Joe Biden

The "Late Show" host also honored President Biden by retiring a key prop.
The Emmy-nominated actor said this one trait has the former president "very worried."
The former president's insult was quickly turned into a reminder of his own recent past.
"Embrace her, she’s the best," the president said. "I know yesterday’s news is surprising, and it’s hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do.”
"The Democratic Party has been plunged into unknown territory: enthusiasm!"
The CNN anchor barely had time to enjoy brunch before being whisked back to work.
Trump followers were in a tizzy after the former vice president thanked Biden for "putting the interests of our Nation ahead of his own" by ending his campaign.
"I have full confidence that she will lead us to victory in November," the former House speaker said Monday of Harris.
"If Joe Biden can’t run for president, he can’t serve as president," JD Vance insisted.
"They are watching Democratic enthusiasm skyrocket in real-time, and if I were them, I'd be pretty freaked out too," a Democratic senator told HuffPost.