All Episodes

July 8, 2024 37 mins
Biden sends defiant letter to Congress, tells Morning Joe he's going nowhere. What could induce Biden to drop out? Biden's answer on whether he's been tested for age-related illness. Will people forget the Biden debate? Will Republicans be able to stay disciplined and let Biden implode? Should Trump debate again?

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show Podcast, Monday edition, July eighth, Play in Buck Show,
getting going right now, and thank you so much for
being with us. I hope you had a great Independence
Day weekend play and I had a lot of farm.
We're just comparing notes a little bit before the show,

and Clay has an exciting announcement for all of you later.
It is not that he is joining me in my
morning Joe fandom quite yet.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Although maybe we're going to talk about that in a second. Look,
there's one absolutely dominant.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
News story out there right now, which is will he
stay or will he go? The Joe Biden saga. We're
going to dive deep into this play. You look like
you were gonna jump in. Were you going to tell
me anything you learned over the Independence Day weekend, anything
that you read or particularly wanted to bring into the
top of the conversation right now?

Speaker 2 (00:56):
I just have to say, if there were like a.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Unlike the Oracle of Delphi or by, if there were
a live market in time, shares on Buck Island, Buck
Island property values after this morning going on have skyrocketed.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
They're up in a big Way. I thought that they.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
I thought that by Monday, Buck Island would be condemned.
I thought that the funeral processions metaphorically speaking of Joe
Biden maybe metaphorically speaking of Joe Biden's political career, could
be fully upon us and instead your boy Joe and
your show Mourning Joe double barreled protection and Buck Island's

property values they're skyrocketing. I'm just telling you, Clay thought
that it was going to turn into let's say, for
you New Yorkers North Brother Island, which is completely abandoned,
illegal to go to close to Rikers Island, the prison
by the way, and it was where they used to
send people with typhoid and tuberculosis. It was a quarantine
island off of New York City, completely abandoned and very spooky.

But in fact, Buck Island is much more like one
of those Richard Branson islands where there's just like billionaires
having fun doing cool stuff. I'm just saying, it's pretty
amazing on Buck Island right now. Neck is it Necker Island.
I believe the board the Bitter End Yacht Club is
and the Virgin Islands, that's what Buck Island is looking
like right now in terms of its valuation.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
They have decided in the Biden campaign to do what
I thought they would do when we talked about this
right before the holiday, which is all in going for
it Joe Biden is. Then let's break down how they've
done this. There's obviously the letter to Congress that Joe
Biden sent, which was strong, and we're going to analyze

the different parts of the letter. There's a lot going
on here, but just the overview or the the blaring
Neon sign.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Headline is he's staying in folks right now. That is
the headline.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
Now people can say they think that's gonna change, but
then again they've been saying that a long time, and
look where we are. I'm just gonna throw this in
the mix for you all. I was drinking my Crocket
coffee this morning because I love Independence Day weekend.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Which we sold out of.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
We've sold so much of it that you and I
had to write big checks to buy way more Crocket
coffee because you guys are such patriots that we have
sold out of what we thought was gonna.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
Cake way longer. And he was the cake.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
We still have the ground and the whole bean. But
the CA Cup sold out, but we're gonna get it
all back in soon, so make sure you're you're back
in action. That's also why we want you to subscribe,
because then it's just we, you know, we fact filled
the order will be good to go. But yeah, Crocket
Coffee dot Com for that. So I'm drinking my Crocket
Coffee this morning and I'm watching Morning Joe, as I
am frequently doing these days. I've got to say, it

is like getting a tour of the enemy's castle. I
get to see their defenses. I get to take a
look at their portcullis, I get to see.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Whatever the that is. It sounds it's dangerous.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Yeah, that's like the wrought iron gate thing with the
spikey bottom. I know what that is. Yeah, I think
that's what that is. At least I haven't. You know,
I'm into the medieval stuff, but it's been a while.
So I get to check out the enemy's fortifications in
Morning Joe, which the fortifications include a lot of botox,
and I'm watching it at all television to be fair, Yeah,

there's a lot of that going on. But you know,
sometimes the good botox you can't really tell the plastic
face botox thing is not a good look. So I'm
watching it, and sure enough, as I'm drinking my Crocket coffee,
I'm thinking to myself, you know, this is the mothership
for the Democrat, the Democrat twenty twenty four election. Right now,
that is there, as I've been saying, the place where

it all happens. And sure enough, they get a phone call,
a phone call. As I'm watching drinking my Crocket, they
get a phone call from none other than Joe Biden himself,
in which he says he's not leaving. This is cut one.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
The bottom line here is that I'm not going anywhere.
I am not going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if
I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate
to beat down on someone. Twenty twenty four. We had
a Democratic nominating process where the voters spoke clearly, I
want fourteen million of those votes, et cetera. So I

just want I not only believe that from the beginning,
but I wanted to reassert and demonstrate to this too.
And I'm going to be doing that all through this
week and from here.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
On all Right, Clay planning the flag.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
He's not going everyone all the stuff about the donors
and whatever. He's not going to willingly go, meaning they're
going to have to come up with some way to
coerce him out. But let's just start with this. He
makes two key points I wanted to hear how you
analyze these two things. First of all, he is the
candidate that the Democrats voted for in the primary. Millions
and millions of Democrats cast their ballots for him, not

for somebody else. There were other options, I mean not really,
but kind of, you know, the technically there were other options, right.
And Two, he still says he's the best person despite everything,
to go up against Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
What do you say?

Speaker 1 (06:05):
Two he's wrong on but I hope he ends up
being the nominee. If your goal is for Trump to win,
I think Biden is the worst possible candidate to go
up against him after June twenty seventh, So that one
we can talk about it, we can discuss because I
still think it's a very interesting part of this analysis.
On the basically, he wrote a letter this morning and

then he went on your favorite show, Morning Joe, and
it was a double barreled attack, and he said it
would be an attack on the will of the Democrat
voters if he's not the nominee, which I think we said,
this is a strong argument that he has that they
are plotting an insurrection against him, that they are trying
to remove him despite the fact that he is the

rightful nominee. And I would also point out that in
that letter, which clearly he had nothing to do with
other than signing his name at the boy it very
well was very well written, Yes, very well written letter
designed to take over the story of the morning. All
of this was perfectly timed. I think his strongest argument

is Dean Phillips ran against me, the congressman from Minnesota.
I think this is where he actually benefits from being
challenged and directly told the Democrat electorate Joe Biden's too
old to be the nominee.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
We need a new generation. And they rejected him. RFK
Junior said the same thing, and they rejected him to
such an extent that he was running now as an independent.
They had a contest and Biden won it. And I
think that's hard to get past. Now, what do you
think of my analogy that basically most of the nation
recognizes that Joe Biden is the grandpa who shouldn't be

driving the car. But right now, his wife, doctor Jill Biden,
says he's fine. His son, Hunter, who is the de
facto top advisor right now house according to Axios, also
says he's fine. How do you get the keys out
of Joe Biden's hands without a nasty, protracted fight.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
This is where Democrats are.

Speaker 1 (08:12):
I mean, just for a quick aside here, you've got
to assume that even Bill Clinton is seeing that Hunter
Biden is the White House top advisor, and he's like.

Speaker 2 (08:22):
I mean, come on, there are some limits to what
kind of stuff you can get away with. I mean, it's.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Crazy bonkers that he's in craost in the White House
right now, particularly because Buck they spent years telling us
Hunter has nothing to do with his dad's business. Hunter's
never involved, He's just a loving son. Joe Biden keeps
him close because of his addiction issues. Now he's the
de facto gatekeeper, according to Axios, of all access to
Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
And Hunter knows this. Joe Biden knows this. Joe Biden
knows this.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
Which is why I've been saying they're not going folks.
If the second they step out of the light and
step out of the power center of the Democrat Party.
They're irrelevant. They're subject to being held accountable, especially in
the case of Hunter for previous stuff. They won't have

a future where people care about them, where people are
paying the money they for them. The game is everything.
You gotta remember, Joe Biden is not like other politicians.
Donald Trump, let's just say Donald Trump loses this election,
play this fall, he goes back to having a big family,
lots of healthy, happy kids, the grandkids. He's got billion dollars.
I know he's got the legal stuff, but you know

he'll beat all that too. You know, he has another life.
He had another life before politics. Joe Biden has no
life outside of politics. Now I'm just talking about this
in terms of his age or anything else. The whole
Biden family. The second that they don't have somebody who
is near the Democrat power center, we're at the in
the core of the Democrat power center.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
They're irrelevant and they have to face the cold, cruel
world for what it is.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
I think Clay in this letter, the reason that Biden's
argument is it has has caught the anti Biden Democrat
forces a little bit off guard. I've been saying this
is a counter coup. Just to be clear, Yes, this
is the this is now. The palace guards are rallying
and pushing out the mob and the rabble and the
you know, the the Marat and the Robespierre, and you

know they're saying, you guys, get out of here. You're
not allowed to storm the Bastille today. But this is
because the argument that he makes here is true. He
wrote in this letter, this is a letter to Congress.
This is from the letter, which I know he didn't
write it, but it's in his name. We get it quote.
We had a democratic nomination process, and the voters have

spoken clearly and decisively. I received over fourteen million votes,
eighty seven percent of the votes cast across the entire
nominating process. I have nearly thirty nine hundred delegates, making
me the presumptive nominee of our party by wide margin.
This was a process open to anyone who wanted to run.

Speaker 2 (11:04):

Speaker 1 (11:05):
I think this argument is powerful because one it is true.
It is the numbers, it is not exaggeration. And two
there's kind of a secondary message that Biden's putting out
with this as well, which is, you.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Guys bought it now, you guys drive it. You know
what I mean?

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Like, you made your choice, I am your choice.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Shut up and strapped in.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
And this also illuminates the difference between the Republican race
and the Democrat race. There are a lot of really
good candidates who ran against Donald Trump, and Donald Trump
ended up the nominee. Nobody with any kind of real
collateral power challenged Joe Biden at all, and now the

Democrats are in a you have to reap what you
sewed universe. They didn't allow him to be challenged. They said, effectively,
he's the untrammeled and without any undisputed challenge, he is
the guy. They rigged the game, according to RFK Junior

at the DNC, to such an extent that he felt
compelled to run as a third party candidate. Dean Phillips
made the exact argument that everybody is making now in
the Democrat Party that Biden is too old, that there
needs to be a better candidate, and the Democrat electorate
showed up and did not support that argument. So if
I'm Joe Biden and I'm trying to preserve my clinch

on power, I think this was a bold move this
morning that caught his opponents flat footed, both the letter
and then the thirty minute call into mourning. Joe, I
think that he has stolen back the momentum in this battle.
The counter coup to the coup, to your point, I
think is a good analogy for those people who follow

palace intrigue. I really, now the question be comes. Is
there going to be a Nancy Pelosi, a James Clyburn,
a Chuck Schumer, a high level Democrat governor who is
willing to actually stand up?

Speaker 2 (13:13):
Is it Bernie Sanders? Elizabeth Warren?

Speaker 3 (13:15):
It doesn't look like any of these people with true
audiences are going to say no. And if they don't,
Biden's going to argue that this insurrection against his leadership
is put down and he's still the guy. Now, the
question is will the thing we've seen for the past
ten days hold on? It's shifted so many directions. Here's

the critical question as I see it. And we can
come back to this in a second. They cannot force
him out and people say twenty fifth Amendment, Well, now
you're I mean, if the sitting president for the Democrats
has to be forced out by his own advisors and
party with a twenty Fifth Amendment guaranteed Donald Trump wins
the election.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
And they know that.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Okay, there's absolutely there would be no faith whatsoever in
any of these people that are in charge right now. Okay,
put that aside. Is there a way they cannot force him?
They cannot browbeat him, they cannot threaten him, because Biden
knows a second, he's not in this mix, Nobody cares.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
And he's nothing. Basically, that's how he thinks. Is there
anything they could do to induce him to step aside?

Speaker 1 (14:16):
You know the answer right now, But that to me,
that's going to we come back outstanding question in the meantime,
Biden out of nowhere, great energy, tunds of vitality, getting
on the radio. Basically it's a television interview, but like
a radio interview.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Send in a letter.

Speaker 3 (14:35):
I know he didn't write it, but getting credit for
actually working outside of ten am to four pm. This
letter broke and he did an interview before ten am
in the morning. That counts as a spry, energetic, filled
with vigor. Joe Biden, do you need some energy in
your life? Maybe coming out of what was a really

long Fourth of July weekend, maybe you had a little
bit too much to drink celebrating our nation's two hundred
and forty eighth birthday. Maybe a stayed out a little
bit too late. Maybe that five day weekend really has
you dragging this Monday.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Energy skey to life. How about getting some energy in
your life with our friends at Chalk. Go online to
the website spelled cchoq dot com, use my name Clay
Clay for a massive discount on any subscription for life.
You can also text five oh chalk three thousand now
and say Clay and Buck sent me fifty chalk three thousand.

Chalk's a US based customer service team standing by to
assist you get hooked up. Now cchoq my name Clay again,
best possible subscription offer. If you'd rather talk on the phone,
you can also call.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
Them five zero chalk three thousand, say Clay and Buck
sent me. That's five zero chalk three thousand. Do it today.
Talking about the latest with Biden, we also want to

mention that we know a ton of you who listen
to us in the Houston area and beyond. There are
major major issues with Hurricane Beryl going on. Certainly wants
you listening to AM radio. That's one of the advantages
of AM radio nationwide. Why it needs to remain in
so many cars, but we want all of you to
stay safe. Buck asked a good question. I think we

should have a conversation about it. That's a little longer form,
but he said, Okay, Biden's making it clear with this
letter and with the call into Morning Joe, that he's
not going quietly into that good night. He's not going
to say, okay, Kamala Harris, you're the next person up.
You're right, it's time for a new generation of leaders.
What could Democrats do to persuade him to leave? To me, Buck,

it's cold hard cash. I think you we're not far
from going to Biden and saying, hey, we'll guarantee you
fifty million cash over the next five years in some
form or fashion through a variety of speaking engagements and
stakes in companies and everything else.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
Do you buy into this? I think that's the only way.
And I know that's it seems so absurd because Biden's
talking about, you know, saving our democracy, because that's who
Biden is.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
He's just full of it all the time.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
You need to get a major book publisher, probably Netflix
or something like it. A big streamer to offer him,
you know, fifteen million dollars for the book rights Jill
ten million dollars for the book, you know, a series
based on their lives, whatever, And you need to find
a way that after he steps down, pay them out

fifty million, one hundred million dollars.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
I'll all the Clintons. That's how it gets done. That's
the only way it gets done.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
When the CEO of a big company decides to take
his very lucrative salary and cut it down to one dollar,
you got to ask yourself why. Well, my friend Porter
Stansbury did just that, and he wants you to know
about it because it applies to you too. He says,
there's a better way to get compensated than just dollars.
He sees a new form of money in America and
it is making some people very rich. You don't need

to be a CEO or a titan of industry to
obtain this kind of compensation. Thousands of Americans and a
whole range of roles have already started to become compensated
in this way. And Porter has a detailed, well documented
video that he's sharing for all of us.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Online to explain.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
Go check out Porter's latest presentation at secret Currency twenty
twenty four dot com. He thinks America's new money works
and is the most critical way to protect your income.
It is not crypto, by the way, is not precious metals.
Go to secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com again
that website to watch for free Secret Currency twenty twenty

four dot com. One other thing that I want to
put in the mix here as of today, As of
right now, Biden has decided to go all in on
I'm not going anywhere, doesn't care what big names want

him out, doesn't care about the reporting. Oh, the big donors,
and I've thought that's all along. Yeah, the big donors
can squawk and get upset about whatever. Are they gonna
start writing checks or Republicans? Are they going to allow
Donald Trump to win? I mean, if you're a Democrat billionaire,
you're probably a little disconnected from reality and likely to
be somewhat emotionally unstable because.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
Donald Trump is threatening our democracy.

Speaker 1 (19:42):
So I think that you're gonna end up writing a
check to Biden no matter what. That's my and I
think that's what Biden's calculation is on all this. To
be clear, now, there is another situation here, and I'm
not exactly sure how this one's gonna go.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Well, no one's sure how it's gonna go quite yet.
I don't think Biden shore how it's going to go.

Speaker 1 (20:02):
And it is not just he's too old, he's got
cognition issues, but if it comes out that he is
in the grip of a degenerative brain disease, age related
degenitive brain brain disease, right, usually age related, I.

Speaker 2 (20:19):
Think they are, but this is something that's coming up
more and more.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
I want to note that Alex Berenson is going to
be with us at the top of the next hour,
and he's and this is from White House logs, from
official White House logs. This is not some conspiracy theory.
He's going to present to you evidence that in his
mind shows Joe Biden actually has a true degenerative brain issue.

I'll let him tell you specifically what that is, but
you'll definitely want to stay around with Remember Alex was
the guy who when everyone thought, even a lot of conservatives,
the vaccines are amazing, They're going to save us all
from COVID. They're going to work, he was like, actually,
they don't work. At least not in terms of transmission stopping,
and very little in terms of anything else. So we're
gonna listen to him on this one that'll be coming

up in a little bit. But there was one moment
on the Morning Joe interview when everybody was kind of
looking at each other, like, hey, yeah, play a good
round of eighteen this weekend. You know, Morning Joe is
very You get to be part of this secret club
of smug You get to just sit there and be
so smug.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
That's really the advantage of Morning Joe watching, So it
is kind of fun.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
But they asked, or they brought up this thing about
whether he has been tested for age related illness. I
want you to hear. This was on the phone call
the Morning Joe this morning. This is cut to.

Speaker 4 (21:39):
Look I had before I was feeling so badly before
the debate. When I came back, they tested me before.
I thought maybe I had COVID, maybe there was something wrong,
I had an affection or something. They tested me.

Speaker 2 (21:56):
They gave me those tests.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
That was clear. So but look, I had a bad night.
But the fact of the matter is, look at what
I'm doing. I mean, let me put this way. If
there was something that was wrong that night. It's not
like it comes and that's one night and goes away.
That's why I've been out. I've been testing myself, been
testing everywhere I go, going out and making the case.

The night of that debate, I went out. I was
out till two o'clock in the morning that very night,
that very night. It drives me nuts people talking.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
About this play.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
He will always avoid this, He will not do any
outside medical cognition testing. If they, I think you'll see
more and more of this, they will fight tooth and
nail to make sure that it doesn't come out, or
that rather that there's no official diagnosis of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,
Louis Body, Huntington's, any of the diseases of the mind

of the brain that can affect it, because that I
think that I think would become too hard to hold
back people if they found out. Right now, so they
they've they've only got to keep this under wrapped for
a month, right, that's the whole thing. They've just got
to get to the convention.

Speaker 3 (23:09):
Well, and I think they're intentionally probably avoiding a official
diagnosis because we're going to talk with Alex.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
That's what I mean.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
You can't You can't pr a diagnosis of degenerative brain disease.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
But I think the reason they're having all these meetings
with people is they're like, oh, we suspect this might
be what it would be. And then they're going to say, so,
let's pretend that this was the condition. What's the best
way that we could treat it. Let's just you know, like,
let's just hypothesize that we knew someone who is in

a really important position of power, and really, what should
we be doing? And buck, this is what really is
going on. I think right now where he is, they
can somewhat hide him on a teleprompter because he is
because he's done it for fifty years. He's skilled enough

to still be able to look at words directly in
front of him and respond in a way.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
When it is all set out for him.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
Now, sometimes he reads things that he shouldn't be reading,
like when he said go get him at the end
of the at the end of the speech that stayed
in the Union a couple of years ago. But as
soon as they get him off the teleprompter, that's when
he falls apart. And so I don't know how they
can protect him from having to react to questions.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
Did you watch the Stepanopolis interview on the day? So
I watched that. My kids wanted to watch WWE SmackDown,
so we were flipping back and forth. It was only
twenty two minutes whatever it was. Even there, he got
helped by Stepanopolis a couple of times. He couldn't remember
what the polls were, and Stephanopoulos kind of gave him

the lifeline there. I don't know if they show him
up on September tenth at the second debate and trot
it out there again, he can't go off prompter, So
I suspect what they'll do is they will claim that
he is vigorous, that he is incredibly with it. They'll
tell him do not read anything other than what is

on the prompter, and they will do their best to
try to protect him that way. And if there is
an acknowledgment that his counter coup has worked, what you
will start to see is what is already begun, which
is even Joe Biden with dementia is better than Donald Trump.
That's going to become the rallying point that you will

see Democrats adopt. Now some of them have already got
their legs cut out, like I think it's funny. Stephen
King and Rob Reiner and some of some of these
left wingers who have been super active on social media,
and I think, what is it five or six congress
people so far at this point have said he needs
to be replaced.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
But that is where we'll play.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
An audio clip for you when we come back of
our good friend Whoope Goldberg basically saying that she would
vote for Joe Biden even if he's pooping his pants
all the time. That's where they are. That's what actually
she actually said that this and we're not hyperbole. Yeah, yeah,
that's a Bidenism right there. It's not hyperbole, it's not
a joke.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
It's actually real.

Speaker 1 (26:26):
Uh no, I I but that's to me, the only
there there's induced Biden to drop out, and they're somehow
he's forced into a corner or it comes out officially
that he has a degenerative degenerative brain disease. Because he's old,
he's lost to step he's foggy. People can tell themselves
that's fine. He has a medically diagnosed condition that means

that his brain is only going to get worse, and
you cannot rely on his judgment and cognition right now.
Then I think the voices can be loud enough that
he realized it's not gonna happen. So that, to me
is the only other risk factor that he runs right now.
Remember too, this is not going away. We made the
Federman in analogy. You don't suddenly reverse age. He's not

gonna Benjamin button things and start doing cartwheels and backflips soon.
I do think though, that Democrats are a little bit
whistling past the proverbial graveyard, maybe even the actual graveyard.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
In this context. He's going to.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Screw up in a big way multiple times between now
and November. He may fall coming down air Force one
st I.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
Was gonna say, he said, Clay that the screw up
bar is Ei.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
There's so much room now for I mean, what could
be worse than the debate in terms of any of this.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
He would have to have something. He falls down. He's
gonna say he tripped.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
I mean, well, but it all just circles back to
the debate. The debate was such a disaster that you
can't take it away from people's minds.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
And that's why I think it's.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
Interesting people will forget I think you've got to turn
up the cynicism, my man. I media there, you're gonna
have give it a month. Rob Rygers is gonna be
like Joe Biden is defending our democracy.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
You know it's they're gonna say it.

Speaker 3 (28:14):
But and there's forty five percent of people out there
that are gonna line up and put a vote in
for the Democrat team no matter what status Biden is in,
because they are voting for the team, not the candidate.
The problem is, I don't think this is a savable candidacy.
And look, there are things we haven't even hardly been
giving advice to the Trump team. They've done a good

job staying out of the line of fire. I do
think that Trump is in a unique position where he
has house money the likes of which he's never had
before in the history of his candidacy.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
He's a great insurgent candidate. Can Trump run a campaign.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
Where he's got the ball and he's got the lead
and he just needs to avoid creating a big stir.
I don't know that he can. I think that's one
thing to keep in mind. Can we have a completely
disciplined Republican National Convention? Can Republicans get out of the
way and not like themselves on fire for the next
four months to help Biden. I'm not sure that I

think they can. You know, what is Bill Belichick's number
one advice, buck when it comes to winning games, do
your job? Can Republicans just do their job? Or are
they going to fumble the ball? Are they gonna throw
the interception? Are they going to trip all over themselves
and bring Biden back in the game, not by any

virtue of his incredible play, but just by Republican incompetence.
I just I want you all to remember that I
said this on July eighth, Okay, because I understand right
now there's a lot of stuff going on out there,
a lot of tripping from people in the interwebs. I
still believe that the most dangerous candidate that Joe of
that Donald Trump faces is Joe Biden. That doesn't mean

I don't think Trump can win. I think Trump is
winning right now. But I think that when we get
into the fall, this is going to feel like we
were living in a parallel universe when everybody realized Biden
was so far behind and he's so weak and everything else,
and this is just where Clay I think the COVID
experience factors into the way that I view politics in
the world so much. They'll just all lie, and they

will just all go along with it. They will go
along like Lemmings, except the whole Lemmings thing is a
lie too. By the way, it was a faked documentary
made by Disney at the time. They don't all kill themselves.
That's all a total falsehood. Question for you is we
got to break. You asked a good question. Would you
advise Trump to debate in September or would you tell
him you already knocked him out? He doesn't deserve another

chance to step into the ring, because I think if
Biden stays in, they're going to put a lot into
a redemptive performance. I believe it's on September tenth. Would
you say, if you're Trump's team, We're going to go
do rallies on that day instead, it's more valuable. We
already knocked Joe by out. People have seen us debate enough.
I think it's a really if Biden is the guy,

or if it were Kamala, I think it would be
an interesting decision as well.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
But do you let the guy that you already.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Knocked out back in the ring and give him a
chance to throw more punches at you. Or do you
think Biden's so mentally shot that you would actually benefit
even more because if he fumbles again, then the race
is really I just I think it's a really high risk.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
I reward analysis. I have thoughts on that, which is
good because we make a living sharing thoughts.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
So I do have some thoughts on this one, which
we'll get to here momentarily. I want to hear from
all of you on this as well. Want to hear
how many of you are looking for plots on buck
Island leaving the big city of clay Town, big city,
A lot of people in clay Town moving to buck Island.
On this Biden issue, I'm just wondering a lot.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
Of people, a lot of people retiring, maybe thinking about
a nice, nice golf front view. I gotta say, buck
Island prices of property is skyrocketing.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Price is going up today, have been again tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
All it takes is like a medical analysis to come
out and that Biden, and then you know, I'm not
gonna lie to you guys. It'll be like fire sale
at buck Island. So anyway, we'll see but we'll talk
about that in a second, and I switch gears here
for a moment, because, look, it is hard for us
in America to imagine what everyday life is like for
those who have been living in Israel Since October seventh,

their citizens were attacked by Hamas Terris in the most
brutal and horrific way, and since then there's been a
near constant barrage of missiles from one hostile force after another.
It's difficult to lead a normal life with all that disruption,
and it's a time when friends and allies.

Speaker 2 (32:42):
Are so important.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
We've partnered with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
the IFCJ, an organization dedicated to showing Israeli citizens they're
not alone and that people worldwide care for their safety.
The IFCJ does incredible work, some of which will be
highlighting when Clay goes to Israel next month. You can
support IFCJ in their mission to help Israeli citizens remain

steadfast and strong by visiting their website SUPPORTIFCJ dot org.
This is such a critical time to show our Israeli
brothers and sisters that they're not alone. They're supported by
Americans like you and me again, that's SUPPORTIFCJ dot org
support IFCJ dot org drinking that Crock coffee.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
We love all of you, Buck, and I had to
go order a bunch more because you guys are buying
so much of it. We're gonna do millions of dollars
in coffee sales before long. B gets nervous when I
come out and I go ahead and call the shot here.
But based on our growth and based on how much
coffee we're buying, you guys have supported this coffee company.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
And just remember that ten percent of the profits goes
to Tellnel to Towers Foundation. That businesses run on very
fine margins, So it's not like we're making millions of
dollars if no, Yes, that's one hundred percent correct. But
it speaks to the unbelievable response of you guys to
a great coffee company that we are going to be

doing that level of business thanks to you guys. We
had to go cut big checks ourselves to go buy
more of the products so we can get it into
your hands. Okay, Buck, I asked you, but you got
to tell them the go subscribe at Crocketcoffee dot com. Please,
you gotta do this is the important part. Go subscribe
at Crocket Coffee dot com. I remember this month, we've
got blonde roast coming out, and we've got organic roast

coming out, and we even have some specialty coffee that
is on the horizon.

Speaker 2 (34:41):
Very cool stuff that you are. So we're not just
this isn't just like the standard. We got the standard covered,
but it's a whole slate of really excellent Crocket Coffee products.
Go subscribe today.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
You'll get all the emails, all the updates, and you'll
be drinking the best coffee anywhere.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
Okay, you're on Buck Island. You and Joe Biden waving
the Biden flag. Would you advise Donald Trump if he
called into this show right now and said, Buck, I
need to know, Clay, I need to know. Should I debate?
I would say, no, you've already knocked him out. I
would use that analogy. I would say, if you're the

champ and you knock out a guy, he doesn't get
a rematch, if it goes to the judges and there's uncertainty,
then I would debate again.

Speaker 2 (35:24):
I can see both arguments. What would you say?

Speaker 1 (35:29):
I would you know what I think that Trump's brand
is such that in the big when it comes to
the big dance, he's out there on the dance floor.
I would I would tell him that you can't have
Biden saying he wants a debate and you don't do it.
But I'm persuadable on this one. I'm persuadable. This is

one where I'm it's like a fifty one to forty
nine for me. I mean, I feel very torn, but
I would tell Trump to go and debate, even though
I think Biden will actually do much better in the
second debate because there's nowhere to go about up. That's
what that's my concern is that Biden would be better.

Speaker 2 (36:03):

Speaker 3 (36:04):
We also should say that's September tenth, so you'll have
a better sense of where the race is right after
Labor Day when we come through and we've completely finished
the summer. I don't think it's going to move that much.
But it could be that Trump is up so much
he says, look, we've already done enough. It could be
it's a closer race and he wants people to try
to see Biden off the prompter again. I think it's

going to be one of the biggest decisions they have
to make in the Trump campaign, along with who is
the VP going to be? We got some updates on
potentially that in the odds markets. But we come back
Alex Barns and our friend says that a expert on
Parkinson's has visited the White House physician nine times. What

is going on there? We will discuss with our friend
Alex Berenson next

Speaker 4 (37:00):

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