Emotional Intelligence

Your oldest sister will feel so validated by this.
Plus, how to break the cycle if you're a parent yourself.
If your home is cluttered or you're constantly misplacing items, there could be an underlying explanation.
The urge you feel to pinch a baby's chubby cheek has a name, and it's more common than you might think.
Therapists explain the signs of this particular thought pattern, and what to do if it's interfering with your life.
Discounts, low-stock messages, countdown clocks and other tricks that get you to spend money without thinking.
Therapists share how this seemingly harmless phrase can affect you in adulthood.
This research-backed tool can be a game-changer for productivity — and you might already be doing it.
Plus, how to break the cycle if you're a parent yourself.
Whatever Jason and Travis Kelce's parents "did to help their sons become emotionally available needs to be studied," as one viral tweet put it.