
Our Spring Meeting will be held on April 27th 2024 in the Medical Education Building on the JABSOM campus. Registration and Abstract Submission will open on March 15th.

If you are a student and are interested in becoming more involved with the HI-ASM Student Chapter, please fill out this google form.

If you are interested in volunteering with HI-ASM for the Spring Meeting, please fill out this google form.

If you are a Professor, PI, Researcher or professional in your field and are interested in helping by being a judge at the Spring 2024 Meeting, please fill out this google form.

Welcome to the Hawaiʻi Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology (HI-ASM). HI-ASM brings together microbiologists from various island institutions such as universities, hospitals, government agencies, the military, and biotechnology companies. Our geographic location provides us with opportunities and challenges unique to our island state that emphasize the importance of a cohesive community of microbiologists. If you are already a member, a great mahalo for your support, if you are not, we would like to sincerely request you to become a member. Your monetary contribution is crucial to achieving our goals of pursuing knowledge within the microbiological sciences and promoting the field to fellow students across Hawaiʻi. We always appreciate your donations to HI-ASM. All HI ASM contributions are tax-deductible.

We thank you for your consideration.

"Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world."

— Louis Pasteur