Former Porn Star Jenna Jameson Marries Girlfriend Jessi Lawless

The 49-year-old mother of three said she now wonders why she ever dated or married men.
Jenna Jameson (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken)
Jenna Jameson (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken)
via Associated Press

Former porn star Jenna Jameson just got married for the third time — her first to a woman.

Jameson, 49, told People on Thursday that she married her girlfriend, 40-year-old Jessi Lawless, in Las Vegas last month, and has ”found the person that I truly should have always been with.”

Jameson first said she was bisexual in 2004, but told Fox News in 2008 that she was “totally hetero.” She told People that she now wonders why she ever dated or married men at all.

“It’s selfish and bad to say, but I think my driving force were children,” said Jameson, a mother of three. “And now that I’ve really found myself, I’m just accepting of everything that I feel inside and don’t shove everything down.”

Jameson and Lawless met after Jameson became a fan of Lawless’ TikTok videos and started commenting on them.

Lawless, a social media personality and hair stylist, didn’t recognize Jameson at first.

“I was like, ‘Who is this Jenna Can’t Lose?’” she told People. “It’s Jenna fucking Jameson. Oh my God.”

Jameson was interested in pursuing Lawless, who had a girlfriend when they first connected. Because of that, Lawless said she didn’t act on Jameson’s advances until that relationship ended last year.

The two began dating in January.

“I knew I would get what I wanted,” Jameson said. “She was worth it. But she presented a challenge and I’m very driven when it comes to challenges, so I knew I just had to lie and wait. And she came back around.”

Lawless admitted that after the breakup, she considered having some casual encounters, but said she’s “happy that it went to a more serious level, and I’ve never been so comfortable with anyone.”

The wedding took place May 23 in front of a few people at Little Church of the West in Nevada, which is also where Lawless’ parents exchanged vows. The couple plans a bigger wedding in the future.

Jameson’s dad is dead, so Lawless asked her own father to walk her bride down the aisle.

“I was standing up there waiting for her, and I looked at the back of the church and I saw her standing there and I looked at my dad and I said, ‘Dad.’ And he looked over at me and I said, ‘Go walk Jenna down the aisle right now,’” Lawless said.

Jameson said she plans on taking her wife’s last name, and already refers to herself as “Jessi’s girl” on her Instagram page.


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