
What is the NDIIS?

The North Dakota Immunization Information System (NDIIS) is a confidential, population-based, information system that collects and consolidates vaccination data for North Dakota residents. The NDIIS provides an important service to North Dakotans by consolidating vaccination information from multiple providers, generating vaccination reminders, and providing an official certificate of immunization. Additionally, having a single, consolidated record for their patients ensures that immunization providers are not inadvertently repeating vaccines given at another provider site and that vaccines are administered at the correct ages and intervals.

Children are entered into the NDIIS at birth through a linkage with electronic birth records. An NDIIS vaccination record can also be initiated by a healthcare provider, local public health department, or pharmacy at the time of vaccination. The NDIIS includes vaccination records for residents of all ages, eliminating the need for parents and individuals to keep track of paper records.

Residents looking for their immunization records or records for their minor (younger than 18) children can find all forms and instructions on the Immunization Record Request web page.


Adult Opt Out

Adult Opt Out

Adults 19 years of age and older have the right to opt out of the NDIIS. By opting out, you are indicating that you do not want any of your immunizations, including both past immunizations as well as newly administered immunizations, to be entered in the NDIIS. By choosing not to have your immunizations in the NDIIS, you are not allowing any healthcare provider that you see to be able to view your immunization history in the NDIIS, which could lead to additional, unnecessary immunizations. You also may be unable to find your immunization record for future school or employment. Once you have opted out of the NDIIS, you can choose to opt back in to the NDIIS, however there may be information missing from your immunization history. To opt out of the NDIIS or to opt back in, complete the electronic form below.



NDIIS Application Support Services provides user login and provider registration support.

Call toll-free (800) 544-8467 or email

All other NDIIS questions should be sent the Division of Public Health Immunization Unit NDIIS Team at