Britney Spears Settles Lawsuit With Father Over His Legal Bills

The settlement comes more than two years after a judge ended the father's conservatorship over the pop star.

Britney Spears has reached a settlement with her father, Jamie Spears, regarding the payment of his legal fees, court documents filed Thursday show.

The settlement was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court but did not disclose any of the terms of the agreement over the pair’s ongoing legal dispute, TMZ and The New York Times reported Friday.

Though the court terminated the pop star’s 13-year conservatorship in late 2021, ending her father’s control over all of her personal and financial dealings, the two have been engaged in a legal dispute over Jamie Spears’ demands that his daughter cover about $2 million worth of his legal fees.

In statements to the Times, both parties’ lawyers spoke positively of the settlement’s outcome.

“As she desired, her freedom now includes that she will no longer need to attend or be involved with court in this matter,” the singer’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, said, adding that his client’s “wish for freedom is now truly complete.”

Alex Weingarten, the father’s lawyer, said: “Jamie is thrilled all this is over. He regrets the irresponsible and specious allegations made against him in public.”

Rosengart, who represented Britney Spears throughout her high-profile conservatorship case, has spoken critically of how Jamie Spears treated his daughter throughout the conservatorship, saying in court filings last fall that her father “is aware of her belief — and the supporting evidence — that the conservatorship was unduly restrictive, bullying, and controlling.”

Jamie Spears, Rosengart added, had asked that his daughter pay his legal fees despite “overwhelming evidence demonstrating that he is not entitled to and never will receive another dollar of his daughter’s money.”


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