Chris Hayes Exposes The 'Cruelty At The Core' Of The GOP

The MSNBC anchor spotted the superpower that "ostentatious jerk" Republicans are desperate to develop.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes on Friday examined how the political right is “cultivating nastiness as a political virtue.”

Instead of “virtue-signaling,” Hayes suggested in a segment about the “cruelty at the core” of the Republican Party that right-wingers were now embracing “vice signaling.”

“‘Look at me, I’m a loud, ostentatious jerk’ is increasingly what it means to be a right-wing politician in America these days,” he posited.

Hayes noted multiple instances of Republicans shamelessly attempting to ride out scandals, saying: “The ability to make people believe that’s all nonsense, or maybe that it’s true and they don’t care because you’re sticking your finger in the eye of them, that is the dangerous political superpower that all of these people are desperate to develop.”

Watch Hayes’ monologue here:


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