All Episodes

July 8, 2024 36 mins
Author and journalist Alex Berenson joins C and B to discuss his story on the Parkinson's expert who has visited the Biden WH multiple times. While Alex was talking to Clay and Buck, the NY Times publishes their version of the same story. WH claims Parkinson's doctor was visiting other White House employees. VIP emails and calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast. Woo Welcome again now number two Clay
Travis buck Sexton Show Monday edition of the program. Appreciate
all of you hanging out with us as we are
rolling through what feels to me like is going to
be a daily roller coaster ride of insanity all the

way up to November fifth, even though we're sitting in
just under four months until the election, which is exactly
I believe, one hundred and twenty days from now. We
bring in now our friend Alex Bearnson, who has been
willing to share unpopular truths at times as it pertains

to COVID and beyond and Alex, this is actually a
conversation that may not have much to do with COVID
at all. Over the last couple of days, you've had
a story up on your website about a Parkinson's expert
who has been visiting the White House with the physician
that is in charge of Joe Biden's health. The White

House Physician, I believe is the official title. What can
you tell us about this? How certain of it are you?
What do you think since we have not heard the
White House, to my knowledge, comment on this, What do
you think this is telling us kind of lay it
out for the audience.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Sure, so, yes, the White has not commented on the ship.
So here's here's how this works. There are visitors laws
that the White House releases with a multi month delay
that show when somebody has made an appointment or you know,
inside the White House for somebody outside to come in.
And you know, I first actually became aware of these

when I discovered that I that I could use them
to find out that Albert Borla, the CEO of Pfizer
and chairman Offiser, had visited the White House on very
short notice in the summer of twenty twenty one, which
was of course of interest to me, you know, in
my reporting or at the COVID vaccines and and you know,
and issues around. Okay, So on Saturday morning, the New

York Past reported that a doctor, a neurologist who specializes
in Parkinson's research, had visited the president's first personal physician
in January of twenty twenty four. Okay, that this man
had made one visit to the White House, and I thought,
you know what, this pretty interesting story. I'm gonna look

at the logs and see, you know, confirmed this because
it's public, anyone can look and see if it's true.
And so I put his name in Kevin Cannard is
his name into the logs. And it didn't pop up
one time. It popped up ten times, including nine times
since last July, since July twenty twenty three. And you've

to understand, this only goes through March twenty twenty four.
So actually he may have visited even more recently than March,
we just don't know. And the other eight visits it's
since last July. We're all made not for him by
the president's personal physician, but by a Navy nurse who
actually you can find her online, and her job is

essentially to supervise the president's medical kick also the vice president,
and you know a handful of there of family members
and senior tavern officials. But really it's for him, and
she actually predates him. You can you can find her
on the podium when when Donald Trump was hospitalized for COVID.
She's a she's essentially a civil servant, and she's a nurse,

and she's a and and her title is commander. She's
actually she's in the Navy So to me, this made this,
this turned this from an interesting story into a fascinating story,
because what is this doctor doing coming to the White House,
the White House Residence clinic over and over and over again.
And and in fact, if you look at this, uh,

this nurse, and you see who else she's made appointments
or which is the story I'm working out right now,
you can see she's made appointments for an audiologist, She's
made appointments for a podiatrist, like all the things actually
that you know that we know that Joe Biden has
had problems with a a dermatologist has been to visit
and you know, you know, and I know doctors don't

make house calls anymore, and these are you know, and
this this guy is a very you know, he's a
very good neurologist. He's not just either helicoptering or driving
over to the White House, you know, to because somebody
has a headache. There's a reason he's been there over
and over and over again, and so far they've refused
to tell us. Now do I know what this means?

I do not yet. That's that's the reporting process. But
I know that it's very unusual that his visits only
began last July, essentially had one previous one in twenty
twenty two, and that and that there doesn't seem to
be a good explanation for this now as we know,
the has put out a report or the President's medical Report,

in February twenty twenty four, and it's sort of carefully written,
and it says there are no symptoms of Parkinson's. But
the other thing that I have heard, and that you
may have also heard from multiple doctors, not one doctor,
multiple doctors, including some who specialize in neurology, is that
if you just look at at the president and the

way he walks, and you know his speech problems, and
you know his apparent cognitive decline in the last few months,
to these doctors, this screams that the symptoms are Parkinsonian.
Whether or not you diagnose him with Parkinson's, that is
what it looks like to them. So I think that's
where we are right now, and I do think the

White House is gonna, you know, they're going to try
to brazen this out. Whether or not they're able to,
we will find out.

Speaker 3 (05:55):
We're speaking to alex parents. An unreported truth on substack
for those of you who want to subscribe, which a
highly recommend to all of you. Alex, the as far
as I can tell, as far as I think, I
don't Eve can tell right now, the plan for Biden
is to at least get to the convention and you know,
be the nominee. He certainly still is acting like he

thinks that's what's happening as of today. And one of
the only things that could completely derail that would be
a clear and official diagnosis of something like whether it
Parkinson's Louis body. We've talked about a few different possibilities here,
not saying that any of them are the diagnosis because
we can't tell, but those are the things that would

possibly lead to these kinds of symptoms.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
What I want to know is, how is it that
they're just going to avoid that avoid people recognizing that
Biden just refuses, right, I mean under normal circumstances, like
if we're being told, oh, the candidate has a terrible
heart problem and it's just a matter of time, and
you know, I think it'd be very hard for m
to say, well, I'm not going to have a cardial

sign off on it.

Speaker 3 (07:01):
The Biden campaign is straight up saying well, they're really
ignoring it, but they're refusing to do an outside test
of whether his brain still worse.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Yeah, yes, that's absolutely true. And and and this is enough. Well,
look here's what we know. We know that last month,
basically before the debate, before this really exploded, they just said, hey,
this is the right wing. Yes he's old. But anybody
who points to these videos, especially you know, to me,
the most telling video of all is not the videos

from Europe, it's the Juneteenth celebration video where he is
completely rigid for uh, you know, for a minute or
so as people all around him are dancing. He's not
dancing badly, Let's be clever that he's not moving, and
he and wherever he is, you know, cognitively or consciously
in that moment, he does not appear to be with

everyone else and so and so. But even after that
video came out, you know, the press essentially refused to
report this. Now, even with my article, which again the
New York Posts you know, had the initial story. So
the Post is obviously considered a conservative news organization and
was suppressed when it reported a hunter Biden four years

ago on the laptop, which we all now know is true. Uh,
you know, the press has essentially in the US refused
to pick this up. There's several British newspapers, The Guardian,
the Telegraph have picked it up. And Barry Weiss's organization,
the Free Press, which is quite good, you know, and
you would say independent slash conservative, has picked it up.

But so far, even though the media is you know,
questioning Biden's ability to speak in campaign, they kind of
the word that will not be used as Parkinson's Alzheimer's.
They will not. They're avoiding any sort of diagnostic terms.
And so I think I guess the White House has

just decided that if they can outlast is for a
few more days, they'll be able to pin this as
a right wing conspiracy. Again.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Okay, so sorry to cut you off, but I think
that's the big question here. You have this dead to
rights that this Parkinson's expert has visited the White House.
What did you say eight or nine times that we
know of running up to March because the dates actually
are the visitor logs run behind. How is this not

a massive story if you are given all of these
conversations that are going on right now about Joe Biden's
mental and physical health. How would this not be the
number one story which leads to this question? And Buck
and I were talking about it earlier. Is this something
that I'm asking you to analyze, because otherwise that makes sense.

Is this something that the New York Times and the
Washington Post are keeping in their back pocket and they're
trying to pressure Biden without having to go quote unquote
nuclear directly on his health. What do you attribute the
reticence to actually report this too?

Speaker 2 (10:09):
I have no idea. But here again, like you could
have said that about the Hunter Button laptop, you know,
and that was pre election in twenty twenty. There was
an explicit new media old media Washington established a conspiracy
to block discussion of that, and no one disagrees now
that it's real. Okay, so the same thing like this

to me does not indicate in any way that this
is not real. It just indicates that we're not allowed
to talk about it yet. Yeah, and by the way, again,
I'm not saying that we know there. Maybe there's another
explanation here. They haven't given one. But given what we've
all seen with our own eyes in the last couple
of months, how can this You're right? How is this

not topic a Alex.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
Do you think that if it came out in some way,
in an official way, that they couldn't ignore, which I
don't even know if that's a possible. You know, we're
getting it's getting very Soviet in in this White House
in a lot of ways. Right, They're they're really telling
you that while people are starving, the grain harvest is fabulous.
I mean, it's it's pretty crazy out there. But if
it came out that that Biden has Alzheimer's at that point,

is it even irrelevant the schedule everything else? You know,
does it become calmon on your mind? Or do you
think they just try to push through that.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
I don't know. I don't know it. But here's what
I'm saying. Parkinson's and these these neurological diagnoses are essentially clinical,
meaning that you go into the doctor, you talk to
the doctor, the doctor observes you, and you and you
get a diagnosis.

Speaker 5 (11:41):

Speaker 2 (11:41):
It's not like, oh, you have heart failure and it's
this level of heart failure based on the blockages in
your arms which we can scan for. Or you have
cancer and the cancer you know, has spread to your
left notes, so it's stage three or what you know, however,
they stage a particular cancer. These are clinical diagnoses. So
if you really want to be fo you can get

you can get essentially the medicines that would be diagnosed
without the diagnosis. Okay, again, I'm not saying that they're
doing that. I'm just saying that that there are ways
for them to have play this that don't quite rise
to the level I guess of lying or you know,
or or criminality, but that are that are obviously problematic.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
That's the question that we talked about and we need
to have this discussion, is that they're basically treating him
as if he has Parkinson's without getting the official diagnosis,
so they can claim that he hasn't been diagnosed.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Is that true? Like nobody knows, we just know.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
I mean, but that's that's to me, what would make
the most sense. I mean, if I told you that
I had had I don't know a uh, a doctor
come to my come to treat me nine times for
uh for a speech speech related issue and uh, and
then I said, you know, but I haven't actually been
diagnosed with any problem, most of you out there would say, well,

that's that's really kind of dancing around the edges that
to me seems the most logical. But the number one
thing which you're pointing out is how in the world
is this not covered everywhere? It's major news, given what's
going on right now.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Yeah, so you know, I'm gonna keep pushing it. I
know there are a handful of other reporters will keep
pushing it. You know, if Elon chooses to retweet one
of us and put it in front of one hundred
million people on X that can help. But yeah, when
the when, the when the major media outlets, you know,
sort of have this conspiracy of silence, it becomes very hard.
And by the way, conspiracy of silence is exactly right.

There was a piece, a great piece, but you know,
a very very troubling piece that I wrote about last
week on Unreported Truth. A woman named Olivia Newsy and
I'm apologize if I'm mispronouncing his name. She's a New
York magazine reporter. She wrote about how, you know, Democratic
donors have been talking about Biden's problems for the last
six months, and then halfway not halfway through, towards the

end of the piece, she read and I saw Biden,
who I had covered basically throughout the twenty twenty campaign
in May Enterry in April of twenty twenty four, and
he did not recognize me and he appeared not to
be there. Okay, so who's one of that conspiracy of silence?
It's such as the donors, it's a media and that's
clearly happening with this.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Also, we've got Alex's substack right now. Oh, sorry to
cut you off. New York Times, New York Times, just
breaking Alex. As we're talking to you. Parkinson's expert visited
the White House eight times in eight months.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
The story lead story.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
Up at New York Times dot com just up right now,
literally as we are discussing with you why they are
not covering it.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Guys, I gotta go, and I think you know why.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
Yep, all right man, that could just be clear. Alex
broke it. We gave it. We've put Alex on the air,
and now the entire country is about to be talking
about this. The entire news cycle is about to be
obsessed with this. Go subscribe. This is why we tell
you go subscribe to Alex. A subsett early lead story
right now in New York Times, just as we're talking
to you. Live here, everybody Wow, that is quite a thing,

all right, Alex, go save the Republic. Yeah, guys up
at clayanbuck dot com. Just to make it easier for you,
we've got Alex's piece there and you can also click
the link and and uh and subscribe to a substack.
And this is why we bring him on. This is
you know, we look for uh, for things that you
need to know. This was not something anywhere else, and
now it is in real time as I'm speaking to you.

The the electrons are flying all over the internet. This
is becoming the biggest story in the country. And prices
on Buck Island are going down a little bit. Right,
The waterfront lots are still selling, but uh, some of
those interior lots on Buck Island might be a drop
at a price a little bit. We'll take your calls
on this, honestly, love to hear it. Let's put her

open to docks Clay. We've got docs who listened to us.
If you want to weigh in from a medical expertise,
especially if you're a neurologist or work with h in
particularly in senior care, if you're a nurse who deals
a lot with seniors, Uh, we'd love to hear from you.
I wan't speak about firearms for a second.

Speaker 2 (16:03):

Speaker 3 (16:03):
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Speaker 1 (17:08):
Major breaking news Parkinson's specialist visits to the White House.
You just heard us talking about it with Alex Berenson.
The New York Times has just published their story on that.
We will read that during this commercial break, as we
have been doing, we'll come back and we'll talk about
it in a big way. Every time Joe Biden thinks
that he's made the case buck that he is going

to be able to be the nominee, it's like there's
another story waiting to try to cut the legs out
from underneath him. That's the way that I read this
will get your reaction. We will discuss all this and more.
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and Buck. You can start saving now on your cell
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and Buck. We're talking with Alex Berenson. We scheduled him

on Saturday after his report that a Parkinson's expert had
visited the White House that came out on Saturday morning.
We scheduled them for one o'clock news from the New
York Times breaks while we are talking to Al experience
and we may play that clip for you again. But
I just want to share the latest reporting from the

New York Times which has turned the real estate on
Buck Island quite choppy. People are trying to get out
of the purchases that they were considering. Making this morning headline,
Parkinson's expert visited the White House eight times in eight months,
and then I've read this article during the during the
break there, but I want to hit you with a

couple of paragraphs. An expert on Parkinson's disease from Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center visited the White House eight
times in eight months from last summer through this spring,
including at least once for a meeting with President Biden's physician,
according to official visitor logs. Okay, now, the White House

has responded to this story. The doctor did not respond
to repeated request for comment, uh from the White House
from the New York I mean, yeah, yeah, he's got Parkinson.
Like okay, he says nothing White House. I mean like,
I mean like he's under you know, it's oath. He's oath, yes,

violated hippocratic oath to come out and tell everybody, Hey,
here's what I'm treating him with. The White House comment
was as follows, A wide variety of specialists from the
Walter Reed system visit the White House complex to treat
the thousands of military personnel who work on the grounds.

That is, the official spoke person from Andrew Bates' White
House spokesman said, Okay, I want to let you react
to that in a minute here. Buck Bates also said
President has not had a neurological test since February. And

I want to add this because it's a little bit
of detail on the reporting. Doctor Cannard's eight most recent
visits started on July twenty eighth, twenty twenty three. He's listed,
as Alex told us, as meeting with Megan Nasworthy. She
is a White House liaison to Walter Reed. As Alex

just told all of us, she is someone who has
consistently been one of the medical team for Joe Biden
the meetings.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
This is also important.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
The meetings consistently occurred early between seven and nine am
on Friday days, with the exception of the roast recent
meeting on record, which occurred on Thursday, March twenty eighth,
the day before Good Friday. There are no updated notices

about visits for April, May, June, or July, to the
extent that these medical visits have continued. Okay, your reaction
to that information that is all just coming from the
New York Times.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
First thing is after we were giving what we believe
was credit where it's due for a good turnaround effort
in terms of the news cycle from the Biden White House.
The letter to Congress was pretty well written and compelling
under the circumstances, you know, making the strong I think
they made the strongest argument for Biden that you could.

And morning Joe the you know, the smug country Club table,
they were all, okay, Joe, you called in, you're sounding good.
I think that they've mishandled this a litle little bit because
I don't think anyone believes and this is why Clay
laid out that information that this is a coincidence. What
they're going with here, here's what they could say. We
have people checking on Biden. He's great. Of course, of course,

we've got somebody who has you know, we want to
make sure that Joe Biden is mentally fit as a
fiddle and he's good to go and no problems here. Now.
Of course a lot of us would say, well that's
a lie, but that's at least defensible to say that
this is a coincidence. And to your point, someone's getting
visits at the White House for dementia. This makes us remember,

nobody at the White House, in any form of employment,
should be so old that they have to get frequent
visits from a Parkinson's or you know, general motor disorder expert. Right,
you see, what I mean. Yeah, the White House is
working and in their in their eighties.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
I was important. This is what we were saying off
air when they're saying, hey, this, there's thousands of people
who work in the White House. You don't get Parkins
disease if you're a thirty two year old Secret Service agent,
buy and large. And if you did, would the doctor
show up eight different times early in the morning at

the White House to conduct an examination of you?

Speaker 3 (24:16):
By the way, you would have to. I mean to
be very sad, but you would have to. You wouldn't
be able to continue in that role, and you'd have
to get a form of disability, and that that would
be the right thing under that circumstance. So, yeah, who
else in the White House is at risk of Parkinson's
right now? They shouldn't be in the White House. This
is we've created this bizarre world. We're the most important,

most powerful job in the entire country is the one
job for which you don't actually need to have a
functioning brain. We've said this a million times. What other
We've talked about Walmart Greater, you've talked about OutKick, and
you talk about what job would Joe Biden get the
job would be grandpa who is retired and spends time
with his family and feeds ducks. That is the job
he actually should be doing, and that would be fine,

by the way, that would be a beautiful thing. He
instead thinks he should be commander in chief for four
more years. But well, here's what I think is going on.
They realize they're running out the clock, meaning that the
whole game here is to get to the election with
Biden as the nominee and then figure out what they
want to do next. And with each passing day that

Biden remains the de facto nominee, it gets harder to
replace him. They aren't trying. And I also believe this.
I think that for Biden and all the people around him,
they recognize. You know, we don't talk about this very much.
No one thinks Joe Biden's going to be running the
country for four more years, even if he wins. No
one thinks that the whole game here, and this is

the quiet part not being set out loud yet, But
the quiet part is Joe is going to step down
and let Kamala take over in twenty twenty five. Of course,
I mean, of course, that is what they're planning to
do here. So in that situation, you can see how
they can begin to twist the arms of people who
say Joe's not up for this. They'll turn around and say,

shut up, He's gonna be okay until the election. He's
our best shot, and then we'll figure the rest out.
And that's where this diagnosis issue and all the rest
of it they're not. They couldn't keep this up for
four years, Clay. Can they keep it up for four months?
Maybe here's the here's the other part of this book.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
How much of this is about threatening real consequences? You
and I talked about, Okay, maybe they give him fifty
million dollars and they give him a book deal, and
you mentioned Netflix and documentaries and all those things. I
want to read this additional paragraph to you, and I
want to ask you all this question right now. When

does covering up the president's health become potentially a criminal act?

Speaker 3 (26:56):
Well, what will you have to what's the statute? You
got to tell me what the statute is that you
think it could be viol Lady.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
Well, it's a it's a really good question, conspiracy to
deprived No, by the way, that question, I don't say
that Look what they did with conspiracy to deprive right,
look at the j sixth. Uh, I think there is
zero doubt. And again the specific statute is a good question,
and there people way smarter than that than me. But
when I think about if you are telling America that

someone who does not have the mental faculty to be
president of the United States based on your knowledge, and
again this is why I think the protection they have
is they're avoiding saying he's been diagnosed, and they're saying,
let's pretend that we did have a guy who was
eighty one years old and had a high stress job

and he is giving substantial symptoms that he has issues.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
How should we treat him?

Speaker 1 (27:51):
What would the theoretical example of that be without getting
a direct diagnosis. But here I think this is important
inside of the Times, and why I bring it up
an array I'm reading from the Times, an array of
neurologists who have not personally examined Biden said they observed
symptoms in his public appearances that were consistent with Parkinson's

or a related disease, such as hyphophonic speech, forward flex posture,
a shuffling gait, masked face, and irregular speech. Patterns, but
they emphasize that a specific diagnosis could not be given
without firsthand examination. Reason why I bring this up, Buck,

The twenty fifth Amendment is there for this, for this
exact situation. But how do you force the implementation of
the twenty fifth Amendment if everybody surrounding the president owes
their entire job, power and status to influencing and implementing

the twenty fifth Amendment.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
I would yes, And I think it even more problem
problematic situation for those for those individuals if you invoke
the twenty fifth Amendment weeks before the Democrat National Convent convention,
the convention will be an absolute yes, just melee of crazy.

And I think you guarantee that Donald Trump wins the
presidential election because it will to anyone who's still thinking about,
you know who they're going to vote for whatever, it
will show just disarray, dishonesty, and chaos.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
From within Democrat ranks. Let me also raise this as
a question. I understand the doctor has a hippocratic oath,
but uh, oh, shouldn't shouldn't Congress call him in front
of a congressional testimony and ask him under oath? Given

the dangers of someone not being mentally and physically able
to be president.

Speaker 3 (30:05):
I don't think they could force him to testify.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
I think that, but can you imagine the visual of
Biden's doctor sitting in front of the uh.

Speaker 3 (30:16):
Condy they're gonna say that he that he's on it. It
would be like having Biden's lawyer or something you're not allowed,
or a psychiatrist. You're not allowed to force testimony of that.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
Well, but what I think it could lead to is
a demand that there be some form of public test
of his mental factor.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
This is this is what I've said. The test is
a thing they have to avoid. If they avoid the test,
an outside test of Biden's neurological health. Let's just be
honest about it. Exactly what we're talking about here. If
he makes it through the convention, they'll just shout anybody
down and we'll see how the voting.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Goes and the American safety and security. And I understand
the precedent that you're setting, which is sad and dangerous,
and by the way, why we shouldn't have, frankly, eighty
two year old who couldn't fly airplanes, allow eighty one
year olds allowed to be president of the United States.

Speaker 3 (31:08):
This is my big thing there they're forcing out, They're
forcing out pilots. Who are you know, twenty year veterans think.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
You have to be six sixty five are under in
order to be That's what I'm saying. But shouldn't we
have a Blue Ribbon panel because the other thing is,
I hate to say it, I don't trust who's gonna give.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Him the test. I'm telling you, Clay on Biden's neurological health.
They're going to try to go full Biden laptop. They're
just gonna say no test, no test, Shut up, there's
no test. He's fine because if they submit the whole
the whole thing collapses. And the worst thing would be
for Biden to submit to a test like that, which,

by the way, he will not do. Mark mywork, he
will not do it. But I don't know this. This
turns into the whole thing comes crumbling down, and so
what are they willing to do to avoid that?

Speaker 1 (32:02):
That's why the question I will play that Alex answer
for you again at some point. But we have called,
by the way, from people that have ten Yeah, for sure.
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Speaker 3 (33:24):
Big news in today a lot happening the future of
the election, and some would argue the future of the Republic.
Let's not get too crazy, but the future of the
election for sure hanging in the balance. Here we'll get
to your calls. I just want to note VIP emails
flowing in playanbuck dot com, where you go to sign
up to be a VIP. We love your emails, we
read every single one of them, but you gotta be
a VIP. And we got Bob writing in, Sorry, Buck,

I'd like to withdraw my application for the taco concession
license at Buck Island Airport. Well, Bob, now it's gone,
and it's gone for good. You're in Claytown where there's
a lot of regulation and bureaucracy for taco licenses. If
I may say so, so we'll see. But you have
made your choice, sir, You're gonna have to live with it.

Meaning that some people are saying, oh my gosh, this
story has come out about Biden. It's all falling apart.
I don't think so based on this, but this is
the danger. The danger is a he gets nailed Clay
diagnosis of nailed with a diagnosis, or it comes out
that there is a diagnosis of like advanced stage fill
in the blank. We got a lot of medical experts

This is great, Like next time my knee hurts or something,
and be like, let's put it out to the audience.
So how do I fix my knee pain? We have
so much intelligence and expertise in this audience. Karen in Louisville, Kentucky.
You're a doctor, you work in a memory clinic. What's
going on, Karen?

Speaker 5 (34:45):
I do so. I've been telling my husband for at
least a couple of years. It looks like Biden has
something called Louis body disease or Louis body dementia. It's
a cousin of Parkinson's disease, but you have some of
the movement features but not all of them, and then
you have cognitive impairment, significant cognitive impairment that can come

a year before or a year after. It doesn't respond
to any of the movement drugs that you would give
a typical Parkinson's disease patient. It does respond to some
of the Alzheimer's medicines. You can slow it down, but
you can't get rid of it. But all the movement

disorders that we're seeing again, I'm not there examining him,
but from looking at him on television and from knowing
everything we know for the last three to four years,
I would be saying you need to come into my
office for a check for this. And the sad thing
is a couple thinks the average lifespan is ten years.

That's average. Some people less, some people more. But these
folks get more confused at night. They are of us.
Functional change makes them worse. So whether it's a change
of environment, a change of time zone, a change schedule,
it makes them worse.

Speaker 3 (36:12):
Very very interesting. Thank you so much for bringing your
expertise here the show, Clay. We've got a lot more
in terms of callers who are doctors, nurses who work
with So we're gonna let's let's circle back here. Big
breaking news story we had, We had the guy who
really broke at Alex Barnson on a Parkinson's expert visited
the White House many times recent months. White House scrambling

with a response is Morning Morning Joe saying Biden's the guy, Clay,
Let's just come back and dive into all of them.

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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