All Episodes

July 8, 2024 55 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Biden yelling on Morning Joe

  • Whoppi sets the lowest bar ever for Biden

  • Jill is running the country





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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Morning. You're about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Save America with your host, Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Good evening, Battle Crew, Good evening, America, Welcome to Battleground Live.
I have to tell you, folks, it is great to
be back in this chair. You know, I hadn't done
a show since Wednesday, just to recap with Savage Rich Barris.
Was the last time you and I saw each other, well,

at least on this show, you know that July fourth,
and had no show on that it's five o'clock and
it's July fourth, And then hosted for Jesse Kelly on Friday,
and then had the weekend, and then in for Wendy
Bell this morning, and then here with you tonight. It
just feels like a long drought, and I have to say,

I'm glad it's over the drought. I'm glad I get
to spend this time with you again. This is always
the highlight of my day, you know, talking to you
all in the live chat, somebody mentioned to me, can't
remember who. We are building a movement, battle Crew, and
I mean that that's what this show is all about,

and it's a movement to save this country. Get in
the trenches, take action, save this country. It's a grassroots show.
It always will be. It's yours and so yes, I
was in for Wendy Bell this morning, and now I'm
doing the show tonight, and then I'm back in for
Wendy Bell tomorrow morning, and then the show again tomorrow night.
So it's gonna be a crazy couple of days. But

such is life from See to Shining Sea and everybody
in between. Welcome, got a huge show for you today.
I mean huge show. I mean there's so much going on,
the stories almost right themselves, but we got Biden yelling
on morning Joe will be set. It's the bar extraordinarily low,

even for the animated corpse that is Joe Biden. Joe
Biden's Jill Jill ji Ll. She's clearly running the country right,
doesn't matter who the Dems nominate, And go to talk
a little bit about how the Democrats cheat Wisconsin Supreme
Court reverses course and allows dropboxes, what is the Save
Act and everything you need to know about that, I

mean all of this stuff. My goal on this show
is to always keep you on the forefront of every
single issue, and it let you know it's coming down
the pike legislatively, legislatively, let you know what the Democrats
are planning, let you know how the Republicans are failing.
I feel like that is part of my job. Okay,
now listen to this. Folks. Spend a lot of time

this morning talking about the machinations behind the scene of
the Biden crime family and the Democrat Party. I want
to first tell you about the moment because right now
we're one hundred and twenty days from election day. One
hundred and twenty days. It's right around the corner. New

Emerson poll came out today Emerson College, which is typically
I mean it's typically like a lean Democrat type poll.
This is a poll that took place in swing states
Pennsylvania Trump plus five, Arizona Trump plus four, Michigan Trump
plus one, Wisconsin Trump plus three, Nevada Trump plus six,

Georgia Trump plus five. It is difficult for me to
describe in words how powerful this number is. One hundred
and twenty days out from election day, Folks, try to
wrap your mind around this for just a moment. Please.
In twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, President Trump never and

I mean never had leads like this. I am not
saying weel we get complace. I am not saying that
we rest on our laurels, because we absolutely positively shouldn't
We always campaigned like we're ten points down. In fact,
the only pathway forward is to grind the existential threat

that is the Democrat Party into a dust like it.
Let's use Democrat terminology. Let's fundamentally transform the Democrat Party,
just like they want to fundamentally transform America. How about that, right,
let's lose, Let's use language like that. But these numbers
are on precedent and the real clear politics average. Tom

Bevin came out and said yesterday that of something like
two hundred and twenty nine polls that were taken, there
were two hundred and twenty nine total polls in twenty twenty,
two hundred and twenty seven of those polls, Biden had
a five or even ten point margin of victory in
each and every one of those polls on average. The
Democrats are seeing these numbers and they their minds are blown.

And I said this morning on the Wendy Bell radio show,
and I think it's important to say again that once
the scales are removed from someone's eyes, once they've been
red pilled. Of course, I'm referring back to the famous
scene in the Matrix. Take the blue pill, stay in
the matrix forever, don't really see the truth. Take the
red pill, and you see everything. More Americans have been

red pilled in the last two months in this country
than ever before, which is why I have been talking
about my theory about the deep state, about how they
operate in the shadows, about how they thrive in the shadows.
The more bold they become, the more brazen they become,
the more people become aware of their machinations and their plans,

and ultimately it leads to their demise and minimal effectiveness
on their part. So for I'm looking at this in
your deep state, you're thinking, well, why take the risk.
We've already we've already stifled a Trump presidency once, or
at least in their minds, we could do it pretty effectively. Again,
nothing that the Democrats are saying him being a threat

to democracy is true in any way, shape or form.
In fact, Biden's a much bigger threat to democracy. And
you look at these numbers that leads me to where
we are today with Biden. And when I tell you
that there's something too too big to rig. I've been
saying this to you for months. I mean it, because

if we show up in droves, of course, all of
the Republicans and conservatives and constitutional conservatives and America First patriots,
we all got to do our part. We all have
to show up, and we all have to make sure
that we are accountable for ten family members and friends
to show up on election day. Yes, that is our charge,
that is our mission. But Democrats are hemorrhaging people who

have traditionally been a part of Democrat voting blocks, Latinos, Blacks,
young Americans, young Americans aged eighteen to twenty five are
now Trump plus five. I'm telling you, folks, these people
in twenty twenty were Biden plus sixteen. That is a

twenty one point swing in just a few years. So
even if the polls are wrong, I don't trust polls.
You shouldn't either, But even if they're wrong, these numbers
are just a disaster for the Democrats. And now you
add to that all of the disaster that is the

polling for Biden. He's already struggling, he's already languishing. You
add to that that debate scales removed from Americans eyes
people believe that the media have been lying to them.
And part of the reason why the media is now

relent less lee covering this is their role in the
cover up was completely exposed. They are not covering this
because there was some conspiracy to keep them on the outside. No,
they the media, and I'm talking the owners of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN,

anybody in these traditional legacy corporate media outlets. They know
now that more Americans lost faith and trusting them than
ever before in the last two weeks. It's staggering. So
what they're doing is trying to play catch up, trying

to pull a fast one on the American people and
set the narrative that, hey, no, we had no idea
the Biden campaign, the Biden White House was misleading us
on the president's health. But of course we know that's
not true. If you watched Wendy Bell's show this morning,
I unpacked all of that because if you read Olivia

Nuzzy's article in New York Magazine where she talks about
a conspiracy of silence around President Biden's cognitive health, well,
then she says right there in her original tweet where
she puts out her article that she knew in January.
She not only did she know, she had first hand

knowledge after a meeting with the President, that the man
was an animated corpse, that his eyes were open, he
was alive, but nothing was behind him. There was no sparkle,
there was no glint, there was no shimmer. He felt
like it wasn't there. And not only that, she exposes
in that very same article. And I don't even I

don't think that this was intentional. This is how tone
deaf many of these people are. But she exposes right
there in that article that it wasn't only her that
had a personal experience with Biden, but the entire White
House press corps they all knew about it. And I
think Commander Melanie, before I came down here, was talking
to me about a chief Washington correspondent for the Associated
Press or some other damn network, saying that when they

were covering the Biden White House, this reporter just got
used to over the last couple of years wearing an
audio translation device just to be around Biden in the
event that he got real quiet and was mumbling. So
you mean to tell me that you this reporter knew
about this. For God, knows how long yet said nothing.

I mean, imagine if the roles were reversed. Imagine if
reporters had to wear closed optioning for audio help around
President Trump because he was mumbling and incoherence so much.
It's insane. You can bet your ass that if the
roles were reversed, this would be non stop reporting. I mean,

after all, Trump spoke at West Point, was wearing leather
shoes with slip bottoms, was walking down a metal ramp,
and god forbid, he slipped one time. Everybody out there
was reporting over and over and over again that Trump
had dementia or some sort of Parkinson's disease or something
like that, when in reality, he just slipped. It's in insane.

The reason why I'm so passionate about this, and you
could probably tell him really fired up about this, is
that our world is falling apart. There's no guarantee that
America survives another four years of the Biden administration. We have,
We've been brought to the brink in a three years

of his administration. This notion that he's a bumbling fool,
well he is, but the people that are in his
in his administration are carrying apart. This country. Listen, it's
July eighth. It's Monday, July eighth. I filled in for
Wendy Bell on the radio exactly one year ago today.

Shortly after that, a few months after that, I started
doing this daily show. So it's been under a year.
But in the time that I was doing the Daily
show here for about eight months now, maybe nine months,
I have told you time and again, I think hearkening
back to the very first live episode that I did,
that Joe Biden was not running the show. If I

knew that, and you knew that, then why the hell
isn't the Washington Press Corps the Press Corps reporting and
that even as our country burns. It is frustrating to
me because the damage that's being done to our country
right now will take a generation to fix. You got kids,

you got grandkids, well, good luck. They are mired in
this shit. And I'm fired up because I have five
amazing kids. Or come hell or high water, I'm not
going to allow them do it. A heir at a
country like this, I refused to stay silent. I refuse
to be a part of some silent majority. In fact,

I might mention this every damn show. I hate that Moniker.
The silent majority part of me thinks it was created
just to keep us silence as some sort of self
fulfilling prophecy. We cannot be silent anymore. Our silence is
leading to our demise. And the press is silence about

in this cover up of Biden's cognitive health, even as
our country burns is doing enormous damage to our country.
And so Biden today, which today is an interesting day
because members of Congress are back on Capitol Hill after
a little bit of a hiatus. All Democrat members of
Congress are back on Capitol Hill today. In time with

their arrival on the Hill, Biden sent a letter to
his Democrat colleagues in both the House and the Senate
affirming that yes, in fact, he is resolved to stay in.
And of course you have David Axelrod come out today
and say this. Trump's not talking much about Biden's bad debate.

Trump's campaign is not blitzing ads about it. And Laura
Trump said last week it would be an affront of
democracy if Biden were not the nominee. Question, why do
you think they are uncarous uncharacteristically holding fire? Uh? Gee,
I don't know, because you're because your candidate is an

animated corpse, because we're watching with gleeful bliss, your party
self self immolate. I don't know, because Trump's running a
ruthlessly efficient campaign this go around and is not weighing
in perhaps some places where he shouldn't. Oh, I don't
know this version of Trump, this version of Trump is

the best one ever, or he's more disciplined and running
a better operation than ever before. And of course we're
getting news now that Trump's VP announcement will come by
next Monday. Well this from ABC. I had to laugh
when I saw that, because the Republican National Convention is
coming up. And yeah, it would be highly unlikely that
President Trump doesn't appoint a vice presidential candidate after the convention.

Let's just say that. But I want to draw your
attention to something that I don't think anybody else has
really talked about, and I think this is really important.
So here we have a sitting president of the United States.

He has said to his colleagues, his donors, and the
people who voted for him that I'm not stepping down.
I'm resolved to stay in this race. This is a
sitting president. I want you to do everything that you
can to put political biases aside. And I know it's

tough because I'm a lockstock and barrel card carrying conservative
just like you. But just just imagine for a moment
that this was happening in our party. He was sitting
president of the United States. Oh and to be clear,
I am absolutely not defending Joe Biden. I'm I'm just
laying this out by what to give you an example

of a point I'm about to make. Sitting president of
the United States resolved to stay in millions of people
who have already voted for him, their primary is over.
He's not the presumptive Democrat nominee. He is the Democrat nominee.
He is the Democrat Party. He's the sitting president, illegitimate
president of the United States, and his party is flippantly

would just pick somebody else, just step aside the elites
of his party. By the way of which by is one,
He's got to step aside his donor say, he's got
to step aside David axhrot Obama's axe man. He's got
to step aside for the good of the country. So basically,
what's happening is a secret and wealthy cabal of powerful

and influential people are trying to conspire together to force
an American president out of office. Does that sound familiar
to you? It should. Do you remember the Time magazine

article the Secret History of the twenty twenty election, where
they say exactly that a secret, wealthy cabal of powerful
people conspire together to stop Trump from winning the presidency.
Do you think that maybe when you use the term secret,
cabal and wealthy in the same sentence, that maybe it
doesn't lead to a good place. I'm not defending Joe Biden,

but guess what I have been on the record. I
don't care if he stays or goes. It doesn't matter.
The Democrats can elect the Turnip. I'll get to that
a little bit later. It doesn't matter to me because
I want to whip Biden's ass been in Washington fifty years.
I want him to lose, and I want Trump to

kick his ass, just like he did in twenty twenty.
These arrogant assholes still out there saying that there's no
evidence that twenty twenty was rigged and stolen, despite the
mounds of evidence that we now have. I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of it. I want him to be accountable
to the voters. I want his last act in politics

to be an ass swooping, an electoral ass swooping of
epic proportions. I don't give a shit who's on the
top of that ticket. I want it to be Biden
because I want him to lose. All Right, I thought,
I I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I'm just

like kind of smoked, said, three hours of wonder Bell
Radio and then this and then three hours tomorrow. I
haven't even started playing the show for tomorrow, but I'm
just really fired up right now. I'm really fired up
right now. Okay, So, the Republican National Committee voted on
the twenty twenty four GOP platform, and I'm going to

read it to you because I think you need to know.
And if you're somebody that's watching the show, you're a hater.
You're a garbage liberal, somebody just wants to trash on
America or country, President Trump or other conservatives, Like I
want to ask you this question after I read this
to you, I just want to ask you, how can

anyone be opposed to this platform? Okay, I'm going to
read it to you. Here's the Republican platform for twenty
twenty four is passed by the RNC Platform Committee. Priority
one Seal the border. Two. Carry out the largest deportation
operation in history. Three. End inflation. Four, make United States

dominant energy producer. Five stop outsourcing manufacturing. Six. Large tax
cuts for workers, no tax on tips. Hard to argue
with this. Seven. Defend the Constitution and fundamental freedoms. Eight.

Prevent World War three. Oh gee, I don't know. Because
it used to be a fundamental leftist position to be
anti war, you'd think you'd agree with that one. But no,
you ask clowns. Got your Ukrainian flag and your buyer
are willing to send your sons and daughters to die
for a war that does not matter and is not
in the American interest, Right, That's what you're all four

Ukraine nine, End the weaponization of government. Ten. Stop migrant
crime epidemic. Eleven. Rebuild US cities, make them safe and
clean again. Twelve. Strengthen modernize the military. Thirteen. Keep the
United States money as the world reserve currency. Fourteen Protect

Social Security and Medicare. Because you wait, there are gonna
be ads about President Trump throwing granny off a cliff
wants to dismantle Social Security men, Nope, it's right there
in the and the party platform. Fifteen. Cancel the electronic
vehicle mandate sixteen, cut funding for schools, pushing for gender
ideology and critical race theory. Awesome seventeen keep men out

of women's sports. Absolutely protect our daughters. But if you're
a liberal, this is probably not. Probably against this too, right,
because liberals are racists and misogynists and anti I w
eighteen to port pro hamas radicals, especially from colleges. Nineteen,
secure elections, voter id, paper ballance, proof of citizenship, twenty,

unite our country by bringing it to record levels of
success and kicking abortion down to the States. And people
are up in arms, by the way about the abortion issue,
and I understand it's an issue that makes people get
their jerseys on. It's an issue that people are really
passionate about. And to be clear, I am pro life,

but I look at this issue as we want to
implement the most pro life strategy as is politically tolerable
by the nation at large at any given moment. The
mission is to save as many babies' lives as humanly possible. Right,
so we do that by winning incremental battles by not

taking too much too soon. Right. So that's the goal,
is to approach this issue with nuance, with sensitivity. I understand.
I'm not even gonna get into it. I'm just telling
I am pro life, but I also understand the political
implications of this. The left used this ish you to
bludge in the right for two cycles in a row.

Hell in the off cycle races here in Pennsylvania, folks,
they were running ads, you know, a abortion ads against
county commissioners in sheriffs in Pennsylvania. And I'm thinking to myself, like,
no are they running abortion ads against sheriff's for they

have absolutely positively nothing to do it. But that doesn't
stop the Democrats from doing anything, now, does it. Okay,
So we're gonna get into this Biden Morning Joe interview
here in a second, because again Biden's doubled down and
resolved to stay in and so his political consultants said,
you know what we're gonna do. Let's just put Joe

in an echoey room that sounds like a bathroom and
have him scream into a speakerphone as if he's a
grumpy old man yelling at a cloud. So Biden's campaign
staff somehow says, hey, you know what we're gonna do.
We're just gonna send Joe Biden. You know, people are
questioning Joe Biden's mental health. People are saying that Joe

Biden's incognitive decline. So here's what we're gonna do. We're
gonna send him on Morning Joe to allay people's fears.
Listen how it goes. I'm curious.

Speaker 3 (24:36):
Is that an illusion also to Donald Trump and the
fact that Democrats, you believe, may now be doing the
same thing that Donald Trump tried to do in twenty twenty,
and that is overthrow the popular will of Democratic voters.

Speaker 4 (24:53):
Well, look, Democrat, Joe, let me say it this way.
The reason I've been on on the road so much
all over the country. While Trump is riding around in
a golf cart, filling out his golf cart before a
golf cart before he even hits the ball hit, he
hadn't been anywhere in ten days. I've been all over the.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
Country Biden's golf cart and Trump's filling out a card
and haaa what I mean? So that does nothing to
make me feel better about the president's cognitive strength. But

you know, maybe over time he gets into a stride,
just like they said he did during the debate, right
started out slow, but started to hit his stride later. Meanwhile,
what they meant was he just didn't poop his pants
on the stage, because that's the bar that we've set
for Biden. And if you think that if this is
just me talking, it's not, stay tuned. It's craziest SoundBite

in the world to prove my point there. But maybe
he gets better as time goes on.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
The American public is not going to move away from
me as an average voter. And again, I'm here for
two reasons. Pal one to rebuild the economy for hard
work and middle class people. Give everybody a shot. That's
a straight shot. Everybody gets a fair chance. Number one,
Number two. Number all us talk about how I don't
have the black support. Come on, give me a break,

come with me. Why why I'm getting so frustrated by
the elite. Now I'm not talking about you guys, but
about the elite in the party who they know so
much more. But any of these guys, I don't think
I should run against me. Good announce the president challenge
man the convention.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
Joe Biden is one of the elites of the Democrat Party.
He had sent He's been in Washington for fifty years.
If anybody is a member of the Democrat elite, it's
Joe Biden and mourning. Joe and Micah are just like it.

That's my laugh for moronic shit libs, because they're a
member of the elite too. But that does like that
do anything to make you feel better about his cognitive ability?
Or how about this?

Speaker 4 (27:22):
And I'm rereading from the list of live. First of all,
he was made up quote suckers and losers. I was
with he called American in the cemetery of World War One?
Suckers and losers.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
Did you hear Joe Biden there? I'm not sure enough
is being made of this. He tried to say, I
was there no pushback from morning Joe or Micah. You
heard that, right? I do you want to hear it again?
I mean he tried to say, I was just listen
he said I was with him. He just guide lies

all the time.

Speaker 4 (28:00):
I'm we're reading from the list of live. First of all,
he was made up quote suckers and losers. I was
with a called Americans in the cemetery from World War
One suckers and.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Losers, he said, I was with him. Man, have it transcribed.
If you're watching with us on Rumble, you could see
it right there. Listen, folks, this is this is, this
is bad. We all know. I'm not I'm not telling
you anything that you don't know. But our nation is
falling apart as this.

Speaker 3 (28:34):

Speaker 1 (28:34):
This animated corpse continues to run the show. I'm just
concerned about how much more damage he could do from
now until election day? Do you understand my point? Right?
And this comes as this comes as news that a

Parkinson doctor, a Parkinson's, a Parkinson's disease specialist, has been
at the White House once a month every month since January.
There's only one person in the White House that's over
eighty that would probably need a Parkinson's doctor visiting him regularly.

This isn't just a one off checkup, right, He's going
there every month. This is evidenced by the White House's
own visitor logs. So if this Parkinson's doctor is going
to visit the president every month, it's not just one
off checkup, right, It's because he's treating something. Am I right?

So listen, to Micah ask about have you been tested
for parkinson Joe Biden does not answer.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
You've been tested for any age related illnesses pre Parkinson's
or anything like that.

Speaker 5 (29:55):
That might explain sort of having a night like that
where you couldn't finish sentences.

Speaker 4 (30:03):
Look, I had before. I was feeling so badly before
the debate. When I came back, they tested me before.
I thought maybe I had COVID, Maybe there was something wrong,
I had an affection or something. They tested me, they
gave me those tests. I was clear. So but look,

I had a bad night. But the fact of the
matter is, look at what I'm doing. I mean, let
me put this way. If there was something that was
wrong that night, it's not like it comes and that's
one night and it goes away. That's why I've been out.
I've been testing myself, been testing everywhere I go, going
out and making the case. The night of that debate,

I went out, I was out there.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Joe's been testing himself. I mean, listen, now, I want
you to see this clip. I mean, there's there's this
is this is this is the reason why I'm showing
you this is because I believe that we live at
an unprecedented time where the stuff that we've experienced in

four or five short years is unbelievable. Yeah, it's it's
the sixties were crazy with the assassinations and everything else
like that. But it's almost like the deep state has
gotten far more sophisticated in the way that they operate.
Where why do that when they can just assassinate your
character or they can just use the immense power of

the federal government to crush their opponents through lawfare. You
know what I mean. But listen to this unbelievable exchange
between Ed o'keith today and the White House Press room
and our DEI Press Secretary kJ P. It's again about
the president having Parkinson's listen.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
Question hold on, hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait a second?
Wait times, or at least once in regards I just hold.

Speaker 4 (32:08):
On a second.

Speaker 5 (32:10):
Wait no no, no, no, no, no, no wait a minute, Ed,
please a little respect here, please. So every year around
the president's physical examination he sees a neurologist. That's three times, right,
So I am telling you that he has seen or

a neurologists three times while he has been in this presidency.
That's what I'm saying. I am telling you that he
has seen them three times. That is what I'm sharing
with you, right, So every time he has a physical
he has had to see a neurologists. So that is
answering that question. No, it is, it is you're asking me.

But I just I also said to you, Ed, I
also said to you, for security reasons, we cannot share names.
We cannot names. We have to we have to.

Speaker 1 (33:03):
We canads if someone came here.

Speaker 5 (33:06):
We cannot share We cannot share names of specialists broadly,
from a dermatologist to a neurologist. We cannot share names.
There are security reasons we have to. We have to
protect I understand that. I hear you. I cannot from
here confirm any of that because we have to keep

their privacy. I think they would appreciate that too. We
have to give them. We have to keep their privacy.
I hear you. Guys, Guys, guys, hold on a second.
There's no reason to get back and go back and
forth with me in this aggressive way. I missed around
here about how information has been shared with the press,

S court. What are you missed about? What are you?

Speaker 1 (33:55):
What do you?

Speaker 5 (33:55):
And then every time I come back and I answer
the question that you guys ask't have to American. I
never answered the question incorrectly. That is not true. I
was asked about a medical exam. I was asked about
a physical that was in the line of question that
I answered, and I said, no, he did not have
a medical exam. And I still stand that by that.
By in fact, the President still stands by that he
had a verbal check in. That is something that the

president has a couple times a week. A couple times
a week, Kevin Connard, and I am telling you right
now that I am not sharing confirming names from here.
It is a security of reasons. I am not going
to do that. Ed. It doesn't matter how hard you
push me, it doesn't matter how angry you get with me.
I'm not going to confirm a name. It doesn't matter

if it's even in the log I am not going
to do that from here. That is not something I
am going to do. What I can share with you
is that the President has seen a neurologist for his
physical three times, three times, and it is in the
reporting that we share, a comprehensive reporting. Matter of fact,
it's more than what the last guy shared, and it

is in line with what George George W. Bush did.
It's in line with what Obama did, and so it
is comprehensive. It is out there. I just read a
quote from it, but I am not I am not
going to devolve somebody's name or confirm someone. I'm not
going to do that.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Listen, that was three minutes and thirty seconds. That's the
longest clip I've ever played on this show. But that
is one of the rare times that you will ever
see a journalist ask any Democrat questions like that. And again,
part of the reason why they're doing it is because

they've been exposed in this cover up of Biden's cognitive health.
They have been completely The American people have completely lost
trust in them. You know, there's still trumped arrangements, syndrome
siicaphans that have not but the vast majority of Americans,
I believe, over the last couple of weeks, have lost

enormous amount of trust in the media. And this is
the media trying to scramble to get it back. But
when I tell you how Democrats just aren't used to
answering tough questions, that's a perfect example of what I mean.
It's the simplest question in the world. Has the President
been tested for parkinson? Why has a Parkinson's disease specialist

visited the White House? Who's on your White House logs?
Publicly available information? Why is he visiting the White House?
And from our perspective, why this matters to you? The
world is falling apart. It's the health of the American President. Again.
I don't want him to go. I want him on
the ballot. I want him to lose. But don't you

think we have a right to know? This is our country,
He's not a king. Don't you think that we have
a right to know the president's health. We all saw
that he's has a debilitating condition. It is an animated courk,
for God's sake. I joke about that for eight months.
Call them an animated corpse. But it's true. And you

know what. Part of the reason why we feel this
way is yet another self inflicted wound by the Democrats.
And I'll let me just lay out a couple of
self inflicted wounds. One, the Democrats are a victim of
their own election rigging. They cannot replace Biden because they
rig their own primaries. Two, the only viable replacement for

Biden is Kamala Harrish. Yet she sucks so badly. She
is somehow less articulate than Joe Biden and less likable
than Joe Biden. She's not popular within the Democrat Party
and within the general electorate. And the reason why they
can't replace her is because of their own diversity, equity
and inclusion policies. Again, self inflicted wound, a victim of

their own ridiculousness. And here how KJP refers to the president.
You wonder why, you know, like people are asking more
and more questions. Yeah, of course, he had a disastrous debate, performances,
raised a ton of questions, and then we realized he
was giving the answers to questions on a Philadelphia radio station.

And then we watched George Stefanoppanopoulos's interview, which was another
complete disaster, dumpster fire for him. But then you have
people like KJP and Admiral Kirby referring to President Biden's
press conference that's coming up as this listen.

Speaker 5 (38:31):
After that, the President will hold a press conference, I
guess a big boy press conference we're calling it, and
take some questions from me. All this week, President Biden
will speak to national labor leaders of afl CIO post
the Natal summit to show the unprecedented strength of our alliance,
hold a press conference, a big boy press conference. According

to Justin Sink from Bloomberg, what the.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Hell is that? A big boy press conference. Now they're
just saying this makes it sound like he's a complete moron,
completely infirm. Folks, something ain't right and something is. Obviously

Biden is not right, but something is just when they're
when our media, when our media is in sync like
this democrat like as radical left wing media, centrist media,
right wing media, when they're all calling for the same things.

I'm telling you, your spidey sense should be pinging, the
hair is in the back of your neck, should be
standing up. Something is not right. It's happened during COVID.
There is no proof of widespread fraud. There is no
proof of widespread fraud. Right, this, this, this, the and

then it happened during COVID. Wear your mask, get the vacs,
wear your mask, get the vacs. You see like, just
consensus scares me and it should worry you too. But
listen to the bar. How low the bar has been
set for Biden. I mean, just again, appreciate this moment

that we're now in the face. You know, I say
in jest, well, I'm not joking. I am joking, but
I'm also being serious that almost every other week we're
having a debate as to whether or not Biden pooped
his pants in front of a world leader. I know
that that sounds silly, but we are. It's the truth.

I mean, I don't know why people are afraid to
say it, well, at least on national media, until right now.

Speaker 6 (40:54):
Listen, I don't care if he's pooped his pants. I
don't care if he can't put a sentence together, show
me he can't do the job, and then I'll say, okay,
maybe it's time to go now. He had a bad
night the first time that he went out and debated

with Kamila Harris, and everybody wanted him to quit that
and say you can't talk to women like this and
you're doing this wrong, you're doing that wrong. He came
back said, you know what, I got it and gave
four years. So yeah, I have poopy days all the
time the time I step in so much pool. You
can't even imagine.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
What is happening right now now, all of a sudden,
it's like, hey, look, I don't even care how much
Biden poops his pants. He's my guy. If you're an
incumbent president or anybody running for office, that is not
a campaign slogan that you want to see on a sign.

Didn't shit my pants today? What the hell is going on?
I mean, honestly, I mean I'm putting together the show.
I'm just completely shocked at the state of American politics today.
And that brings me to Wisconsin dropboxes and so what

here the Democrats plan moving forward? And I said this
on Wendy Bell's show, but it's worth repeating the debate
right now because I wonder why is there so much
consensus why the media. Anytime there's consensus in the media,
it should scare you because there's something happening behind the

scenes that they don't want you to see. I think
that is it doesn't really matter who they nominate, Biden Kamala,
doesn't matter. The Democrats can get a turnip elected. The
case study and the dry run for that was John Fetterman.

We didn't realize that he was incapacitated until he was
on that debate stage and six hundred thousand votes were cast.
The Democrats have a machine, they rely on that machine,
and they will go all in on that right now,
Joe Biden be damn no, I'm not saying that there's
not a backup plan. I have it on very very

good solid sources, very good sources, And I knew this
a couple of days ago, but I wanted to wait
that Kamala's team have reached out to Josh Shapiro here
in Pennsylvania for Josh Shapiro to be a potential vice president.
Of course, Josh Shapiro is our poindexter governor here in
the state of Pennsylvania. To me like that worries me

a little bit because Josh Shapiro in the state of Pennsylvania,
even though I think he's a dirtbag politician, for whatever reason,
his favorabilities are high in Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania is the
lynchpin for everything. But the Democrats always have a backup plan.
But if the backup plan doesn't pan out, they will
just go all in on rigging the system. And that's

exactly what they're doing. Wisconsin ruled on Friday drop boxes
will be rolled back out in twenty twenty two, the
very same Supreme Court there said that drop boxes were unconstitutional.
It was a black letter of the law issue right
there and right there, in black and white in their constitution,

it's illegal. Well, guess what. Republicans lost a Supreme Court
case in the state of Wisconsin in an off cycle
race last year. Democrats control the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Democrat
activist judges are a danger to America. They roll this
back out for one reason, and one reason and one
reason only. I want to read the dissent here from

the conservative justices because it's very important, and we talk
about it on this show all the time. They said
the judge should never be the legislator, because then the
will of the judge would be the law. The members
of the majority in this case make their will the law,
according to four lawyers on the state's highest court, the

unchecked power to say what the law shall be rather
than what it is. The author of today's decree once
deemed this court's analysis of the law as downright dangerous
to our democracy. But the real danger lies in the
new majority's irrigation of power. The people never gave it.

Liberty can have nothing to fear from the judiciary alone,
but would have everything to fear from its union with
either of the other departments. Federalists seventy eight At five
point twenty three, Alexander Hamilton said that intense partisan politics
saturate our nation, exacerbated by a lack of institutione ution trust.

The legitimacy of elections continues to be questioned, each side
accusing the other of election interference and threatening democracy or
even the very foundation of our constitutional republic. The majority's
decision in this case will only fuel the fires of suspicion.
Whatever can be said of the majority's decision, it is

not the product of neutral principle judging. Although the majority
attempts to package its disagreements with Tegan Teagan is the
decision that banned Wisconsin dropboxes. The truth is obvious. The
majority disagrees with the decision as a matter of policy
and politics, not law. The members of the majority believe

using drop boxes is good policy and one they hope
will aid their preferred political party the majority. In this case,
it overrules Tegen not because it's legally erroneous, but because
the majority finds it politically inconvenient. The majority's activism marks

another triumph of political power over legal principle in this
court I descent. It confirms what we already know that
Democrats appoint activists to the court while Republicans appoint well
meaning jurists who leave their politics at home. Democrat judges

have become an existential threat to this country. And mark
my words, the Democrats have a backup plan, even if
it's Joe Biden as the animated corpse on that ticket.
And we as Conservatives need to be laser focused on
whatever that is. In fact, I know what it is,
and it's illegal aliens voting in this election. And you

see you have the media come out and say, well,
it's already illegal for aliens, illegal aliens to vote. Well, yeah,
it's already freaking illegal for them to be in our country.
But here we are absolutely ridiculous. And so let me
talk about the Safe the Save Act. I talked about
this on Wendy Bell again, but it's worth repeating for

you the SAVE Act, which is being introduced by Speaker
Johnson Republicans in the halls of Congress today. The Safeguard
American Voter Eligibility Act requires state election officials to ask
about citizenship before providing voter registration forms. It requires an
individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register
to vote in federal elections. It allows state officials to

accept a wide variety of documents that will make it
easy for citizens to register to vote in federal elections.
It provides states with access to federal agency databases so
they can remove non citizens from voter roles and confirm
citizenship for individuals lacking proof of citizenship. Folks, make no
mistake about it. Illegal aliens have been voting in our

elections for some time, and want to make something very
very clear. Axios had an article out this week in
House Democrat leadership is bringing out the big guns against
a Republican bill set to be voted on next week
that would require proof of US citizenship to vote in
federal elections. The Democrats recommended that everybody in their party

universally vote no. So after flooding this nation for three
years with ten point five plus million illegal aliens, these
Democrats right out in broad daylight, come out and say
that they essentially want them all to vote no checks
and balances on it whatsoever. And Biden just came out

and said that he's opposed to the plan. The Biden
regime has come out against the Save Act today in writing,
Biden is a trader along with every single Democrat in
the House in the Senate that does not vote for
this bill. And if you think that it's just me saying, oh, well,

Sean's just making them this disc they don't want to
legal aliens to vote, well, okay, well maybe you'll listen
to Chucky Schumer, the senior Democrat in Congress. Now, more
than ever, we're short of workers.

Speaker 2 (50:10):
We have a population that is not reproducing it on
its own with the same level that it used to.
The only way we're going to have a great future
in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers,
and all of them. Because our ultimate goal is to
help the dreamers, but get a path to citizenship for
all eleven million or however many undocumented there are here.

Speaker 1 (50:36):
This is happening right before our eyes. It's hard to
see an issue more important than this for Republicans in
their state legislatures to take up. In twenty twenty, in
Arizona alone, eleven six hundred non citizens got a federal
ballot and voted this from ned Ryan. Biden only won

the state ten five hundred, so he ned Ryan says,
since they've imported about twelve million more illegals, ask yourself
what DEM's plan on doing in the fall in key
swing states. The answer is pretty obvious. I want to
show you this, also from ned Ryan screen sharing here.

I will run this out again, a form from Arizona's
AHCCCS Medicaid office, very explicitly telling folks that if their
citizenship status cannot be confirmed, no worries, We'll make sure
to send you a federal only ballot. Let me enlarge
this so you can read it for yourself. Look at
there at the circle. If you did not, if you
do not submit proof of citizenship and we cannot acquire

your proof of citizenship from the Arizona Motor Viagin or
the statewide voter registration database, you will receive a federal
only ballot which only has federal races in no state
county or local races or initiatives or referendums. We will
make sure to provide you with a federal only ballot. Folks,

I'm telling you, listen to me. They are doing this.
In plane sight. The Democrats are going all in on
illegal alien invaders voting. There is absolutely, positively, no doubt
in my mind, and this should be a top priority
for Republicans all across the country. We have to stop it.
Doesn't matter that Biden's at the top of the ticket,
doesn't matter that Harris is at the top of the ticket,

doesn't even matter if they have somebody alive at the
top of the ticket. They have a machine and are
ready willing and able to get these people elected, and
they are willing to rig the system in any way
that they need to, whether it's with dropboxes or legal
aliens voting. Republicans have to be on the front end
those two things. I just told you unsupervised drop boxes

and a legal alien voted. It's going to happen. Do
Republicans have a plan to stop it? That's the question
I'm talking about it on this show. I know other
Conservatives are, I know Bongino is, for one, anybody in
I mean, I know that Republicans are passing the Save Act,

But what about state, local state officials, anybody taking this up.
I was talking to my dad about this just yesterday.
Said to talk to a state legislator and the person
was baffled that illegal aliens could even vote, Like are
you kidding me, absolutely ridiculous. Can't be behind the power
curve on this one. Okay, listen before you pop smoke,

Please smash that little green thumb beneath this video like
we were so close to making the leaderboard with Savage
Rich Barris and with Cash Battel. To get number fifty
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six hundred and fifty and seven hundred and fifty likes.
We were so close, So smash that little green thumb.

Please follow and subscribe to this channel. We are getting
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I mean the mainstream media doesn't pick up stuff that
we talk I mean they pick up stuff that we
talk about on this show weeks later. Why even watch them?
What a joke. But tell your family and your friends
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always will be. I will be live on the radio
tomorrow with Wendy Bell at nine o'clock in the morning
to noon. So make sure that the Battle crew get
your butts over there, listens to me there and then
tomorrow on Battleground Live, got Brian Dean Wright with his
nice pearly White Teeth here talking about everything that's happening,

news of the day, So tune into Battleground Live tomorrow.
As always spokes, thank you all so much for watching. Okay,
God bless you all, keep the faith, take action in
your commune eat The best is yet to come. God
bless you all, and God bless this amazing country that
we call home. Take care, good night, See you tomorrow.

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