All Episodes

July 5, 2024 34 mins

Trump changes strategy from 2020, says swamp the vote with early and mail-in voting so the win is too big to rig. Leaked audio of Trump on golf course talking about Biden and Kamala. Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt on early voting, ballot harvesting, GOP enthusiasm and election integrity. Gretchen Whitmer. MSNBC's Joy Reid has breakdown over "keeping Hitler out of the White House." Florida man uses alligator to open beer can.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of The Klay, Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
We have new details coming in this afternoon on President
Biden's ongoing fight for his political future. Sources tel CNN,
the President told Democratic governors during yesterday's White House meeting
that he needs more sleep and he plans to stop
scheduling events.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
After eight pm.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
That meeting was an attempt to reassure Democratic leaders that
he could win reelection and serve out another term.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Ooh, you can't make it up. I mean, reality is
always funnier than fiction. So here you have Biden yet
another opportunity where he's going to allay the concerns, the fears.
He's going to put to bed. It's probably not the
best use of terms here in this context, a little

too little. He's going to attempt to talk these twenty
Democrat governors off of the ledge about his campaign and
his presidency. And so here's the deal. I just got
to hit the sack by eight. If I do that,
everything will be great. Can you imagine? And so yes, predictably,

uh what it is from those twenty Democrat governors, they're
a little bit freaked out, maybe even more so than
having gone into that meeting originally, and actually, this is
kind of a regular series of events that we are
now seeing. Right if you walk back before the debate,
you know, if we go back a week ago, before

the debate, what was the conversation. Are the moderators going
to do him in? You know, because you had Tapper
and Bash, a couple of moderators that had a long
history of comparing Trump to Hiller and everything else. It's
CNN as a network, and then you've you've got Biden,
and you know, we're wondering if he got to be

jacked up, and holy cow, immediately it is that shock
in that realization that wow, he really doesn't have any
game left. And if, by chance he was jacked up,
what does that mean the rest of the time anymore? Right, So,
we're expecting something to where he was going to be

able to step it up beyond what we see in
the day to day, and it actually was. Every bit
is bad, if not worse than what we see Joe
Biden do day in and day out. Similarly, you have
these governors, they go into this meeting, this is going
to be him saying, yeah, I've got to play an here,
I've got it all together. I just got to get
to bed at eight o'clock. One of the things I

was interesting about this to me, you had the president
last night, so you had the fireworks, the Independence Stay
celebration at the Capitol. He was out there in the
balcony doing the photo op until nine thirty. So I
was sitting there thinking, here you have him with this
big Stephanopolis interview today where George Deephanopolis might choose whether

Biden is going to continue in this campaign or not
based upon how he handles this interview and how the
interview is edited. That will air on ABC eight o'clock tonight,
and he's he's violated what he just told the governors
he was going to do to make sure that he's
sharp and on and on point. And he's also getting
ready to rally in Wisconsin or it is two fifteen,

he'll be rallying, which, by the way, I mean, isn't
that like an oxymoron the idea of Joe Biden and rally.
It's kind of like I think back to like the
boat parades, you'd have the Trump boat parades, and I
remember that was attempted. I lived just south of mar
Alago and We'd always see you know, the boat that
Trump boats out there, the flags and everything, and you

would see the Biden people try it, and there'd be
like two boats. There'd be like two flags Trump people
all day, the Biden people, and we'd have the binoculars
out and my wife would be like, yeah, I think
they actually do have a Biden flag on that one.
I mean, that's what it was like. This is is
kind of you know, a Trump rally a Biden rally, right,

I mean, the guy simply put sentences together and shows
that there are some dots being connected upstairs. That's considered
to win anymore. It is Brian mudd in for a claim. Buck.
I appreciate you being here with me today as many
people are enjoying an extended Independence Day weekend, including the guys.
They'll be back next week, and as we dive into
the second hour, I want to talk about swamping the

vote being the key to Trump and Republicans winning in
four months. If you think back eight years ago, the
future president of the United States ran a campaign focused
on draining the swamp, and last month, the former and
perhaps future president of the United States he launched a

campaign to swamp the vote and know this doesn't specifically
have anything to do with swamp creatures voting, and it
does have everything to do with early voting in what is,
without a doubt, the most important policy reversal you want
to know what's different about Donald Trump today compared to

when he first entered politics or even four years ago.
At this point, the single most important policy reversal, the
biggest position change he has had, is this one. When
the former president announced that the campaign was endorsing supporters
to swamp the vote. That is the name of their

campaign for early voting and vote by mail. Balance all that,
and when they announced this last month, you had Trump
giving a full throated endorsement of early voting, the use
by a vote by mail ballotsy Trump said this, He said,
Republicans must win, and we must use every appropriate tool

available to beat the Democrats. Vote early, absentee, by mail,
or in person. We must swamp the radical Democrats with
massive turnout. If we swap them, they can't cheat. It
just doesn't work out. Okay. Now, it is hard to
understate the significance of this because it's a complete reversal

of his stance from the previous election cycles. When he
would often say that the only way to ensure that
your vote would be counted was to vote on election day.
And then, following the midterm elections, which were disappointing for
Republicans outside of Florida, I really drilled down on this

one of the things that I do. I talked about
there being two sides to stories and one side of facts.
I am big into analytics, big into data and analytics,
and I wanted to know what was different about Florida
than compared to the rest of the country. And at

the time, I said that it was fair to blame Trump.
It was absolutely fair to blame Trump for a lot
of what happened in the midterm elections, and not for
the reasons that a lot of people you know will oh,
you know, Trump endorsed candidates that that didn't win and
have only had like the establishment rhino types, it would
have been better. I'm not talking about that kind of thing.

I'm talking about voting Democrats. They continued to play the
game the way that the game is played all across
the country, taking advantage of vote by mail and early voting,
while Republicans continue to largely ignore it and states where
valid harvesting is a thing. Republicans ignored it. So let

Democrats run ramp with the ballot harvesting. That's a surefire
way to lose and Republican voters outside of Florida, they
repeatedly listened to Trump's insistence on election day voting and
it just backfired and again. So one of the things
I was taking a look at from an analytics standpoint
is this. I made two points that proved to be

key with what happens and Florida contrasted with what didn't
happen across the rest of the country in the midterms.
And here was the first point. I said, here's what
we know. Republicans had a historically good twenty twenty election cycle,
with the record number of Republicans elected top to bottom
within the state of Florida. And I mentioned this, by
the way, a week before election day, I said, this

cycle is pacing much better, with Republicans performing nine points
better with votes by mail and seven points better with
early voting. I said early turnout suggests that the optimism
by Florida's Republicans is warranted. If these turnout trends continue
through election day, a historical red wave will play out

in Florida. They also offered this up again about a
week before election Day twenty twenty two. I said, here's
the next political trend that needs to change across the country.
Most Republicans waiting until election day to vote in person.
Your vote will count every bit as much as on
election day. And a big part of this was driven

home and an analysis that's actually done for Newsmax. It
was done by Dick Morris, you know, he of the
Clinton administration triangulation all that. Dick pointed out the impact
of early voting and two things that it accomplishes. It
was pretty eye opening. But what percentage of people who

say they're going to vote on election day don't end
up doing so? I want you to think about what
that number looks like for a moment. But what Dick
you know, pointed out in his analysis is that by
early voting, voting by mal you don't have that O
crap moment on election day that keeps you from being
able to vote. But it also does something else that's

going to be even further off of your rate unless
you're a party operative. It frees up party officials and
those working the ground game from expending time and energy
and resources. I'm trying to get you to vote. As
soon as you vote, they can turn their attention elsewhere.
So it's a one to two punch in early voting.

You allow your party to focus on getting the vote
out with those who might not be as reliable as you,
and you prevent those who moments from happening that keep
you from actually getting out there and voting. So that number,
I'll ask you what percentage of people that say they're
going to vote on election day ahead of time don't

actually end up doing so. The number is up to
five percent of the vote, Up to five percent of voters.
Think about that, now, how many super important elections have
been decided by five points or less. So that's one
of the things that wanting the vote that is critical here.
It's critical to get out there and not just to

vote early, but to actually vote as early as is
possible in your state because you get that cascading effect
where folks can work in the trenches to turn out
those that might be harder to get to vote. My
point in mentioning the Florida example is what was different
in Florida than the rest of the country is the

weirdest feeling being a Florida in two years ago when
Republicans won a record wave election, big is when Republicans
have ever had in the state of Florida. You can take
looks around the rest of the country and go what
goes on here? It's because of this. Republicans dominated early
voting in Florida, out voting Democrats and Democrats had historically

had the early voting advantage in the state. Republicans outvoted
Democrats by two to one before election day by two
to one. That's the reason why Florida was different. I mean, yeah,
DeSantis was a great governor up to that point, leading
Florida through the pandemic. Everything that all factored in, and

there's no doubt that even if the advantage wasn't that big,
you know, Republicans would have had a good day in
Florida in the midterms a couple of years ago. But
the reason that it was a historic win was because
of that early voting advantage. And that's the type of
thing that needs to happen everywhere because in a state
like Florida, it made the difference between a win and

a historically large win with more elected Republicans top to
bottom than ever in Florida's history. In many places in
the country, it's outright the difference between winning and losing elections,
and that absolutely will make the difference in winning and
losing on election day at the top of the ticket
as well.

Speaker 3 (12:52):

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Donald Trump's willingness to embrace playing the game the way
that it's played is the most important political issue that
he's flipped on since becoming president of the United States,
and if he is going to be president once again,
this change in philosophy is going to be a very
key reason why I'm Brian mudd in for Clay and Buck.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
What do the other night?

Speaker 4 (13:25):
You get all broken down Pelograd?

Speaker 1 (13:27):
Yeah, he just quit.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
You know he's quitting to this?

Speaker 1 (13:30):
Is that right?

Speaker 3 (13:30):

Speaker 4 (13:31):
I got him out of it.

Speaker 1 (13:32):
And that means you have Kamala.

Speaker 3 (13:35):
I think she's going to be better.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
She's so bad, so pathetic, it's somzing.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
It's just your so I just can't imagine.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
But can you imagine that guy we're dealing with Putin
and the.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
President of China, who's a fierce person, who's a fierce man,
a very tough guy. They just announced he's he's probably quitted.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Keep not gonna not that. Yeah, So there you go,
leaked video from the golf course, the former and perhaps
future president of the United States and the golf cart
just you know, kind of riffing about the state of
the presidential race, saying that, yeah, he did Joe in
that Joe's going to get out. He thinks it's going

to be kamalaw and then talking about how bad she is,
which is such a huge and important part of the story.
Mentioned this. You know at the onset of the show
that anybody who thinks that this show doesn't go through
James Clyburn and Kamala Harris, if Joe really does go,

they have not been paying close enough attention. There is
no way that you can just move beyond that and
make something else happen, like a like a gretch, like
a Gretchen Whitmer. It's just like gonna work that way.
The Democrat Party is so divided. One of the things
we'll get into in the third hour talking about what
has to happen for a broker convention and also the

history of broker conventions. You know, the reason that we
haven't had them and either party in a very long
time is it tends to be a really bad idea,
and it also tends to be a losing proposition when
you go that late in the game and you have
dissension in the ranks. So yeah, I mean, door number

two is not necessarily any better than what you see
in front of your eyes right now, and there probably
are not any roads that lead past it, unless you know,
you want to go into chaos theory and think that
Michelle Obama really is going to be able to be
yanked into this race of the convention. That is the
one time you might have a slightly different story. But

I know, as you take a look, here, we are
in a full week past the debate, and you've had
an opportunity for everything to kind of soak in and
all the pulling. I mean, we've had a myriad of
polls that have rolled in over the past week. One
thing to consider at this stage in the game, how

has Biden's deep freeze on the debate stage played out?
How has his alleged golf game, which, by the way,
is just hilarious that the one time Trump did such
a great job holding it exercising so much restraint during
that debate, the one time he couldn't was when I
was talking about his six handicap when I was talking
about his golf game. So one time, Trump's gonna loss it.

Trump is now running twelve points better in the Real
Clear Politics average of polls, twelve points better against Biden
today than he did four years ago. Today, not one,
not two, but twelve points better. And that really tells
the story. Now it's baically telling stories talking about swamping

the vote and the importance of getting out the vote,
early voting, and what we're going to do about this.
Coming up, we are going to talk to Caroline Levitt
about swamping the vote. Brian Mudd in for Claimed Bras,
and Buck Sexton on the front line of truth. Republicans

must win and we must use every appropriate tool available
to beat the Democrats.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
Whether you vote early, absentee, by mail, or in person,
we must.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
Swamp the radical Democrats with a massive turnout. Do you
want to save America?

Speaker 3 (17:23):
Register, get an absentee or mail invallid vote early.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
The way you win is to swamp them. If we
swamp them, they can't cheat. It just doesn't work out.
With your vote, we will win a victory the likes
of which no one has ever seen before. Now there
you go. Swamping the vote. As I mentioned that the
onset of this hour, I think it is the single
most important polsy reversal of the former and perhaps future

president of the United States actually might be the only
one he's ever changed on. He's remarkably consistent of what
he believes in, but that in particular, the swamping the
vote I think is absolutely the key to winning not
just the presidency, but winning down ballot to give the
president the mandate he needs to be able to lead
on policy congressionally. And joining us to talk about swamping

the vote somebody who's working hard to get out the vote.
Trump's campaign National Press Secretary Caroline Levitt, thank you so
much for joining us.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
Thank you, Brian for having me. Great to be with you,
and happy late fourth.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Of July, and right back at you as many of
us enjoy the extended weekend. And you know, Caroline, you
take a look at the early voting effort, the vote
by mail effort, tell us a little bit about how
your focus is on getting out this message. To let's
face it, a lot of voters who previously listen to

the president and say, hey, you know you got a
way to until election data to vote absolutely well.

Speaker 4 (18:58):
This election cycle, President Trump has been very consistent and
our campaign has as well that it's the rules of
the game in your state, our early voting, mail and voting.
We have to take advantage of those rules. We may
not like them, but we have to play by them.
And that means getting out and voting early, voting by
mail if your state allows, and a FDR and C
and also again at our campaign, we've made a massive

push to educate voters in their respective states and counties
about the voting laws. Whether it's Pennsylvania that has a
couple of months of early voting, Nevada, other states across
the country. We're making sure our voters understand where and
how they can vote. They can go to swamp the
Vote usa dot com as you just mentioned, to learn
more and to also join our campaign effort. We have

hired more than one hundred thousand volunteers. We have paid
staff on the ground in every single battleground state as well,
working to not only get out the vote, but like
I said, educate voters on the respective laws and their communities,
their counties, and their states. It's very important that you
do vote early if your state allows, like you don't
know what could happen to you on election day. There

could be a storm, your car could break, you could
get sick, and we want to bank as many ballots
as we possibly can ahead of election day. It's very
important that we do so.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Yeah, Caroline, you nailed it talking about life happening on
election day. And one of the most eye opening things
that I saw on this note it was actually an
analysis that Dick Morris had done a few years back
where he showed up to five percent of voters who
say they intend to vote on election day don't end
up doing it because something ends up happening that distracts it.

You think about how many races are won by five
points or less. I mean, we could literally be talking
about Donald Trump still being president of the United States,
you know, if maybe we have been swamping the vote
four years ago.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
Absolutely, it's a huge We need every vote we can get.
You know, we know these elections are always close, and
so again that's why we've been working so hard to
educate voters on again the respective laws within their communities,
their states and taking advantage of them, and also making
sure that if ballot harvesting is legal where you're from,

we're doing it. If pole watching is legal where you're from,
we're doing that as well, and that takes bodies. We
need people on the ground. Again, we have paid staff,
but we also do need volunteers. So I'd encourage the
audience to go to Donald D. Trump dot com to
clit to sign up to volunteer, because we can't take
any vote for granted. We don't want to wake up

on November the sixth, in which we had done more
to win this election. So getting out the vote and
protecting the vote is a huge part of that effort.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
I'm Brian mudd in for Claim Buck. Today we're speaking
with Caroline Levitt, who is the twenty twenty four Trump
campaign national Press secretary, and Caroline, I was taking a
look at Florida in twenty twenty two. It is a
weird thing. I'm a Floridian and I had the ultimate
head fay going into the midterm election day because I
had been used to as Florida goes, the rest of

the country goes. And I saw the historic election wins
setting up in Florida that just did not translate other places.
And when I was really taking a look at what
the difference was it's what you're talking about. Republicans out
voted Democrats by two to one in early voting in
the state of Florida, and that's why you had the
historic wins in Florida. And you know, largely we just

did not see that translate. I mean, we could be
talking about not just wins, but maybe wins where people
didn't even expect them previously. You talk about ballot at
harvesting in places like California, for example.

Speaker 4 (22:36):
Yes, that's exactly right. And you know, we also see
a massive enthusiasm gap with Republicans versus Democrats. Right now,
the majority of Republican voters, our base is saying that
they're very enthusiastic to vote for President Trump in this election.
I think only thirty percent of Democrats are saying that
now about Joe Biden. So we know we have the enthusiasm.

President Trump obviously has unified the Republican Party. We look
forward to the convention in just a couple of weeks
where he will be formally nominated by the Republican Party
in Milwaukee is our official nominee. So we know we
have the enthusiasm on our side. But again, it's about
translating that enthusiasm into actual ballots, and that's what we're
focused on.

Speaker 1 (23:19):
Yeah, Caroline, and taking it kind of the next step
as well. Obviously, this initiative is huge. I think it'll
end up making the difference. You have a lot of
people that, of course aren't concerned about election integrity, and
you know, some folks wondering, hey, we're going to get
caught flat footed again to where you know, you have
shenanigans that might pop up in certain places where they're

to be expected, and then we're trying to react after
the fact is the campaign is the Republican Party being
proactive on the front end to make sure that we
have the right people in the right places to ensure
election integrity throughout the process.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
Yes, absolutely, we merge with the RNC. As everyone knows,
we have new leadership at the RNC now and Michael
Watley Laura Trump, who are fantastic. They're strong believers in
election integrity. They've both done a lot before taking over
the RNC to protect the vote and now they're implementing
those measures at the.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
R and C.

Speaker 4 (24:11):
We're working hand in hand with them at the Trump campaign,
and part of that strategy is being offensive and again
making sure we have bodies on the ground on election day,
but that we're also doing the work ahead of time,
which includes filing a lot of litigation in states across
the country. We've been doing that in Wisconsin and Nevada,
for instance. Nevada allows nail and nil in voting, and unfortunately,

if the ballot is received after election day, it's still counted.
We believe that's legal and unconstitutional. We believe in mail
in voting people should do it, but if the ballot
does not make its way to the hands of those
that count it before election day or on election day,
then it shouldn't be counted. So it's just one example
of places where we've been filing lawsuits to strength and

election integrity. We've actually won a number of these lawsuits.
They don't make it news because the media doesn't like
to cover them, but for example, in New York City,
we actually want litigation that will ensure that illegal immigrants
are not allowed to vote in our elections, which I
know is a huge concern for so many people as
Joe Biden allows a mass invasion of our borders from

illegals all over this world. So we have lawyers that
are actively looking at the laws in these states, filing
litigation now ahead of time to try and strengthen our
laws as best we can before election day, and then
we will be ready to go, like I said, on
election day, with boots on the ground, with volunteers who
are doing their part so we can make sure every vote,

every vote is honestly and accurately counted.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
All right, So switching gears, just real quick, interested to
get your thoughts. So you probably know about the Elked
golf course video from your boss where he was being
pretty candid about what he thinks is going to happen
with the president's candidacy and his thoughts about the vice
president being the person who's going to be in the mix.
So your thoughts about the former president's thoughts there, and

then also what do you think is going to happen
with Stephanopolis in this interview tonight? Well, we look.

Speaker 4 (26:14):
Forward to watching the interview with Stephanopolis. I think it's
pathetic that the Biden campaign strategy to try and prove
Joe Biden is cognitively fit, which nobody believes in their
right mind anymore, but is to go with George Stephanopolis
in a pre taped interview on ABC. George Stephanopolis is
a hack. He's a former Democrat strategist in staffer himself.

He has been a part of the cover up of
Joe Biden's cognitive decline over the past four years. He
obviously can't be trusted. Don't see how it goes as
far as this race. Look, the Democrats are in total disarray.
The Democrat Party is collapsing. They have created this mess
because they've been engaged in a cover up of Joe
Biden's cognitive fitness over the last three and a half years.

Rather than being honest with the AMA can people about
the reality of Joe Biden's physical and mental state, they
have consistently lied and now they find themselves in this
predicament and it's a no win situation for them. If
they roll with Joe Biden, we are going to win.
If they roll with Kamala Harris, we are going to
win by even more. Tamala Harris is a far left
radical California liberal who has been complicit and supportive one

percent of all of Joe Biden's disastrous policies. So it's
up to them to decide what they do. We know
what we're going to do. We're going to continue to win,
and President Trump will continue to bring his winning message
of making this country strong and prosperous again to every
corner of this country. We're now going on offense and
states that are in play, such as New Hampshire, Minnesota, Virginia,

New Jersey. President Trump leading polling indicating that we're opening
offices in all of these places, getting staff on the ground,
and again bringing his winning message to every corner of
this country. While the Democrats are infighting about who should
even be their nominee.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Well, God bless you and your to be expanding family,
and in the former presidents, well, thank you for everything
you're doing.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
Thank you Brian so much.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
I have a great day as well. That is Trump's
campaign and National Press Secretary Caroline Levitt, who really is
too like any any time now. It's incredible what she's
been doing as as pregnant as she is, and I
have no doubt she'll continue to work every bit as
hard all throughout this cycle. All right, let's go to

the phones. David in Tampa has very patiently been holding on. David.
Welcome to the show.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
I'm David, but from Jackson, Michigan.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Oh you're okay, you're Dave from Jackson, Michigan. Well, welcome
to the show. Let's on your mind?

Speaker 3 (28:44):
You hm, Well, we want to talk about Gretch a
little bit and of all this talk over the past week,
and I've heard her name, you know, screwed, I guess,
you know, talked about the great Gretch of the North
or she's not that great. When she showed up at
a press conference in twenty twenty, I saw her in

the Michigan state police coat with official announcements, you know,
on her dictatorial ship type policies. Can't buy seeds, you
can't go fishing, you can't play golf in a golf car.
You know, it just rubbed me the wrong way. This

is the police state. And if anybody out there by
the way, Bryan, pleasure to talk to you, then.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Appreciate you being there.

Speaker 3 (29:35):
Anybody's thinking about that type of a route. She's further
left in Biden.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
You bring up a really good point A couple of
things here.

Speaker 3 (29:45):
You know.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
The first is if you just take a look at
the internal polling. So you had Democrats right after the debate,
when they went into the immediate panic mode, you had
polls being rung. Okay, all the door number three people.
If we go beyond hair rece even, how would these
people pull? So they go out there and they get
the hair. You know, Gavin Newsom, how's he going to do?

And how would the gretch do? And so on and
so forth. Every one of them were showing death that
sits to Trump so first and foremost, and Democrats internal polling,
he beats whomever at this point. The second part is
there actually could be more downside there. A lot of
people tend to think, oh, Gretchen Whitmer. You know, she's
governor of Michigan. She won a solidar re election. Therefore

she could carry Michigan. That might decide the election. I
mean possible, I suppose. But there might even be more
downside to her from where she currently sits if people
get to know her for some of the reasons you
just talked about. I mean, one of the most easy
ones is she literally locked down the state of Michigan
and then fled to Florida during the pandemic. She game
here to enjoy our freedom while keeping you know, the

residence of Michigan. I mean, once you get out some
of what's in there, and I imagine it's it's probably
not going to be in her book that's about to
be released. There is potentially more downside there, So I'm
not sure that idea plays anyway. And there are a
lot of these different types of ideas that have been
floated out there. But ultimately, and it really is an

indication of just how weak because you'll hear, oh my gosh,
the Democrats bench is really strong. Really, Gavin Newsom is strong.
Do you really think Gretchen Whimer is as strong as
you think she is? I mean, certainly the vice president,
and she is again almost certainly, if it's not gonna
be Joe, it's almost certainly going to be her. The

only strong hand they could play is Michelle Obama only
strong hand they've got. I'm Brian Mudd and for Clay
and Bug.

Speaker 5 (31:48):
Y'all just tell me who the noviny is gonna be.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
Let me know when you.

Speaker 5 (31:52):
Guys are finished fighting amongst yourself. Who I got to
vote for in November to keep Hitler out the White House?
That's all I want to know. Who I got to
vote for to keep Hitler out the White House. Y'all
do your thing, play in traffic all you want in
front of these Republicans, acting a fool in front of
these people instead of privately declaring your stuff. But don't
text me no more cause I'm not taking no more
of these six. Just let me know when you guys

are finished figuring it out. Democrats, because I know y'
all the freak out people, go ahead with freak out,
have your conversation, and then let me know who I
got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
That's it.

Speaker 3 (32:25):
I'm done.

Speaker 5 (32:26):
Oh and by the way, if it's Biden in a coma,
I'm gonna vote for.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
By penn Acoma joy Read, everybody, consider your self fortunate,
and no matter what is going on in your life today,
consider your self fortunate that you're not the person who
tunes into joy Read looking for information. You're not that
you're probably also not the person that is featured in
the New York Post article just out voter uses live

alligator's jaws to open beer can. The most Florida thing
I've ever I've seen all day is the headline to
now you have a guy who actually actually did do this,
a guy who actually is a gator pop in his
beer can. You know I've often been I'm a defender
of the free State of Florida. I love my state,

and there are times for the stereotypes I'm like, come on,
but then there's so many people that do live up
to the stereotypes. There's just no there's just no getting
around that one. So yeah, always go check that thing out.
It's Arridy gone viral. Okay. So coming up, we're gonna
be taking a look at what we are going to

need to do to make America great again this year.
We've kind of set the stage in the first couple
of hours, but we are going to drive this thing
home in the third hour. Also get to some of
your thoughts as well as I'm excited about the final
four months to election day. Brian Mudd in for Clay
and Buck

Speaker 3 (34:01):

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