
Speaking about Kennedy's thought process, Fauci told David Axelrod, “I don’t know what’s going on in his head. But it’s not good."
The man who once took credit for the COVID-19 vaccine keeps pandering to the GOP's growing anti-vaccine faction.
Researchers in Germany said they were surprised by their findings, which have been published.
Experts predict what dropping vaccination rates may do and why these cases aren't something to dismiss.
A new strain called JN.1 is spreading in the U.S. Here's what to know.
Kasie Hunt played footage that instantly shut down the presidential candidate's claim.
Symptoms have shifted since the beginning of the pandemic. Keep an eye out for these signs of an infection.
Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman won the prize for discoveries that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.
Can you get all three vaccines at once? When's the best month to get them so you're protected this fall and winter? Here's what experts say.
Want the best protection this season? You may want to get your influenza shot earlier than you think.