Jenny McCarthy Reshares Steven Seagal Harassment Claim

Jenny McCarthy has joined a handful of women to come forward and allege they were sexually harassed by actor Steven Seagal.

The actress and former Playboy model recalled a 1995 audition for Under Siege 2, which Seagal starred in and produced, while speaking on her Sirius XM radio show Thursday — something she had previously told to Movieline in 1998 — adding that “a lot of people” had already heard her tell the story. 

“I stand across from him and he plops onto a sofa that’s near a fireplace,” she recalled. “And he points at the sofa cushion next to him saying to me, ‘Take a seat. Relax.’ I said, ‘No, thank you. I’m just really excited to read for this part. And I have so much energy I need to stand.'”

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McCarthy said she wore a loose muumuu outfit so the casting people would “actually look at my face and watch me work,” but that her meeting ended up being only her and Seagal.

She said the actor told her there was nudity in the part and that he couldn’t tell what her body looked like in the oversized dress she was wearing. 

“In my head I’m like, ‘Okay. here we go. Sound the alarms, this is not a test, this is the real thing, activate all defense systems,’” she said. “But I so wanted to legitimately read for this part that I wasn’t going to give up yet. So I told him, ‘Listen. My agent says there’s no nudity. I specifically asked her and she said no.'”

She says he told her there was “off-camera nudity,” which didn’t make sense to her, and asked her to lower her dress. She said she only wanted to read the scene but that he asked again for her to lower the dress “so I can see your breasts.”

She paused, says her eyes filled with tears and then yelled back at him, “Go buy my Playboy video — it’s on sale for $19.99.” She said he followed her to her car and instructed her not to tell anybody, “or else.”

“It was so disheartening,” she said of bursting into tears in her car and fearing his words. She said she was disheartened and ready to move back to Chicago at that point. “I was the last girl that day. How many girls had to take off their clothes? How many girls had to do more? It just so grossed me out.”