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The Longevity Imperative : Building a Better Society for Healthier, Longer Lives, Hardback Book

The Longevity Imperative : Building a Better Society for Healthier, Longer Lives Hardback



An FT summer Reading Pick 2024'Persuasive, uplifting and wise' Niall Ferguson 'Compelling . . . important and timely' Financial Times 'Superb' Martin Wolf 'A must-read book with an important message and many lessons' Daron Acemoglu 'A revelation on every page' David SinclairA leading expert on longevity calls for a revolution in the way we think about health, ageing, and the future . . . The last century saw a revolution in life expectancy.

Whether you are male or female, born in the global south or north, the chances are that you can expect to live much longer than previous generations.

But instead of seeing this as a precious gift of extra life, we see it as a burden, with ageing populations dogged by infirmity, dependent on an ever-decreasing number of young people to support them. Andrew J. Scott argues it doesn't have to be like that. Our longer lives can be a source of hope and fulfilment if we seize the opportunity to pursue the evergreen agenda, one in which we pursue a sustainable lifestyle both for ourselves as individuals - investing in our finances, health, skills and relationships to support a longer life - and for the planet.


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