North Carolina Lt Gov Trashed 'Spoiled' School Shooting Survivors

Republican Mark Robinson, a leading candidate for governor, mocked the outcry from students who survived the Parkland, Florida, school shooting.

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a front-running Republican candidate for governor, bitterly scorned “spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN” who survived the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and became advocates for gun control.

Robinson, who former President Donald Trump referred to as “one of the hottest politicians in our country,” mocked Parkland students and activists, including David Hogg and X González, less than two weeks after the massacre, unearthed social media posts reported by CNN’s “KFile” show.

In one post, Robinson referred to students as “spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN” and “silly little immature ‘media prosti-tots’”

“If, two days before this shooting, a hard nosed nonsense conservative had walked into that school and put into place the ideals and principles that would have avoided that massacre, you spoiled little bastards would have kicked and screamed like babies in a crib,” wrote Robinson.

“That’s what you are doing now. In fact you’re doing less than that. A baby’s cries are useful and necessary. You are simply making irritating noise. You say you want to ‘make a difference.’ Well here’s how you do it. Go to school. Behave well. Study hard.”

Robinson, the leading Republican candidate in the North Carolina governor's race, questioned "silly little immature 'media prosti-tots' in a Facebook post just weeks after 17 people died and 17 others were injured during a school shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2018.
Robinson, the leading Republican candidate in the North Carolina governor's race, questioned "silly little immature 'media prosti-tots' in a Facebook post just weeks after 17 people died and 17 others were injured during a school shooting in Parkland, Florida in 2018.

Robinson, who Jewish Insider described as a “brash and unfiltered conservative culture warrior,” has faced criticism in the past over antisemitic remarks and transphobic Facebook posts. In one, he said homosexuality is “STILL an abominable sin” in the wake of the Pulse nightclub shooting that killed 49 people in 2016.


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