All articles related to "diabetes":

Course brings nutrition into medical education and practice

Good nutrition is an important component of fighting diseases such as cardiovascular conditions and type 2 diabetes, yet the topic is often overlooked during patients’ visits with doctors. A Harvard Chan School course addresses the issue, focusing on…

Avoiding hidden sources of added sugars

To reduce the amount of sugar in their diets, people should pay attention to unexpected sources of added sugar such as sweetened beverages, cereals, and yogurts, according to experts.

Noise can harm your health—even if you sleep through it

A new study led by Charlie Roscoe, research fellow in environmental health, found that nighttime and daytime noise generated by things like cars, trucks, trains, and airplanes was linked with increased risk of cardiovascular disease in a group…

A powerful methodology to guide health decision-making

Launched in 2021, CAUSALab brings together 14 epidemiology faculty members across multiple universities to collaborate on applying causal inference methods to compare the effectiveness and safety of health and policy interventions in a broad range of areas.