video of me giving the Jello shots out. I
was like, this is gonna be a great video. Somebody
sent it to me. I was like, I'm gonna post this.
And then you ever watch a video of yourself or
look at a picture of yourself, You're like, oh, no,
do I really look like?

Speaker 2 (09:11):

Speaker 3 (09:11):
Is this?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
How bad?

Speaker 3 (09:12):
This is what everybody else sees. I always see the
front part of my hair. When I saw the other angles,
I was like, I don't even know how I go
out in public right now.

Speaker 1 (09:19):
No, I don't know how you did, Clay. And I mean,
you can say it's angles or whatever it is. I'm
just I'm looking at it again right now on my phone.
I'm trying. Look, we're friends. I'm trying to give you
the benefit of the doubt. I'm just not seeing an
angle that would work. Did they not do the thing
where they put you in front of a mirror, because
every time I get my haircut, I'm in front of

a mirror so I can see it. Did they not
do that at that barbershop? Were you in a basement.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
By the time they gave me the mirror? It was
such a disaster. There was nothing I could do except
give the guy my twenty five dollars in leave. I
will say this, Jesse. You know we go to commercial break.
The good thing is my hair is going to grow back.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
Oh that's just cool.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
Listen to Jesse Kelly Balding radio show host this evening.
Jesse appreciate the time of.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Man Sundays with Clay and Buck.

Speaker 3 (10:12):
In addition to ordering seventy five dollars shots of tequila,
which was frankly a disgrace. H he also has come
after the fine people of Milwaukee, complaining for months now
that I, which is true, argued that all of us
should be at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee because

I love all of you in Milwaukee, because I know
it's a fabulous city. Because I know that all of
you are deserving of the utmost in respect high dollar
tequila drinker and Milwaukee insulter extraordinaire. Jesse Kelly, what have
you to say for yourself, sir, Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
I think you know what, Clay. I think you're the
one who should actually start out here because and I
want to remind you before you answer this question, I
want to remind you that God is real and he's
watching right now. And so if you tell a lie,
God will know. I want you to know. Tell me Clay,
you know, mister big guy, Clay, Clay and Buck biggest
showing the country, blah blah blah blah blah, OutKick all

this stuff. When's the last time you voluntarily went to Milwaukee?
I want to know. I want to know the date.
I want to know the year. Have you ever woke
it up in the morning, looked over at your lovely
bride and said, gosh, let's get to Milwaukee this weekend.
Tell me Clay, when was it you?

Speaker 3 (11:32):
I mean, first of all, you need to do your
OPO research better, my man, because you have just walked
into a steel trap here. You're the bear that's going
to have to cut his own leg off. I was
in Milwaukee last summer. I sold out the PABs Theater.
I brought my wife to Milwaukee for the entire weekend
in the summer.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
It was lovely.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
We toured their incredible art museum there, we stayed in
a fabulous hotel.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
And and we out.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
To an incredible dinner where the owner of the place
walked over and said, man, I love listening to your
show every single day.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
So Jesse, I might be the.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Mayor of Milwaukee right now, just based on that answer, sir,
you gotta get your APO research done. I was there
last year, sold out the PABs Theater downtown.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
No no, no, no, no. You can't reframe the question
like one of these dirty kamie libs. I said, voluntarily
went as in for leisure. That's a work event. You
sold out a theater, You went to a work event.
I'm sure you went to Red Lobster and met the manager,
You went to the Art Museum and saw all the
fingerpaints or whatever they have there in Milwaukee, and now

you're pretending like it's some kind of vacation hub. No,
I don't want to go to Milwaukee in July, and
now I'm going because you. This is your fault and
the city. It's not that the people of Milwaukee for
the convention. It's gonna suck. It's gonna be full of
Republican politicians who are almost as repugnant as Democrat politicians.
It's gonna be full of honey pot spies and every

other garbage thing in the world. If you need me,
if I'm not doing my show, I'll be hiding in
my room. And it's because of you.

Speaker 2 (13:08):

Speaker 4 (13:08):
I just need to know there's some scuttle butt out
there that perhaps some of your feelings about Milwaukee, whatever
they may be, tie into, and this you have to
explain to me, because I don't understand these rivalries. But
Clay has also said that really this is just tied
to your love of Ohio State and that Wisconsin sports

are inferior in your mind to Ohio State sports. Is
that a part of this equation as well.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
No, it's not a part of this equation. This is
again another egregious lie from play. I never think about
Wisconsin's sports because I don't focus on JV sports. I
focus on high end Division one sports that would be
Ohio State. Look, if you can't cut it at Ohio
stage you're a wide receiver instead of running a four

to three, you're running a four A, it's not the
end of the world. You go to Wisconsin and that's
where you play football. I have no animosity towards the
state of Wisconsin whatsoever, and I certainly don't have any
Wison any animosity towards Wisconsin University itself, which is a
fine JB school.

Speaker 4 (14:15):
Well, I want to get you and Clay agreeing on something,
because unfortunately, you were on the team of wrongness that
still believes that there's a chance that Joe Biden is
going to be replaced. Here we are the middle of June,
two weeks from a debate, and you're still holding out
some plan as a possibility that it is not Joe Biden.

Do you think that this debate is the turning point
for that or are they going to look at Joe
Biden on the stage and assuming he does not fall
over and just start muttering something, they're going to say
he did a brilliant job.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
He's our guy, Joe.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Buck. Did you see the fly on his face at
the G seven yesterday? Please tell me you've seen the
video with the fly on his The President of the
United States of America was defeated by a house fly yesterday,
completely unable to get it off of his face and
away from himself. And he had that thousand yards stare
and the glassy look in his eyes. He was defeated
by a fly. Buck. He's going to be removed at

the convention. They're going to give him the nomination and
then they're gonna bounce this guy out and they're gonna
put in Vice President Dome or Newsom or God forbid,
Michelle Obama, because you can't have a guy running for
office who can't get flies off of his face. It's coming,
I'm telling you it's coming. They're gonna do it the
same thing at the debate that they did for him
at the State of the Union. Everyone saw how hopped

up he was on god knows what he looked like
Hunter s Thompson up there. So they're gonna juice him
through the roof with all kinds of cocaine and who
whatever else Hunter happens to give him before these debates,
and he'll survive with the debates, and he'll be screaming
at everyone like he does because his dementia means his
volume control is just a disaster. But as soon as
they get to the convention, they'll accept the nomination. He

gives some oo half dead speech like he always does,
and then as soon as he's done with that, he'll
develop the sniffles or something, and he'll announce for health reasons,
he's backing out, and he's commuting Hunter's sentence and thanks
everybody for the memories. It's a no brainer. It's already done.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
I actually agree with a lot of it.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
I think the June twenty seventh debate, I know what
bucket we talked about earlier. They did try to say, oh,
he was so great at the State of the Union.
That story lasted about a week and then it vanished.
Because what Jesse's talking about is this is where we
do agree. Every time one of these clips goes viral
of him trying to shake a ghost hand, or of
him unable to get off the stage, or last night wondering,

or yesterday afternoon wandering around after the paratroopers landed, it
cancels out the speeches themselves, right, And so I think, actually,
I don't think he's going to be very good on
June twenty seventh, because it's not all off a prompter.
And I think after that he will announce that he's
not gonna run because of health related reasons. They'll open

it up and they will pick a new nominee in Chicago.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
They have to, and they'll tell you something else, Clay,
because I really agree with a lot of what you
just said. Here's the reason too. His approval numbers are
in the back. They're in the toilet. Everyone knows that,
everyone sees he's a disaster. He can't talk, he can't walk,
he can't do any of this stuff. He can't get
flies off of his face. The borders open. People are mad.
Inflation's bad. People are mad. The jobs market sucks. People

are mad, Okase, everyone's mad. If you dump Joe Biden
at the convention, what it does for you, if you're
a Democrat, is you take all those problems and all
that unpopularity and you drop that hot potato right in
Joe Biden's very old lap, and you get up and
you tell all the people Metze, I know it was bad.
I know you're mad about that, but we got rid

of a guy who did that, and now we will
get things turned around. You take all those unpopular things,
you drop them on Joe, You wheel him out the
back of the White House, and off you go.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
I just want to be clear that when you guys
are both wrong on this one, not only does Jesse
have to take me out for all you can eat
shrimp and surf and turf at red Lobster. I told
him he has to actually on video put the red lobster.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Bib on me. He has to bid me off at
what meaning? What a demeaning move?

Speaker 3 (18:19):
And that's like having to That's like having to kneel
and kiss somebody's feet. In Red Lobster parlance, too, do
you gotta take his cheddarbay biscuits.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
And not let him eat him slap him with the face.
Good news for Jesse, though, is did you see this?

Speaker 4 (18:30):
It looks like there's there's a there's a white knight
stepping into to save Red Lobster.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
I saw he's some kind of billionaire guy whose company
was already part of it. Look, I'm all about saving
Red Lobster. But Red Lobster doesn't need to be saved
by any one of these guys. As I've explained to
everybody about politics in America, saving the country is not
up to one man. It's not up to Trump or
something like that. It's up to all of us. We

all have to pitch in and save the country. And
the same thing applies to Lobster. We don't need a
billionaire stepping up with his money and writing checks. We
need the American people to embrace freedom, to embrace greatness
and get out to Red Lobster tonight and get some
cheddar baby biscuits and as soon as you get the
shrimp scampy. Once you're done eating it, you take the
cheddar base. They'll bring you extras red lobster. Do that

for you. They'll bring you extra cheddar base, and then
you dip them in like the lemon butter sauce that
they serve with the shrimp scampy, and that that is
as good as dining gets. I'm starving right now.

Speaker 4 (19:28):
I also, Jesse, wanted to know that you know, you
have some backup in a sense, and at least calling
out Clay for for being very clay like in the
way that he's going after some folks. Fonnie willis Fannie Clay. Yeah, yeah,
she has spoken out.

Speaker 2 (19:48):
I wanted you to react to this.

Speaker 4 (19:50):
Jesse, the DA who's trying to take down Trump in Atlanta,
says she's very upset by quote idiots who say her.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Name the wrong way play eleven.

Speaker 3 (20:01):
See. I'm so tired of hearing these idiots call my
name as Fanny in a way to attempt to.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Humiliate me because like silly.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Schoolboys, the name reminds them of a woman's rear.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
That's true, I'm.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
Silly school boys. She got me there.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Well, I want to be clear about something I was
mispronouncing her name because I'm stupid and uneducated, not because
it made her mad. But now that I know it
makes me mad, I will continue mispronouncing her name. And
I actually have no animosity towards Fanny whatsoever. Her and
Nathan Wade and all the you know, all the dirty
stuff they chose to do is actually what's going to

keep Trump out of prison before the election. So we
owe Fanny and her Fanny a debt of gratitude right
now for helping save this election for us.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
Jesse, what do you think about this Caitlin Clark craziness.
I've gotten butt kind of to pay attention to it
because it's cut through the noise. Now they're saying, if
you like Caitlyn Clark in any way, you're racist, your sexist.
I mean, one straight white girl shows up in the
NBA and the entire league each comes undone.

Speaker 2 (21:15):
Yeah, in the WNBA. Yeah. What do you think about
this story in general?

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Well, this is what happens when you have a league
full of DEI hires. The entire league is a charity.
Everyone's mad at me for yesterday for saying the WNBA
is a charity for lesbians. That's exactly what it is.
It doesn't turn a profit. The NBA has to prop
it up. And so now you have a bunch of
women out there who think somebody gives a crap about
their crappy women's basketball, but nobody does. And finally someone,

Caitlin Clark shows up and she brings in a new
audience and new money and new eyeballs, and they're all
jealous about it because now somebody, it's not me, but
someone out there actually cares about women's basketball at least
for the next fifteen minutes or so, and they're all
super mad about it. They should be bound down and
kissing her feet. But again, who cares about the WNBA?

Not me?

Speaker 2 (22:05):
Jesse. Just as we finished with you, by the way,
here finish this segment. We are all look, what is
this all?

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Number one in Milwaukee, your show, my show, Bucks show,
all of us, we are dominating. So one last time,
would you like to apologize to all the fine people
of Milwaukee who legitimately have your show and our show
as the number one show in the entire city?

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Why would I apologize to the people of Milwaukee. They
know more than anyone else their city sucks. They're just
trying to get out like I'm gonna be trying to
get out in July. It's not my fault.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
He is Jesse Kelly, Milwaukee. We love you again. When
you see us walking. He's the tall one. Aim at him.
I'm the one you love. He's gonna get a hit
with brats. Yea at him, Jesse, have a good weekend.
My man enjoyed the WNBA action.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Be good, Phyllis

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