Hilton Head Health— The Wellness Escape All Moms Need (Postpartum, too!)
June 17, 2024
H3ALTH Talk • Episode 16
June 20, 2024
Hilton Head Health— The Wellness Escape All Moms Need (Postpartum, too!)
June 17, 2024
H3ALTH Talk • Episode 16
June 20, 2024

10 Reasons to Start Walking for Easy Weight Loss

Here is why you should add it to your routine.

When you think of weight loss workouts, strength training, HIIT, and spin classes might be the first fitness options that come to mind. However, you might be surprised to know that many experts recommend walking as the ideal workout to help you lose weight easily. Here are 10 reasons why walking should be on your radar if you are trying to lose weight.

It's a Realistic Workout

While there are lots of exercises that can help you lose weight fast, David Chesworth, ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer and Program Director at Hilton Head Health, points out that walking has an edge over them. "Those who incorporate physical activity during the weight loss phase are set up for great success once transitioning into the maintenance phase. And walking is one of the most realistic activities that most people can get started with," he says.