By Khushi Pal
Published Jul 09, 2024

Hindustan Times

Photo Credits: Pexels

5 healthy ways to strengthen sexual intimacy in relationships

Busy lifestyles can often make it challenging for couples to keep the spark alive. Here are five tips to help strengthen sexual intimacy in relationships. 


Communicating your desires, boundaries and expectations to your partner is essential. Communication is key, and it is vital to have healthy discussions and open communication with each other.

Prioritise quality time together

Prioritising quality time with your partner is important to promoting and embracing intimacy. Plan date nights, couple activities, or vacations from time to time.

Explore and experiment together

Try exploring different settings, activities and positions to help keep things interesting. 

Stay emotionally connected

Emotional intimacy is essential in strengthening physical intimacy. Practising empathy, care and support towards your partner can help build a stronger emotional connection and enhance the sexual experience. 

Embrace imperfections 

Understand that nobody is perfect and learn to accept and embrace your partner's flaws and imperfections.