A Life-Size Poop Sculpture Of Ron Johnson Is Touring Around Milwaukee

Activists are holding events with a six-foot-tall "scatue" of the Wisconsin GOP senator to protest his claim that climate change is “bullshit.”

The human version of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. But back home, a life-sized poop version of him spent the day touring Milwaukee.

Activists with the progressive groups NextGen PAC and MoveOn hosted events around the city with a six-foot-tall, 80-pound “scatue” of Johnson made out of dried cow manure.

Ron Johnson, as envisioned by a manure artist.
Ron Johnson, as envisioned by a manure artist.
NextGen PAC

The kaka creation silently stood with activists in solidarity as they protested Johnson’s belief that climate change is “bullshit,” a claim he made last year.

Johnson has long spread misinformation about climate change. He made the “bullshit” reference in June 2021, when he was caught on camera at a local Republican event dismissing the crisis.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is ― as Lord Monckton said ― bullshit,” the senator said at the time, mouthing the word without uttering it. He was referring to British conservative climate change denier Lord Christopher Monckton.

“By the way, it is,” Johnson continued, and “there are more and more scientists” who are writing books “just laying this to waste.”

Climate change activists in Wisconsin casually talk with a feces sculpture that looks like Sen. Ron Johnson.
Climate change activists in Wisconsin casually talk with a feces sculpture that looks like Sen. Ron Johnson.
NextGen PAC

Thursday’s tour of the shit statue, which was created by “a manure artist” from Colorado, is part of a broader effort by progressive activists to unseat Johnson. During their stop at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the groups collected students’ pledges to vote and urged them to show up for Johnson’s Democratic challenger, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes.

Barnes, who is slightly trailing Johnson in the polls, chaired the Wisconsin governor’s task force on climate change.

A manure statue ― a "scatue" ― of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).
A manure statue ― a "scatue" ― of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).
NextGen PAC

Sonja Chojnacki, the Wisconsin state director of NextGen PAC, said there was “great energy” at the university’s campus on Thursday.

“Young people are fired up because they understand the urgency of the climate crisis and are hungry for change,” Chojnacki told HuffPost. “We are ready to roll up our sleeves and get people to the polls. Ron Johnson must go!”

A Johnson campaign spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment about the existence of a poop sculpture with the senator’s likeness, or about the criticisms of Johnson’s claims about the very real crisis of climate change not being real.


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