A headteacher from a Winchester primary school has walked a marathon in a day to raise money for a good cause.

Inspired by her efforts, the school children matched her efforts and they have also raised thousands of pounds towards school equipment and a sensory den for children with additional needs.

Sarah Duck, the headteacher at St Bede C of E Primary School, recently completed the Clarendon Way, walking 26 miles, finishing at the school to rapturous applause and banner waving from the children.

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(Image: St Bede)

The school's HSA (Home School Association) launched a fundraising campaign called My Marathon Miles which challenged the children to walk, run, swim, hike, scoot, hop or skip their way to 26 miles over a one month period. The children took on the challenge with gusto and clocked up more than 5,500 miles and raised more than £7,500 for the school.

To add a competitive edge, house points were awarded to the house who completed the most miles.

Mrs Duck said: "The children have done a fantastic job and have raised an astonishing £7,500 which will be put towards much needed investment in the school, improving their playground and creating a Sensory Den for children who can find the classroom challenging at times. I couldn't be more proud of them." 

Nicola Dolman, chair of the HSA, said: "We were thrilled that the children, parents and teachers got behind the fundraiser. Mrs Duck set a great example and a few of the children managed to notch up over 100 miles. The excitement and determination from the children blew us away."