Public Transport

Home 9 Public Transport

Public transport for residents and visitors to the AONB

Public transport provision in the AONB is variable and changes regularly in response to changes in demand, funding, etc. Innovative schemes such as ‘dial-a-ride’ services are available, but in general good travel-to-work connections are still sporadic.

For a fairly comprehensive guide to exploring the Howardian Hills, the North York Moors and Coast by public transport please see the Sit Back and Enjoy the Ride leaflet.

Active bus stops within the Howardian Hills AONB are also plotted on our active map.

North Yorkshire County Council also have a map showing all bus stops. Please be aware that not all of them link to active bus routes.

There are a number of community transport initiatives run by organisations, such as Ryedale Community Transport, that cover the AONB. These include a minibus brokerage scheme and a moped hire scheme for young people to access work or education opportunities.

By Train

The nearest stations are in York, Malton and Thirsk. For details see National Rail Enquiries.  Some services link up with local buses.

Bus Services & Timetables

North Yorkshire Council

Reliance Busses – Easingwold, Helmsley, Kirbymoorside and villages in the AONB from York

Yorkshire Coastliner

CastleLine – Busses to Castle Howard

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