Jamie Raskin Trolls MAGA Republicans With An Apology To Dr. Fauci

The Democrat hit back at GOP attacks on the infectious disease expert with a Donald Trump-themed zinger.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) on Monday slammed House Republicans for the way they treated Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing on the coronavirus pandemic.

The heated hearing saw far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) claiming she didn’t consider Fauci to be a doctor. The conspiracy theory-peddling lawmaker insisted on calling him “Mr. Fauci” throughout the proceedings.

Fauci was America’s top U.S. infectious disease expert until leaving government in 2022 and was the public face of the country’s response to the COVID public health crisis.

During the hearing, Raskin apologized to Fauci “that some of our colleagues in the United States’ House of Representatives seem to want to drag your name through the mud.”

“They’re treating you, Dr. Fauci, like a convicted felon,” said Raskin.

Then came the zing:

“Actually, you probably wish they were treating you like a convicted felon. They treat convicted felons with love and admiration.”

Raskin didn’t name former President Donald Trump explicitly but it was a clear reference to the presumptive GOP presidential nominee’s conviction last week in his hush money trial.

Since Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers, he has been lauded by MAGA Republicans who have come to his defense.

Watch Raskin’s comments here:

Rep. @jamie_raskin: I'm sorry, Dr. Fauci, that MAGA Republicans want to drag your name through the mud. They're treating you like a convicted felon. Actually, you probably wish they were treating you like a convicted felon since they treat convicted felons with love and… pic.twitter.com/nB3LPtL1KI

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 3, 2024

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