House Democrat Schools Republicans On 'The Real White House Crime Family'

Rep. Robert Garcia went after GOP lawmakers for their "political stunt" and "joke" impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.

Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) on Thursday dismissed House Republicans who have “tried and tried and tried and failed” to smear President Joe Biden ― especially when, Garcia said, the Trumps are “the real White House crime family.”

Garcia criticized GOP lawmakers for their “political stunt” and “joke” impeachment inquiry against the president just one day after Hunter Biden’s closed-door deposition on his business dealings, which he said his father was not engaged in.

Garcia –– who said Republicans have “zero evidence” tying Hunter Biden to any such dealings with his father –– delivered a message to GOP lawmakers as he spoke on the House floor next to a picture of Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, who both served as advisers in the Trump administration.

“I want to remind everyone about the real White House crime family,” Garcia said of Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law.

He continued: “Why did Saudi Arabia give Jared Kushner $2 billion –– billion with a B –– just months after he left the Trump White House? And why did the Saudis spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at Trump properties while he was still the president?”

Garcia has previously commented on the Saudi-backed private equity fund that gave $2 billion to Kushner’s investment firm six months after he left the White House.

He continued: “We also know that Jared Kushner used his cushy White House job to secure a $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia, and did other favors as well. Now some members of the majority actually agree that this was unethical. And in fact a few weeks ago, Jared Kushner was asked by a reporter about his grift. He responded, ‘Are we still really doing this?’ Yes, Jared, we are still really doing this.”

Garcia: I want to remind everyone about the real White House crime family. Why did Saudi Arabia give Jared Kushner $2 billion just months after he left the White House? Why did they spend hundreds of thousands at Trump properties while he was still the president?

— Acyn (@Acyn) February 29, 2024

Hunter Biden, during his deposition, also flipped questions about his business ventures to Republicans to ask them about Donald Trump’s son-in-law.

“When Jared Kushner flies over to Saudi Arabia, picks up $2 billion, comes back, and puts it in his pocket, OK, and he is running for president of the United States, you guys have any problem with that?” the president’s son said.


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