MOVIE in sign language

ASL sign for MOVIE

ASL sign for movie

A tip for beginners, don't confuse this 'movie' sign with 'cheese' in American Sign Language. But, you can vocally say 'cheese' for a video. :D

Definition: A story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture.

Pronunciation (production): Dominant loose upright "5" (handshape), palm out (orientation), palm on the loose horizontal "5" (location), kind of shaking back and forth (movement).

Tip: Not to confuse this with CHEESE (with a "CH" mouth morpheme).

Note: Occasionally, a signer is seen signing the MOVIE sign for 'video,' which isn't exactly correct, depending on the type of video (e.g., movie, vlog, or video).

Movie-related signs

The door suddenly swings open and wide. Enhancedly entered Leroy, excitedly proclaming to his roommate who was just playing VIDEO game, "I'm a movie STAR! I went to a convenient store and they had a sign with a PICTURE of the camcorder that said, 'Smile, you're on CAMERA.' This was it, I thought. My big break. So I put on an Oscar-worthy performance. I cried, I knocked over shelves and punched out a window. My acting must have been really convincing too, because the cops came! I told them that I was just pretending so that I could be on TV."

The roommate listens, nodding and munching his bag of potato chips, "Update me in a few weeks."

Few weeks later, Leroy began to sense a shadow of doubt, "I've been watching my tiny TELEVISION every night and I still haven't seen anything about my FILM. I guess I'll just have to wait til it's out of the THEATERS… or until I'm out of jail, whichever comes first."

Written ASL

[Note: ASL writing is not an official standard. This sign language writing remains in a state of open space to allow room for experiment, evolution, and improvement.]

ASL writing for MOVIE

Written ASL digit for "MOVIE". [Contributed by ASLwrite, 2019]

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