Jared Kushner

"The Tonight Show" host also mocked Donald Trump's idea of leading peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.
The then-president's daughter and son-in-law were reportedly unaware of the very public way they were about to be canned from their White House roles.
As to why his father-in-law took the documents, Kushner told Sky News to ask him. "What I will say is that ... he was under constant attack,” he added.
The former White House adviser said he's "hopefully" among the "first generation to live forever."
The former White House adviser fumbled when answering whether he'd work for his father-in-law again.
The former first son-in-law's "Breaking History" offers a selective view of his time in the White House.
She hints Kushner may have turned over information because of suspicions or trouble linked to his massive $2 billion Saudi business deal.
That's when Trump's son-in-law and adviser realized he was "woefully unprepared" to deal with the volatile White House strategist.
The ex-president's son-in-law and former adviser made the revelation in a new memoir.