Cleopatra Coleman Watched ‘Clipped’ Saga In Real Time; Now She’s Part Of The Story

“CLIPPED” — “Let the Games Began” — Season 1, Episode 3 (Airs Tuesday, June 11th) — Pictured: Cleopatra Coleman as V. Stiviano. CR: Kelsey McNeal/FX. Copyright 2024, FX All Rights Reserved

In the new streaming series Clipped, based on the real-life story of the Los Angeles Clippers scandal, Cleopatra Coleman plays a pivotal character: the mistress of Clippers owner Donald Sterling. Although Coleman is a native Australian, she told us she was living in L.A. when the Clippers story unfolded, and she’s found it intriguing to learn more  about what was really happening beyond what was being reported at the time. (Click on the media bar below to hear Cleopatra Coleman)

Clipped is currently streaming on Hulu.

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