By Khushi Pal
Published Jul 09, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

Invest in your brain health: 5 habits to prevent cognitive decline

Cognitive health can decline as we age. While certain factors, like genes, cannot be controlled, here are five lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline. 

Manage stress

Stress can have short and long-term effects on brain functioning. Practice meditation, mindfulness and yoga to manage stress and reduce cognitive decline.

Move your body

Keep yourself physically active to reduce the risk of cognitive decline later in life. Physical activity helps boost blood flow and essential nutrients to the brain. 

Keep your mind engaged

Keep your mind active and engaged by trying mindful activities such as creative writing, reading, solving puzzles and crosswords or playing board games like chess.

Consume a healthy brain diet

Include foods such as berries, walnuts and leafy greens, which have powerful antioxidants that help boost brain function. 

Maintain a healthy sleep hygiene

A healthy sleep hygiene is essential for repairing damaged brain cells and improving memory retention. It helps boost cognitive function.