Highcharts for Education

Are you a student or educator interested in using Highcharts in your non-commercial projects at your school or university? Apply for an Educational License. If eligible, you’ll receive full access to all Highcharts libraries and their professional features.

Apply now
Education License Illustration

If you are not a student or educator and want to use Highcharts for free in personal projects, apply for a Personal License.

Educational License: What’s included?

Education License Image

Educational projects undertaken by educational institutions and/or individual students.

All Highcharts charting libraries and Highcharts Dashboards.

Usage of our software on your public/private websites and one self-hosted Web or SaaS application.

Up to 6 named authorized users.

One year to use the software version you receive with your license. After one year, you must apply for a new license.

Retained watermarks on all Highcharts generated content.

Commercial projects of any kind, regardless of your non-commercial status.

Optional dependencies and integrations, such as Highcharts for Python.

Distribution of our software to third parties outside of your institution.

Anyone not specified in the license terms.

New software releases, support or subscription auto-renewals.

Modifying our software in any way that makes it unrecognizable as our product or misrepresents our company.

How to Apply

1 Fill out an application

Fill out our Educational License application form. You must have an email address from your educational institution or organization in order to complete the application.

2 Submit for review

After you submit your application, we will review it and determine if you meet our criteria for an Educational License.

3 Receive a License Certificate

If you meet our criteria for an Educational License, we will issue you a license certificate that’s good for one year.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Students and employees with an active email address from any educational institution or organization. who want to use our software in non-commercial projects are eligible to apply.
  • To apply for an Educational License, fill out and submit our Educational License application form. To complete the form, you will need an email address registered in the domain of your educational institution or organization.

    Be prepared to provide your status/role at your institution (e.g. “student,” “teacher”), the Highcharts products you intend to use and a brief description of how our software will be incorporated in your project(s.)

    If you want to include others in your license, you may designate up to 6 authorized users. Just have their full names and email addresses handy when you apply.

    After you submit your application, we will review it. If you qualify, we will issue you an Educational License that covers you and/or your institution’s use of our software for one year.
  • You may be eligible for a Personal License. To apply for a Personal License, fill out and submit our Personal License application form.

    In addition to your basic contact info, be prepared to provide the Highcharts products you intend to use and a brief description of how our software will be incorporated in your project(s).

    After you submit your application, we will review it. If you meet our criteria for a Personal License, we will issue you a license certificate that will cover your Highcharts software usage for one year.
  • An Education or Personal license grants you the right to use Highcharts software in your non-commercial projects for one year.

    The scope of the license covers public and private websites (including subdomains and intranets) hosted on servers you own or control. When using our software in these environments, your Highcharts-generated content must appear the same for all users and cannot be customized based on any user’s personal data.

    The Education or Personal license scope also includes the right to use Highcharts software in one non-commercial Web or SaaS application, where you may tailor your Highcharts-generated content based on the personal data of individual users.

    An Education or Personal license does not give you the right to distribute our software. This means if your SaaS or Web application includes Highcharts software, it cannot be installed and hosted by a third party, regardless of the third party’s non-commercial status. Any attempt to do so violates the terms of the license.
  • Our definition of non-commercial means any activity that does not result in a for-profit product intended for distribution to third parties, regardless of their non-commercial status. Non-commercial use of our software is limited to educational purposes and personal use.
  • Educational Licenses may cover up to 6 authorized users, designated during the application process. Personal licenses only cover the individual licensee.
  • No. Education/Personal licenses do not include Highcharts support or access to new software releases. You only have the right to use the version of the software you received with your license.
  • As long as you retain the Highcharts watermark and don’t give the impression that your product (with our software) can be downloaded and/or distributed commercially, you’re good to go.

    We also reserve the right to showcase your product on our website and will work with you to make sure we feature your product and brand accurately.
  • The initial term for Education or Personal license is one year. After one year, the license expires, and you must apply for a brand new license term. There are no auto-renewals.

    If you don’t want to apply for another license term, you must cease using our software when your current license expires.
  • We do. If, after granting you an Education or Personal license, we determine that your project no longer meets our non-commercial criteria, we will revoke your license, and you will no longer have the right to use our software.
  • No. Education/Personal licenses are not transferable.
  • If you decide to turn your product or project commercial, your Highcharts software usage will no longer be covered by your Education/Personal license. You will be in violation of your license and must purchase a commercial license to continue using our software.

    As an educational organization or personal user, you may be eligible for a 20% discount on all Highcharts software. Apply for your 20% discount.