Giovanni Tourino has won the Hero’s Handshake award for Round One (March-April).

The seven-year-old, who plays within Hampshire County Golf, has helped raise over £300 using his own resources, and has donated the money to purchase trophies, medals and golf balls as prizes for all competitors at the Hampshire Future Champions Tour Final, held at Ampfield Golf Club.

Giovanni has shown qualities such as sportsmanship, integrity and dedication on the course, as well as winning the 2023 Young Golfer of the Year award within the Stanley Garland Academy and also the Champions Trophy on the 2023 US Kids London Tour.

The Hero’s Handshake award is presented to young golfers, to celebrate them getting involved within their community, inspiring others and making a difference to their area. The award is run by the young ambassadors, which is a group supported by England Golf and the Golf Foundation. 

Giovanni said he felt “amazing” and “happy” after he was presented with the award by young ambassador Tom Ford. The extremely ambitious junior says this only makes him want to do more fundraising and help more people see how fun golf is.

Hampshire county secretary Richard Arnold said: “We are immensely proud of Giovanni, not just for his golf, but for the way he is as a person. Giovanni represents all of the young ambassadors values and aligns with the county’s code of conduct in being inclusive, honest and excellent. He has shown innovation through raising significant amounts of money, entirely on his own, and most of all, he inspires others to do what he does. He is a credit to his club and county, and we could not be prouder of him.”

Giovanni admitted he would love to get more people involved in the sport and share his passion for golf with others. He said: “It is the best sport. You should start it because it is so much fun and you are always trying to get better.”

The next round to nominate a young person opens to June 19.