Anthony Fauci

"I did want you to know most Americans don't think she represents Congress," Jared Moskowitz told Fauci during a House subcommittee hearing.
"It is inconceivable that anyone who reads this email could conclude that I was trying to cover up the possibility of a laboratory leak," Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before Congress.
Fauci told the BBC seeing his face plastered around town during the pandemic was far more bizarre than it was flattering.
The Jets quarterback proposed having the independent presidential candidate in his corner and the former White House pandemic adviser in Kelce's.
The infectious disease expert responded to the Florida governor's call to "grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac."
Given the level of COVID immunity in the population, “the chances of this being an overwhelming rush of cases and hospitalizations is probably low,” he said.
Donald Trump "turned the country over to Fauci," claimed the Florida governor, who's now the ex-president's rival for the Republican presidential nomination.
"Prosecute me for what?" asked Fauci, who has previously referred to the Twitter CEO's attacks as "merely a distraction."
“I have no idea what he’s talking about," the top immunologist told Fox News' Neil Cavuto, adding: "I wish I did."
CNN's Erin Burnett described the top immunologist's characterization of the social media platform as "pretty remarkable."