Sasha Obama and friends are the ultimate #squad.
"I want to tell you I'm passionate about the 62 million girls," she said, who lack access to sufficient education, as a result of poverty or distance from school campuses. Furthermore, she encouraged the group of young activists to "start with whatever issue move [them]," and also to remain hopeful despite adversity and pessism they face on the path to change, which she said may lead them to feeling "heartbroken, angry, overwhelmed."
"There’s nothing wrong with every once in a while putting the technology aside and actually having a conversation."
Approximately 55 percent of low-income children under 10 can't access the Internet from home.
TV networks should do their part reprimanding racist marks and by representing us more fairly in their programming. Latinos come in all races, colors and flavors; which is why 'mejorar la raza' shouldn't have a place in our community.