ASK in sign language

"Ask" means to inquire or request information. For example, you might casually ask your colleague if they want coffee, subtly hinting at taking a break. :) Or, ask a teacher to explain to you what the difference between ASL and REQUEST in ASL.

ASL signs for ASK

"How do you say 'ask' in American Sign Language?"

Definition: To put a question to; request an answer (from).

Pronunciation (sign description): Dominant upright forefinger in space with palm facing out moves slightly forward while the index finger transforms into the "X" handshape or clawed forefinger.

In ASL grammar, this ASL verb can be inflected in agreement with the subject, object, or pronoun in a sentence.

Usage examples: Generally, you can use it pretty much in most contexts.

Informal register; colloquial form used by native and fluent Deaf signers. For beginners or learners, use the formal citation above instead.

Usage example in ASL glossed as: "WELL, DUNNO. ASK-hir. SEE WHAT SHE/HE SAY."

Meaning: to request (someone) to do or give something.

Same sign for REQUEST.

Verb inflection

In grammar, the verb ASK is usually inflected to agree with subject/object/pronoun in a sentence. To learn about verb agreement, see some inflected verb ASK below.

Verb inflection: ASK-ME.

Verb inflection. IX-ASK-ME. She/he asks me.

Beyond basics: phrases

Meaning (ask out): To invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant.

Meaning (ask around): Ask around; ask several people the same question.

Plural form / verb inflection of the base sign ASK.

For the English phrase "ask for it", there may be several ways of translating it in ASL. Here is one example.

Meaning: (ask away): To go ahead and ask your question.

Meaning: Asking for trouble; to risk or behave unwisely in a way that likely invites trouble or to cause problems for you.


"Ask, Prefer a request. -- Place hands together in front, palms together and ends pointing outward; draw hands toward self and partly down, giving hands a more perpendicular position." (1910) Ref



Written ASL

[Note: ASL writing is not an official standard. This sign language writing remains in a state of open space to allow room for experiment, evolution, and improvement.]

ASL written for ASK

Written ASL digit for "ASK". Contributed by the ASLwrite community, 2018.

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