
"At the end of the day, her dog saved her life," Utah authorities said.
"Being a cat must be hard because you have sharp pointy teeth and claws but can also be picked up and carried like a baby"
Johnny Belisario referred to the canine as the "first dog delegate" at the Milwaukee convention prior to making the wisecrack.
"Whenever I get up my cat gets up too and then yells at me like it’s my fault she decided we have to do this together"
This hydration tool can help prevent disease and aligns with their evolutionary instincts.
Don't dismiss these symptoms. Get your pet to the vet right away.
Home security footage shows how a curious canine lit a Colorado home ablaze in the early hours of the morning.
"the best thing about being alive is that sometimes there is a cat"
These tools are no match for stubborn pet hair stuck on furniture, carpets or clothes.